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hexxat and jan jansen issues

galahad1313galahad1313 Member Posts: 34
edited April 2018 in Troubleshooting
I seem to be having a hard time lately with BG2 ee with quests not starting or npc's going kapoof!

1)I had Hexxat and was exploring the illithid section in the temple sewers when hexxat got killed by one of them when i got sloppy. She never went gaseous so she never re-spawned even with the bag(name?) with the coffin in it. I also could not revive her and made the mistake of saving after her death so as not to lose progress after killing a room full of the brain suckers and their pets. So the only thing I could think of was booting her from the group hoping to find her at the copper coronet but nope, not there, even tried going back to the crypt where you find her originally but I couldn't re-enter. (that was longer than planned). Is there a console code of sorts where i can res her? i just want to finish her quest line.

2)I've been inside and outside of Athkatla for over 24 days and jan's quest still hasn't started. Not sure if it's related to hexxat as I went and recruited jan right after, but initially jan wouldn't even talk to me for some reason. I had to do something I read on another post and ctrl-Q'd him to join. Does that screw the quest up?

Appreciate any help on these as I'm about to say ciao to jan and go get mazzy so I can get my butt to spellhold and get Imoen.(probably should get keldorn instead but then i like them both for spellhold.

I made a win-rar file of my current save but am unable to post it, keeps failing. No idea how to do it anyways lol, i was mostly guessing as to how to compress it nm post it.
Post edited by galahad1313 on


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Heya! I too keep getthing those errors when attaching files to posts. Try to host on dropbox or something and share the link there.
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @galahad1313, I haven't been able to get .rar files uploaded so I now do everything in .zip. Redo the pack and make it a .zip (with WinRAR installed, right click the folder, select 'add to archive' from the context menu, then select zip).

  • galahad1313galahad1313 Member Posts: 34
    I tried using a zip file instead of .rar and it kept failing as well. Just won't work so I guess unless there's a way to solve this issue without a save I'm screwed and will move on without finishing hexxat or doing jan's quest. I can understand jan's quest being a bit of a one time glitch as I'm sure i did it before on my last play through many years ago, but there's no excuse for hexxat's issue. That should have never happened if it worked properly.
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    @galahad1313, could you describe the process you are using? There should be no reason the .zip isn't uploading...

  • galahad1313galahad1313 Member Posts: 34
    edited April 2018
    Doesn't matter now, I've moved on and just finished spellhold but I followed the guide at the top of the troubleshooting section. Only thing I can think of is something's wrong with the zip folder. I can usually troubleshoot things unless I've never done them before and posting a zip folder is something I've never done before, but I thought I did it right. I tried both just adding the zip file and drag'n'drop it as well and both fail so no worries, as i said I've moved on but if I ever replay bg2EE again I'll avoid using hexxat period or avoid illithids lol.

    Ok It's probably too late in the game now, but I finally managed to figure out what I was doing wrong, so if there's anything you can do with this save that can help, more power to ya as I'll be heading back to athkatla to finish up a few quests later in the game i think though I don't remember if you can or not after the sahuigan city and the underdark.

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