I would like to see Husam the shadow thief in their Athkatla HQ, and drink with him some ale.
Oooh, yes, me too. Not necessarily the ale drinking part, but I was disappointed not to meet him in Athkatla in BGII. He came all the way to the Sword Coast help deescalate the potential war situation, and then he is nowhere to be found in Amn itself, I mean come on.
This brings me to another thing I am missing (in all meanings of the word - maybe I was just blind while playing the game) - but where is it explained who were the people actually kidnapping the group at the beginning of BGII / end of SoD. My head canon is that it's Mae'Var - a possibility that is also spelled out directly in the trasntion scene in BGT, and it makes much sense imho. It's Shadow Thieves to some extend, yet it can't be Aran Linvail, at least not really, or he is a completely lying b**ch when talking to the PC. So, in my head I imagine Mae'Var taking on the job to raise funds for his rebellion.
This brings me to another thing I am missing (in all meanings of the word - maybe I was just blind while playing the game) - but where is it explained who were the people actually kidnapping the group at the beginning of BGII / end of SoD.
Pretty sure those were just faceless goons in the design doc I built the scene from. Logic dictates that Mae'var is a high probability indeed, however.
@jastey One of the shadow thief leaders in BG2 admits that they helped Irenicus capture you. I don't recall if its Renal or Aran. Not personally, but they gave the orders at least.
@jastey One of the shadow thief leaders in BG2 admits that they helped Irenicus capture you. I don't recall if its Renal or Aran. Not personally, but they gave the orders at least.
I have vague recollections of this as well, but I can't place the actual scene.
I WANT to say its Aran Linvail, as he is the one who at least pretends to be the most honest.
Aran most certainly does not say that the Shadow Thieves did the kidnapping. Quoted from ARAN.dlg:
IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 66 // from: 35.0 SAY #49168 /* ~We knew of your capture almost as soon as it happened. Very little occurs in this city that we are not aware of. ~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 67 END
IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 67 // from: 66.0 SAY #49169 /* ~We paid little mind. Even though it was done outside of the Shadow Thieves, we thought that a simple kidnapping was nothing to be concerned of.~ */ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 68
I also read Renal's dialogue quite thoroughly recently and didn't spot anything related to the PC's kidnapping. I would be very interested if you or someone else can prove me wrong. But I didn't find any other reference to the kidnapping than the quoted lines of Aran above.
Pretty sure those were just faceless goons in the design doc I built the scene from. Logic dictates that Mae'var is a high probability indeed, however.
So it's two related questions: 1. who did the devs have in mind and 2. what do players think who it was / makes sense in terms of consitency of the game. I'd be interested in both.
Unless I'm misunderstanding the storyline of BG2 (which IS very possible, as it has always seemed somewhat convoluted to me), the "figures cloaked in mist" who kidnapped you were ROGUE Shadow Thieves who had been persuaded to join Irenicus/Bodhi - likely for the very purpose of kidnapping you (though the two are also later shown using them for fatal experimentation). The reason for the battle in Irenicus' dungeon at the beginning of BG2 is that the real Shadow Thieves are looking to put a stop to the continued "recruitment" of their members.
I had played BG2 for years and years before I even thought of the possibility that the "figures cloaked in mist" line could be connected to the capture and not to the line right before about leaving Baldur's gate. So I've always interpreted the figures as hallucinations as Charname wanders alone and becomes more paranoid and delusional after all the crap that happened to them in BG1.
How about Kagain's "effort" (or lack thereof, to be more precise) to find Entar's son? He makes a big stink about how Entar's son MUST be found, as Entar's "word is law," but then as soon as he arrives in that area, he just gives up on searching (isn't there a grand total of only TWO caravans on that map, LOL), and then decides to just wander around with you, leaving both his business and any accountability in the matter behind.
So are we to just assume that Entar's son is dead? Well, along with Entar himself being dead, it seems that poor Skie's been beset by quite a bit of personal tragedy - maybe we shouldn't hate on her so much for complaining like she does, after all?
I'd always wanted a sidequest for the Elfsong Tavern in Baldur's Gate. It's such a prestigious location. Even something small, like a dialogue box that interrupts your rest with "A ghostly wail wakes you from your slumber..." and then you get to wander the inn looking for the spirit and interact with her.
According to the Baldur's Gate wiki, apparently the ghost of the Elfsong Tavern had stopped appearing since the start of the Iron Crisis? Why? What do ghosts care about iron? Seems a bit too coincidental for my tastes.
@Nonnahswriter Jarl's Adventure Pack (BGT only) inserts a quest to retrieve the ghostly voice. (bg1re inserts several small encounters into the little room in far south-east (teen rated).)
According to the Baldur's Gate wiki, apparently the ghost of the Elfsong Tavern had stopped appearing since the start of the Iron Crisis? Why? What do ghosts care about iron? Seems a bit too coincidental for my tastes.
Maybe the ghost realized that the bhaalspawn prophecy was starting to unfold right there in the city. I'd also take a small break from haunting if there was a risk that the divine beings of the multiverse would blame me for accidentally pushing events the wrong way with my ghostly wails.
If I were doing any haunting with ghostly wails in the first place that is.
This brings me to another thing I am missing (in all meanings of the word - maybe I was just blind while playing the game) - but where is it explained who were the people actually kidnapping the group at the beginning of BGII / end of SoD.
My head canon is that it's Mae'Var - a possibility that is also spelled out directly in the trasntion scene in BGT, and it makes much sense imho. It's Shadow Thieves to some extend, yet it can't be Aran Linvail, at least not really, or he is a completely lying b**ch when talking to the PC. So, in my head I imagine Mae'Var taking on the job to raise funds for his rebellion.
SAY #49168 /* ~We knew of your capture almost as soon as it happened. Very little occurs in this city that we are not aware of. ~ */
IF ~~ THEN BEGIN 67 // from: 66.0
SAY #49169 /* ~We paid little mind. Even though it was done outside of the Shadow Thieves, we thought that a simple kidnapping was nothing to be concerned of.~ */
I also read Renal's dialogue quite thoroughly recently and didn't spot anything related to the PC's kidnapping.
I would be very interested if you or someone else can prove me wrong. But I didn't find any other reference to the kidnapping than the quoted lines of Aran above.
1:56 for the line I'm referring to.
RE: The kidnapping.
Unless I'm misunderstanding the storyline of BG2 (which IS very possible, as it has always seemed somewhat convoluted to me), the "figures cloaked in mist" who kidnapped you were ROGUE Shadow Thieves who had been persuaded to join Irenicus/Bodhi - likely for the very purpose of kidnapping you (though the two are also later shown using them for fatal experimentation). The reason for the battle in Irenicus' dungeon at the beginning of BG2 is that the real Shadow Thieves are looking to put a stop to the continued "recruitment" of their members.
How about Kagain's "effort" (or lack thereof, to be more precise) to find Entar's son? He makes a big stink about how Entar's son MUST be found, as Entar's "word is law," but then as soon as he arrives in that area, he just gives up on searching (isn't there a grand total of only TWO caravans on that map, LOL), and then decides to just wander around with you, leaving both his business and any accountability in the matter behind.
So are we to just assume that Entar's son is dead? Well, along with Entar himself being dead, it seems that poor Skie's been beset by quite a bit of personal tragedy - maybe we shouldn't hate on her so much for complaining like she does, after all?
I think in chapter .. 3?.. There are some named bandits near the eastern caravan... or am i misremembering.
According to the Baldur's Gate wiki, apparently the ghost of the Elfsong Tavern had stopped appearing since the start of the Iron Crisis? Why? What do ghosts care about iron?
(bg1re inserts several small encounters into the little room in far south-east (teen rated).)
If I were doing any haunting with ghostly wails in the first place that is.