A house for the main character

I had almost forgot about this one, but doesn't someone at some point of the game give you their house? I can not remember if it was from a friend or foe or as a reward for something. I think it only takes place as a line of dialogue, no paper evidence. I tried to locate it from the description I was given and I think I concluded it was the house that is half submerged under water on one of the middle maps.
Please let me know if you know what I am talking about and who gives it away.
Anyway I would love to have my own house.
I know I can move into almost any house I want, but that would not be MY house.
Arrange with the flaming fists to keep an eye on it, have druids and/or dwarves drain the house and it's surroundings. I would gladly spend 20.000 gp to restore my house, I could buy that awesome magic later.
Now when I think about it I realize that maybe the main character is under some heavy stress atm and wouldn't care so much about a house as to staying alive and trying to figure out what is going on.
But I would still like a house
Please let me know if you know what I am talking about and who gives it away.
Anyway I would love to have my own house.
I know I can move into almost any house I want, but that would not be MY house.
Arrange with the flaming fists to keep an eye on it, have druids and/or dwarves drain the house and it's surroundings. I would gladly spend 20.000 gp to restore my house, I could buy that awesome magic later.
Now when I think about it I realize that maybe the main character is under some heavy stress atm and wouldn't care so much about a house as to staying alive and trying to figure out what is going on.
But I would still like a house

As for adding a more "official" house for the PC, I'm not sure it would be worth the effort... even in BG2, I never felt there were enough reasons to visit and/or hang out at your place, simply wasn't much to do *shrug*
mage/sorc=planar sphere
warrior/barbarian/monk=d'arnise keep
paladin=a room at the order of the radiant heart
cleric=place at the helm/talos/lathander temple
bard=theatre in the five flagons inn
thief=mae'var's guild house
ranger=cabin umar hills
No one knows what I am talking about, regarding giving the house away?
oh, yeah, sry
That's OK, now go play through BG and tell me what I need to knoooow
I remember, it was a gift from a petrified woman on the basilisks map
I was so disappointed too, that it was just a flooded house, south of beregost ^^
Tamah can give you one as reward.
Not your fault you got locked out... Happens to the best of us from time to time...
But now seriously, we need someone who say: " Thank you, this is your house now "
How hard can it be?
I'm an old fart who LOVE the small things that makes life (and BGEE) interesting. I would rather have a house (that I can access) than a +45 uberkilling vorpal mace.
And maybe a gardener to take care of my tulips...or turnips
1) a safe place to store gear you aren't using yet, or which you haven't accumulated enough of yet to economically sell off on a 'full-load, no depreciation' basis;
2) a safe, free place to rest/sleep.
There are several practical places to store gear, but most of them you cannot sleep safe at:
a) Joia's house at the FAI (can't rest there);
b) Kagain's warehouse in Beregost (can't rest there, but it is extremely good for parking NPC's that you might want to call up later, and lots of shelves/containers for sorting loot);
c) the derelict wagon train north of Beregost (just as a gear cache);
d) any room of the Nashkel Inn (for storing stuff, after you have gently looted the place to make room; still have to pay the 1GP to rest, however;
e) the round room with the barrels on the first floor of the Nashkel Mines (good as a cache while working through the Mines);
f) Lantrin's house in Beregost, after clearing the spiders (however, I don't think you can rest in there, either)
As far as I have ever been able to determine, there are only two buildings that allow you a free, safe rest. Both also have some storage locales/containers that permit permanent safe storage of excess gear:
a) the house directly across the street from the Red Sheaf Inn in Beregost (the owner is a good Samaritan sort who allows you to rest there, so the party doesn't even need to kill him - unless you're Evil, of course. There are a few storage containers in the second room, but I usually use this accommodation in conjunction with Kagain's warehouse because you can sort stuff so much better at Kagain's)
b) Lily's Store in BG. I don't know if it is always the case, but at least if she likes you (high charisma/rep), she will let you bunk there for free, and use the shelving to store, sort, & protect gear. She might ask for a minimal rent about once a week, but its still the best deal in the Gate.