Hmmm.....don't you think the Dukes and the general populace of BG might have taken one look at that and shouted,
"Kill it with fire!"
I would have
Well, he shows up to his coronation in full Deathbringer regalia, complete with glowing eyes, and no one bats an eye, so...
Rich people (and intellectuals) have a "get out of jail card" when it comes to general manners. Whereas a peasant behaving somesuch is deranged, the priveleged are merely eccentric!
At least it was the first thing that popped in my head when I saw it.
"Kill it with fire!"
I would have
True, but just thinking when him and his Dad show up before all the iron crisis business crops up..
"I'd like you to meet my son...."
"Where on earth has everybody gone?"
I tend to think of Sarevok looking reasonably "normal" through BG.
Like to see that ^^^ posing as Koveras,
"I'm just a humble seeker of knowledge"