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[MOD] Improved Heart of Fury Mode Version 4.2.0



  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Luke93 Yes, I wrote all the new scripts for this mod manually. I don't think I'm mad though.

    Using SSL might speed things up, but I'm already done with the AI for this mod, so there's no need to rewrite it using SSL.
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,539

    Fair enough, but you should definitely use it for your next AI project (if any...)
    I don't know how to write scripts manually :D ....
  • RavandelRavandel Member Posts: 55
    @OlvynChuru Doing another run, first time with 50 lvls/classes reworks update and I don't think I will ever go back to not using your mod. :)

    Are you still planning updates though? Just curious.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Ravandel I might release some more updates for Improved Heart of Fury Mode in the future, but currently I am not actively working on it.

    Also, I'm glad you're enjoying the new version of the mod!
  • RavandelRavandel Member Posts: 55
    @OlvynChuru I have a question, did you change something with Pale Justice? The body doesn't have the sword but some mace, or?
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Ravandel I moved it to another container in Lower Dorn's Deep. I also changed its icon back to that of a regular long sword (like it was in the pre-enhanced Icewind Dale). So look for a container that has what appear to be nonmagical long swords in it.
  • RavandelRavandel Member Posts: 55
    Ah alright, thanks for answer :) I think I ignored it then somewhere based on the icon lol
  • RavandelRavandel Member Posts: 55
    I finally managed to kill the Luremaster for the first time. On easy, a lot of weird tactic, but this fight was still crazy hard. Could anyone post the tactic they used here? I am curious how people are dealing with fights in this mod lol.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited January 2020
    @Ravandel Congratulations!

    When I was doing my playtesting run of the mod on insane, I also had to use a lot of weird tactics to beat the Luremaster. I had one party member use triple Limited Wish from Chain Contingency to create an enormous horde of rabbits. This way, Hobart's ghost would backstab the rabbits rather than my party members. My cleric/mage used Improved Alacrity with reduced casting time to repeatedly cast spells like Bolt of Glory and Dragon's Breath, killing some of the enemies moments after they spawned. It also involved a lot of simulacra and projected images.

    Post edited by OlvynChuru on
  • RavandelRavandel Member Posts: 55
    Thanks, I beat the game but amount of weird tactic I used is crazy. Need to try it on insane one day.

    Also, how you dealt with Yxunomei? This fight is always hard, even on easy.

    And as a note, classes are much more fun to play now. Used monk in my last run and it was an interesting experience.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Ravandel It's a good idea to focus on killing the yuan-ti first before going for Yxunomei. Yxunomei will not attack you until she goes below half health (and her Chain Contingency triggers), and the spells she casts early on in the fight aren't that dangerous.

    Yxunomei's spell defenses can be removed by casting Spell Thrust (or waiting 8 rounds for her Spell Shield to wear off) and then casting Dispel/Remove Magic. Once her Impervious Sanctity of Mind has been dispelled, she can be put to sleep with no save by Power Word, Sleep, buying you some more time to defeat the rest of the enemies.

    When Yxunomei goes below half health and triggers her Chain Contingency of Improved Haste, Chaotic Commands and Globe of Blades, you should cast another Dispel Magic as soon as possible.
  • RavandelRavandel Member Posts: 55
    Thx, I will need to try it then :)
  • LegoweltLegowelt Member Posts: 7
    This is my first post so first of all hello world.

    Thanks @OlvynChuru for this great modification! I instantly downloaded your MOD and startet a new playthrough after reading your presentation.

    • F/D
    • F/C
    • F/M/T
    • Dark Moon Mon
    • Archer
    • Jester

    I'm currently in the 2nd Level Tomb of Kresselack.
    Quite tough but well balanced as well. I love all the "little Bosses" you put into the game.
    The Rhino Beetle was fun to fight.

    The only tough fight i have (well others were tough as well but i didn't die numerous times ... mimimi) is the Zombie Lord. Which i yet still avoid:


    No idea what he is taking in his afterlife but man he goes straight through my party ... I wonder what is helping me to avoid instant death against his aura? Protection against Undead isn't working.

    One little idea in the end for now. I always wonder why living creatures explode into body parts but undead won't? I mean just think about a powerful fighter smashing the whole body of a skeleton into pieces - parts would fly all over the place. Normally all you see is a heap of bones lying on the ground. What about laying over the skull trap animation (gore) or even change certain type of undead to explode after beeing defeated or kamikaze skeletons? ;)

    Just a thought keep up the great work!!!!
  • LegoweltLegowelt Member Posts: 7
    This is my first post so first of all hello world.

    Thanks @OlvynChuru for this great modification!
    Instantly downloaded your MOD and startet a new playthrough.

    • F/D
    • F/C
    • F/M/T
    • Dark Moon Mon
    • Archer
    • Jester

    I'm currently in the 2nd Level Tomb of Kresselack.
    Quite tough but well balanced as well. I love all the "little Bosses" you put into the game.
    The Rhino Beetle was fun to fight.

    The only tough fight i have (well others were tough as well but i didn't die numerous times ... mimimi) is the Zombie Lord. Which i yet still avoid:



    No idea what he is taking in his afterlife but man he goes straight through my party ... I wonder what is helping me to avoid instant death against his aura(?). Protection against Undead isn't working still my party dies like flys. :)

    One little idea in the end for now. I always wonder why living creatures explode into body parts but undead won't? I mean just think about a powerful fighter smashing the whole body of a skeleton into pieces - parts would fly all over the place. Normally all you see is a heap of bones lying on the ground. What about laying over the skull trap animation (gore) or even change certain type of undead to explode after beeing defeated or kamikaze skeletons? ;)

    Just a thought keep up the great work!!!!
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Legowelt Thanks for the feedback. Keep playing! :)

    In the next update, I'll make it so Negative Plane Protection also blocks the Zombie Lord's aura.

    That aura has a 1 in 5 chance per round of causing a save or die effect. If you just want to avoid the instant death, you could put Death Ward on characters who are fighting the Zombie Lord in melee.

    Also, using ranged attacks works well against it. Its aura only affects characters close to it.

    Having skeletons explode in a skull trap-type explosion might be possible, but it would be tricky to implement.
  • LegoweltLegowelt Member Posts: 7
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    In the next update, I'll make it so Negative Plane Protection also blocks the Zombie Lord's aura.
    Well i'm pretty sure someone already mentioned it here in the thread.
    It would be nice to see if certain enemies using auras. I would appreciate this too.
    Not just by using a glowing effect a symbol under their model maybe? Whatever ...
    That aura has a 1 in 5 chance per round of causing a save or die effect. If you just want to avoid the instant death, you could put Death Ward on characters who are fighting the Zombie Lord in melee.
    Thanks for the tip. I guess it's been awhile since i last played IWD ;)o:)

    Some ideas for the Vale Of Shadow
    First of all these are only ideas, inspiration maybe, just curious about your ideas.
    • certain if not all (!) undead using cloak of fear, symbol fear this fear protection spell needs to shine! or just keep some distance and roast them!
    • like iron golems certain undead use stinking cloud, death cloud, fog, on touch in a little restricted area and only for one round - these mummys are just stinking all over the place :hushed: and guess who like it? the dwarves!
    • undead archers using stinking cloud arrows ... (only the first one), have more APR, have exploding bone arrows (like Jan Janssen)
    • Undead are completely immune to Piercing, Slashing or at least have serious high immunities against these (it's HoF in the end) BUT are highly fragile against FIRE!
    • Zombie Lord instead of the "aura" using finger of death in high of party members every round/turn
    • some Skeleton, Bladed / Boneguard
    • bladedskeleton.gif
    • the guardian directly infront of kresselacks tomb could be harder. the skeltons are tough but the lich could get some improvements like Symbol, Death, Hoplessness beeing fragile (low HP, 25? like Kangaxx but so powerful of course) covered by entropy shield and/or 90 immunity to piercing, crushing, slashing but a lot of deadly magic and/or dispersive (?) magic. a lot of experience in the end but first you should come by his guardians his defense so to speak ...

    Additional Encounter
    Kresselack himself could be raged as soon as you enter his room. a high level black guard f.ex. as soon as you withstand his rage you will earn XP and the opportunity to talk to him ...

    After opening the last tomb a flood of undead will occur ...
    Having skeletons explode in a skull trap-type explosion might be possible, but it would be tricky to implement.
    Just a thought. Maybe this could work:
    if Skeleton "dies" its body disappears
    then skull trap appears instantly. damage in high of HP dice of exploding undead, if damage at all ... the lich infront of kresselack tomb could use this. question is would it harm other undead allies of the lich f.ex.?
  • LegoweltLegowelt Member Posts: 7
    OlvynChuru wrote: »
    That aura has a 1 in 5 chance per round of causing a save or die effect. If you just want to avoid the instant death, you could put Death Ward on characters who are fighting the Zombie Lord in melee.
    Death ward is not working! :#
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    edited March 2020
    @Legowelt Again, thank you for your feedback!
    It would be nice to see if certain enemies using auras. I would appreciate this too.
    Not just by using a glowing effect a symbol under their model maybe? Whatever ...

    In the next update, I'm making it so the creatures that use auras will display the text (e.g. "Exuding aura of pestilence") above them and not just in the text box.
    certain if not all (!) undead using cloak of fear, symbol fear this fear protection spell needs to shine! or just keep some distance and roast them!

    Maybe the skeletal mages could cast Horror or something, but I'd rather not go crazy with this idea.
    like iron golems certain undead use stinking cloud, death cloud, fog, on touch in a little restricted area and only for one round - these mummys are just stinking all over the place :hushed: and guess who like it? the dwarves!

    Much later in the game, there are undead that use a stinking cloud effect (Greater Ghast Lords).
    undead archers using stinking cloud arrows ... (only the first one), have more APR, have exploding bone arrows (like Jan Janssen)

    The arrows of detonation they already have are bad enough! :D
    Undead are completely immune to Piercing, Slashing or at least have serious high immunities against these (it's HoF in the end) BUT are highly fragile against FIRE!

    You already fought Therik, who has resistances like that.

    Zombie Lord instead of the "aura" using finger of death in high of party members every round/turn

    I'd prefer not to do that.
    some Skeleton, Bladed / Boneguard

    You do encounter skeletons like that later on in the mod.
    the guardian directly infront of kresselacks tomb could be harder. the skeltons are tough but the lich could get some improvements like Symbol, Death, Hoplessness beeing fragile (low HP, 25? like Kangaxx but so powerful of course) covered by entropy shield and/or 90 immunity to piercing, crushing, slashing but a lot of deadly magic and/or dispersive (?) magic. a lot of experience in the end but first you should come by his guardians his defense so to speak

    It's just a skeleton mage, not a lich. It doesn't need to be super-powerful. You encounter a lich later on in the game.
    Kresselack himself could be raged as soon as you enter his room. a high level black guard f.ex. as soon as you withstand his rage you will earn XP and the opportunity to talk to him ...

    It's not really necessary; Kresselak's Tomb is already choked with battles. There are four different encounters in that one area alone. You already fight a boss afterwards: Lysan. No need to add a second boss fight.
    Having skeletons explode in a skull trap-type explosion might be possible, but it would be tricky to implement.

    Just a thought. Maybe this could work:
    if Skeleton "dies" its body disappears
    then skull trap appears instantly.[/quote]

    I guess, but since there are already specialized exploding skeletons in the game (Blast Skeletons), there's no need to add other skeletons that explode in a different way.
    Death ward is not working!

    Death Ward DOES protect against the instant-death effect of the aura, but it does not protect against the other effects of the aura (which can cause disease or other things). It also does not protect against the Zombie Lord's Intelligence drain, which can kill a character if it reduces their Intelligence to 0. Perhaps that's what happened for you.
    Post edited by OlvynChuru on
  • LegoweltLegowelt Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2020
    Progress ...
    love the fights, nice challenge, tough giants, my characters were flying all over the place constantly. Was fun and interesting. Makes perfect sense.
    • Higher Critical hit chance of giants in general?
    • Earthquake for giants too?
    so far i made it close to 2nd dungeon of Dragon's Eye ...

    What about restrict certain areas to "unable to rest"? For now all i have to do is spam certain spells, rest, repeat. Or create a certain spell making it possible to rest without encountering enemies?

    Is this a "bug" or just hard to implement?
    The item is disabling your health status but still seeing the health status it in the character screen is possible. Just a little bit of micro managing.

    Boots of Moander could use some special icon on char picture. Of course these are special but in the end these act like an improved freedom spell?!
    I'm looking forward to see non-magic full plate mail.
    Post edited by Legowelt on
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    What about restrict certain areas to "unable to rest"? For now all i have to do is spam certain spells, rest, repeat. Or create a certain spell making it possible to rest without encountering enemies?

    Making certain areas disable resting is certainly possible, but that would just mean you would go outside the dungeon, rest, and then go back in. While there are reasons to disable resting, it can also make the game more tedious if you're going to be resting a lot.

    Another way I could implement it is to make it so in certain areas resting is impossible until you clear out all the enemies in the area, after which point you can rest 100% of the time. Obviously you wouldn't want to have to go back through several areas of Dragon's Eye just to rest.
    The item is disabling your health status but still seeing the health status it in the character screen is possible. Just a little bit of micro managing.

    Those bugs could potentially be fixed, but it would be really difficult.
    I'm looking forward to see non-magic full plate mail.

    Pomab sold non-magic full plate. And also, I made it so magical armor can be worn alongside an item of protection, so there's no problem going for the full plate +1.
  • LegoweltLegowelt Member Posts: 7
    @OlvynChuru man you gave me a hard time in Dragon's Eye till now! More feedback ...
    • guard infront the treasure in dragon's eye. hahaha finally!
    • the phase spider poisen was present even after drinking antidote (i guess it was a bug i only encoutered it once)
    • traps around the spider area (Dragon's Eye Level 1) would be interesting
    • those Lizard Man Shamans ... man these were so tough!!! (insect plague cleared)
    • when playing around with the AI i recognized it was detecting even hidden party members. Bug or hard to come around?
    • trolls no longer have to be killed by fire/acid? bug?
    • AI in general is reacting much more slower now. it seems that the game is loading a script for a few seconds and the enemies just stand still for that time span
    • Ankheg Armor maybe? :)
    • the lizard party people are seriously tough the trolls instead a piece of cake ... could see some more balancing in level 2 of dragon's eye nonetheless it was an epic battle!
    hardcore so much of a challenge!
    weird this one was very tough normally. in your mod other fights are much more challenging! maybe different positioning of the enemies here? the ritual could be a lot more interesting. demon's?
    i wonder if you could change the way this quest is acting? making the people "go home" after the ritual has been interrupted?!
    haha :hushed::) so damn nice i like your mod so much!
    Thanks for the experience!
  • AecAec Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2020
    here it comes - my first post. I hope i taged everything right!
    First of all i want to say how much I love your Mod! Its definitly one on the best i ever played. Total new experience - i already played with two group until lower dorns deep and I will start a third one :smiley:
    For those who care here is a description of my groups an some of my thoughts about them :smile: :

    First Group - "the good and friendly neighbors":
    Undeadhunter (2 Weapons) --> the immunity to lvl drain comes really handy in this mod!;
    Warrior/Thief (1 Hand - Katana)-->(backstab) assasination also is incredible helpful, especially against some giants (got an 400 dmg crit on one of this fattys);
    Blade (twohanded, big Sword Lady!)--> with these monk bracers: holymoly some serious apr - even unbuffed.
    Archer (BOW) --> I love those Archer/Ranger steroetyp matching items. They are great, but i dont like, that the push from the ring doesnt interupts casts (maybe give just a chance?). And btw - it was a good desicion to disable the spells - he is already op enough (200 dmg / round unbuffed)
    Illusionist/Cleric --> cant say there much, this little gnome has to ressurect the fallen comrades:-D.
    Avenger: ---> WOW that shapeshifting forms. I´m not quite sure if they arent a bit op. Sometimes I think this girl could 1vs5 my whole party.

    Second Group - "the wild chaotic butchers from the north"
    Warhorn Shaman (The Artisan's Kitpack mod)--> (2 Axes) (sadly he cant raise 2 Weapon-Style above 3 Stars - where could I edit this with Near Infinity?) Awesome class, really feels like an insane warrior-shaman who may not be the best warrior but leads the group with his heart of Fury!:-D...... BUUUUUUT his Summons are buggy and doesnt have any equipment :-D (idc, because i dont use them, he is there for hacking and slashing the enemys, not to dance!)
    Babarian tank (Weapon & Shield): That some serious HP and AC and DMG resistance, some of the mobs NEVER hit him (only nat. 20) - for example the trolls in the glacier. And i´m not sure if his HP pool not going to be too strong in the future (800+ hp on lvl 50?!)
    Kensai DMG-machine (Helbard): 90 dmg per hit, uncrit. enough said. I thought the archer would be a beast, in comparison to this young lady the archer is a litte cute kittycat. 35%-40% of the kills yo.
    Pale Master (The Artisan's Kitpack mod, but i scaled him a bit to lvl 50 - better ac, more daily uses of his abilitys) --> (Touch Spells and Staff), Such an immense funny near-Undead-Women. I tuned some of the touch spells (especially Lich´s Touch), and made a new spells fo wizards (its like the bone shield for priest but stronger and lvl 5). Totally new kind of playstyle. Was too strong with the Drow Robe, otherwise more of a gimick than op.
    Wizard Slayer/DUAL cleric (Sling). serious dmg thanks to high strength, I overestimated the passiv, bc there are way more devine casters than arcan ones and I didnt had the feeling that i help that much.
    Skald (Bow)--->5 apr just saying. those monk bracers really make this skald serious fighter. And was it intended to give bards a +2X Swoard? I just got it, and now she has the stats of a fighter (better ThacO, nearly same apr, better dmg) - unbuffed.

    Third Group - "purifying fire"-not started yet
    Sun monk (fists, obviously) --> gets some fire resistance, does fire dmg, i love your monk overhaul. hope he will be persistent enough.
    Preacher of Fire (The Deratiseur Unused Kits Pack mod) ---> more fire, just fire. let them burn, fuck that undead. Who needs heals anyways..
    Shapeshifter (claws, obviously)-->fire resistance, yay. i edited all monk bracers - now shapeshifters can wear them. (didn´t tested it yet, but the werewolf is "unarmed" right?)
    DragonDiciplin (staff & cone spells) --> yes, right, fire. fitting! maybe i will change some cone spells (prismatic spray?).
    Savant Artilleryman (The Deratiseur Unused Kits Pack mod)---> pure mage, with fkn lot of magic missels. I think he is going to be Bonkas with the drowrobe....
    Arcan Archer (The Artisan's Kitpack mod) -->I dont think he will be as effective as an archer but he can shoot fireballs: yay
    Post edited by Aec on
  • AecAec Member Posts: 3

    I also would like to report some minor bugs I witnessed:
    the upgrade for Brenn Müllers crossbow doesnt work: i can use the Spell and talk to a ghost but the Crosbow doesnt change.
    The yeti-hidearmor: Conan doesnt want to build it :neutral:
    the lvl 2 Spell detec alligmnent (you changed it to identify creature) just detecs alligments :neutral:. I would love to analyse the creatures! How can i fix this? Could u maybe send me the Near Infinity Skript?
    the speed of the abilitys from the enemys are quite slow: so you often have one round (?) to burst them down before they act.
    poisen sometimes is present even after drinking antidote

    And a Questions too:
    are there any plans to add more kits?

    And again: thank u for your work!
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    the lvl 2 Spell detec alligmnent (you changed it to identify creature) just detecs alligments :neutral:. I would love to analyse the creatures! How can i fix this?

    You need to have EEex installed for Identify Creature to work. My mistake was I made it so Know Alignment is updated to Identify Creature even if EEex isn't installed. I'll have that fixed in the next update.

    Also, I recommend you install kit mods before - not after - installing Improved Heart of Fury Mode. Changes to kits in this mod also apply to many custom kits, but only if those kits were installed before this mod.

    I have no plans to add more kits.
  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    Version 4.1 is released!

    This is a pretty big update.

    Three new components:
    - Turn Undead Synergy (based on a request by @Rik_Kirtaniya )
    With this component installed, having more than one character turn undead at once increases the level of undead they can turn. This component requires EEex to be installed, and you must start a new game for it to work.
    - Allow high-level spellcasters to cast multiple low-level spells per round
    This component aims to make low-level spells more useful later on in the game. With this component installed, if a mage, sorcerer, cleric, druid or shaman who is at least level 10 would cast a 1st-level spell, they may immediately start casting another spell without waiting for the round to be over. For every 10 additional caster levels, an additional spell level may be quickened this way: 2nd-level spells at level 20, 3rd-level spells at level 30, 4th-level spells at level 40, and 5th-level spells at level 50. Both party members and enemies can quicken their spells. You must start a new game for this component to affect your party members.
    - Allow druids to cast spells while shapeshifted
    This component allows druids to cast spells while shapeshifted.

    Also, as requested by @Ravandel , Version 4.1 introduces a couple of class-specific items.


    More detailed change log:
    * New components:
    - Turn Undead Synergy
    - Allow high-level spellcasters to cast multiple low-level spells per round
    - Allow druids to cast spells while shapeshifted

    * A few new items have been added to the game, particularly class-specific items.
    * Now summoned creatures also get +2 to all stats.
    * The High Summoner in Dragon's Eye and the demon summoners in Trials of the Luremaster now summon creatures at a slower rate. Previously, pretty much the only way to kill the summoners was to run to them and kill them immediately. Now the party should also be able to fight their way through the summoned creatures to get to the summoner.
    * Storm Shell now has a casting time of 3, lasts 5 rounds + 1 round per level, and protects against harmful cloud and storm spells and abilities like Stinking Cloud, Ice Storm and Whirlwind. The Talos ability Storm Shield offers similar protections.
    * Negative Plane Protection and Boon of Lathander now protect against the auras of Zombie Lords and Festering Drowned Dead.
    * The spell Poison now lasts 1 round per level.
    * Shield of the Archons now protects against Dispel Magic, but its duration has been reduced to 1 round per level.
    * Emotion, Hope and Emotion, Courage have been restored to close to their original power (the same effects, but lasting 15 rounds rather than one hour). However, they now may only be learned by bards.
    * Lay on Hands now restores 5 Hit Points per level.
    * Poison Weapon now scales with level. This is so that assassins, who level up faster than blackguards, will deal more damage per hit with Poison Weapon than blackguards do.
    * Warriors now get an additional -1 base THAC0 every 2 levels after level 20.
    * Thieves and mage/thieves now have the same base THAC0 as priests (-2 base THAC0 per 3 levels).
    * Bards now get 7th-level spells at level 20, and 8th-level spells at level 24.
    * The party no longer gets a huge chunk of experience and gold upon completing the game and going to Heart of Winter. That experience is only given when you start the game in Heart of Winter (which is not recommended).

    You can download the latest version here!
  • Rik_KirtaniyaRik_Kirtaniya Member Posts: 1,742
    Hey @OlvynChuru, thanks for adding that turn undead aura synergism feature that I requested! I didn't manage to continue my last run with the solo FMC since real life got very busy, but now being stuck under quarantine vacation, I might finally be able to do so. However, I ran into an error during installation. I have the debug file attached here. I should also tell you that I installed all the components of EEex before starting the install this time.

  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    @Rik_Kirtaniya Okay, I fixed that error. Download the fixed version here.
  • Rik_KirtaniyaRik_Kirtaniya Member Posts: 1,742
    Thanks @OlvynChuru, it's working perfectly now. I installed all of the components and am ready to give this a go.

    I will, in fact, restart a game as a solo FMC, but this time with no stat boost cheats (you may remember that my last attempt, I started off with an all-20 FMC. Not doing so this time, just so I can boast about this run later. :tongue: ). Difficulty insane (with double damage enabled this time ;) ) and max HP on level up (I'm only giving myself this much :sweat_smile: ). I'm up for the challenge. Let's see how far I can go. :D
    Proof that I actually rolled my character this time. :)

  • RavandelRavandel Member Posts: 55
    New items are always an interesting addition :) thx
  • Rik_KirtaniyaRik_Kirtaniya Member Posts: 1,742
    edited April 2020
    Alright, so this time, the prologue was a breeze. I'm not sure if you changed the XP gain values, but maybe I'm just misremembering. Anyways, I'm 7/7/7 after the end of the prologue.

    So yeah, I'm still soloing, or am I? :p

    Stinking Cloud is OP.

    Really OP. :#

    I wasn't able to buy any of the good stuff in the shop though. Only the boots of speed. Guess that was the best buy. ;)
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