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How to import characters/saves from PC to IOS/android IWD EE versions?

SorrowSeerSorrowSeer Member Posts: 144

Can anyone, please, tell me - how to import characters/saves from PC to IOS/android IWD EE versions?
Post edited by SorrowSeer on


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    1. On the desktop of your choice open the ~/Documents/Icewind Dale - Enhanced Edition/save directory.
    Open the Directory for the Saved Game you want to transfer (such as "000000001-Quick-Save").

    2. Select all files within that directory and compress them using a compression tool such as 7-Zip - IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO NOT COMPRESS THE DIRECTORY, ONLY THE FILES WITHIN THE DIRECTORY OR THIS WILL NOT WORK.

    3.Rename the file with a ".iwdsave" extension. If the original file was "" it should now be named "quick_save.iwdsave" for import into Icewind Dale.

    4. Move the .iwdsave file either to a Cloud Storage Platform you have access to on iOS (Such as Box or Dropbox) or attach the file to an e-mail retrievable from the iOS Device.

    5. On the iOS System, navigate to the file (whether on Cloud Storage or E-mail) and open the file through the application's "Interact with other Applications" Menu (Generally the Square with Up Arrow button on an iOS Device). We're looking for either "export" or "open in another application".

    6. In the list of applications, Icewind Dale should show up. Tap it to open the IWD Application. The .iwdsave file will be processed by the IWD iOS Application for either the IWD or HoW Campaigns.

    The exported game should now show up in your "load game" interface.
  • SorrowSeerSorrowSeer Member Posts: 144

    Thank You for this instruction!
    But if I need just chatacters and not saves?
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    You can do the same with characters. Only a couple of changes a needed to the steps Julius B listes. The changes are listed below:

    At 1) find the character
    At 3) rename the character xxxxx.iwdcharacter
  • SorrowSeerSorrowSeer Member Posts: 144

    Many thanks!

    Done as you described.
    Now I have personally created characters in ios-version of IWD EE.

    But (and it came as another surprise) thare are no portraits for my characters
    (they were custom).

    If I just "copy-paste" .bmp-files to ios-version of IWD EE - it'll work?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    For iOS, you should rename it to .iwdportrait first
  • SorrowSeerSorrowSeer Member Posts: 144
    edited May 2018

    For iOS, you should rename it to .iwdportrait first

    It worked!
    Thank You!!
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    Yes, it looks so.
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385
    And if you want to mod, there is even a solution for that as well:
  • SorrowSeerSorrowSeer Member Posts: 144

    Any chance to (somehow) import biographies (for characters) as well?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    edited May 2018
    Hmm, .iwdcharacter is possible, but that it the character file. I'm afraid the transfer of .bio files doesn't work.
  • SorrowSeerSorrowSeer Member Posts: 144

    Hmm, .iwdcharacter is possible, but that it the character file. I'm afraid the transfer of .bio files doesn't work.

    That's a pity.
    But thank You anyway!
  • SorrowSeerSorrowSeer Member Posts: 144


    Been interesting - how import of saves and, especially, characters is working in android?
  • StummvonBordwehrStummvonBordwehr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,385



    Been interesting - how import of saves and, especially, characters is working in android?

    Sorry. I am om iOS. But luckily we have @Gusinda. He is an Android expert. @Gusinda Can you help?
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Thanks @StummvonBordwehr, I wouldn't say 'expert', more of an enthusiastic user that dabbles...

    @SorrowSeer, I think you are asking about transferring saved games\characters etc from PC to Android and back again? I don't want to start any iOS/Android wars here but:

    because Android is open, it can be done fairly much any way you can from PC to PC; ie: direct connection (wireless or wired), USB Key transfer, download from a website, whatever the preferred/convienent method would be. Most of the time, I just connect via USB, then copy/paste. If I was to create a char or transfer a saved game, I could package it (mostly into a ZIP format), upload it to the forum, then whoever receives it just needs to download, unpack then copy and paste into the relevant folder (save\character\portrait). If mods are running, then ideally the modpacks need to be the same between the two systems. You need to also have the same version of game.

    When it comes to SoD, I am unsure as I don't own SoD on Android, but I am guessing that it would be the same. SoD is a standalone game in Android (and I am guessing in iOS?) and doesn't contain some BGEE files. Having said that, I have a mate who has SoD on his system and had no problems transferring his BGEE (Android) saved game to SoD. I take that to mean that a character would also transfer across no problems, just not sure about the saved game; particularly modded.

    Hope that answers the Q. If not, ask again (just in a different way) and I will try to answer.
  • SorrowSeerSorrowSeer Member Posts: 144
    Thank You!

    Many thanks for Your attention!

    So, concluding information above - if We speak about IWD EE here - I just need to take my saves, character and portraits files (no need to zip and rename archieves somehow?), copy them to usb flash drive from my pc and paste them to, gm, what folder (on android device)?
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    @SorrowSeer, no problems.

    I don't have IWDEE installed on my device at the moment but I should be able to give you enough info to get through (just remembering if it is 'icewinddale' or 'icewinddaleenhancededition' for the folder name... but the rest is fine).

    Copy your files (no need for packaging) and place them into their folder as they would look on the PC:

    'sdcard/android/data/com.beamdog.icewinddale/files/save' - for saved games (take the entire '00000000 Saved Game Folder'
    'sdcard/android/data/com.beamdog.icewinddale/files/character' - for character files
    'sdcard/android/data/com.beamdog.icewinddale/files/portraits' - for portraits

    If the 'character' and 'portrait' folders aren't there, you can just create them.
    The 'sdcard' mentioned is the internal sdcard not any addon.

    If you have any probs, let me know and I can install to get the exact name.
  • SorrowSeerSorrowSeer Member Posts: 144

    Thank You!
  • Liam789Liam789 Member Posts: 1
    Hi everyone! Happy New year.

    I tried to move my save files from my PC to my Android (Xiaomi Redmi Note 13C). I tried compressing all files in the "save" directory and changing the extention of the compressed file to .iwdsave, and then copied that file in the "save" directory in the phone, in my case: SDCard\Android\data\com.beamdog.icewinddale\files\save.
    But it doesn't work. I can't see the files in the "load" interface once I'm in the game.

    Any ideas to make it work?
    Thanks in advance!
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