[MOD] J-UI - Customized SOD version of Lefreut's UI

in UI Modding
I decided to take what was so great about Lefreut's UI and teak it to my liking. After I was done, I decided to place it here for anyone else to use. This mod rearranges the main screen. Any other screens are left as they were created.
Some changes:
I would like as much feedback as I can. I hope you enjoy the new layout as much as I do. Some things I'd like to work on in the future include further journal tweaks.

Some changes:
- Stone boxes surround all icons and aspects of the main UI. The NPC boxes around the portraits will only show as the NPC are added to the game.
- The World Message box and the World Dialog Boxes are the same sizes and centered in the same location. As you gain NPCs into your party, both boxes will shift right but still be centered.
- The World Dialog Box will only show a portrait if the talking NPC has one. The taking portrait is located to the right of the World Dialog Box.
- The icons for journal, world map, the clock, etc have been made smaller so as to be symmetrical with the action bar.
Installation Notes
The mod only works to my resolution (1920x1070) or higher. I tried using a lower resolution and everything was beyond the screen. You will also need to install Lefreut's Enhanced UI (SOD skin) first with all components. After that, you can copy my components to your override folder.I would like as much feedback as I can. I hope you enjoy the new layout as much as I do. Some things I'd like to work on in the future include further journal tweaks.
Solo run

All 6 player slots filled

World Dialog no portrait

World Dialog with portrait

But I'm playing on Android. can't use it all. I want to use only the dialogue portrait part.
How shall I do it?
separate Rectangle surrounding portrait From the ui.menu Is there any way to make it appear?
Just in case you haven't found it already, you can use
local screenWidth, screenHeight = Infinity_GetScreenSize()
to determine the size of the game's window. You can then use
Infinity_SetArea(string menuItemName, int newX, int newY, int newWidth, int newHeight)
to position your GUI elements dynamically based on the screen size you grabbed earlier. You can use nil here as any of the arguments to not change that specific value.
Edit: Oh no! It doesn't work on my resolution xDDD Oh well
This should be adressed, but i dont get my hopes up because the Author hasnt been online for quite some Time now. Maybe someone with knowledge of the UI System could take this Project over, its just a too nice Layout (in my opinion).
But as the person before stated, there is an issue with the scroll bar flicking up. If that could be fixed, it would be amazing.
Also the "Continue" and "End Dialogue" button in the bottom right of the text box often covers text, would it be possible to move that button to where it does not obscure text?
Merry Christmas and thanks for your work on this