Half-Goblinoid as a playable race
I don't know how to mod and I'm basically thinking on EEKeeper my way to play this. This post is a contribution and a call for feedback. I don't post this in the "Goblin as a playable race" because I think is too long to just put it in the middle of the thread and pretend is cool.
I found plenty of good information about this sub race here: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/3rd-party-races/dreamscarred-press/half-goblinoids/
I am interested in the specific half-goblin.
They propose:
Ability Score Adjustments
+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma: Half-goblins are quick and tough, but are hideous little creatures
(this is 5ed stats)
It's all in the link (amazing background bulk of info), but other traits are a bonus to Steal, Stealth, Infravision, and the use of poisons. I think for Baldur's Gate this is too powerful. If you can use poisons like an assassin, there should be more penalties somewhere.
Is considered small, but I don't see it that way. Is suggested one of the parents is a gnome or halfling, but I am thinking in something like human or elf. So Medium.
Is an archetype I had since many years ago in table top and i'd feel great to play it on BG. I see it like something between Nett the Brave and 2-D from Gorrilaz. I was going to use an elf paperdoll with a hue of green or gray skin. Also, my character is going to be a Swashbuckler or a Kensai/Thief.
My questions are:
-So should it have more downsides?
-In EEKeeper, what race should i put? I'm between Goblin, Human, or Half Elf.
-Maybe medium races and small races can not breed? In that case, I'd be looking for hob-goblins, bugbears, or even just a "plain" half orc that is like the Danny Devito of Half Orcs... But I want reasons to role play a very mischievous and trickster character, and have a +1 to Dex. Is it that I am looking for some other race or subrace that I have't thought about and has the characteristics I am looking for?
I found plenty of good information about this sub race here: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/3rd-party-races/dreamscarred-press/half-goblinoids/
I am interested in the specific half-goblin.
They propose:
Ability Score Adjustments
+2 Dexterity, +2 Constitution, -2 Charisma: Half-goblins are quick and tough, but are hideous little creatures
(this is 5ed stats)
It's all in the link (amazing background bulk of info), but other traits are a bonus to Steal, Stealth, Infravision, and the use of poisons. I think for Baldur's Gate this is too powerful. If you can use poisons like an assassin, there should be more penalties somewhere.
Is considered small, but I don't see it that way. Is suggested one of the parents is a gnome or halfling, but I am thinking in something like human or elf. So Medium.
Is an archetype I had since many years ago in table top and i'd feel great to play it on BG. I see it like something between Nett the Brave and 2-D from Gorrilaz. I was going to use an elf paperdoll with a hue of green or gray skin. Also, my character is going to be a Swashbuckler or a Kensai/Thief.
My questions are:
-So should it have more downsides?
-In EEKeeper, what race should i put? I'm between Goblin, Human, or Half Elf.
-Maybe medium races and small races can not breed? In that case, I'd be looking for hob-goblins, bugbears, or even just a "plain" half orc that is like the Danny Devito of Half Orcs... But I want reasons to role play a very mischievous and trickster character, and have a +1 to Dex. Is it that I am looking for some other race or subrace that I have't thought about and has the characteristics I am looking for?
Personally, I'd roleplay as an half-goblin/half-halfing. Their sizes are identical enough to make a green-ish skinned halfing sprite look authentic. Not to mention half-halfings are so much more interesting than half-humans.
For racial abilities, I'd use something along the following lines:
I made the mistake to not Google enough before posting.
While it doesn't get a lot of mention, the novels for the Dragonlance setting admit outright that humans can cross-breed with just about any of the humanoid races. Not only is a half-elf one of the main characters of the first trilogy, but several mentions have been made of half-kender, and at least one half-ogre, half-dwarf, half-goblin and half-gnome has each turned up over the course of the novels.
Although mating between a Medium race and a Small race seems complicated, Dragonlance seems to take as canon that Humans can produce children with any other humanoid. The lack of half human-half halfling or gnome in the vast lore of D&D novels and games, doesn't give me much hope about the possibility of a children from goblin and a a Medium sized race union. And being many half-orcs the result of rape, there should also have been cases of goblin raids with similar end. And yet no mentions of half-goblins.
I can either do my own rules or consider another genetic experiment. Also, not all the individuals of the same race or subrace are the same (for example in Salvatore's "Promise of the Witch King", there is an example of a specially orcish half-orc and a specially humanish half-orc). There can be a very graceful half-troll or a very tall half-goblin (half-halfling), or a half-orc with a more human nose.
EDIT: I might just have my character have four grandfathers of different races. Why not? One human, one goblin, one orc, one halfling, and naming it half-orc in EE Keeper with a more creative paper doll. As a result, he can have a good balance of stats and just a +1 Dex -1 Char.
I just used half-halflings instead of humans because of my own preferences. You could of course also make an half-human/half-hobgoblin, use the half-orc sprite and give it something along the lines of +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, -1 Wisdom, -1 Charisma. The result should also look rather authentic.
But I honestly can't imagine a goblin-human union ending up with a similar build to the elven sprite. However, I certainly could imagine them look akin to tasloi.
Edit: The last bit with mixed heritages all over the place would make your character an bona fide mongrelfolk. They're both awesomely ugly and awesomely fun to play with.
Like biracial celebrities are usually pretty attractive, but they're celebrities.
Btw, nice idea. I think paper doll should also be available via SoD.
It would just make you look more goblin-ish, which is great if you're into that, but it sounds like @MonoCanalla is expecting it to turn them into an elf-like ethereal beauty, which is just not what goblins have ever been.
This might suit you as a portrait for a cute half-goblin.
Who cares if an actual half-goblin would look good or not, I have a ton of sexy/pretty half-orc portaits and I'm sure an actual half-orc would look hideous. Just have fun and roleplay it as you wish.
Yeah, I don't claim to be an expert in biracials. I do have many friends and other people that I know that they are and, ok, I guess is my opinion.
I don't have necessarily anything against using a Chewbacca type of character, I don't need to only have handsome PCs, but this time I feel like doing a Lando Calrissian/Jarlaxe charming trickster type of character but as a half-goblin. Exactly, the fan art from Nott is very close to way I have in mind. I will actually use that portrait.
Just, if we're talking about real life multiracial people, and how that applies to fantasy races, it's not like a magic beauty formula or anything.
Multiracial people are just normal people like you and me. They can be attractive or unattractive. They can lean towards one parent or the other. All you should really be able to say about Half Goblins, if we're basing it on real life multiracial people, is that they'll be somewhere on the spectrum between human and goblin.
And don't forget, you used to be able to hit people with the ugly stick and become the most attractive person in the realms.
Tell me more.
Is this a literal stick we're talking about?
If you want somebody from a racial mix that's generally both monstrous and beautiful though, then I've read a bit on The Voldur (Elf/Orc Mixes) and it sounds like they might be up your alley. Edit: on reexamination that seems to be some homebrew stuff, but in theory I don't see any reason why Elf/Orc Hybrids wouldn't trend towards both the beauty of elves and the monstrosity of orcs.
Does anybody know if the official canon has anything to say on the subject?
Best of luck with the half goblin! It sounds like a fun concept. I think for long sword the strength requirements are not that high or do you at that point want to have the thac0/damage bonus?
Yeah, is a nice concept. Too bad I can’t use it in table top since all the player groups I tried suck, and leave role playing apart. Is it even possible to find a good group in New York! I’m gonna have to move to the West Coast or something.
"Zaghoul said:
Goblins 2nd Ed AD&D (Complete Book of Humanoids)
Min Max
Str 4 15
Con 5 16
Dex 4 17
Int 3 18
Wis 3 18
Chr 3 12"
Being a half goblin, you could be reasonably expected to adjust these.
On a whim I decided to look at the difference in orcs to see if it might offer insight into how another half humanoid (goblin in this case) would work.
Orc +1 str/-2chr H/O +1 str/+1 con/ -2 chr
Ability Score Range (orc/half-orc)
Ability Minimum Maximum
Strength 6/6 18/18
Dexterity 3/3 17/17
Constitution 8/13 18/19
Intelligence 3/3 16/17
Wisdom 3/3 16/14
Charisma 3/3 12/12
Looks like the mix to h/o boosted con a little, so maybe raise a half gobs max con (and maybe max strength) just a point. Charisma and dex seemed to stay the same.
@MonoCanalla I think once you get into playing them the stats won't matter quite so much. Any stat increase (or items as you mentioned) you find along the way will just seem that much more gratifying and set the character apart from other goblins just that much more. As goblins prefer ambushes the F/T idea sounds good, but given our character starts off being raised among humans, a half gob could take a mixture of both races and then read up on full goblins if they like at the library in order to appreciate (or not) more of their goblin side as well.
Goblins are interesting in that they can be a witchdoctor as well as a cleric so that adds potential for C/M's if the idea ever came up.
Regardless, welcome to the humanoids, they can be addictive.