Android console commands for Beta

Hi i'm new to using forums first time ever, I'm trying to use console commands on my android i'm unsure if i'm doing anything right but i added the debug mode to the .ini file and have tried using Hackers keyboard and also wifi keyboard but cant get the console command to open and ctrl 8 doesn't work either help would be appreciated
Firstly, make sure you have the following line in your baldur.ini:
'Program Options', 'Debug Mode', '1',
I note that you have Hacker's Keyboard installed (set it to transparent theme) and a WiFi keyboard (is this Bluetooth?). With the keyboard connected, you should be able to hit CTRL-Enter to get the console working. CTRL-8 should work fine. I hadn't tried until just then but it works for me.
Make sure you have the following line in your baldur.lua:
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1')
Once this is done, then you should be ready to go as above.
Unfortunately, it hasn't worked for all devices. I am using a Samsung Note 4, and have also had it workin on a Tab S without problems
Good Luck