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Pillars of Eternity 2 praise/criticism/gameplay and story analysis thread [SPOILERS ALLOWED]



  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    Dorcus said:

    Hey, I noticed that the last DLC and patch 4.0 came out. I remember there being a POE2 Obsidian Roadmap post that outlined all the future major content patches. Can I expect all future patches to be minor in scope? yes/no/maybe so/idk???

    All paid DLCs are now done, but they have said the game will continue to receive support including small additions (for example one more Magran's Challenge). And the ports to PS4, Switch and Xbox are still on for 2019.

    As for comparing PoE1 to 2, 2 has multiclassing (and subclasses too)!! That's a HUGE improvement for me. :smiley: Character development is a fundamental component determining the extent of my enjoyment of an RPG. It's a major part of why in D&D I love 3.5e (and 5e too) and hate 2e.
  • DorcusDorcus Member Posts: 271
    Thanx for the headsup.

    I'm doing the Soul Blade + Fighter = Psyblade wombo combo and its everything I wanted out of my Cipher dude in the POE1
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    I don't know how to feel about this. Pillars was designed for real-time with pause combat. Changing it (even as just an option) will requires a lot of rebalancing. There are already good turn based combat games. Not every game needs to use the same system, it's nice to have choices.
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    lefreut said:

    I don't know how to feel about this. Pillars was designed for real-time with pause combat. Changing it (even as just an option) will requires a lot of rebalancing. There are already good turn based combat games. Not every game needs to use the same system, it's nice to have choices.

    Same here. There's a lot of discussion about this going on in the Obsidian forum. Seems like it's something they're considering as part of the console release of the game next year (though the option will be available for the PC as well).

    What's especially interesting is what this discussion has revealed about fans of TB v. RTwP. It seems that pro-RTwP people generally have an attitude of: I prefer RTwP but am open to playing a TB game. But pro-TB people's attitude is: If it's not TB, I won't touch it. So TB fans are much more insistent on and authoritarian about their preference.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @lefreut and @kanisatha , Did you read the article that was linked? Apparently, the real time mode was some kind of alpha feature that was accidentally turned on during a patch, and was immediately hot-fixed out that same day, although not before a few people took screen shots and made video. The company's official line is that there are no plans to implement a turn-based mode into PoE, leaving nothing but speculation to be had about why there was ever a turn-based mode started in development. The hypothesis that seems most likely to me is that there were some plans to create a turn-based mode at one time, but that those plans were scrapped. The beginnings of it were apparently left as artifacts in the game code, apparently completely by accident.
  • DorcusDorcus Member Posts: 271
    I never understood the rivalry between fans of RTWP and Turn Based. I like em both??????

  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Depends on the kind of turn-based for me. Having to position every character before attacking and waiting for enemies to do the same takes too long for me.
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308

    @lefreut and @kanisatha , Did you read the article that was linked? Apparently, the real time mode was some kind of alpha feature that was accidentally turned on during a patch, and was immediately hot-fixed out that same day, although not before a few people took screen shots and made video. The company's official line is that there are no plans to implement a turn-based mode into PoE, leaving nothing but speculation to be had about why there was ever a turn-based mode started in development. The hypothesis that seems most likely to me is that there were some plans to create a turn-based mode at one time, but that those plans were scrapped. The beginnings of it were apparently left as artifacts in the game code, apparently completely by accident.

    This was my take as well, but many on the Obs forum are convinced (based on some additional "leaks" on the Codex) this is something they're currently working on. But the bottom line indeed is that nobody from Obs has said anything one way or the other.
  • DorcusDorcus Member Posts: 271
    ThacoBell said:

    Depends on the kind of turn-based for me. Having to position every character before attacking and waiting for enemies to do the same takes too long for me.

    I actually really dug the theatricalness of it all in Final Fantasy Tactics but that game was carried by the "Shakespeare on JRPG Drugs" storyline
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    Turn based mode will be available Thursday, January 24th with the next update.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Do you know if they plan to include it into PoE 1?
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462

    Do you know if they plan to include it into PoE 1?

    The last patch for PoE was before the release of PoE2, so they probably don't maintain it anymore.
  • DorcusDorcus Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2019
    How do I activate the turn based combat mode?

    edit: you start a new game, it's right there in front of your face, no do overs

    edit 2: starting to get tired of this aged dwarf and his rictus
    Post edited by Dorcus on
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    It is interesting that a turn-based mode was implemented, but I have always found real-time with pause to have very little difference. Real-time with pause IS operating under a turn-based system (on a timer), it's just that you don't get an infinite amount of time to make the decision. But, in reality, you actually do, because you can pause the game and issue orders at any time. The difference in the level of control, to me, has always been negligible. They are two sides of the same tactical coin. One allows far more freedom of movement, and the other allows for far more advanced tactical planning, but in the middle, they serve the same purpose in my mind.
  • DorcusDorcus Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2019
    idk. combat plays out like a different but similar game. I built my characters differently to accommodate new strategies. combats take much longer, general pacing of the story is much slower. it's not just a rush to collectively engage and aggro the right dudes. debuffs and battlefield positioning play a more major role, since everybody is acting in tandem. can't really comment how it's going to play out long term, but I like the game much more now with turn based combat, and I'm aware I'm posting this on what was originally a Baldur's Gate forum. it's actually kind of surprising, and I wouldn't have guessed it without actually trying for myself. I ended up turning the difficulty way up also, bc I liked the slow pacing and decision making. setting the Real Time mode to pause at every instance it is not.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @JuliusBorisov , Thanks for posting that. It looks really awesome. I'm more interested in buying and trying PoE 2 now. I'll need a lot more time off work than I have currently, so I'll have to keep it in mind for my next long vacation. This summer might be a good time, if not this spring. 

    Ah, if only I could retire and live my dream of playing games all day every day, full time. :)
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
  • hybridialhybridial Member Posts: 291
    I got this game originally when it launched then heard the ending story spoilers and ah, did not react well to them.

    Now though I kinda feel like I want to come to the PoE games because Original Sin 2 wasn't that fun for me and Pathfinder didn't really hold my interest. I feel more I can accept there might be elements of the writing I don't like so much but the basic approach of these games is more my comfort zone and I can find some happiness just focusing on playing them. Of course I left things in the first game undone so I plan to do that first then re-import my character and hope this time bugs don't mess up the character histories.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775

    @Serg_BlackStrider @semiticgod @Jaheiras_Witness @Alesia_BH and others! There's a very unique opportunity offered at the end of the video for all no-reload veterans who like challenges! Come on, folks!
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @JuliusBorisov , Are you going to go for it? If anyone could do it, you could. I wonder if their required achievements could have been completed in PoE1 without defeating the Adra dragon? And, I wonder if there's a similar encounter to the Adra dragon in PoE2?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    I think I'll pass on it at this moment. I don't have experience of PoE 2, and right now I'm focused on D:OS. And no, according to the description, "The Ultimate" sounds (if we do an analogy for PoE) like you should defeat all major bosses (so analogically for PoE it would mean killing the Adra Dragon solo). But I know that our no-reloaders have been preparing for PoE 2 for a long time, and @semiticgod, in particular, has been practising recording videos. I would watch such runs with great interest.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    This isn't even remotely like your standard highest difficulty, no reload run. It has the following stipulations based on the menu in-game:

    1.) Complete every critical path quests by a certain amount of in-game time
    2.) Enemies gain powerful random effects
    3.) Cannot flee from combat
    4.) Game cannot be paused
    5.) Equipment degrades and must be repaired
    6.) Fog of War limits ability to see at night and indoors
    7.) Makes the ship management portion more dangerous due to storms and enemy ships being stronger
    8.) Food spoils after a certain amount of time
    9.) You basically have a surrogate child follow you around the whole game who must be kept alive
    10.) Resource regeneration, health on rest, and even food buffs require much more investment
    11.) All numbers and stats are hidden
    12.) All of this must be done solo, on the highest difficulty, with no deaths

    It's entirely likely this isn't even possible, and I'm not sure anyone has done it even after a month.
  • avensisavensis Member Posts: 7
    edited June 2019
    Excellent video! I'll definitely be checking out 5.0, and the tabletop rules sound cool.

    TweakBox word counter Tutuapp
    Post edited by avensis on
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    I started to play again. Loved blood mage, unfortnetly Watershaper still an companion only sub class...
  • the_sexteinthe_sextein Member Posts: 711
    edited July 2019
    Hello, I started playing this game a few weeks ago and I'm having a good time so far. I'm a bit of a nut about high performance and smooth gameplay and this game was driving me crazy. I've done some work and found a solution for me but I have no idea If it could potentially help anyone else. I figured I would post it anyway.


    Go to your hard drive that steam is on. Then: Program files X86 >Steam>Steamapps>Common>Pillars of eternity 2.

    In that folder there should be a pillars of eternity application. Right click on it and select the option to create a shortcut. You should see a little shortcut appear in the game directory.
    Now right click on the shortcut and select properties.

    That will bring up a little window. Go to the line labeled "Target"
    Leave the information in the target box but set your cursor at the end of the information and hit the space bar once. Then paste this line into the target box
    -window-mode exclusive -force-d3d10
    Don't forget to hit the apply button at the bottom of the window when you are done.

    This might help you, it did me but everyone's machine is different. More info on how it can benefit is included below.

    Another thing you should try in combination with the above is right click on the shortcut and select properties. When the window pops up select the compatibility tab and check mark the option to disable full screen optimizations.

    Doing these two things reduced camera stutter and improved FPS without any stability problems or graphic quality problems. All GPU effects still work fine. There are still random stutters every now and then but it's rare and much improved over the standard performance you get out of the box.


    Using the above tips will allow you to force control panel global V-sync instead of using the in game option and it will play nice with G-sync monitors as well! Using the game's default DX11 path will ignore the control panel and G-sync will not function properly.


    Using the above tips also allows SLI enabled computers to work in SLI mode which did not work properly out of the box. However, enabling SLI still won't work because this game does not have an SLI profile so you have to make your own which is very easy.

    Do a google search for Nvidia Inspector and download it .
    Open Inspector and look for a little square button on the right. If you hover over it with your mouse it will say "start profile inspector".

    Click on the button and it will bring up a window. At the top of the window there is a drop down box labeled profiles. Select the pillars of eternity 2 profile from the long profile list.

    Under the compatibility section, go to the option labeled "sli compatibility bits (Dx10+DX11)". Open the drop down options box and select "The Witcher 3" profile. Now select apply at the top right hand side of the window and you are done.

    SLI works flawless in this game with a perfect split down the middle on GPU load and 90% scaling in many places.

    Here are a few shots I took at 4K with max everything. I have a little onscreen display on the right hand side of the screen shots that shows GPU and CPU usage as well as framerate.

    SLI Off:

    SLI ON:

    As you can see I got a 47FPS increase from SLI and combined with the other improvements, the game runs very smooth now. I hope this can help someone as it's been a game changer for me and made the game much easier to enjoy. I've played the game for 30 hours and I have not had a single crash or any visual problems to speak of. No bugs and the performance improvements/stutter reduction is consistent everywhere in the game that I have visited so far.

    I'm seeing 100FPS max detail at 4K resolution. Before I did these tweaks, SLI and control panel G/V-sync did not work. The default DX11path also had massive problems with Hyperthreading that were causing jerky camera performance. My FPS were 45-60FPS and very jerky. Now they are 80-150FPS and stutter free. If you own a CPU with hyperthreading/SMT, a G-sync monitor, an SLI GPU setup or any combination of them then you should definitely give these tips a try.

    Whew, that was a long one lol.
    Post edited by the_sextein on
  • PsicoVicPsicoVic Member Posts: 868
    I do not understand that either. PO2 was easily in my top 20 CRPG list. Nice characters, solid writing, great gameplay, interesting character creation,...

    Also I like minigames in RPGs, like the trading company in SOZ, the kingdom management of Pathfinder (even though the game is about that, it feels like a minigame), etc.
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