How can I charm Tazok?

Good day 
Tell me, how can I charm Tazok? a decrease in saving throws and a strong charm for him do not work, a cloak too. I try this on BGEE
please help me

Tell me, how can I charm Tazok? a decrease in saving throws and a strong charm for him do not work, a cloak too. I try this on BGEE
please help me

so what you might have to do is cast greater malison on him, and then have Xan cast dire charm on him, which will still only have a 20% of actually working,
if you are using charm person, the chance of it working is 0%
if you use algeron's cloak, it has a 5% chance of working ( unless stacked with greater malison then it is 15% chance )
if you have a non enchanter cast dire charm on him, it will have a 0% chance of working on him
if you have a non enchanter cast dire charm on him while he has greater malison then there is only a 10% it will succeed
Rolling 1 is always a failure, no matter how low your save is.
- the specialist penalty if charm is cast by an enchanter is -2
- the penalty for greater malison is -4 (i.e. 20% rather than 10%)
- you could also use doom for a further -2
- if you have a 7th level priest or 9th level mage you could use domination instead of dire charm for -2
Sorry for the misinformation, guys.
Living and learning.
I've never seen a critical fail on pickpocketing, either, though it's much more possible that that exists and I've just not noticed it, because I'm never pickpocketing 100 times in a row like I am stealing from shops.