Playing on insane with regular xp bonus
How is it?
I remember the original IWD was particularly brutal on insane, but with all the new stuff the EE has added it seems the original balance has been completely wrecked. I was thinking of playing on insane while checking the No Difficulty Bonus-XP option, but i'm wondering if it may be too much. Anybody tried it?
I remember the original IWD was particularly brutal on insane, but with all the new stuff the EE has added it seems the original balance has been completely wrecked. I was thinking of playing on insane while checking the No Difficulty Bonus-XP option, but i'm wondering if it may be too much. Anybody tried it?
You'll face a lot of extra enemies, but that's it. It becomes harder, but the challenge makes the game better IMHO.
With a weak enough party (e.g. a solo assassin, or a sorcerer with non-mixmaxed spell choices), it's possible to make the game challenging despite the large experience gain.