Building a blackguard

What weapon proficiencies are best for a solo blackguard?
I plan on going from Candlekeep to the Throne this way. I rolled great and need to know where to start with these stats.
Thank you.
I plan on going from Candlekeep to the Throne this way. I rolled great and need to know where to start with these stats.
Thank you.
BG2, Two Handed Sword.
** Two-handed swords (Spider's Bane and Lilarcor, later - for Silver_Sword and Soul Reaver, which is an amazing weapon)
** Crossbow (the Army Scythe and Firetooth+4)
3rd level
* Two-handed weapon fighting style
6th level
* Flails (for the FoA and DoE - I consider DoE is a must for a solo and/or no-reload play; and for a very cool morningstar in SoD, Martyr's Morningstar +2)
BGII:EE (or SoD)
9th level
** Flails (especially handy in SoD for Martyr's Morningstar +2 against the boss)
12th level
* Two-weapon fighting style (now you can already dual-wield FoA and DoE)
15th level
** Two-weapon fighting style (now you can dual-wield FoA and DoE more effectively)
18th level
* Bastard swords (for Foebane)
21th level
** Bastard swords
24th and 27th levels
* and ** Halberds (for Ravager)
Not sure whether all the rest proficiencies matter or not. See other suggestions here:
One of the best assets of a blackguard IMO is his/her ability to poison weapon. For this reason, I suggest giving strong consideration to using a (probably long)bow, so you can hit mages with poisoned arrows from a distance and interrupt their spellcasting.
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