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NWN tool

Is it possible for someone to please convert NWN Tool to Intel Mac?
Apparently, it was created back for Power PC, I can't attach the file here because of that.

If someone has an e-mail, maybe I can send it that way.



  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,772
  • TrixterTrixter Member Posts: 237
    Thanks, but I'm talking about a different file that doesn't run on NWN itself.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    NWN Tool is an old RealBASIC program. I doubt it would even compile on modern XOJO (what the company renamed itself).

    I've attached a Wine-wrapped version of the Windows binary. That might work for you.
  • TrixterTrixter Member Posts: 237
    Thanks, but it won't open. This is the file from Souricette, right?
  • TrixterTrixter Member Posts: 237
    I wonder if someone will recreate this... otherwise, no new characters from me :(
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    Trixter said:

    Thanks, but it won't open. This is the file from Souricette, right?

    Yes, it is the Windows version of Souricette's app.

    Right click on the app and select "Open" the first time to run it. Otherwise Gatekeeper will likely block the app from running (since it is unsigned).

    Unfortunately, the code is 13 years old at this point and written in proprietary language (RealBASIC) that requires a commercial license to compile apps.
  • TrixterTrixter Member Posts: 237
    Thanks anyways, it still doesn't open for me.
    If you know programming, it wouldn't be too much to ask if you can recreate that NWNTool, would it? :)
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited June 2018
    Sorry, but no.
    1. While I have used VisualBasic, I have never used RealBASIC/XOJO.
    2. XOJO is a proprietary language, and the compiler costs $300 per year.

    EDIT: Sorry, the previous Wine-wrapped version I posted was missing a needed component for users without Wine installed system-wide. Try the bundle here:

    (Again, you may need to run it for the first time by right-clicking and selecting Open)
    Post edited by AstroBryGuy on
  • TrixterTrixter Member Posts: 237
    Falsch abgebogen!?

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