Why shouid I buy this?

I just made an account to ask why i should buy nwnee,because i dont see it?
I am a proud owner of the diamond edition from gog and have extensively played the cAmpaigns and other modules in my day, and this installment adds barely anything that would justify the price tag.
Nwn being a more recent gAme works in modern resolutions and there are simply no new features that ee adds compared to vanilla diamond.
I am excited about potential things that coukd be added to a nwn experience,like 3.5 or 5th edition,more classes or even simple balance changes but your current version adds nothing exciting like that.
Maybe i am mistaking but nithing says "enhanced" about the current nwnee.
MAYBE i am wrong...please convince me,why should i buy or care about this?
Thank you
I am a proud owner of the diamond edition from gog and have extensively played the cAmpaigns and other modules in my day, and this installment adds barely anything that would justify the price tag.
Nwn being a more recent gAme works in modern resolutions and there are simply no new features that ee adds compared to vanilla diamond.
I am excited about potential things that coukd be added to a nwn experience,like 3.5 or 5th edition,more classes or even simple balance changes but your current version adds nothing exciting like that.
Maybe i am mistaking but nithing says "enhanced" about the current nwnee.
MAYBE i am wrong...please convince me,why should i buy or care about this?
Thank you
Of course if a modder decides that the cost to power ratio isn't perfectly equal on all spells and wishes to change spells to match their vision then obviously they can do that in both the Diamond version and the Enhanced version.
I don't think NWN EE has made itself necessary to always have the best NWN experience you can possibly have. So I don't think ppl should buy it if they don't feel like it offers them something they want which they don't currently have.
I wouldn't want to persuade you or manipulate you into buying something you don't want. Instead I would suggest that you look at the roadmap and decide if you want it and decide at what point you want to support the continued development of NWN if you do.
Take the time to review each of the cards especially the cards for updates since November. You should also review the release notes from the launch.
Additionally check the input board to see which ideas from the community are being considered for future updates. You can also sign up and vote for the features that you believe would make the most difference for you.
Finally two things should be noted...
First of all I believe they said that NWN EE is released under the "D&D classics" banner so it's extremely unlikely and perhaps impossible to officially update it to the current 5e D&D rules. You would have to rely on modders for an unofficial rules conversion I assume.
The second thing to note is that Beamdog pretty much have said they are currently working on an expansion for NWN EE. So new content will be released for NWN EE in the future presumably with new classes and the like.
- NWN:EE adds support for modern day resolutions. I run on a 55 inch 4K TV and would have to play at 1366x768 to be able to read the text from my couch. With NWN:EE I can run at 4K just fine.
- 2K & 4K look gorgeous. You wouldnt think it would make all that much difference but it absolutely does. Especially with the new lighting.
- Enhanced lighting and post processing effects. The colors have been fixed so NWN looks like it did originally instead of all washed out. Ambient Occlusion enhances shadows and makes scene look more natural and the new contrast effect makes everything pop in a pleasing fashion.
- New scripting functionality such as being able to duplicate areas and dynamically alter the size of creatures and placables.
- Vastly Increased texture memory.
- Server hak improvements
- Replaced Gamespy and introduced NAT punching to make it far easier to connect to multiplayer servers.
- Built in NWNX support for persistant worlds.
- Steam Workshop support
- Ongoing patches and features.
- Access to the premium modules for the first time since they went dark due to... reasons.
- A full, official release of Darkness Over Daggerford.
In the works- An all new campaign from the makers of the original.
- A complete overhaul of every model and texture in the game.
- A 64bit version that will remove a lot of the limitations from the toolset.
I want to work on my Persistent World and Modules, know they are future proof and have access to all the new toys NWN:EE brings to builders.I want stable MP where my friends can easily connect to my server with the click of a button.
I want to be able to work with larger areas and more objects in the toolset.
I want things to look pretty.
I want to be able to add new races and classes to my PW without having to use ugly workarounds.
I want official patch support.
I want to play a living game that is under active development.
You may want something else. And that is totally cool. Nothing is going to stop you from owning and playing the original NWN.
@Kranyum, nwn:EE is more passional for Beamdog and not for getting cash. It's notable that NWN:EE could have new visible features, like new textures very notable. You are very right asking "why should I buy this" dear.
What @voidofopinion said about the color saturation has also become important for me. I attempted to start a game in Diamond Edition recently for comparison's sake. It had to be in 800x600 resolution to work without crashing. The colors were so dull, it looked one step away from being in black and white. The contrasts were so bad, the picture seemed very fuzzy, like looking through water or smoke.
I am now permanently spoiled on the graphical and stability improvements in NWN:EE. At the maximum resolution, there is a UI size upscale feature that allows me to read the texts on my television without really bad eyestrain, which was a problem before.
They're still working out some things that NWN:EE needs to make it better, and it falls short of perfect at the current date. But I don't regret my purchase at all. I won't be able to go back to the Diamond Edition because of the reasons explained above.
As for why I bought EE to support development of my favorite game that I've been playing since I was four; and from what I've seen from Beamdog, I absolutely love what I'm seeing. For example, the new feature of size, animation, and position scaling via script is an amazing step to me, as once they add collision radius scaling, a separate movement animation speed scalar, and a function that can modify the size category for creatures (admittedly its probably a lot to ask for, but I can dream) I'll be able to make miniature golems as wizard familiars, giant bats as dire bat companions, and enemies that have progressed in enough creature levels to go up a size category and properly obey the rules of their new size like in PnP.
More importantly though is that it's given me and my family a way to hang out together. It's revitalized my dad's interest in updating our little personal action PW, which we now play on almost daily with each other. It's been the most fun I've had with the game in years, honestly. It also serves as a personal testing ground for all my little gimmicky characters that I wouldn't be allowed to play in public. I don't think there's a server that would let me play a monodrone monk that was properly crit immune, fire and electrical resistant, and immune to mind effecting like they're apparently supposed to be. At least, based on the stats I found for them, anyway.
The faq seems to say otherwise. What am I missing here? Isn't NWNx a system outside of NWN:EE - and because it uses memory injection methods - and memory locations change with the EE version has to adapt to the new with each version of NWN:EE?
I suspect Void was referring to how some features of original NWNx that make sense to be in the base game rather then NWNx are being merged very slowly into the base game, I couldn't really say.
But try writing all those details on a tablet.
Some things in my response were truncated and simplified as everything NWN:EE adds and how, is quite a complex story.
You have modders working with devs. Devs hiring modders. Projects being build alongside NWN:EE. Professional teams releasing modules. Parts of tools being included in NWN:EE proper.
It's all quite incestuous.
But yeah, in short some parts of popular modders tools are being added to NWN:EE. Some popular tools are being developed alongside NWN:EE with help from Beamdog. Some tools are being developed on their own.
But NWNX and Beamdog are working incredibly closely to bring as much of that functionality as possible to NWN:EE. Which is a fantastic prospect for the PW community.
-Multiplayer works out of the box, community more alive than ever with plenty of servers/types to pick from
-Graphical enhancements look good, UI Scaling makes playing without a magnifying glass possible at high resolutions
-Premium DLC modules that were previously removed from the bioware store are now legally available (and backwards compatible if you owned it before). Also, Darkness of Daggerford was just released and more premium modules to come, huge win for the community and the DoD dev's.
-Steam Workshop integration
-Ongoing support, above and beyond what was originally advertised justifying moreso the slightly higher purchase price than the diamond version. That is, NwN: EE Is going to be the currently supported version of the game going forward. I know there is a lot of "in the works" stuff, but Diamond is quickly becoming obsolete.
-movies not playing properly
- the menus and tool bar being transparent.