Turald NPC Mod - ver. 0.9

This mod adds a new recruitable companion to Icewind Dale: EE - dwarven wandering priest of Marthammor Duin Turald Ironfist. It was created as an addition to Kulyok's NPCs, though it can be played as a separate mod as well. The idea behind this project was to create a person who would look at the events of the game from the dwarven point of view and who will also be significanlty older than characters from IWD NPC Project. Turald MOD contains dialogs with main character, interjections, player-initiated talks and crossmod content with Kulyok's NPCs and LavaDelVortel's Dusky.
Character info
Name: Turald
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Class: Fighter/cleric
Alignment: Neutral Good
Location: Temple of Tempus in Easthaven
Romance: No
Current status
The first proofreading was made so I decided to release the first beta version of mod. Currently it contains full content for vanilla game and should be fully playable, though there still may be some bugs (inform me of any problems, please), especially since this is my first modding experience. Thank you for your attention and any feedback is welcome!
Art by Aerenwyn (commissioned by me for this mod)
==Download link==
Post edited by Sinaherib on
I'm always grateful for anyone who makes an NPC mod for IWD. With such an abundance of NPC mods for the BG games, it's a bit disappointing that such comparatively few have been made for IWD.
I myself plan to create a couple more NPC (first of all - arcane spellcasters), but first Turald needs to be finished. Thank you!
I decided to release the first playable beta version of mod.
Hope you had a very good holidays!
I kept on working on modding the recent months and want to make an announcment.
"Turald NPC" is going to become a part of a bigger mod "Heroes of Icewind Dale" which will add 5 joinable NPC total, each one with their story, banters and interjections, as well as crossmod content with Kulyok's characters.
Besides Turald, the mod will contains the following chars:
Name: Vazarius
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Name: Shinala
Gender: Female
Race: Half-orc
Class: Shaman
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Name: Kira
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Alignment: Lawful Good
Name: Kastor
Gender: Male
Race: Drow
Class: Assassin
Alignment: Neutral Evil
(He doesn't have custom portrait yet, so I temporary use the one from the original game)
All portraits (except Kastor's of course) we commissioned by me for this mod.
The work goes smoothly, I'm writing and testing the new characters and keep on fixing some minor bugs and typos in Turald's dialogs.
That's the news for now.
Thank you for your attention and have a nice day!
Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good, and two Neutral Evils...to be mixed-and-matched with the various Good and Neutral NPCs of IWD NPC and Dusky...curious to see how they'll all get along!
- Will you be including the option to change their classes at installation? It seems to have the opposite of IWD NPCs, with lots of casters/ranged chars and few melee chars. Since you've got crossmod content with IWD NPcs and Dusky, the PC's class shouldn't be *as* restricted if they want a full party of bantering characters, but some might want to try these five new ones all at once.
- Is there Heart of Winter content planned/written? Sorry if that sounds stupid, but I'm not sure how much "interjections"/"banters" covers.
- Romances y/n?
However, one question:
Like it was mentioned before, this mod can be considered as an opposite or an expansion to IWD NPC Project, since one of its aims is to cover classes/alignments/races that weren't featured there. When I began working on HoIWD I made about 10 drafts of characters to choose from but in the end decided to leave most warrors (such as paladin, fighter, ranger) aside because IWDNPC already offers enough of them and it is better to focus on other classes.
Another my goal is to create different kinds of relationship between characters. NPCProject created the heartwarming atmosphere of friendship, so I intend to add possibilities for tensions and conflicts. It doesn't mean new NPC will bicker all the time, of course, but not all them will get along well with each other and with other companions. For example, Shinala belongs to one of barbarian tribes and considers druids of Kuldahar traitors for letting colonist settle in the roots of the Great Tree. Of course, it will lead to serious tensions between her and Nella. Turald, on the other hand, befriends Nella. In other words, sometimes there can form strong bond, sometimes - hostility. Or something in between.
Counting down the days until the new mod is released!
Sorry to be a pest, but how is progress on the new mod?
I'm currently working on arcane spellcasters (Kira and Vazarius). It is too early to talk about exact release time, but I hope to finish the first version of the mod by the end of the summer (time will tell though). Right now I'm trying to work on the mod every day.
In the meantime I think about posting a kind of "meet the character" info, where I'll tell a bit more about each new NPC.
Thanks for all your hard work on the mod! I would love a "meet the characters" thing!
I would like to announce that Deities of Faerûn now has a special component that gives the Trailblazer of Marthammor Duin kit to Turald!
Hope you guys enjoy it!
Thanks for the update!
Do you have a custom image for Kastor yet, or are you keeping that a secret for the release of the mod?
That's great, thank you very much!
Not yet. Aerenwyn is busy IRL at the moment, so it will take time before she will be able to make Kastor's portrait. I'll post it here as soon as it appears.
Let me share a little more info about the mod. As you know IWD has checks for class/race/stats in some dialogs. For better immersion I decided to use it too: in such moments certain NPC will ask Main character's permission to interfere.
For example a character with high INT and CHR can persuade Old Jed to stop drinking. During the dialoge with the old man Kira (who has corresponding stats) says that she can try to talk to him. If you let her speak she will convince him not to drink and you will get experience for that. Or you can refuse her and talk to Jed yourself (and still buy him a bottle of wine).
Works fine for me. I am using several IWDNPC companions and Dusky. Good job!
First of all I'd like to tell that Kastor's portrait is ready:
Second: I promised to post "Meet the character" info before. So here is Part 1 - brief info about arcane spellcasters - Vazarius and Kira.
Vazarius Yl'Darrush, native of Calimport, had a very a wild youth. Power, wealth, women - that's what he struggled to get, being fully engaged in his homeland's intrigues and scheming. But that was many years ago, these days Vazarius sees all these as hollow vanities and nothing more. His current passion is the study of the universe: nature of the Planes, nature of the gods and what lies beyond.
Vazarius left Calimshan long time ago and now resides in "humble, quiet township of Baldur's Gate". He appears to be surprisingly polite and friendly for a Calishite wizard. While his fellow countryman Pomab despises northern "filthy barbarians", Vazarius sees them as "charming savages". Most people find him engaging person and a good talk partner, but don't expect much compassion from him - Vazarius is above simple human passions.
He claims that he arrived to the North to study the Great Tree of Kuldahar, but one may wonder if that is really all, and the old cunning wizard from Calimport doesn't have another agenda.
Kirandia Starwind is a young sorceress from Neverwinter and a girl of a good family: her father is a an influential archmage from the Academy as well as Hrothgar's old friend; her mother is a daughter of respectable Dawnmaster. Like many other bright young things Kira's views on life are very idealistic, though being rather smart young lady she begins to realize that the world is a much more harsh place than she always thought.
Kira appears as an enthusiastic but also very well-behaved girl. She adores Lathander and takes his teachings of youth, vitality and renewal very close to heart. At the same she possesses a bit strange fascination for dark creepy legends about ghosts, ancient curses and other stuff like that. Being a sorcerer Kira has problems coping with her magical powers and spends much time learning to control them. With varying degrees of success.
Ever since she was a child Kira heard many stories about Hrothgar from her father, and this famous adventurer quickly became her hero. No wonder that she wanted to take part in his expedition to Kuldahar, even though Hrothgar himself didn't like the idea of endangering his good friend's daughter. Of course this also leads to another question: how could a person like Miss Starwind end up in Easthaven in the first place?
Part 2, dedicated to "evil" chars - Shinala and Kastor - will be made soon.
Thank you.
well if you have not played the iwd npc project you could always play that until this is done.
Thank you very much too! It means a lot to me that people are interested in what I'm working on.
Also, like Megamike15 said there is IWD NPC Project which adds 5 joinable companions. There is also Dusky NPC, and Turald NPC is fully playable as well. In other words, there are 7 joinable NPC for IWD exist at the moment.