EET: Fighter Druid - Barbarian Druid?

I want to do a full trilogy run with a Druid that can hold his own in melee. With the ridiculous XP progression to get to level 15 Druid the Fighter/Druid is no bueno. I’d rather dualmclass. I was thinking of dialing at 7 so I can play F/D in BG and the rest of the series instead of 9 or 13 and having to wait until BG2.
Anyhow, one of the mods allows for expanded dual class options for the Barbarian. I have never played as a Barbarian. Anybody try a Barbarian Druid? How would it compare to Berserker or Kansas Druid? Advantages? Disadvantages? Thoughts?
Anyhow, one of the mods allows for expanded dual class options for the Barbarian. I have never played as a Barbarian. Anybody try a Barbarian Druid? How would it compare to Berserker or Kansas Druid? Advantages? Disadvantages? Thoughts?
Barbarian/druid is a fine combination. It even makes sense in a wilderness sort of way (more so than Kensai or Berserker duals). Think of the hitpoints too!