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MegaMod 3.15: Mazzy Romance, Clara NPC, Darkside Anomen, Flying Aerie, For The Evil, & more! (DONE)



  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    Ratatoskr wrote: »

    To answer your question, that's correct. AllThingsMazzy should be installed before the NPC flirtpack and any other mod with player initiated dialogues.

    I am coming back to the "PIDs Problem"because i need some clarification to be sure i am understanding correctly. I do have few questions:

    1/ When you say "any other mod with player intiated dialogues", it only concerns mods that add PIDs for existing NPCs ? (so no potential problem at installing mods that add PIDs for new NPCs BEFORE ATM ?)

    2/Minimize the risk of dialogue loops (with or without ATM). While preparing an install order, should i check which mods add PIDs to existing NPCs, Remove some of them, and for the rest, to move them at the end of the New NPC / NPC continuations.

    3/ Should i install ATM between the New NPC section and the NPC continuation section (romance/flirt/expansions for bioware NPCs) ?

  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750

    1) If it's a new NPC that AllThingsMazzy has zero content for, then it shouldn't matter whether you install it before or after ATM. Our code won't be interacting at all.

    2) Pretty much yes. Not all PIDs will cause issues and ATM should actually be fairly indestructible by now. We always installed ATM last for testing and fixed every dialogue loop we hit. However, there may be ones we missed and I can't make any guarantees for other mods, so it doesn't hurt to put PID mods last.

    3) That should work. ATM's interactions with other romances are all based off scripts, so they should trigger even if ATM is installed first. And installing the other romances/flirtpacks later would help avoid potential issues with PIDs.

    The one part that might not work right is the "no duplicate epilogues" component of ATM. I believe it should still stop other epilogues from triggering if installed before other mod romances for existing NPCs, but I can't 100% guarantee it. I'd actually be interested to know what happens either way.

    The "List of Mods with crossmod content" text file has a fairly in depth list of what needs to be installed before ATM to get the full crossmod experience.

    However, please note that it's actually Back to Brynnlaw not Brynnshaw and NPC Strongholds needs to be installed before ATM as well. Otherwise there's a compatibility issue that can break the Mazzy romance quest. That note will be added to the file next time we do an update.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    With ATM at least, PIDs really shouldn't cause major issues at this point due to how we weighted our dialogues.

    So it's mostly just something to be aware of when installing a lot of mods.
  • JarlyJarly Member Posts: 9
    Good day.
    Firstly, big thanks for this mod. Looks very impressive.
    Secondly, couple of questions about compatibility with Imoen Romance.
    1. Is there any Imoen epilogue in this Megamod that potentially could overwrite her epilogue from IR if I'll install "Do NOT allow duplicate TOB epilogues" component?
    2. Is Imoen-Mazzy fling still going to happen if charname "kinda started" romance with Imoen? As I understand it, there is no actual romance before Spellhold (aside of dreams), so I'm afraid that Mazzy could try to steal Imoen. Maybe I could to turn off this option completely somehow?
    3. This time not about IR. I want to change Bodhi portrait after mod installation. But I'm not sure in which directory I should look for the file. Could you give me a cue?
  • JarlyJarly Member Posts: 9
    And one more question.
    4. Who has more content with Bodhi -- Clara or Hexxat?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Jarly you're very welcome. To answer your questions.

    1. No, we don't actually have a replacement Imoen epilogue. Just options for Anomen, Minsc, Neera, Aerie, Viconia, Mazzy, Jaheira, Wilson, Dorn and HaerDalis depending on what you do.

    2. It will still start, but there's an early talk with Imoen where you can tell her not to and turn it off. The Imoen/Mazzy content also doesn't automatically stop the Imoen Romance from moving forward.

    3. Bodhi's portrait is in AllThingsMazzy/Bodhi/copy. If you put a different file in there with the same name before installing, it should use that instead.

    4. Bodhi doesn't have a ton on NPC content since she's more of an Easter egg. That said, she has 3 possible banters with Clara and 2 short dialogues with Hexxat, so I guess Clara has slightly more.
  • JarlyJarly Member Posts: 9
    @Ratatoskr Understood. Thanks for the answers.
  • JarlyJarly Member Posts: 9
    edited July 2022
    Nevermind. Thought I had some bug, but dealt with it eventually.
  • JarlyJarly Member Posts: 9
    Good day again.
    Question about Clara's quest.
    The 1st NPC quest will start once Aran is dead
    Does this mean this quest is available only if you side with vampires in ch3? Sorry, if this is silly thing to ask. I'm playing BG2 for the first time, you see.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited August 2022
    Jarly wrote: »
    Good day again.
    Question about Clara's quest.
    The 1st NPC quest will start once Aran is dead
    Does this mean this quest is available only if you side with vampires in ch3? Sorry, if this is silly thing to ask. I'm playing BG2 for the first time, you see.
    Even if you side with the Thieves you can still kill them in Chapter 6 when you no longer need them. So you can do any quests that require Aran dead then.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Jarly wrote: »
    And one more question.
    4. Who has more content with Bodhi -- Clara or Hexxat?
    One more note. Bodhi can use Hexxat's cloak that prevents her from burning during the day. So if you're planning on getting Bodhi (which you can near the end of Chapter 6) then life's much easier if you took Hexxat's cloak. You can either hold on to the cloak, or sell it to her in Chapter 3.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited August 2022
    Ratatoskr wrote: »

    4. Bodhi doesn't have a ton on NPC content since she's more of an Easter egg. That said, she has 3 possible banters with Clara and 2 short dialogues with Hexxat, so I guess Clara has slightly more.

    I'd say Bodhi-The-Elf in Throne of Bhaal is an Easter Egg. The Bodhi NPC in Shadows of Amn is developed about as fully as she possibly could be, with the exception of banters.
    She only has banters with Korgan, Edwin, and Clara. If I remember correctly she's also incompatible with every good NPC.
  • JarlyJarly Member Posts: 9
    Many thanks for clarifications.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    BCaesar wrote: »
    Jarly wrote: »
    And one more question.
    4. Who has more content with Bodhi -- Clara or Hexxat?
    One more note. Bodhi can use Hexxat's cloak that prevents her from burning during the day. So if you're planning on getting Bodhi (which you can near the end of Chapter 6) then life's much easier if you took Hexxat's cloak. You can either hold on to the cloak, or sell it to her in Chapter 3.
    An additional note, if you sell her Hexxat's cloak in chapter 3 she should have it if she joins you in chapter 6.
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    Is this mod compatible with the Wings mod? Namely the part about fixing Aerie's wings.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @BCaesar Do you remember that one? I know you're the one who actually looked at the various wing code options.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Mothor wrote: »
    Is this mod compatible with the Wings mod? Namely the part about fixing Aerie's wings.
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @BCaesar Do you remember that one? I know you're the one who actually looked at the various wing code options.

    I never played WINGS, but I remember someone saying that it's completely compatible, technology-wise. It's possible that some of the talks in WINGS won't make sense after she has actual wings, but that doesn't happen in our mod until ToB (and may take a bit depending on how you do it).
  • masteralephmasteraleph Member Posts: 277
    Is there a way to know when the SoA part of the romance is done? I'm more or less ready to go on to Suldanesselar but don't want to miss stuff or to mess up the ToB part by going too early.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited August 2022
    Is there a way to know when the SoA part of the romance is done? I'm more or less ready to go on to Suldanesselar but don't want to miss stuff or to mess up the ToB part by going too early.

    I think with the Mazzy stuff by the time you've gotten to the end of SoA you've seen all the SoA-specific talks. Almost the entire Mazzy romance or friendship is recurring talks that can be gotten in SoA or ToB. Some are ToB only, but I don't think any of the talks are SoA only (except for her quest that starts the romance, which is SoA only).
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @masteraleph other than the initial romance quest, BCaesar is right that most of the Mazzy talks will continue into TOB or happen automatically as you beat SOA.

    However, if you haven't gone back and talked to Mazzy's mother after finishing the romance quest, there are some SOA only dialogues that can happen there.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    If we play EET, can we still visit Ma Mazzy and talk with her in the ToB part?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Endarire Possibly but I've never played EET to test it so I can't say for sure.

    If I recall correctly, we did put in code to
    try making the mod EET compatible, but I'm not familiar with how EET actually works for TOB .
  • cddscdds Member Posts: 55
    edited August 2022
    Is it not possible to install only ATM and skip installing the other components? I understand that they can all be ignored or disabled in-game, but i have a big modlist and really want to avoid installing anything i don't use or need to avoid mod conflicts...

    Your core ATM component practically begs for splitting up into multiple components, especially because many of the included features have nothing to do with each other (i.e., why are Keeping Clara, Flying Aerie or Darkside Anomen part of a component for "All Things Mazzy"?)
    Post edited by cdds on
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    The main segment does all have to be installed and there's a couple reasons for it. It's mainly because we wrote this as one large mod with the assumption that if you had it installed, our globals, dialogue and Clara existed.

    Trying to untangle it and figure out which things would require install checks, which would play fine regardless and which pieces need to go with which install wasn't something we had the energy to tackle. At this point it would require more recoding than we're prepared to do.

    I can understand only wanting to install the parts you need but it's not going to change anytime soon. Probably ever to be honest. And if that makes you skip ATM, we get it.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    cdds wrote: »
    Is it not possible to install only ATM and skip installing the other components? I understand that they can all be ignored or disabled in-game, but i have a big modlist and really want to avoid installing anything i don't use or need to avoid mod conflicts...

    Your core ATM component practically begs for splitting up into multiple components, especially because many of the included features have nothing to do with each other (i.e., why are Keeping Clara, Flying Aerie or Darkside Anomen part of a component for "All Things Mazzy"?)

    We thought about it, both making different components and making it entirely different mods, but we found that for coding and testing it makes it far more difficult, and far more prone to having errors if we break everything into pieces. If we know everything is getting installed it makes the coding and testing much stronger and simpler. One of the reasons this mod has so few errors now is because it's (almost) all one install.

    Good news is by this point we've fixed about every possible mod conflict. I'm sure there's one or two that haven't been found yet, but the coding is pretty solid by now. So you should have fewer mod conflicts with this mod than most others despite its size.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Oh, and the latest update of the mod corrects some issues with the Russian translation. Currently only the one attached to the post and the 7zip version are updated, with the Google Drive to follow.
  • Ryz009Ryz009 Member Posts: 100
    Finally replaying BG2 and picking up Clara thanks so much for this mod again :smiley:
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Ryz009 wrote: »
    Finally replaying BG2 and picking up Clara thanks so much for this mod again :smiley:

    You're welcome!
  • Ryz009Ryz009 Member Posts: 100
    edited August 2022
    I do have one issue. I use the dorn romance mod which kind of *requires* him to lose his patron to make sense and if I try to talk to the vendor in an evil temple I can't use the shop it just cuts off D: Which is kind of annoying during Brynnlaw. Can I get like a dialogue option to no sell that or something?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Ryz009 Could you explain more about what you mean with the dialogue cutting off in an evil temple? Does it simply kick you out of the dialogue screen, or is there a Dorn/another character's line first? And if so, what line?

    I don't recall myself or @BCaesar coding anything that would permanently bar you from using evil temples. I believe there is dialogue with the Brynnlaw temple if he's lost his patron, but you should still be able to use the temple apart from that per our testing.
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