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MegaMod 3.15: Mazzy Romance, Clara NPC, Darkside Anomen, Flying Aerie, For The Evil, & more! (DONE)



  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Depending on how large scale the scripting is, something very easily could be broken. Most npc mods I've played so far on 2.6.6 have worked fine. As have class mods and small tweaks. I've had some broken quest stuff pop up though because of new scripting.

    When I get to BG2 I'll probably find out what/if anything is broken.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited September 2021
    Sigh. Why would they change the scripting?

    Whelp, this mod is like 50% scripts and 50% way too much dialogue, so I guess we'll find out. Neither of us really have the time these days for any large scale fixes though. Maybe we'll get lucky. Otherwise, this may become a mod for people with older versions for awhile.
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    I used the mod on 2.6.6 a couple of months ago and didn't notice any significant problems.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    "this may become a mod for people with older versions for awhile."

    That would suck, because there's no way to revert for the Beamdog version.

    As an example, a mod that lets you stay in BG1 after killing Sarevok was broken by a small change in 2.6. A single line added made everyone in the Duchal palace hostile after killing Sarevok. Its wasn't a big sweeping change, and its the biggest bug I've found so far. So any bugs that arise would hopefully be a simple fix.
  • AgashiAgashi Member Posts: 6
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @Agashi What do you mean by the force talk menu? Do you mean the one that starts with "Yes, CHARNAME? Is there something you wish to say?"

    That conversation is supposed to play automatically once every four days (+ 1 hour). That is game time so if you're doing a lot of traveling, it can pop up frequently. But if it's happening more often or replacing other talks, then that could be a bug. If it happens to trigger at the same time as another talk, you should just get both consecutively.

    Can you tell me what the global _bMazzyTalk is set to? It should be 2 when that talk is ready to trigger and then reset as soon as it plays.

    I can't think of any other talks that should trigger that by accident. Do you remember the last talk before this happened?

    I was confused. I made the assumption that conversation was her forcetalk menu (the menu that usually pops up whenever the player tries to initiate dialogue with mod NPCs) because her line about CHARNAME wanting to talk made me think it would only trigger when YOU tried to talk to her.

    If this is intended behavior, it might not be that anything's gone wrong. I have been travelling quite a bit.

    _BMAZZYTALK is currently 1

    Thanks so much for the swift response!
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited September 2021
    @ThacoBell If it's only things like that, then those shouldn't be too difficult to fix, it would just be a matter of actually updating my game and attaching things to the correct line again. The other comment made it sound like much more sweeping changes.

    That said, we do appreciate any and all bug reports you guys can give us. Detail make things much easier to fix, though it sounds like we're working okay on 2.66 so far. I do want to keep this mod compatible as long as possible since I know how much it sucks when things break.

    @Agashi It sounds like you're probably hitting the intended behavior and that global does look right. Our romance/friendship is oddly designed compared to the others because we didn't make it linear. Instead you get to pick what you talk about for the majority of the conversations, though some do play in certain areas.

    Mazzy's line there isn't actually a Player-Initiated Dialogue since those can break things with other mods sometimes. We just needed it to make the code work right. How it should work is that she asks you that every 4 days or so and the options you can pick from will increase as you do different things/decide to romance her, etc.

    If you ever run out of good things to talk about and want her to stop for awhile, you should have a "let's concentrate on our quest for now" option, which will stop it for about 2 weeks.
  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    On a scale from 1-10 how difficult is the combat? Original unmodded BG2 was the kind of game that you might struggle to beat if you make idiotic choices, and then there is stuff like the ascension mod or half of the mods from black wyrm lair which require an expert to beat.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited September 2021
    I think we added a grand total of 1-2 fights in this, so not terribly :grin:

    There's some more combat if you
    take over Ust Natha, but you can get the demon to help you with most of that. The hardest part there is probably that it makes you fight the silver dragon

    Outside of that, there is one fight at the end of Clara's last quest and that's more tricky than actually difficult in my opinion.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Hi, I'm just popping in once a month as I do, to thank Ratatoskr for answering everything.
    Agashi wrote: »
    Couple side notes: The writing across the board has been very good. Minsc and Neera are adorable, and the many interjections added throughout the game for Mazzy have been in-character and excellent. Also, I'm sad to report that while the Corthala Romantique mod appears to be compatible with this Megamod on a technical level, the writing does clash significantly. Both are good, but they each have a very different idea of who Valygar and Mazzy are as characters.

    Thanks! Compliments are always welcome. I loved Minsc-Neera. It's largely Neera's romance with Minsc playing the part of the main character, but it's one of my favorites.

    Yeah a lot of our characters have significant differences with other mods, even the ones we had and played through, though I never played the Corthala Romantique.
    lollers wrote: »
    So far I've only had Clara around enough to have much of an opinion: the writing is actually really quite good for all the characters. I do not know enough about writing to say if I think they resemble what the first writers like David Gaider may have written, but each NPC seems like their own person and I believe the mod authors managed to put themselves in the heads of the characters they were intending to write about. Which is just about the most essential thing to try and do in writing I believe.

    Thanks! Compliments are always welcome.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    lollers wrote: »
    On a scale from 1-10 how difficult is the combat? Original unmodded BG2 was the kind of game that you might struggle to beat if you make idiotic choices, and then there is stuff like the ascension mod or half of the mods from black wyrm lair which require an expert to beat.

    As Ratatoskr said, we didn't add much combat. Off the top of my head there's a single fight in one of Clara's quests. Oh and you can take the opposite side of some fights in "Viconia Rules Ust'Natha", but honestly it's easier than doing it the normal way.
  • SittingOnChairSittingOnChair Member Posts: 6
    I'm sorry if someone asked this already, but I just wanted to confirm before going through my playthrough with the mod. Would romancing any of the vanilla NPC along side Mazzy be impossible?
  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    Another question from me: is there a spoiler guide to any of the things in this mod? I want to know what to do with Anomen now that he has fallen, dealt with Cor, and expressed interest in the council of six.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    I'm sorry if someone asked this already, but I just wanted to confirm before going through my playthrough with the mod. Would romancing any of the vanilla NPC along side Mazzy be impossible?

    Ratatoskr would know the exact variables, so she can confirm or deny this, but I believe that there's a romance conflict with the vanilla NPC's only if that romance is set at 2 (which usually happens once you're officially a couple) before Mazzy's romance starts. Otherwise you're okay.
    lollers wrote: »
    Another question from me: is there a spoiler guide to any of the things in this mod? I want to know what to do with Anomen now that he has fallen, dealt with Cor, and expressed interest in the council of six.

    There isn't a spoiler guide. The guide is people just ask us in this thread. In your case the answer is:
    You need to open a spot on the council. One council member controls the Shadow Thieves. Kill them all and then wait some days and Terl should show up with another message. It might require Chapter 6, I don't remember.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited October 2021
    @SittingOnChair For the majority of the vanilla NPCs, you will have to choose if you're already in a committed romance with them when you start the Mazzy romance (the triggering global is 2 in any romance), though if you manage to start or finalize their romance after hers, she won't object then. She's also willing to share with
    Imoen, HaerDalis, and Knight Anomen.

    Our mod doesn't acknowledge the Valygar romance at all, so you could do both of those but they are not thematically compatible.

    @lollers We haven't written a spoiler guide to this mod and as far as I know, no one else has either. If you haven't yet, it sounds like the next thing that should matter with that Anomen arc is
    killing the head of the Shadow Thieves.
    Chapter 6 shouldn't be required.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Heh. We overlapped a bit :smile:
  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    Huh, I definitely know Anomen named a lot of people there but I'm not sure who and I don't believe I found a reminder in the journal. I'm supposed to go murdering in the Balthis estate, is that right? I think I should use the journal in the game to take notes from now on.
  • SittingOnChairSittingOnChair Member Posts: 6
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @SittingOnChair For the majority of the vanilla NPCs, you will have to choose if you're already in a committed romance with them when you start the Mazzy romance (the triggering global is 2 in any romance), though if you manage to start or finalize their romance after hers, she won't object then. She's also willing to share with
    Imoen, HaerDalis, and Knight Anomen.

    Our mod doesn't acknowledge the Valygar romance at all, so you could do both of those but they are not thematically compatible.

    @Ratatoskr So if I, hypothetically, temporarily change the vanilla npc's global to 1 when going through Mazzy's romance, would that break anything? Or worse, make me miss some of the mod contents related to that?

  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @lollers I'm fairly certain we didn't create a journal for that Anomen talk because it's not an official mod quest for you to complete. He and Clara would like for someone on the Council of Six to die, but they're busy adventuring with CN and don't realize that they can kill this person along the way. If you want to know, the person is
    Aran Linvail, the head of the Shadow Thieves who's down in the secret basement

    If you've already killed him and Terl hasn't shown up with another letter, there may be a bug. There's one or two more talks triggered off that Terl scene and then that's it until TOB where Clara and Anomen have a few new banters.

    @SittingOnChair I believe our romance only checks for a conflict at the very beginning when Mazzy asks what you want from her (mostly because it was really annoying to code). If you manually set any other romances to 1 before that talk and then change them back after, Mazzy shouldn't care. However, depending on the other romance, I can't guarantee that messing with the globals won't cause an issue. The Jaheira romance in particular tends to be very finicky.

    Also, do note that if you want to keep any active romances with people that Mazzy won't share with, you'll need to set any active romances with HaerDalis, Yoshimo (even then), and Anomen to 1 as well due to how our conflict check is coded. In order to keep the romances on the no-share list, you need to avoid the conflict trigger in that talk entirely.

    In case you're curious, these should be the only NPC romances that will trigger the conflict section of that talk: Nalia, Edwin, HaerDalis, Yoshimo, Keldorn, Aerie, Jaheira, Viconia, Neera, Rasaad, Dorn, Hexxat, Anomen (and Sarevok in TOB).

    And reading back over this, I remember why that conversation alone took me about a day to code :grin:
  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    edited October 2021
    Doesn't that mean Anomens component requires me to pick Bodhis side? I'm just quite anxious because I like what I've seen of this mod, and I'm wondering if I'm going to miss things. The last time Anomen had something to say was when he was talking about the identities of the council of six, and now I have all the chapter 2 quests done and still haven't picked a side to give my gold coin fee to. It seems like things are going to be vanilla regarding Anomen before chapter 6 though? There is no Clara in the group, and I apologize for not making that clear before.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited October 2021
    Are you romancing Anomen? That should be the only way to trigger that Council of Six Conversation without Clara. It should happen once you finish his romance quest (by taking the Dark Side). And the CN version only has 1 possible talk after that.

    Unless I've misunderstood where you are in the chain or am forgetting how our mod works (which is actually possible given how complicated the whole thing is). If you have a _bCNAnomenLove GLOBAL, that would tell me where you're at :)

    So you don't have to pick Bodhi's side. It's just that if you want to see the last conversation, that person needs to die at some point. You can do it in Chapter 7 if you want.
  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    If you have a _bCNAnomenLove GLOBAL,

    it is 9
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @lollers Okay, then you are where I think you are and my previous statement should be accurate :smile:
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited October 2021
    lollers wrote: »
    Doesn't that mean Anomens component requires me to pick Bodhis side? I'm just quite anxious because I like what I've seen of this mod, and I'm wondering if I'm going to miss things. The last time Anomen had something to say was when he was talking about the identities of the council of six, and now I have all the chapter 2 quests done and still haven't picked a side to give my gold coin fee to. It seems like things are going to be vanilla regarding Anomen before chapter 6 though? There is no Clara in the group, and I apologize for not making that clear before.

    Siding with the Thieves won't derail the last parts of your Darkside Anomen romance, it'll just delay them until you don't need the Shadow Thieves anymore, which is Chapter 6.

    If you side with Bodhi you can hang around town in Chapter 3 for a while after finishing all of Bodhi's quests until the next part of Anomen's romance triggers. But either way it should work.

    The part of the mod you can't see if you side with the Thieves is all the Bodhi NPC stuff, but a lot of that is incompatible with Mazzy anyways.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    edited October 2021
    First, the question. I noticed this has cross-mod support, so when would be best to install this? I presently have it after all of the NPC mods, but before the NPC tweaks, NPC flirts, and cross-mod for BG2.

    As a total aside, I was reviewing the installation logs and the portion for this mod is absolutely hilarious. Well done!
    Post edited by Maurvir on
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited October 2021
    @Maurvir That should be a fine place to put it.

    The main things that AllThingsMazzy needs to be installed after are any NPCs we coded dialogue/scripts for and NPC Strongholds for a compatibility fix. Our code for those won't be installed if the other mods aren't present. Some of the NPCs are called out in the setup file but not all of them because I've never gotten around to writing a list :smile:

    I think ATM should be okay to install before or after the other romance mods. Most of that crossmod content is coded purely from the globals. At worst you might get a duplicate epilogue or two.

    And thank you. We couldn't resist adding installation text for Weidu once we learned it was possible so it's nice to know at least once person enjoyed it other than us :grin:
  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    So I think the mod might have detected a conflict when it came time to complete the Ust Natha city the evil way with Viconia and the demon lord because it just kind of stood in the ritual room, potentially just to snack on the dragon eggs. Approched Adalon and nothing, tried talking but Adalon had nothing to say to me, tried killing and nothing from the demon. My speculation is that the their was a quest line waiting for Xan NPC at the underdark exit, and it along with killing all the elves might be mutually exclusive things?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Hmm, it's possible. I tested that code with Xan installed but I've never played through it with him in the party, so there may be some sort of conflict there.

    It's odd that it stalled in the ritual room though. Perhaps if someone else interjected in the same spot and changed the line numbers, ours could have broken. But I'm not sure how we'd go about tracking that glitch down since we haven't run into it ourselves.

    Thoughts @BCaesar ?
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    lollers wrote: »
    So I think the mod might have detected a conflict when it came time to complete the Ust Natha city the evil way with Viconia and the demon lord because it just kind of stood in the ritual room, potentially just to snack on the dragon eggs. Approched Adalon and nothing, tried talking but Adalon had nothing to say to me, tried killing and nothing from the demon. My speculation is that the their was a quest line waiting for Xan NPC at the underdark exit, and it along with killing all the elves might be mutually exclusive things?

    What was the last dialogue line that worked before it broke with the demon in the ritual room? I can look through it and see if there's anything that looks like it could cause problems in the code.

    Also who was in your party?
  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    Okay, but it is at least partially not broken, because it ended with the end dialogue button, journaal entry and reputation loss. The last thing said by the demon lord was **I can feel the pull of their mother. I will go to her. Try to keep up false darklings**

    Tried removing Xan from the group this attempt to no avail. Also had darkside Anomen, Dorn, Haer'Dalis and of course Viconia. I've mucked around with Haer a bit in EEKeeper turning him into a sorcerer, and Viconia into a fighter/mage/thief multi, I just wanted to point that out for completeness sake but I don't have high hopes that this is the key to the issue.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited October 2021
    lollers wrote: »
    Okay, but it is at least partially not broken, because it ended with the end dialogue button, journaal entry and reputation loss. The last thing said by the demon lord was **I can feel the pull of their mother. I will go to her. Try to keep up false darklings**

    Tried removing Xan from the group this attempt to no avail. Also had darkside Anomen, Dorn, Haer'Dalis and of course Viconia. I've mucked around with Haer a bit in EEKeeper turning him into a sorcerer, and Viconia into a fighter/mage/thief multi, I just wanted to point that out for completeness sake but I don't have high hopes that this is the key to the issue.

    Are you able to check globals? Can you see if Global("_bDemonWalks","GLOBAL",1) is set?

    What should happen next after that dialogue is if the Demon can detect at least one of your people and if Viconia is able to talk he should make a portal and teleport outside of the summoning chamber and begin walking to see the Dragon. You just stay with him throughout. If Viconia is dead or something like that you'd have to raise her and then go see the Demon, but once he sees you he should start his thing. Those are requirements throughout so if he's ever not doing anything you just need to have Viconia able to talk and make sure the demon can detect you.

    The good news is there's nearly nothing that involves other NPC's and it's coded that even if other stuff happens from other mods it shouldn't break it. So the problem is relatively narrow, we just have to find it. The only way I could see another mod breaking it is if they replaced the Demon with a new unit or changed its scriptname.
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