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MegaMod 3.15: Mazzy Romance, Clara NPC, Darkside Anomen, Flying Aerie, For The Evil, & more! (DONE)



  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    BCaesar wrote: »

    I'll fix it in the current version of the mod I'm working on, and then I'm so close to being done I'll just try to code these last few Jaheira-Wilson ToB talks in the next couple of days and we can post the final version.

    Final except for all the inevitable bug fixes, of course ?
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Are you still adding crossmod compatibility with Saradas from Saradas Magic II, Sandrah, and others?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Endarire There will be some crossmod TOB banters with Saradas in the next version. I don't know who Sandrah is, so no to that one, and the other crossmod content is already present. No banters, but there are a few Easter eggs and some additions in ForTheEvil and the ClaraQuest for the NPCs I happened to have installed.

    If there's any other NPCs people really want content for, all I can say right now is maybe. No one else has asked, though people are welcome to write their own crossmod Clara content as long as they fit her style.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    I mentioned Sandrah of the Sandrah Saga. I thought there was discussion about this earlier. (I'm not asking because I specifically want to see it. I'm not against it. I was merely curious about its presence.)

    What about AionZ's Aura the Artificer? She's been BG1 only so far, but BG2 we expect to happen sometime.

    What about BG1NPCs (Baldur's Gate 1 NPCs in BG2)?

    What about Evandra?

    Ajantis for BGII?

    Auren Aseph?

    Beaurin Legacy?

    Gavin for BG2?

    Grey the Dog?


    Tyris Flare?

    Crossmod Banter Pack?

    (Infinity Engine NPC mods haven't been my focus nor forte: I've normally rather made my party and used hirelings sparingly. Saradas, Evandra, Tyris Flare, Grey the Dog, Aura, and BG1 NPCs are probably the most likely NPCs I'd use for crossmod banter with this mod.)

  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    I don't recall any discussion about Sandrah. That's not an NPC I know.

    Of the others, most of the original BG1 NPCs including Ajantis, plus Gavin and Tyris have some content already. However only Saradas has banters. I've never actually played a game with most of these characters, so we don't really have the knowledge to write banters for them.

    I'm mostly inclined to just finish the mod as is, and wait on any more crossmod talks if the authors of those mods are interested. It's easy to accidentally take an NPC in a direction they didn't expect. Maybe I'll get inspiration someday if I actually play through the added NPCs. I haven't played BG2 except for testing in years.
  • masteralephmasteraleph Member Posts: 277
    The only discussion around here about Sandrah is usually both about how terrible and terribly intrusive the (N)PC is and how Roxanne steals other people’s work without permission.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited June 2021
    It is completed; the final version of this mod (not counting later bug fixes). I'm going to run a few more tests this weekend and then send it to Ratatoskr for posting.

    Hah. It is amazing to be typing that.
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 342
    Thanks for your wonderful mod!
    I also wanted to ask if there are any plans to add more dialogues for Bodhi NPC, or is this version of the mod already final?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    We don't currently have plans to add more dialogues for Bodhi right now. She's more of an Easter Egg than a full fledged NPC.

    Of course, that could always change if @BCaesar gets reinspired at some point. But probably not before a long break at minimum.
  • Ryz009Ryz009 Member Posts: 100
    Glad to see this mod is still going well! Time for me to reinstall :D
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Ryz009 I should actually be posting the 'final' version later, if you want to wait until then
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @BCaesar Posted!!!

    So, the (hopefully) final version of AllThingsMazzy is posted, though I imagine we'll still have bug reports periodically that need to be fixed. For those who care, here is the changelog:
    Changes: 3.00

    Main Mod: All Things Mazzy
    1. Fixed a line that wasn't re-written in Mazzy-Imoen.
    2. Added a Wilson line to the Mazzy Shade-Lord scene.
    3. Fixed a line of dialogue in the recurring talk (about half-ogres) that should've only triggered if romance active.

    Main Mod: Clara
    1. Fixed a bug in the 2nd Clara quest.
    2. Added two more books to the 1st Clara quest
    3. Added crossmod banters with Saradas TOB
    4. Added one more Edwina banter to TOB in case of mods

    Main Mod: Jaheira & Wilson
    1. Fixed a bug so that Wilson's interjection into Jaheira's final dialogue with Terminsal actually happens.
    2. Fixed a bug so that Wilson-Jaheira's dialogue in Suldanessellar happens instead of breaking the game.
    3. Fixed a bug so that Jaheira-Wilson's final romance global sets properly.
    4. Added an interjection in SoA so Jaheira won't permanently leave your party in the endgame if Wilson is romancing her. She will go to the forest by the abandoned amphitheater.
    5. Added in ToB dialogues and epilogues (26+ talks from SoA if you haven't gotten them already, along with a wraith scene and six other ToB-only talks).

    Main Mod: Aerie's Wings
    1. Fixed a bug where if you got all of Aerie's dialogues about trying to regenerate her wings in SoA it broke the game.

    Main Mod: Misc.
    1. Added an option to send Wilson to the forest by the abandoned amphitheater if you remove him from your party.
    2. Added translation files for our quirky Weidu setup notes.

    Thank you to everyone who has stuck with us for these long 4 years :)
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    We're at v3! Alleluia!

    You mentioned adding crossmod dialog with Saradas but I didn't see that in the change log. Where is it?

  • CalemyrCalemyr Member Posts: 238
    edited June 2021
    So just as soon as I break down for another run of BG2, and spend 10 hours playing through v2.86, you release the final release of your mod, eh? Fine, I can work with that. A couple questions, however:

    1) Clara's growth system is cool. She ends up feeling a bit like the kid sister of the group, someone everyone (good and evil alike) look out for. Is there, however, a list anywhere detailing the bonuses she gets from various characters? Largely because I'm curious and partly because I'm a completionist who does like the idea of Clara becoming her most complete self.

    What I've got so far:
    Aerie: Animal Empathy
    Dorn: Poison Weapon
    Edwin: Shadow Door
    Jan: Some Clara-fitted Jansenwear gear.
    Rasaad: +1 Dex
    Viconia: Poison Arrow
    Yoshimo: +1 Katana

    Didn't seem to get anything out of Cernd, Wilson, or Valygar, don't remember anything from Jaheira or Minsc.

    2) While Clara is very interesting in writing and mechanics, her lack of voice acting is still an extremely offputting aspect to her. Not for dialogue, mind, just for the day-to-day, point-and-click bit of the game. Is there any way to let her use the new Elyse voiceset that was added in a recent patch? Or anything, really? Hell, I'll settle for Melincamp's clucking at this point. Missing that one little bit of feedback is like a black hole for my focus.

    3) I tried out the Mazzy romance once a while back and I was planning to do it again on my 2.86 3.0 run, but one bit I remembered from last time was a quick bit of dialogue where she mentioned she open to bringing someone else into the relationship. I was curious if that was something you actually implemented, but couldn't find anything in the documentation regarding it.

    4) My current run (which I'm now rebuilding) is intended to be MC, Imoen, Mazzy, Anomen, and Clara, with the final slot still undecided. Using your mod as the focal point I'm building this one off of, are there any particular characters you'd suggest to get the most (story/banter-wise) from this combo?
  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 926
    This is a wonderful mod -- thanks so much for all your work on it! I'll post some comments once I finish up my current run (I'm currently halfway through ToB).

    One thing I thought I'd mention: I declined to take Clara into my party this time because she is "silent." I was wondering if there might be some way to assign her one of the default BG2 "voices" so that she says something when you click on her? Just a thought.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Endarire It's in the changelog under the Clara section.

    @Calemyr, to answer things in order:
    1. We have not made a complete list, though you could make one by going through the Banter dialogue file. The short answer is that every single banter gives her something except for those involving the Anomen romance and the first banter for each NPC. The bonuses range from thief skill bonuses to stats, saves, special abilities, and weapon proficiencies, so some are more obvious than others.

    2. The problem with using other voice sets is that the dialogue doesn't match what we've written/imagine for Clara and we have yet to find a set that does. I am not familiar with the Elyse voice set since I haven't been tracking patch changes in detail, but I'm afraid it's unlikely to happen. The best I can recommend is to make sure that you have subtitles turned on, so you can see Clara's comments in the text box. She does actually have a line for every situation, but while we added sound effects for some as appropriate, we don't have a generic sound that fits the rest.

    3. If you ask, and have the right people in your party, it's possible. We didn't document every single dialogue option in the romance, because there are far too many to list in detail.

    4. For the most extra dialogues, you might add Aerie for her whole quest. Or just cycle through the other NPCs for banters/etc.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Thrasymachus Same as I said to Calemyr, Clara does not have a voice set installed. However, if you turn on subtitles, she does in fact have lines for all the standard situations.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    When we started this neither of us knew how to code or mod anything, so this has been a learning experience. I highly recommend anyone who's thinking "I'd love if someone modded the game to do this...," to set about creating their own mod and doing it yourself. There's a steep learning curve in the beginning but it's fun. I'm really glad I did it, even though I may never do it again, just based on how time consuming it is.

    I think for my next impossible project (so named because when I start them I have no idea what I'm doing and eventual success seems so far away and daunting as to feel impossible) I'm going to write a fantasy novel. Because why not? I've been reading up a storm researching it and I'm enjoying myself immensely.

    Random trivia:
    - While I like everything we did, my favorite project to play through is Minsc-Neera-Boo. I've done it several times now while testing random stuff and I enjoy it every time.

    - The coding I'm most proud of is Viconia-Rules-Ust'Natha (requires Viconia, of course), and Viconia's Peace (which requires Viconia and Clara in chapter 6), both of which require For-The-Evil installed. Getting both of those (hopefully) bug-free took ages.

    - Jan's dialogues are my favorite. I find him hard to write for, it requires inspiration, but I love everything we did for him. Probably no one will ever see the Jan-Neera banter that can happen after all of the Clara-Neera banters, but it makes me smile every time.

    - My favorite single part of the mod is still Clara's line to Aerie, "Shh, I'm communing with your god," in their banter. This line was written by Ratatoskr (and I'm jealous).

    As to the questions:
    Austin87 wrote: »
    Thanks for your wonderful mod!
    I also wanted to ask if there are any plans to add more dialogues for Bodhi NPC, or is this version of the mod already final?

    Bodhi NPC probably won't see any more dialogues ever. She's got a lot in SoA (all crammed into chapter 6 and 7) and no one is that talkative in ToB. The only thing with Bodhi I could ever see myself doing on a whim is an astoundingly evil Bodhi-the-Elf romance because she amuses me (if you turn Bodhi back into an Elf at the end of SoA), and I left the option open based on the existing dialogues with Bodhi (I actually blocked out the basics of the romance, but never wrote it up). But odds are I'll never do it. At the moment the only ToB dialogue Bodhi-The-Elf has is the long one when you first get her into your party in ToB.
    This is a wonderful mod -- thanks so much for all your work on it! I'll post some comments once I finish up my current run (I'm currently halfway through ToB).

    One thing I thought I'd mention: I declined to take Clara into my party this time because she is "silent." I was wondering if there might be some way to assign her one of the default BG2 "voices" so that she says something when you click on her? Just a thought.
    Calemyr wrote: »
    So just as soon as I break down for another run of BG2, and spend 10 hours playing through v2.86, you release the final release of your mod, eh? Fine, I can work with that. A couple questions, however:

    1) Clara's growth system is cool. She ends up feeling a bit like the kid sister of the group, someone everyone (good and evil alike) look out for. Is there, however, a list anywhere detailing the bonuses she gets from various characters? Largely because I'm curious and partly because I'm a completionist who does like the idea of Clara becoming her most complete self.

    2) While Clara is very interesting in writing and mechanics, her lack of voice acting is still an extremely offputting aspect to her. Not for dialogue, mind, just for the day-to-day, point-and-click bit of the game. Is there any way to let her use the new Elyse voiceset that was added in a recent patch? Or anything, really? Hell, I'll settle for Melincamp's clucking at this point. Missing that one little bit of feedback is like a black hole for my focus.

    As Ratatoskr said, we were never able to find voices we really liked. We considered Skie Silvershield from BG1, since Clara is imitating exactly that sort of person, except that Skie is just too Skie-like. Other than that Elyse isn't horrible. FEMALE 2 might work. I'll have to think about it. Adding sounds that already exist in BG2 to her lines wouldn't take very long.

    As for Clara's banter bonuses she should get something from every one of her second+ banters with each game NPC. Often what she gets is listed in the chat box at the end of the banter, like "Gained ability: Exploding Trap." A few things (like bonuses to thief skills, I think) aren't listed in the chat box, but she still gets them.
  • energisedcamelenergisedcamel Member Posts: 110
    Regarding Clara being unvoiced, I have a load of soundsets I once originally planned on making a mod of. I don't know if you're familiar with Dragon Age: Origins, but the game comes with 6 sets of PC voices for both male and female (x 3 for elf, dwarf and human), in addition to a bunch of origin companions that only appear at the start of the game/DLC, but all have unique voices.

    I've already named and selected the relevant files to fit with BG (no reference to darkspawn or paragons, etc.), so let me know if you might be interested in using one of them and I'd be happy to share! (There's a chance I didn't do ALL of them, but I know I did most of the PC voices)

  • CalemyrCalemyr Member Posts: 238
    I'll be honest, the unvoiced thing is the only thing that keeps her from being in my personal list top tier mod NPCs. There are a few things that just utterly kill it for me: no TOB content (assuming no SOA-included reason for it's absence), bad writing, and no voicing. It just makes the character feel incomplete and destroys the verisimilitude (a good word I have to find excuses to use more often) of the story. For Clara, from what I've seen (still Chapter 2), she's worth it even without the voice but it's still this sliver in my experience I can't help but notice.

    Honestly, I don't care if it's official or a cheap tack-on mod to just give her a voice. I used to remember a voiceset mod that had a character script you could run that would modify any NPC on the fly to use that voiceset, complete with subtitles, but twenty years of modding makes it hard to keep track of everything I've tried, or I use that. It doesn't need to be perfect, it can be painfully basic, it just can't be so deafeningly absent.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    @energisedcamel It would be great if you could release those as a separate mod regardless. More soundsets in the BG format are always welcome.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @energisedcamel If you're willing to post or message them to us, we can take a listen and see if any might work.

    I'm in agreement with BCaesar that a couple of the Elyse ones are okay, but still not exactly what I'd prefer. If all else fails, we may be able to add some of those, assuming I can figure out what those sound files are actually called in game. (Pro Tip - it's not Elyse).
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited June 2021
    Regarding Clara being unvoiced, I have a load of soundsets I once originally planned on making a mod of. I don't know if you're familiar with Dragon Age: Origins, but the game comes with 6 sets of PC voices for both male and female (x 3 for elf, dwarf and human), in addition to a bunch of origin companions that only appear at the start of the game/DLC, but all have unique voices.

    I've already named and selected the relevant files to fit with BG (no reference to darkspawn or paragons, etc.), so let me know if you might be interested in using one of them and I'd be happy to share! (There's a chance I didn't do ALL of them, but I know I did most of the PC voices)

    Sure we'd love to look at them. It's even okay if they have parts that don't fit; I can always cut parts of a line out. I got pretty good at editing sounds for the Bodhi NPC, since most of her sounds that we used for her were part of longer voiced lines that I had to cut out.
  • energisedcamelenergisedcamel Member Posts: 110
    @BCaesar @Ratatoskr Cool. I'm gonna upload everything to a Google Drive (which I wanted to do anyway) and then I'll send you a message when the files are a bit more organised. I had a look last night and it seems I didn't do as many as I thought. I also have some of the PC soundsets from Pillars of Eternity almost ready (but not as wav files), in case any of them fit.

    @Isewein I'll definitely consider it! I have the tech skills of your average 95 year old, that's what stopped me before, especially with the new patch.
  • GraionDilachGraionDilach Member Posts: 603
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @energisedcamel If you're willing to post or message them to us, we can take a listen and see if any might work.

    I'm in agreement with BCaesar that a couple of the Elyse ones are okay, but still not exactly what I'd prefer. If all else fails, we may be able to add some of those, assuming I can figure out what those sound files are actually called in game. (Pro Tip - it's not Elyse).

    lang/en_US/bdtpeh* The EH part is a monogram of the voice actor/actress. I think some lines are part of PATCH26.bif though, look up the entries in dialog.tlk to find the BDXXXXX voices where relevant.

    Additionally, some of the fluff lines even differ between the games, so you should also look at BGEE and IWDEE for material.
  • CalemyrCalemyr Member Posts: 238
    edited July 2021
    Ran into a problem, hopefully you can give me the variable/value to kick this back into gear.
    Doing Mazzy's Order questline. Keldon agreed to sponsor her. Windspear has agreed to sponsor her as well, but the quest doesn't advance and I can ask for the sponsorship repeatedly until I'm blue in the face and he's happy to do it but simply won't.

    Also, I still have Keldorn in the party, but I'm hoping to swap him for Yoshimo so I can head to Spellhold sooner than later. Do I need to keep him until the quest is done, or is his sponsorship all I needed from him?

    Edit: Nevermind, it was a mod conflict. NPC strongholds allows Keldorn to take the Order as their personal stronghold, but that make the Prelate unable to converse about your quest.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Calemyr Out of curiosity, did that mod change the default Prelate line? If it did, I don't think we can fix that on our end unfortunately. Our quest should play off pretty much every Prelate line in the normal game.

    @GraionDilach Thanks. That'll help if we choose to use any of Elyse's lines.
  • CalemyrCalemyr Member Posts: 238
    @Ratatoskr Yeah. If Keldorn takes it as a stronghold, the Prelate greets him specifically and presumably grants him tasks as they crop up as he would for a PC paladin.

    It's a really cool mod, honestly. I've got Mazzy running the Keep and Aerie doing some light pastoral work out of the Temple of the Morning Lord when we're in the area. Coolest bit about it, though, is that the PC is kept out of it - the NPC makes the decisions according to their characters and the PC doesn't get to raise an opinion.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Yeah, I think I had it installed for awhile, but ran into conflicts with the "all strongholds" mod. I'd like to try it again sometime.

    However, like I thought, that isn't something we can fix for compatibility. There's no way for us to know what line the new Prelate greeting will be in each individual install. Which is too bad.
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 342
    edited July 2021
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    There's no way for us to know what line the new Prelate greeting will be in each individual install. Which is too bad.
    You can actually do this with the STATE_WHICH_SAYS command. Just for such cases, Jastey recently wrote an amazing instruction on how to add interaction with lines from another mod using this command, regardless of what number they have in the game (that is, you specify the desired line from the tra-file of another mod, and the command itself will determine the final line number):

    This instruction helped me a lot in order to add the cross-mod texts of the NPC from "BG1 NPCs in BG2" mod in the middle of the CHAIN blocks from the "Wilson Chronicles" mod. Without STATE_WHICH_SAYS command, it would have been impossible to do this.

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