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MegaMod 3.15: Mazzy Romance, Clara NPC, Darkside Anomen, Flying Aerie, For The Evil, & more! (DONE)



  • BallpointManBallpointMan Member Posts: 1,659
    This all looks wonderful, and I'm pretty excited to give the mod a try (I especially appreciate the thoughtfulness of some of the evil options!)

    I have a few quick questions (Which I'll put in spoilers in case that's a concern here)

    Regarding evil:

    1 - Sounds like Vampire Bodhi cannot be brought along with any good aligned characters. I'm guessing that includes Imoen (since she's Neutral Good) - but I just wanted to confirm: is that the case?

    2 - The option to make Bodhi an elven monk is very intriguing. Is it possible to get her to that state if I dont bring her along once I've fought her in the graveyard to get Imoen's soul back?

    (To put this in context - I understand the idea of good aligned characters not accepting Bodhi into the party when she's a vampire. So the natural way to fix that issue is to accept the deal that would let her become an Elven Monk. However, if the only way for her to become an elven monk is to bring her through all of chapter 7 in your party, then you're forced to play the final chapter, potentially without good aligned characters that have been in your party for the whole game. In this case, if I had the Imoen Romance mod installed, I miss the payoff of bringing her(Imoen) to fight Irenicus because I'm also interested in the Bodhi content. Is that more or less how it plays out?).

    3 - An earlier patch note had the Bodhi content as "bare bones". It seems like the more recent releases have fleshed her out. Is she more or less finished? Or is there still more content there planned?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    skusha wrote: »
    @Ratatoskr Hi, any news about a future (maybe) final update? :)

    Still in progress, no ETA. But BCaesar is making good progress on the evil Clara-Viconia quest and I'm currently testing my last batch of coding.

    @BallpointMan You might wait to see if BCaesar has more details since he did most of the Bodhi coding, but I think these are the answers to your questions.
    1. Imoen and Vampire Bodhi are incompatible because Bodhi has Imoen's soul, not necessarily because of alignment :) . So you won't be able to have both of them in your party. If you've been romancing Imoen for most of the game, I wouldn't suggest getting Bodhi.
    2. You will need to bring Bodhi to the endgame in order to make her an elf again. Even when she's no longer a vampire, she's still evil and won't mesh with a good-aligned party. Making her an elf doesn't make her nice.
    3. Bodhi is mostly finished. I think BCaesar was working on some TOB content for Elf Bodhi, but I'll let him verify that.

  • IakusIakus Member Posts: 36
    I've been going through BG2 with this mod, and I gotta say I'm enjoying it. About to finish with Ust Natha and curious to see how a romance with Mazzy goes.

    Clara is proving to be an interesting character with all her interactions with the other party members.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    This all looks wonderful, and I'm pretty excited to give the mod a try (I especially appreciate the thoughtfulness of some of the evil options!)

    I have a few quick questions (Which I'll put in spoilers in case that's a concern here)

    Regarding evil:

    1 - Sounds like Vampire Bodhi cannot be brought along with any good aligned characters. I'm guessing that includes Imoen (since she's Neutral Good) - but I just wanted to confirm: is that the case?

    2 - The option to make Bodhi an elven monk is very intriguing. Is it possible to get her to that state if I dont bring her along once I've fought her in the graveyard to get Imoen's soul back?

    (To put this in context - I understand the idea of good aligned characters not accepting Bodhi into the party when she's a vampire. So the natural way to fix that issue is to accept the deal that would let her become an Elven Monk. However, if the only way for her to become an elven monk is to bring her through all of chapter 7 in your party, then you're forced to play the final chapter, potentially without good aligned characters that have been in your party for the whole game. In this case, if I had the Imoen Romance mod installed, I miss the payoff of bringing her(Imoen) to fight Irenicus because I'm also interested in the Bodhi content. Is that more or less how it plays out?).

    3 - An earlier patch note had the Bodhi content as "bare bones". It seems like the more recent releases have fleshed her out. Is she more or less finished? Or is there still more content there planned?

    Hi @BallpointMan I think Ratatoskr did a pretty good job of answering these but I'll give them a whirl too.
    1. To get Bodhi in chapter 6 of SoA you have to be okay with her keeping Imoen's soul. Imoen, the rest of the good NPC's, and the druids aren't okay with that (we chose those people since those are all the people who object to the most evil actions in BG2).

    2. At the moment the only way to get Elf Bodhi is to save the Elf city (beat SoA) with her in your party. You have the option of accepting her Elvenness and soul as a reward. And none of the good characters or druids will travel with Bodhi, so you have to make a choice.

    Once she becomes an elf then Imoen's soul is released back to Imoen (assuming she's alive) and the only characters who object to traveling with Bodhi are the paladin-types: Keldorn, Mazzy, and Anomen if he's still with the Order.

    3. Bodhi is completely finished for SoA, other than we may still add some banters later if we think of them. She's functional for ToB though is currently light on the banters and missing an epilogue, but she's low priority at the moment so I wouldn't wait around for it.
    Iakus wrote: »
    I've been going through BG2 with this mod, and I gotta say I'm enjoying it. About to finish with Ust Natha and curious to see how a romance with Mazzy goes.

    Clara is proving to be an interesting character with all her interactions with the other party members.

    Don't thank us yet, there's still time for you to come around and hate it :D .

    For an update here it is:
    - The Viconia-Clara evil quest, "Viconia's Peace", is almost entirely coded and tested. We're going to test a little more and edit the dialogue some. We've just been busy and/or lazy.

    - The Dorn-Haer'Dalis romance is also almost entirely coded and tested. See above comment about business and laziness.

    The next release will include both those items, along with all the other usual bug fixes, additional interjections, etc.

    After that release the next priorities are:
    - Jaheira-Wilson romance, which is mostly written and edited but not coded yet.

    - Mazzy re-write, which is again mostly written (and we basically liked over 90% of what we did with Mazzy and left it unchanged, so we're really only talking about fewer than 10% of the lines). We haven't coded that yet.

    Our hope is to finish both of those together and make that the following release.

    At that point we'll be basically done. There's a few more ideas bouncing around in our heads, but we'll see if any actually make it to the coding process. I don't want to promise anything that will likely not be delivered anytime soon.
  • IakusIakus Member Posts: 36
    BCaesar wrote: »

    Don't thank us yet, there's still time for you to come around and hate it :D .

    coding process. I don't want to promise anything that will likely not be delivered anytime soon.

    Okay, I just found out what courting Mazzy entails...WOW!
  • BallpointManBallpointMan Member Posts: 1,659
    edited February 2021
    Okay - thanks for answering those questions for me! It's unfortunate in that I have a (maybe bad) tendency to keep a mixed set of alignments in my group since some of the characters are more enjoyable than others for me - but everything you've said seems eminently reasonable for why certain characters will or will not travel with you.

    I'll just have to keep that in mind.

    Edit - Oh! And thanks for all the hard work making content for the community!
  • skushaskusha Member Posts: 139
    BCaesar wrote: »
    There's a few more ideas bouncing around in our heads...
    I hope that in these few more ideas there will be a full-fledged romance between Clara and the protagonist, and maybe some content for Jan :)

  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    skusha wrote: »
    BCaesar wrote: »
    There's a few more ideas bouncing around in our heads...
    I hope that in these few more ideas there will be a full-fledged romance between Clara and the protagonist, and maybe some content for Jan :)

    I love Jan, but Planescape:Torment calls me. We're going to finish up the current update (which has gotten rather large) and then finish off the rest and call it good (except of course for reported bugs and typo fixing).
  • IakusIakus Member Posts: 36
    Okay, I don't normally ask for spoilers, but at the final battle in Throne of Bhaal, and I'm having a serious WTF moment...
    I'm confronting Melissan. I have the Ascension mod loaded, so she gains control of Imoen who turns into a Slayer. Okay. She ressurects Irenicus and Bodhi, I speak with them. FIghting commences, as expected.

    And then... Mazzy yells "For Avoreen!" leaves the group, and turns hostile! Sarevok yells at her that she's stupid to think she can kill me when he himself had already failed. Viconia says she can't choose between us and to fight it out and I can no longer give her orders. Clara just hides and is likewise uncontrolable.

    So now it's just me and Sarevok (and Balthazar) against Irenicus, his simulacrum, Bodhi, a Fallen Solar Imoen-Slayer, and a love-interest-turned deadly enemy Mazzy.

    Is this supposed to happen? Did I screw something up? Is this some weird conflict or other interaction with the Ascension mod?
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited March 2021
    Iakus wrote: »
    Okay, I don't normally ask for spoilers, but at the final battle in Throne of Bhaal, and I'm having a serious WTF moment...
    I'm confronting Melissan. I have the Ascension mod loaded, so she gains control of Imoen who turns into a Slayer. Okay. She ressurects Irenicus and Bodhi, I speak with them. FIghting commences, as expected.

    And then... Mazzy yells "For Avoreen!" leaves the group, and turns hostile! Sarevok yells at her that she's stupid to think she can kill me when he himself had already failed. Viconia says she can't choose between us and to fight it out and I can no longer give her orders. Clara just hides and is likewise uncontrolable.

    So now it's just me and Sarevok (and Balthazar) against Irenicus, his simulacrum, Bodhi, a Fallen Solar Imoen-Slayer, and a love-interest-turned deadly enemy Mazzy.

    Is this supposed to happen? Did I screw something up? Is this some weird conflict or other interaction with the Ascension mod?

    Did Mazzy go hostile when Imoen was no longer in your party and you attacked her (since Imoen was controlled by Melissan)? I bet there's code that makes Mazzy attack you if Imoen attacks you. We could get rid of it or put in a chapter exception. What chapter of the game is that?

    We're going to post a new mod version pretty soon. It's all written and coded, we're just doing some final bug testing, so I'll look through ForTheGood and see what's doing it. There aren't that many files. For now just uninstall the "ForTheGood" part of the mod and it shouldn't happen and you can beat the game and still have all the rest of the mod content (ForTheGood is almost entirely people attacking you for being evil; there's nearly no actual content in it).
    Post edited by BCaesar on
  • IakusIakus Member Posts: 36
    BCaesar wrote: »
    Iakus wrote: »
    Okay, I don't normally ask for spoilers, but at the final battle in Throne of Bhaal, and I'm having a serious WTF moment...
    I'm confronting Melissan. I have the Ascension mod loaded, so she gains control of Imoen who turns into a Slayer. Okay. She ressurects Irenicus and Bodhi, I speak with them. FIghting commences, as expected.

    And then... Mazzy yells "For Avoreen!" leaves the group, and turns hostile! Sarevok yells at her that she's stupid to think she can kill me when he himself had already failed. Viconia says she can't choose between us and to fight it out and I can no longer give her orders. Clara just hides and is likewise uncontrolable.

    So now it's just me and Sarevok (and Balthazar) against Irenicus, his simulacrum, Bodhi, a Fallen Solar Imoen-Slayer, and a love-interest-turned deadly enemy Mazzy.

    Is this supposed to happen? Did I screw something up? Is this some weird conflict or other interaction with the Ascension mod?

    Did Mazzy go hostile as soon as she gained control of Imoen and you attacked her? I bet there's code that makes Mazzy attack you if Imoen attacks you. We could get rid of it or put in a chapter exception. What chapter of the game is that?

    We're going to post a new mod version pretty soon. It's all written and coded, we're just doing some final bug testing, so I'll look through ForTheGood and see what's doing it. There aren't that many files. For now just uninstall the "ForTheGood" part of the mod and it shouldn't happen and you can beat the game and still have all the rest of the mod content (ForTheGood is almost entirely people attacking you for being evil; there's nearly no actual content in it).
    It's a few seconds after the fight starts. Imoen is no longer in the party and has assumed Slayer form. I deliberately do NOT attack her since if she survives this fight, she resumes human form and can rejoin the party (though I have found another bug where once she does, she leaves a few seconds later as if I told her to go). However, she will happily pound on my party in the meantime.

    I have removed the the sections of Ascension that change of these fights (except for Balthazar being redeemed) so no Irenicus, Bodhi, or Imoen changing. I am just fighting elementals and Slayer Shadows as before, and everything seems to be working normally now.

    I'm inclined to think it is either fighting Imoen as you said, or Bodhi that's doing it (she was in my pocket plane as a recruitable companion for some reason too, despite my already killing her back in Athkatla. I thought nothing of it at the time)

    I have to say, that up until this point, I have really been enjoying this mod though ;)
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited March 2021
    Iakus wrote: »
    Is this supposed to happen? Did I screw something up? Is this some weird conflict or other interaction with the Ascension mod?

    Okay I think I found it. It's this silly code here:
    IF	//Trigger for Mazzy joining Imoen2 if Imoen2 attacks CHARNAME.
    	RESPONSE #100

    It's meant to make Mazzy join you should you do something in game that causes Imoen to leave and attack you, but I bet it's being triggered in your case. Now perhaps there isn't anything in ToB that makes Imoen turn on you and not Mazzy, so we could just delete it. SoA really has most of the situations where someone leaves and attacks you, but if I remember correctly Imoen hardly ever does. She sticks with you no matter what.
  • IakusIakus Member Posts: 36
    Heck, I didn't even know Imoen could go hostile on you in the vanilla game, short of being charmed by an enemy!
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Iakus wrote: »
    Heck, I didn't even know Imoen could go hostile on you in the vanilla game, short of being charmed by an enemy!

    It's quite possible she can't. We have code in ForTheGood which makes Mazzy join any of the other good party members if they attack you, and Imoen was just one of them. But Imoen won't even leave if you have low rep or anything, so it might be that the only thing that code did all game was break Ascension :D .
  • skushaskusha Member Posts: 139
    @BCaesar, when will you finally please us with the long-awaited update? :)
  • terless7terless7 Member Posts: 2
    i dismissed clara, and now i can't find her, where is her default location, or a console command to summon her
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited March 2021
    @terless7 Depending on your game, Clara could be in a couple different places if you didn't tell her to wait.
    Try the second floor of the main thieves guild (upper left corner), the main floor of the Five Flagons inn (on the bridge), or if you've had Anomen in your party, she could also be in the main room of the Copper Coronet or Delryn Manor (in the government district). There was a glitch with the waiting timer that always sent her to the Copper Coronet after a certain point, but that should be fixed in the next version.

    @skusha It will probably go up in the next week or two. We're finishing some last testing on Clara's evil quest and I've got most of HaerDalis-Dorn tested already, though this might get released before I have a chance to play TOB. Those are the major parts of the next update, though as usually we've done a fair amount of bug fixing/interjections and the like as well.

    There will probably only be one major update after that, once we finish writing Clara's second non-evil quest and Jaheira-Wilson. Just as a reminder, we never intend to write a CN-Clara romance. If someone else ever writes on and we like it, we may add it as an optional component. But we have no intention of writing one ourselves. :)
  • skushaskusha Member Posts: 139
    @Ratatoskr, thanks for the news, it looks interesting, and it turns out that after all the next update will not be final. :)
    I also remember, @selflesshero expressing a desire to write a romance for Clara and the protagonist earlier.
  • terless7terless7 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2021
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @terless7 Depending on your game, Clara could be in a couple different places if you didn't tell her to wait.
    Try the second floor of the main thieves guild (upper left corner), the main floor of the Five Flagons inn (on the bridge), or if you've had Anomen in your party, she could also be in the main room of the Copper Coronet or Delryn Manor (in the government district). There was a glitch with the waiting timer that always sent her to the Copper Coronet after a certain point, but that should be fixed in the next version.

    thank you found here at the 5 flagons, lol convo with here as well, great job on her dialogue
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @skusha We remember. But we haven't heard from them for quite some time, so I wouldn't hold my breath. It may happen, but it's not something we're including in our calculations.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited March 2021
    New version posted. Complete changelog for anyone curious: @p_zombie325
    Main Mod: All Things Mazzy:
    1. Additional Interjections and an assortment of bug fixes.

    Main Mod: Dorn & Haerdalis
    1. A romance following the general path of Dorn's canon romance, though with plenty of detours along the way. About 24 talks (some specific to SOA/TOB or mutually exclusive), including a wraith scene and an Aerie conflict. Also includes epilogues and some changes to Dorn's leaving dialogue once the romance is active.
    2. Includes additions to Dorn's quest & romance interjections/options throughout.
    3. You will get the most content if they are committed before Spellhold, but it is not required.

    Main Mod: Clara
    1. Clara can now change her thief kit. To do so, reform your party and remove her to trigger the dialogue. You may do this as often as you like.
    2. Additional interjections, including Tree of Life talk.
    3. Added some crossmod compatibility for Clara's quests. Think of them as Easter Eggs.
    4. Hopefully fixed the Clara waiting timer so that it works properly.

    Main Mod: Misc.
    1. We had to add scriptnames to Bertrand, Rose, DHARLOT1, BPROST2, & Gereth to make certain quests work properly. To aid compatibility, we'd be happy to share our code with any other mod that also wants scriptnames for these NPCs.
    2. Added some code to make getting Wilson easier. Before you had to talk with him before releasing him, but most people didn't know that. Now he initiates dialogue with you automatically.
    3. A few additional options for Dorn's final SOA quest.
    4. Various bug fixes/corrections throughout the mod, as usual.

    For The Evil: Misc.
    1. Fixed an issue with our version of Malchor Harpell so it goes back to the default if you uninstall our mod after defeating him, instead of breaking your game.
    2. Clara-Viconia quest building off their banters. Triggers anytime post-Bodhi in chapters 6 or 7. Requires a couple of the Clara-Viconia banters to have triggered already. Includes new epilogues for Viconia.
    3. This quest includes some crossmod Easter Eggs, which will work best if ATM is installed after other NPC & expansion mods.

    For The Evil: Bodhi
    1. Added music to Bodhi's conversations.
    2. Additional interjections, including Tree of Life talk.
    3. Both versions of Bodhi now have TOB epilogues.

    For the Evil: Viconia and Sarevok
    1. Added Viconia's music to the conversations.

    For the Evil: Hexxat and Korgan
    1. Added Hexxat's music to the conversations. Also recoded some parts and changed a little dialogue.

    For the Evil: Hexxat and Viconia
    1. Fixed a bug where Viconia would accidentally kill Hexxat permanently and prevent her from coming back.

    For the Good: Misc
    1. Hopefully fixed a glitch w/ Ascension during the final TOB fight where Mazzy would attack you if Imoen became controlled by the enemy.
    Post edited by Ratatoskr on
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited March 2021
    terless7 wrote: »
    thank you found here at the 5 flagons, lol convo with here as well, great job on her dialogue

    Thanks! Compliments are always welcome.

    The new version is now posted, changelog is above! It's got a lot of moving parts so as always we welcome bug reports (we tested pretty thoroughly, but there's always more). If something seems like it's not working or has a typo or anything tell us. If you can point us in the generally right direction we can usually find it. The Clara-Viconia quest in Chapter 6/7 was especially complex; it's probably the most complicated thing we've done (though Viconia and Ust Natha was up there).

    After the current version there will be one major update to go before we can call this mod currently done. It will include:
    - Mazzy re-write/edit. We're almost done with the word files on that so I just need to code it. We'll include a non-romance version of her Kill-All-The-Thieves quest too.
    - Jaheira-Wilson Romance. This is also almost done being edited, so I'll code that too.
    - Extension of Clara Library quest. Ratatoskr's writing that right now.

    And then we'll be done! It'll be very exciting. The end is so close I can smell it.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited March 2021
    One note: There is no reason to play with anything but the latest mod version; the updated version of this mod is meant as an update to the game you are already playing. You can also install this mod for the first time mid-game even if you're already half-way through. Everything should still basically work.

    So to update the mod just uninstall it. Then delete the old AllThingsMazzy folder. Then copy in the new mod folder. Then reinstall it. And then you should be able to just keep playing with no bugs. If you get a bug let us know and we'll try to fix it. We often to small updates to fix bugs.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited March 2021
    Though I will add the caveat that if you installed a lot of other mods on top of AllThingsMazzy, uninstalling and reinstalling could cause some glitches in your game. If this one was last (or almost last), your odds are better.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Version 2.65 with Russian posted. This also includes a couple quick bug fixes, though they won't appear in the ReadMe until we post the next version.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    May we get this released to a GitHub repository, such as Gibberlings3? That way, it's more easily found by people wanting to find mods using Project Infinity. I made GitHub tutorials to facilitate this.

  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Endarire That's something we might consider once this mod is actually finished. We wanted one central place to update while it's still in progress.

    Speaking of which, I'm making good progress through TOB testing and adding more interjections. The next version will correct a number of bugs and typos, as well as minor nit-picks to just make things trigger better. Also wrote another Dorn-HD dialogue, because I just really enjoy them.

    Please continue to post about any bugs/typos that you find. If we haven't already corrected them, we can add them to the list.
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    Any news on how the update is coming along?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Mothor General mod update, coming along pretty well. I finished coding the second non evil Clara quest and was just testing it this last week. I think it's pretty much good to go.

    @BCaesar is plugging along on our final NPC romance and so once that's done, well probably go ahead and post the final version. Final except for any future bug reports/typos of course. It's always a balance between testing everything and getting it posted so y'all can play.

    So posted in the next month would be my guess.
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