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MegaMod 3.15: Mazzy Romance, Clara NPC, Darkside Anomen, Flying Aerie, For The Evil, & more! (DONE)



  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    ArthasII wrote: »
    All you described is almost what happened to me.

    My question now is:
    1) how are you supposed to know that you should go to Bodhi, if no one gives you the hint?

    2) And also, having allied with the dark elves has no effect on what happens later in Suldanesselar? Can't you kill Elhan anyway?

    Journal Entries! I'll put in journal entries to help show people what to do next. We had them already for the Viconia-House Jae'llat-Imrae quest, but I didn't have any entries after you summon the Demon.

    If I put in a series of entries that go from Viconia acquiring the aid of the demon all the way to the very end it'll be really clear what you're supposed to do next. We should've done it already, I was just being lazy.
    megamike15 wrote: »

    it was confirmed by bioware that haer'dalis is bi.

    Oh well that's convenient. Here we were just making stuff up :D .
  • skushaskusha Member Posts: 139
    @BCaesar, @Ratatoskr Thanks for the update, guys...the final release is getting closer! ;)
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited December 2020
    @Arthasil Okay thanks to you I went back and recoded it so that even if you leave mid-battle with the elves it still all works out. As long as you don't use cheats to teleport, that first part of chapter six will be unbreakable. I wrote up journal entries too which I'll put in there. So next release that'll be there.

    Until then though you can make things a little weird if you fight the elves in Chapter 6 but leave before you beat Elhan and go get the Rhynn Lanthorn before he talks to you about it (so make sure you wipe out your Elven enemies before you leave).

    The next release will still be a bit, since I'm only about half done with Bodhi NPC in SoA, and I want to get that to a good stopping place before she's released.
  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    Can I ask for more information about Clara? Never really played any of the beamdog NPCs for some reason. Hexxat seems to be the least liked of the BG2 new characters, and although I don't really know much about why I'm wondering if Clara is much different in personality?
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    lollers wrote: »
    Can I ask for more information about Clara? Never really played any of the beamdog NPCs for some reason. Hexxat seems to be the least liked of the BG2 new characters, and although I don't really know much about why I'm wondering if Clara is much different in personality?

    Clara did not really have one. she was just a thrall for hexxat that gets killed.

    so the mod's version of her is 100% fanmade.
  • Ryz009Ryz009 Member Posts: 100
    edited December 2020
    BCaesar wrote: »
    Ryz009 wrote: »

    Coding a what? Dorn and Haer'dalis?

    I can't even romance him a dude (Haer I mean lol) ;_; Dorn damn you my male Bhaalspawn loves you but he hates you too.

    Haha. That's because we didn't write the HD romance mod (though we appreciate it for what it is, in all its bodice-ripping glory).

    Update: I now have a fully working and tested SoA Bodhi NPC (including the scene and dialogue where she can join you in Chapter 6). Still a lot of stuff to add, but it's a good start. You only have the option of accepting her surrender if you worked for her in chapter 3 though.


    Damn you guys might get me to actually listen to Bodhi instead of instantly stabbing her. *toasts*
    megamike15 wrote: »

    it was confirmed by bioware that haer'dalis is bi.

    I know which is why I was so sad that the mod was f/m only.
    Post edited by Ryz009 on
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited December 2020
    lollers wrote: »
    Can I ask for more information about Clara? Never really played any of the beamdog NPCs for some reason. Hexxat seems to be the least liked of the BG2 new characters, and although I don't really know much about why I'm wondering if Clara is much different in personality?

    As megamike15 said, Clara only has one line of her own in BG2:EE. We got a little more of her story from talking to Hexxat, and the other 98% we made up. So personality-wise Clara is very different from Hexxat.

    Hexxat is a self-absorbed, demanding vampire who does nothing to please you and expects you to do whatever she asks. She's a basic thief.

    Clara is a con-woman who's just trying to survive in a big, dangerous and hostile world. She's probably as self-serving as Hexxat, but she at least pretends to be interested in being helpful and pleasing others. She's a thief, but uses the Shadow-Dancer kit. Her stats and other abilities also improve over time as she banters other people.

    Update: Writing and editing continues on existing projects. Bodhi fully works and is tested as a party member in SoA (and she's already in ToB), so we're now just adding in dialogues to make her fit into the Suldanessellar story. If you have her in your party and go to the Order of the Radiant Heart they'll attack you now too. I added in all the journal entries for the second Viconia in Ust Natha quest too (the Demon one).

    Coding-wise I just finished a small expansion of the Windspear Hills Quest (making the order go hostile if you don't get Garren's help) and I also made it so if you fight the Order at any time the elite Noble Order of the Radiant Heart Knights that Bioware made come and help (since bioware put all this work into making this Noble Order Knights party, but 99% of players never see them). We have a few different quests or options for attacking the Order in this mod now, so figured they could use some extra defenders.

    Without the mod if you anger the Order doing the Windspear Hills quest and don't ask for Garren Windspear's help the Order doesn't turn hostile at all, but if you wander around Amn there is a small chance that the afore-mentioned Noble Order of the Radiant Heart Knights appear and attack you. And at that point in the game they're really tough so likely they murder you.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Request: If Bodhi is in your party and you're attacked in the Radiant Heart HQ, add a dialog saying that the vampire (Bodhi) isn't welcome here so people know why they're being attacked. Preferably add a verbal warning with no aggro on the first time.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Endarire wrote: »
    Request: If Bodhi is in your party and you're attacked in the Radiant Heart HQ, add a dialog saying that the vampire (Bodhi) isn't welcome here so people know why they're being attacked. Preferably add a verbal warning with no aggro on the first time.

    I can definitely manage a line of dialogue (since there's already dialogue there when the Knights of the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart come), but there will be no warning shots.

    I'm just going to put that in the first thread post and the read-me: If you get Bodhi (and you have to basically sacrifice Imoen to do it) all of the good NPC's and the two druids will object. The Order and Drizzt will both attack you if they're there or any other time they see you. Bodhi gleefully hunts down and eats people every night and having her in your party makes you a horrible, rotten, evil person. (Yes, Hexxat also eats people, but she's at least discreet about it).
  • Ryz009Ryz009 Member Posts: 100
    If there's any warning system it should be Bodhi herself saying going in there is liable to end in a fight. But yeah the paladins themselves shouldn't give a warning lol.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Ryz009 wrote: »
    If there's any warning system it should be Bodhi herself saying going in there is liable to end in a fight. But yeah the paladins themselves shouldn't give a warning lol.

    We tried to put in a lot of warnings that you're going down a really evil path, on the same level as feeding the silver dragon eggs to the drow demon, killing the silver dragon to get her blood, or poisoning the druid grove (all of which cause the same NPC's to attack you in BG2:EE). Worst case you load :smile: .

    Unrelated to that I just loaded the oldest save I had on the way to testing something, and found out a few bugs. Not ones that affect any new game of course, but ones that were breaking my ancient game. So I put in a few redundancies to fix them (not things that'll affect anything for new games, but it'll make the older saves work again). So if you happen to have an older save with a Mazzy friendship and it doesn't work right on the newer versions that will be fixed on the next release.

    That my absolute oldest save from years ago now works on the latest version is pleasing to me.
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    Looking forward to the Bodhi content. There are too few evil female party members in the game.

    I wonder if a romance, a fling or some unhealthy bond based on Bodhi's lust for the PC's divine blood could be possible.

    I doubt Bodhi is capable of experiencing real love but Irenicus reaction due to seeing Bodhi switch sides due to being addicted to the smell of the PC's divine blood would be quite entertaining. :)

    And yeah, I doubt the paladins of the Radiant Heart would bother with warnings. They do not deal with such evil creatures with nothing but steel.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Mothor wrote: »
    Looking forward to the Bodhi content. There are too few evil female party members in the game.

    I wonder if a romance, a fling or some unhealthy bond based on Bodhi's lust for the PC's divine blood could be possible.

    I doubt Bodhi is capable of experiencing real love but Irenicus reaction due to seeing Bodhi switch sides due to being addicted to the smell of the PC's divine blood would be quite entertaining. :)

    And yeah, I doubt the paladins of the Radiant Heart would bother with warnings. They do not deal with such evil creatures with nothing but steel.

    Romantic Encounters includes a scene with Bodhi. If you have RE and slept with Bodhi there then we have some additional dialogue. Beyond that I make no promises.

    Chapter 7 is going to have a lot of Bodhi dialogue since there will be plenty for her to say and be said to her in the Elven City and with Jon.
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    edited December 2020
    BCaesar wrote: »
    Mothor wrote: »
    Looking forward to the Bodhi content. There are too few evil female party members in the game.

    I wonder if a romance, a fling or some unhealthy bond based on Bodhi's lust for the PC's divine blood could be possible.

    I doubt Bodhi is capable of experiencing real love but Irenicus reaction due to seeing Bodhi switch sides due to being addicted to the smell of the PC's divine blood would be quite entertaining. :)

    And yeah, I doubt the paladins of the Radiant Heart would bother with warnings. They do not deal with such evil creatures with nothing but steel.

    Romantic Encounters includes a scene with Bodhi. If you have RE and slept with Bodhi there then we have some additional dialogue. Beyond that I make no promises.

    Chapter 7 is going to have a lot of Bodhi dialogue since there will be plenty for her to say and be said to her in the Elven City and with Jon.

    Cool! Looking forward to it.

    The "addiction to Gorion's Ward blood" thingy actually happened in ToB with the courtesan vampire girls who just couldn't resist the smell of divine blood. Plus if I remember correctly Bodhi in her ending to Ascension seemed to suffer from "withdrawal" regarding the small piece of the Gorion's Ward soul (that she was given for her cooperation) whose effects ultimately ended and it made her go crazy lol.

    Anyway, any plans to give Bodhi some small quests or unique weapons/items?
  • Ryz009Ryz009 Member Posts: 100
    BCaesar wrote: »
    Ryz009 wrote: »
    If there's any warning system it should be Bodhi herself saying going in there is liable to end in a fight. But yeah the paladins themselves shouldn't give a warning lol.

    We tried to put in a lot of warnings that you're going down a really evil path, on the same level as feeding the silver dragon eggs to the drow demon, killing the silver dragon to get her blood, or poisoning the druid grove (all of which cause the same NPC's to attack you in BG2:EE). Worst case you load :smile: .

    Unrelated to that I just loaded the oldest save I had on the way to testing something, and found out a few bugs. Not ones that affect any new game of course, but ones that were breaking my ancient game. So I put in a few redundancies to fix them (not things that'll affect anything for new games, but it'll make the older saves work again). So if you happen to have an older save with a Mazzy friendship and it doesn't work right on the newer versions that will be fixed on the next release.

    That my absolute oldest save from years ago now works on the latest version is pleasing to me.

    Oh yeah I personally wouldn't recruit her because I play LE and Dorn is already pushing it (and my PC mostly takes him out of sentimentality from taking him in BG1 lol). But yeah no surprise everyone attacks when you have the unrepentant and blatant vampire villian on your team xD

    If I could get some flirts with my male PC and Haer even if it doesn't result in a romance though *puppy eyes* especially if Dorn gets jealous lol.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Will there be crossmod banter between Bodhi from this mod and Irenicus from The Longer Road?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    As neither of us have ever played that mod, we have no plans for that. Bodhi is really more of a side project, so she'll probably never have a huge amount of content. Just whatever @BCaesar feels like writing. So dialogues and interjections through chapter 7, a few talks in TOB and the like.

    However, @Ryz009, I'll see what I can do there since that should be fairly easy to add in. We usually have a few CN comments on these NPC romances that let you turn them off, so I could add some flirting/jealousy in that section.

    And I should have the Russian translation for the new version up sometime this week.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited December 2020
    Mothor wrote: »

    Cool! Looking forward to it.

    The "addiction to Gorion's Ward blood" thingy actually happened in ToB with the courtesan vampire girls who just couldn't resist the smell of divine blood. Plus if I remember correctly Bodhi in her ending to Ascension seemed to suffer from "withdrawal" regarding the small piece of the Gorion's Ward soul (that she was given for her cooperation) whose effects ultimately ended and it made her go crazy lol.

    Anyway, any plans to give Bodhi some small quests or unique weapons/items?

    Well she's already loaded down with unique items and her claws are possibly the best weapons in the game (she's in ToB already. If you want her, just ask the fate spirit). All those un-removable items on her are what make her function in the game as Bodhi-the-vampire, along with a bunch of code for her mist transformation (otherwise she'd just be a normal NPC).

    Bodhi's all added and tested in SoA. Her remaining storyline dialogue for SoA is all done (though we might add some more random interjections here and there) and Clara's quest is almost done being written as well. Then we just need to keep editing them to our satisfaction and code them. Which thanks to Covid lockdowns shouldn't take all that long.

    I've got some ideas for more ToB content for Bodhi as well, but first things first. Don't know that we'll ever give Bodhi a ton of interjections the way we did for Clara; we'll probably just add them here and there as they come to us.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Russian version posted.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    i feel eet might have bugged something out. i can't remember if it was 232 or 233 but i know they added an option to just stop the new romances added by npcs including imoen's and mazzys to make it more compatible with ir.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    The romance in this mod is written in a very modern way that feels slightly out of place to me in the setting. I like the other options and Mazzy's characterisation, but the romances could use a bit more show and less tell (in the sense that most of the dialogues seem to centre around who-with-whom and under what very modern relationship arrangement, rather than convey the actual, you know, feelings of the characters for each other in context).
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited January 2021
    Okay, back to the task at hand. I just sent the most recent version to Ratatoskr for posting, so it should be up soon (she has to fix one bug she found first).

    She'll post the full patch notes when she posts the new version, but basically we added Bodhi to SoA along with all her story stuff in chapters 6 and 7 and at the start of ToB. There's a story split for Bodhi at the end of SoA; if she saves Suldanessellar with you then she has the option of getting her body and soul back and becoming a Chaotic Evil Elven Monk as her reward from Queen Ellesime (it's your choice whether she accepts or not). As per request we added in a dialogue if you had slept with Bodhi earlier using the Romantic Encounters mod, and another one if you didn't.

    We also fixed a number of bugs, including a couple of game-breaking ones (which is why we're posting this now rather than waiting). And there's an expansion to the Windspear Hills quest if you ignore Garren Windspear and head back to Athkatla. Related to that, the Knights of the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart (which I'm sorry to say I didn't think of; they're from the original game) now help fight against you whenever the Order of the Radiant Heart is your enemy.

    Also added a couple more interjections in for Clara too, one for evil Anomen, and one for Mazzy.

    An update on the to-do list:
    - Clara's NPC quest and the Dorn-Haer'Dalis romance are both fully written and edited (in code form), but we didn't put them in yet since we wanted to get this version out with all its bug fixes. But Ratatoskr will code those soon and we'll release that version next.

    I haven't figured out what I'll do yet while she's doing that. I could start pulling all the Mazzy dialogues back to word files so we can start looking them over, and make Mazzy's romance quest also available if you're just friends. There's also a couple things left that are more or less written that I could finish up and start coding (a Clara-Viconia quest in Chapter 7, and a Wilson-Jaheira romance). I could add more Bodhi stuff in ToB too. We'll see how things go.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited January 2021
    BCaesar wrote: »
    a Wilson-Jaheira romance

  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Changelog for the next version that I'll be posting shortly:
    Changes: 2.42

    A. Main Mod: All Things Mazzy: Added an interjection (chapter 6 under the graveyard). Also a few bug fixes.

    B. Main Mod: Darkside Anomen
    1. If Anomen is doing the Fallen Paladin Quest after he has failed his test there was one interjection which did not fit. We removed it and added a new one.

    C. Main Mod: Misc.
    1. Added an expansion for the Windspear Hills Quest to make the Order turn on you if you forget Garren Windspear's help. You can now fight your way to peace should you wish to.
    2. Re-added the Knights of the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart to fight you if you attack the Order of the Radiant Heart (they exist in game, but the way they're coded most people will never see them).

    D. For The Evil: Viconia in Ust Natha
    1. Updated AI scripts so your drow allies no longer remember old slights and fight each other.
    2. Added journal entries to help guide you.
    3. Added a fix so you can now leave the battle before you defeat the Elven leaders and still have the story progress.
    4. Added some bug fixes.

    E. For The Evil: Bodhi NPC
    1. Added Bodhi NPC to SoA!
    A. You will only have the option to gain Bodhi if you worked for her in Chapter 3.
    B. As in ToB, Bodhi is incompatible with all good or druid NPC's in BG2:EE. She is also the enemy of Drizzt and the Order of the Radiant Heart.
    C. Similar to ToB, Bodhi is an over-powered killing machine, but her claws tend to make enemies explode meaning you cannot loot their items (except for quest items).
    D. If you sold the Cloak of Dragomir to Bodhi in Chapter 3, she will have it in her inventory when she joins you. This allows her or Hexxat to walk in sunlight but lowers their stats while they wear it.
    E. Added many dialogues and interjections for her in chapters 6 and 7.
    2. Added Bodhi-the-Elf NPC to ToB. At the end of SoA, should you direct Bodhi to accept Queen Ellesime's offer, Bodhi-the-Elf will ask to come with you. She is a Chaotic-Evil Elven Monk. Good NPC's will again travel with her except for Mazzy, Anomen (if he's still with the Order), and Keldorn.

    F. As always we fixed many additional typos and bug fixes as we found them. Many thanks to everyone who reports errors on the Beamdog forum thread.
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    edited January 2021
    megamike15 wrote: »
    BCaesar wrote: »
    a Wilson-Jaheira romance


    Sounds unbearable :)
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited January 2021
    Mothor wrote: »
    megamike15 wrote: »
    BCaesar wrote: »
    a Wilson-Jaheira romance


    Sounds unbearable :)


    The beauty of it is that the Jaheira side of the romance was already mostly written (like Minsc-Neera or Clara-Anomen), so all that needed to be written was the Wilson side. With lines like, "Grraaa, growl. Roar.", "Snort, snuffle, grrf?", and "Snuffle, sniff... roar! Roar... growl, sniff sniff. Snort... growl. ROAR!", I can confidently say that it is some of our finest work.
    Post edited by BCaesar on
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    BCaesar wrote: »
    Mothor wrote: »
    megamike15 wrote: »
    BCaesar wrote: »
    a Wilson-Jaheira romance


    Sounds unbearable :)


    The beauty of it is that the Jaheira side of the romance was already mostly written (like Minsc-Neera or Clara-Anomen), so all that needed to be written was the Wilson side. With lines like, "Grraaa, growl. Roar.", "Snort, snuffle, grrf?", and "Snuffle, sniff... roar! Roar... growl, sniff sniff. Snort... growl. ROAR!", I can confidently say that it is some of our finest work.

    Doesn't Jaheira have the ability to turn into a bear?

    This might have the most awesome romance dialogue ever!

    Wilson: Roar, roar roar.

    Bear Jaheira: Growl, growl, growl.

    Wilson: Roaaaar, roaaaar, ROAR!!!

    Cannot wait for the sex scene. :wink:
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    I have no words. Or growls.
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