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MegaMod 3.15: Mazzy Romance, Clara NPC, Darkside Anomen, Flying Aerie, For The Evil, & more! (DONE)



  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    edited September 2020
    The second time, she asked why Maeri began adventuring. (MAZZYJ.DLG, State 1366) However, unlike the first time, she did the normal eulogy for her old team.

    It may be a timing issue, as I noted it happened right after the switch to the sunny version of that map.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Maurvir wrote: »
    The second time, she asked why Maeri began adventuring. (MAZZYJ.DLG, State 1366) However, unlike the first time, she did the normal eulogy for her old team.

    It may be a timing issue, as I noted it happened right after the switch to the sunny version of that map.

    Was it the talk that started: "We have been travelling together for several days now, <CHARNAME>, and I would like to know you better. May I ask a question?" ?

    I think I found the issue. It'll be fixed in the next version.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    I believe so, yes.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    What mechanical benefit exists to Aerie flying? Also, how does this work with OlvynSpells which has a fly spell but requires EEex? (It also has levitate which should work with Aerie's flight.)

    All Things Mazzy/OlvynSpells should have collaboration and cross-mod compatibility.

  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited September 2020
    I mean, the wings are pretty?
    But in all seriousness, the wings act as an item that gives you mechanical benefits, but does not actually let you fly. The code for that was both complicated and far too easy to break the game with. So we chose not to go that route. It's possible we could copy the code from Olynn's spells, but I'd prefer that people are able to experience our mod fully with nothing but ATM and BG2EE installed. Most of our other crossmod content is simply dialogue that doesn't mechanically affect your game, so it's a bonus if you have it, but you don't miss it otherwise.

    If our mod still works with EEex(whatever that may be) and you can use Olynn Spell's with it, that's great, but we don't currently plan to reflect that in our dialogue or code additional compatibility. @BCaesar and I mostly wrote Flying Aerie for the character arc rather than mechanics.
  • skushaskusha Member Posts: 139
    @Ratatoskr, when will you add a Russian translation for v2.25?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @skusha It's posted now. It says Version 2.27 but it's the same dialogue :) We just added some script changes to help stop the timing issues Maurvir had.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    May we get this on a GitHub account for ease of access and greater visibility? (Some people who want this have been banned from this forum.)
  • energisedcamelenergisedcamel Member Posts: 110
    Hello! Thanks for all your hard work on the mod. It looks amazing!

    Given how expansive this mod is, do you have any recommendations for a party where you can see the most content in one playthrough? Since a full-blown evil party isn't really my style, it looks as if the following might give me the most content:


    Does that sound right or would you switch out anyone? I might actually have to not take Imoen for the first time! I guess I can pretend she didn't survive her soul being extracted :persevere:

  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @energisedcamel Viconia gets a lot of talks with Mazzy. Worth taking her along for a run at some point.
  • energisedcamelenergisedcamel Member Posts: 110
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    @energisedcamel Viconia gets a lot of talks with Mazzy. Worth taking her along for a run at some point.

    Good to know! Perhaps I should try a rotating 5th member to get the most out of both Clara and Mazzy. Thanks!
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Endarire I can't see us making a Github account if only because I would be terrible about remembering to upload the mod both places. @BCaesar is in charge of all "other site" promotion but I'm pretty sure all of those just link back here. However, unless people literally can't see this page, they should still be able to download the mod. You don't have to be signed in to get the Zip File. And if people want to pass it around due to other restrictions, feel free.

    @energisedcamel It's hard to say which people you should get exactly. We've sort of gone beyond the bounds of a 5-person party at this point :). Thacobell is right and Viconia-Mazzy do have ton of talks, but Clara probably has the most content with Anomen depending on how his test goes, and Mazzy talks to Imoen quite a bit.

    Those 5 are definitely a good starting point, but there's no way you'll be able to see everything in a single playthrough, especially since several of our talks are mutually exclusive. However, that said, most of our talks do play in both SOA and TOB if possible, so if you swap people around, you should be able to see a fair chunk of the mod.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I'm pretty banned users can sill read the forums. They just can't have an account. I don't know if Beamdog has a policy by which they IP ban, but to my knowledge, that hasn't happened.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    I would like a GitHub version of this mod when it's 'finished,' even if it's on Gibberling3's or Spellhold Studios's GitHub.

    Still, thankee for this mod!
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Hello! Thanks for all your hard work on the mod. It looks amazing!

    Given how expansive this mod is, do you have any recommendations for a party where you can see the most content in one playthrough? Since a full-blown evil party isn't really my style, it looks as if the following might give me the most content:


    Does that sound right or would you switch out anyone? I might actually have to not take Imoen for the first time! I guess I can pretend she didn't survive her soul being extracted :persevere:

    That's a pretty good list. As the others said Viconia and Mazzy have a lot of talks (and early on Viconia gets a bonus where she no longer leaves due to high rep). Anomen also has some talks with Clara even if he takes the good path.

    Jan doesn't have much dialogue, but I love all of it. Maybe get Jan after Clara steals the "The Grimoire of Absolute Annihilation, translated from Gnomish and including all the original diagrams" for Neera (its their last banter). After Neera has the book she'll banter with all the other mages about it.

    Keldorn and Mazzy have a whole bit involving her trying to become a member of the Order of the Radiant Heart, though once she gets her sponsors he's not required any more (though he does comment a few times).

    If you're looking to content cram having a banter accelerator on will help you. Most of our conversations aren't banters, they're triggered dialogues using in-game timers, but Clara has banters with everyone, and some of our dialogues require certain banters to have happened before they'll start.

    As Ratatoskr said though, there really is too much content for one play-through.
  • masteralephmasteraleph Member Posts: 277
    Quick question:
    Will a Dwarf Fighter/Thief who ends BGEE/SOD (so including tomes) at Int 11 Wis 10 Cha 17 be able to romance Mazzy?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Yup, you should be fine. The highest requirement is charisma at 12 for non-halflings and you should meet the mark.
  • xxkerokunxxxxkerokunxx Member Posts: 1
    Hi there! I'm having trouble starting Aerie's wings quest. Is there an NPC I meet somewhere that triggers this? I do not have Edwin in my party, just FYI. Thanks!
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @xxkerokunxx It's not a quest you start exactly, at least not in SOA.
    Aerie will just start talking about her wings at some point. I think it's about 10 days after you get her in your party so it will take awhile. There are a few extras conversations where you can ask about her wings, but you'll still never get an official quest.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Hi there! I'm having trouble starting Aerie's wings quest. Is there an NPC I meet somewhere that triggers this? I do not have Edwin in my party, just FYI. Thanks!
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @xxkerokunxx It's not a quest you start exactly, at least not in SOA.
    Aerie will just start talking about her wings at some point. I think it's about 10 days after you get her in your party so it will take awhile. There are a few extras conversations where you can ask about her wings, but you'll still never get an official quest.
    To correct that, Aerie doesn't start trying to regenerate her wings until she has the spell Regenerate, which is a level 7 priest spell. So it won't happen until near the end of SoA at the earliest. And it can't be finished until ToB.

    Another path to wingedness involves her talking with the shops who sell scrolls, and conversations will also happen between her and other mage NPC's. Again it finishes in ToB (it can also be started in ToB too).

    Lastly there's a route if you have Edwin in your party after he finishes his Nether Scroll quest. Like all of them it doesn't finish until ToB, the SoA stuff is just for flavor.
  • skushaskusha Member Posts: 139
    Any news about the future update? Maybe about Clara's romance? >:)
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Short answer for an update, soon. I might get it up tonight if I can find the time, otherwise probably Monday. But I don't think that has any Clara content.

    For the Clara romance, there is no ETA. It depends on when/if the other person gets it finished since we are not writing it. At that point, we'll be able to edit and then code but do not hold your breath. It will not happen any time soon.

    We are working on writing a non-evil Clara quest among other things, but that is still a ways out. It's mostly a future plan right now.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    edited October 2020
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    2. If Dorn loses his patron, he can pledge service to an evil god at their temple. Check your local evil temple for details.
    Uh, what. I admittedly need to check things out because this may be better in context but Dorn doesn’t ‘lose’ his patron. He frees himself from him. So this is saying he willingly sacrificed power to release himself from servitude to... place himself back under servitude under a different name.

    I mean, I can see ways in which this could work out, fear of the fate that awaits the faithless being one, and that might be something this mod goes for.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    AionZ wrote: »
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    2. If Dorn loses his patron, he can pledge service to an evil god at their temple. Check your local evil temple for details.
    Uh, what. I admittedly need to check things out because this may be better in context but Dorn doesn’t ‘lose’ his patron. He frees himself from him. So this is saying he willingly sacrificed power to release himself from servitude to... place himself back under servitude under a different name.

    I mean, I can see ways in which this could work out, fear of the fate that awaits the faithless being one, and that might be something this mod goes for.

    Haha, we'll change the patch notes so they're phrased more to your liking.

    The way we wrote it Dorn's looking for a way to get his power back without the whole "being-a-slave-of-a-demon" thing.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Posted the Russian translation of version 2.32. Nothing else new.
  • mademan2mademan2 Member Posts: 54
    Hi, quick question, I seem to have some sort of issue with Mazzy after the conversation about the shade lord being in her all of a sudden, she banishes him we warm her up and after the conversation I cant save or sleep and Mazzy is kind of stuck only walking occasionaly, when I try to talk to her it says that Mazzy appears to be busy, am I supposed to do something specific here or did I get bugged out?
    Thanks :)
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @mademan2 That definitely sounds like a glitch. That was a ridiculously complicated conversation, so we probably forgot to close out a global somewhere. We'll take a look at soon as we can.

    Can you tell us who is in your party and, if you know how to check global values, what the value of Global("_bmazzyShadeLT","GLOBAL") is?

    And finally, did you get the conversation that ends with: "Thankfully it is gone now and I should be all right. Give me another few minutes and I will be ready to continue our journey." That should help us track down the exact issue.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited November 2020
    mademan2 wrote: »
    Hi, quick question, I seem to have some sort of issue with Mazzy after the conversation about the shade lord being in her all of a sudden, she banishes him we warm her up and after the conversation I cant save or sleep and Mazzy is kind of stuck only walking occasionaly, when I try to talk to her it says that Mazzy appears to be busy, am I supposed to do something specific here or did I get bugged out?
    Thanks :)

    I just found the issue and fixed it. The new version will be posted shortly (you'll know because Ratatoskr will post here once she posts it). To update to the new version just uninstall the mod, delete the folder, paste in the new folder, and then reinstall the mod (while the game isn't running). Then just load your save and it should work fine.

    Actually while fixing this issue I found a second game-breaking issue in the same conversation. It's amazing it worked for anyone (or maybe we broke it trying to fix something else; that sometimes happens).
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Okay @mademan2, new version posted. This one is mostly just a couple bug fixes, but there's a tiny bit of new content as well:

    A. Main Mod: Mazzy
    1. Bug fixes to the Mazzy-Shade Lord Conversation in the Underdark to stop stutter and make everything set properly.
    2. Bug fix for if you break off the Mazzy friendship (dialogue used to trigger endlessly in some situations).

    B. Main Mod: Darkside Anomen
    1. Updated one Anomen character sound file to reflect Anomen failing his test if he does so.

    C. For the Evil: Bodhi NPC
    1. Added a conversation where Bodhi asks if she has Imoen's soul or not when you first summon her in ToB.
    2. Imoen and Aerie now both object to Bodhi.
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