Yeah.... it's gonna be awhile. Apparently the fully modded pre AllThingsMazzy install I had saved is also broken on the Solar talk in the exact same places, which shouldn't be true if our mod broke it for you. So I'm going to have to start a fresh install and see what happens.
Oddly, when I had Mazzy in my party, the final Solar talk worked fine, even though it shouldn't have based on what I'm seeing here. So if anyone else gets this glitch in the meantime, try bringing Mazzy along
Okay, the Aerie thing should be an easy fix. I just mismatched the globals. Still have no idea what's up with the other issue though. I'm trying to wipe it back to an older install and seeing what breaks exactly.
Aerie-Jaheira's talk at the start of Flying Aerie, of course. I had the same idea but you beat me to it. Ok one bug fixed, one to go. Unfortunately I can't help with this other but because I don't have whatever mod is combining with ours to beak the final Solar talk. So Ratatoskr will just have to figure that one out herself.
Luckily she's brilliant.
Good luck guys! It's nice to see some behind the scenes with the mod. Didn't know it could be so stressful.
Ok question. What is Imoen's response to the Solar when the Solar asks if she wants to keep the romance (as close as possible to her exact line)? The Imoen romance introduces a whole bunch of options there (in the normal game Imoen just gives it back) and I bet that's combining with our mod to do something wonky.
If I know which tree I'm looking at it'll help me narrow it down.
Okay, the Aerie thing should be an easy fix. I just mismatched the globals. Still have no idea what's up with the other issue though. I'm trying to wipe it back to an older install and seeing what breaks exactly.
Aerie-Jaheira's talk at the start of Flying Aerie, of course. I had the same idea but you beat me to it. Ok one bug fixed, one to go. Unfortunately I can't help with this other but because I don't have whatever mod is combining with ours to beak the final Solar talk. So Ratatoskr will just have to figure that one out herself.
Luckily she's brilliant.
Good luck guys! It's nice to see some behind the scenes with the mod. Didn't know it could be so stressful.
Ok question. What is Imoen's response to the Solar when the Solar asks if she wants to keep the romance (as close as possible to her exact line)? The Imoen romance introduces a whole bunch of options there (in the normal game Imoen just gives it back) and I bet that's combining with our mod to do something wonky.
If I know which tree I'm looking at it'll help me narrow it down.
@Lysandroth390 Nevermind, I installed both Imoen romance and ours and looked around and it all seems fine. My bet is now a new NPC mod.
there was a time where if imoen's romance variable was like 4 it broke the solar talk. as it was the " you broke the romance " variable. and it had no solar talk for that one compared to 3.
but that was fixed awhile ago. i think what happened was you have an oudated version.
Okay, the Aerie thing should be an easy fix. I just mismatched the globals. Still have no idea what's up with the other issue though. I'm trying to wipe it back to an older install and seeing what breaks exactly.
Aerie-Jaheira's talk at the start of Flying Aerie, of course. I had the same idea but you beat me to it. Ok one bug fixed, one to go. Unfortunately I can't help with this other but because I don't have whatever mod is combining with ours to beak the final Solar talk. So Ratatoskr will just have to figure that one out herself.
Luckily she's brilliant.
Good luck guys! It's nice to see some behind the scenes with the mod. Didn't know it could be so stressful.
Ok question. What is Imoen's response to the Solar when the Solar asks if she wants to keep the romance (as close as possible to her exact line)? The Imoen romance introduces a whole bunch of options there (in the normal game Imoen just gives it back) and I bet that's combining with our mod to do something wonky.
If I know which tree I'm looking at it'll help me narrow it down.
I don't know, I never had a romance with Imoen, I hate Lannisters. And with Aerie, I'm not sure If there is a talk between her and Imoen because I didn't bring Aerie with me to the final boss. I could try to do that If It helps
Okay, the Aerie thing should be an easy fix. I just mismatched the globals. Still have no idea what's up with the other issue though. I'm trying to wipe it back to an older install and seeing what breaks exactly.
Aerie-Jaheira's talk at the start of Flying Aerie, of course. I had the same idea but you beat me to it. Ok one bug fixed, one to go. Unfortunately I can't help with this other but because I don't have whatever mod is combining with ours to beak the final Solar talk. So Ratatoskr will just have to figure that one out herself.
Luckily she's brilliant.
Good luck guys! It's nice to see some behind the scenes with the mod. Didn't know it could be so stressful.
Ok question. What is Imoen's response to the Solar when the Solar asks if she wants to keep the romance (as close as possible to her exact line)? The Imoen romance introduces a whole bunch of options there (in the normal game Imoen just gives it back) and I bet that's combining with our mod to do something wonky.
If I know which tree I'm looking at it'll help me narrow it down.
@Lysandroth390 Nevermind, I installed both Imoen romance and ours and looked around and it all seems fine. My bet is now a new NPC mod.
The only new npc mod I had installed was the Lava's Skie mod
there was a time where if imoen's romance variable was like 4 it broke the solar talk. as it was the " you broke the romance " variable. and it had no solar talk for that one compared to 3.
but that was fixed awhile ago. i think what happened was you have an oudated version.
I am pretty sure I am with the version 3.0, which I think is the latest.
@Lysandroth390 Aerie stuttering was a completely unrelated issue. Took like 2 seconds to fix . I'm gonna keep digging, but I'll let you know if any other information might be useful. We appreciate the help.
it might be npc flirts. that mod causes conflicts with other mods.
I thought that too. But when I unninstalled the whole game and installed all the other mods except for npc flirt, It had the same problem. Only if my saved game got messed up, which I don't think It's the case because it worked fine when I Unninstalled and reinstalled again until I installed All Things Mazzy
@Lysandroth390 Aerie stuttering was a completely unrelated issue. Took like 2 seconds to fix . I'm gonna keep digging, but I'll let you know if any other information might be useful. We appreciate the help.
No problem! Glad I can help. Have nothing but respect for modders that makes content for a 20 year old game.
@Lysandroth390 Aerie stuttering was a completely unrelated issue. Took like 2 seconds to fix . I'm gonna keep digging, but I'll let you know if any other information might be useful. We appreciate the help.
No problem! Glad I can help. Have nothing but respect for modders that makes content for a 20 year old game.
Fixed it! It had nothing to do with any other mod. We left an !IfValidForPartyDialog check off of Clara's final talk. So if you didn't have Clara the game broke. So we'll post a new version of the mod with this fix and the Aerie fix (and some new content since we've finished some since last time).
To update just uninstall AllThingsMazzy, delete the old AllThingsMazzy folder, move in the latest AllThingsMazzy folder, and then reinstall. Ratatoskr will post here once she updates it and then you'll be good to go.
Well... @Lysandroth390, you said uninstalling our mod didn't fix the issue? This Clara thing was definitely a problem but removing our mod should have solved it. Unless that glitch somehow interacted with another mod to completely break the game. Which is possible
So, maybe I'll post a new version with corrections and the Russian translation of 2.08 since I have it, and you can see if that solves your issue too? I'm still planning to do some digging to see if I can find out why my Solar file got so messed up.
@Lysandroth390 Aerie stuttering was a completely unrelated issue. Took like 2 seconds to fix . I'm gonna keep digging, but I'll let you know if any other information might be useful. We appreciate the help.
No problem! Glad I can help. Have nothing but respect for modders that makes content for a 20 year old game.
Fixed it! It had nothing to do with any other mod. We left an !IfValidForPartyDialog check off of Clara's final talk. So if you didn't have Clara the game broke. So we'll post a new version of the mod with this fix and the Aerie fix (and some new content since we've finished some since last time).
To update just uninstall AllThingsMazzy, delete the old AllThingsMazzy folder, move in the latest AllThingsMazzy folder, and then reinstall. Ratatoskr will post here once she updates it and then you'll be good to go.
sounds exactly like the issue tashia had. her not being in the party breaks the solar.
@Lysandroth390 Aerie stuttering was a completely unrelated issue. Took like 2 seconds to fix . I'm gonna keep digging, but I'll let you know if any other information might be useful. We appreciate the help.
No problem! Glad I can help. Have nothing but respect for modders that makes content for a 20 year old game.
Fixed it! It had nothing to do with any other mod. We left an !IfValidForPartyDialog check off of Clara's final talk. So if you didn't have Clara the game broke. So we'll post a new version of the mod with this fix and the Aerie fix (and some new content since we've finished some since last time).
To update just uninstall AllThingsMazzy, delete the old AllThingsMazzy folder, move in the latest AllThingsMazzy folder, and then reinstall. Ratatoskr will post here once she updates it and then you'll be good to go.
Nevermind we'll wait on the new content since we've almost finished Flying Aerie and want to release that all together. But she will post an updated version with the bug fixes.
Well... @Lysandroth390, you said uninstalling our mod didn't fix the issue? This Clara thing was definitely a problem but removing our mod should have solved it. Unless that glitch somehow interacted with another mod to completely break the game. Which is possible
So, maybe I'll post a new version with corrections and the Russian translation of 2.08 since I have it, and you can see if that solves your issue too? I'm still planning to do some digging to see if I can find out why my Solar file got so messed up.
Sure, is the update already out? If so tomorrow I'll test it
Okay, there's still something wonky in my install but it only seems to be affecting my ability to see the game code, not the game itself. So I have gone ahead and posted an updated version. This is identical to version 2.08 except for the following changes:
1. Should fix bug with end of TOB if Clara wasn't in your party
2. Fixed some numbering issues on Clara's kicked out dialogue in SOA
3. Fixed a stuttering issue with our Aerie-Jaheira talk in TOB
4. Fixed a typo in our Aerie-Viconia Talk
5. Fixed some of the triggers in Clara's banter file
6. Added a Russian Translation
@Lysandroth390 If you want to test this version at some point, that would be great. It fixed the final TOB issue for me, but I want to make sure that it fixed yours as well.
The next big update is probably still a few weeks out. We almost have Flying Aerie finished and we'd like to post that all at once. BCaesar plans to code a few more Clara banters as well.
Okay, there's still something wonky in my install but it only seems to be affecting my ability to see the game code, not the game itself. So I have gone ahead and posted an updated version. This is identical to version 2.08 except for the following changes:
1. Should fix bug with end of TOB if Clara wasn't in your party
2. Fixed some numbering issues on Clara's kicked out dialogue in SOA
3. Fixed a stuttering issue with our Aerie-Jaheira talk in TOB
4. Fixed a typo in our Aerie-Viconia Talk
5. Fixed some of the triggers in Clara's banter file
6. Added a Russian Translation
@Lysandroth390 If you want to test this version at some point, that would be great. It fixed the final TOB issue for me, but I want to make sure that it fixed yours as well.
The next big update is probably still a few weeks out. We almost have Flying Aerie finished and we'd like to post that all at once. BCaesar plans to code a few more Clara banters as well.
It's working! Thank you so much for the fix. God I'm tired of hearing mellisan's Voice.
And I feel you I think I saw that final battle 40+ times while testing all our epilogues. I've hit the point where I just cheat-kill my way through all the fights and sometimes I mute the game entirely ;-p.
I have a question regarding the final confrontation against Bodhi at the graveyard district. Actually it is more of a story about why I do what I do, but this mod covers a lot of characters so this is where I am telling it. I've often allowed bodhis abduction of that one NPC which is so often written into a romantic characters story. I don't really want the abduction to happen because it means a not insignifigant loss of quest experience points for the abducted, and makes the battle itslef that much harder. I know that I could cheat by kicking the intended abductee, but the thing about that is that I don't really know what the mod author was planning for that character. So I let the abduction happen, because I expect it is the proper way for the character to proceed, and I don't assume the person who wrote the character has planned for players that will cheat the Bodhi abduction in that way. I really don't know what I'm missing out on, but I am too concerned about breaking the plot to try. I think what I'm trying to ask is if there are any wrong choices in any of this?
@lollers I believe most of the abductions can't be avoided, unless the mod specifically allows it, because that's the way the original game romances were coded and most people follow that pattern. If you skip it by kicking the character, it tends to break the romance.
But quite honestly, we didn't want to code that and hate things that break the romance easily, so we didn't do it that way The Mazzy romance actually starts after the abduction would have happened, so it's not really an issue there. And if we ever do code a Clara romance, we'll probably try to avoid the abduction somehow too.
Thank you. I can only guess at the number of people who accidentally broke a romance because of something or other. Jaheira in particular is absent many times.
@lollers I believe most of the abductions can't be avoided, unless the mod specifically allows it, because that's the way the original game romances were coded and most people follow that pattern. If you skip it by kicking the character, it tends to break the romance.
But quite honestly, we didn't want to code that and hate things that break the romance easily, so we didn't do it that way The Mazzy romance actually starts after the abduction would have happened, so it's not really an issue there. And if we ever do code a Clara romance, we'll probably try to avoid the abduction somehow too.
Thank you. I can only guess at the number of people who accidentally broke a romance because of something or other. Jaheira in particular is absent many times.
Yeah, the existing in-game romances are rather touchy in both coding and writing. They're very easy to break. Our mod actually includes a confirmation in Anomen's romance where he asks you if you're sure you want to break up with him, mostly because I was testing our Darkside Anomen stuff and had a habit of accidentally breaking up with Anomen and wanted a non-cheating way of making up with him.
Modding update: Flying Aerie is basically fully written, tested and coded including with epilogues. We've added the usual slew of bug fixes, along with a couple of Wilson interjections into existing content. We've added Clara's banters with Jaheira. Epilogues for Minsc-Neera. And then for FtE you'll be able to keep Drizzt's party's items if you defeat his wizard friend in combat (instead of the wizard automatically taking the items), and if you're not a cleric but want to be evil you can now sell Lathander's Dawn Ring to the temple of Talos. That's all coded and tested.
We've still got a number of things written and edited that we'd like to code before the next post, so it'll probably be at least another week. We'd like to at least code the last Clara banters we've written up (banters with Neera and also with Wilson) since then she'll have them with every NPC. There's also a number of philosophical discussions between Clara and Mazzy, and probably a couple other things I'm forgetting.
I recently finally manage to find enough time to finish my playthrough with this mod (sorry I mean MOD!) and I just came by here to express my admiration for it and in the same time I want to recommend it to basicly ANY player.
It's been almost a two decades since my first playthrough of BGII and I always felt like it's a such a shame that our halfling paladin never has a romance. By years there were multiple tries, but with no success and it sometimes really almost felt like a "Mazzy curse". And this is a reason why I so much admire the work, effort and a huge amount of their free time @Ratatoskr and @BCaesar put into this MOD.
This really feels like a dream come true.
The writing of the MOD is really satisfying and greatly expands the story and characters (hell it basicly became two NPC MOD with content for Clara), even though for someone it could feel like some characters are little bit out of their original attitude (which definitely didn't bother me
I really recommend this MOD to anyone. Even to those players that don't like Mazzy, because this MOD contains such ammount of content, that it's almost gargantuan You can basicly never pick up Mazzy and still get more new content, than from most of other NPC mods. And the best part of it is that the authors are still developing the MOD and adding new content.
So again big thanks to the authors for their amazing work!
Oddly, when I had Mazzy in my party, the final Solar talk worked fine, even though it shouldn't have based on what I'm seeing here. So if anyone else gets this glitch in the meantime, try bringing Mazzy along
Ok question. What is Imoen's response to the Solar when the Solar asks if she wants to keep the romance (as close as possible to her exact line)? The Imoen romance introduces a whole bunch of options there (in the normal game Imoen just gives it back) and I bet that's combining with our mod to do something wonky.
If I know which tree I'm looking at it'll help me narrow it down.
@Lysandroth390 Nevermind, I installed both Imoen romance and ours and looked around and it all seems fine. My bet is now a new NPC mod.
but that was fixed awhile ago. i think what happened was you have an oudated version.
I don't know, I never had a romance with Imoen, I hate Lannisters. And with Aerie, I'm not sure If there is a talk between her and Imoen because I didn't bring Aerie with me to the final boss. I could try to do that If It helps
The only new npc mod I had installed was the Lava's Skie mod
I am pretty sure I am with the version 3.0, which I think is the latest.
I thought that too. But when I unninstalled the whole game and installed all the other mods except for npc flirt, It had the same problem. Only if my saved game got messed up, which I don't think It's the case because it worked fine when I Unninstalled and reinstalled again until I installed All Things Mazzy
No problem! Glad I can help. Have nothing but respect for modders that makes content for a 20 year old game.
Fixed it! It had nothing to do with any other mod. We left an !IfValidForPartyDialog check off of Clara's final talk. So if you didn't have Clara the game broke. So we'll post a new version of the mod with this fix and the Aerie fix (and some new content since we've finished some since last time).
To update just uninstall AllThingsMazzy, delete the old AllThingsMazzy folder, move in the latest AllThingsMazzy folder, and then reinstall. Ratatoskr will post here once she updates it and then you'll be good to go.
So, maybe I'll post a new version with corrections and the Russian translation of 2.08 since I have it, and you can see if that solves your issue too? I'm still planning to do some digging to see if I can find out why my Solar file got so messed up.
sounds exactly like the issue tashia had. her not being in the party breaks the solar.
Nevermind we'll wait on the new content since we've almost finished Flying Aerie and want to release that all together. But she will post an updated version with the bug fixes.
Sure, is the update already out? If so tomorrow I'll test it
1. Should fix bug with end of TOB if Clara wasn't in your party
2. Fixed some numbering issues on Clara's kicked out dialogue in SOA
3. Fixed a stuttering issue with our Aerie-Jaheira talk in TOB
4. Fixed a typo in our Aerie-Viconia Talk
5. Fixed some of the triggers in Clara's banter file
6. Added a Russian Translation
@Lysandroth390 If you want to test this version at some point, that would be great. It fixed the final TOB issue for me, but I want to make sure that it fixed yours as well.
The next big update is probably still a few weeks out. We almost have Flying Aerie finished and we'd like to post that all at once. BCaesar plans to code a few more Clara banters as well.
It's working! Thank you so much for the fix. God I'm tired of hearing mellisan's Voice.
And I feel you
A Clara romance!? That would be aweasome!
Yeah, the existing in-game romances are rather touchy in both coding and writing. They're very easy to break. Our mod actually includes a confirmation in Anomen's romance where he asks you if you're sure you want to break up with him, mostly because I was testing our Darkside Anomen stuff and had a habit of accidentally breaking up with Anomen and wanted a non-cheating way of making up with him.
Modding update: Flying Aerie is basically fully written, tested and coded including with epilogues. We've added the usual slew of bug fixes, along with a couple of Wilson interjections into existing content. We've added Clara's banters with Jaheira. Epilogues for Minsc-Neera. And then for FtE you'll be able to keep Drizzt's party's items if you defeat his wizard friend in combat (instead of the wizard automatically taking the items), and if you're not a cleric but want to be evil you can now sell Lathander's Dawn Ring to the temple of Talos. That's all coded and tested.
We've still got a number of things written and edited that we'd like to code before the next post, so it'll probably be at least another week. We'd like to at least code the last Clara banters we've written up (banters with Neera and also with Wilson) since then she'll have them with every NPC. There's also a number of philosophical discussions between Clara and Mazzy, and probably a couple other things I'm forgetting.
And new Clara's quest is already in progress or only in plans for now?
I recently finally manage to find enough time to finish my playthrough with this mod (sorry I mean MOD!) and I just came by here to express my admiration for it and in the same time I want to recommend it to basicly ANY player.
It's been almost a two decades since my first playthrough of BGII and I always felt like it's a such a shame that our halfling paladin never has a romance. By years there were multiple tries, but with no success and it sometimes really almost felt like a "Mazzy curse". And this is a reason why I so much admire the work, effort and a huge amount of their free time @Ratatoskr and @BCaesar put into this MOD.
This really feels like a dream come true.
The writing of the MOD is really satisfying and greatly expands the story and characters (hell it basicly became two NPC MOD with content for Clara), even though for someone it could feel like some characters are little bit out of their original attitude (which definitely didn't bother me
I really recommend this MOD to anyone. Even to those players that don't like Mazzy, because this MOD contains such ammount of content, that it's almost gargantuan
So again big thanks to the authors for their amazing work!
PS: sorry for my lame english expressing