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MegaMod 3.15: Mazzy Romance, Clara NPC, Darkside Anomen, Flying Aerie, For The Evil, & more! (DONE)



  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Caszidy Thank you very much. We really appreciate all the people who've given this crazy mod of ours a chance.

    Speaking of the mod, I've gotten the rest of Clara's banters coded so we'll be testing those and possibly post another version soon. The only Clara quest currently in the works is super super evil and hasn't been coded yet, but it is on the list. Other than that, we've got some additions to our NPC romances, expansions to Bodhi to make her a proper NPC, a few other conversations, a few other random evil options, and then maybe someday soon, this mod will actually be done. What a thought ?
  • Lysandroth390Lysandroth390 Member Posts: 40
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @Caszidy Thank you very much. We really appreciate all the people who've given this crazy mod of ours a chance.

    Speaking of the mod, I've gotten the rest of Clara's banters coded so we'll be testing those and possibly post another version soon. The only Clara quest currently in the works is super super evil and hasn't been coded yet, but it is on the list. Other than that, we've got some additions to our NPC romances, expansions to Bodhi to make her a proper NPC, a few other conversations, a few other random evil options, and then maybe someday soon, this mod will actually be done. What a thought ?

    Do you guys have any other projects in mind when All Things Mazzy is 100% done?
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546

    Do you guys have any other projects in mind when All Things Mazzy is 100% done?

    Hah. Well mostly we just keep adding them to this unruly catch-all mod installation. So "All Things Mazzy" as we first started it is done (though we wrote and are coding a few more conversations). But then we keep getting other ideas and adding them in too, like Clara, or Darkside Anomen, or Flying Aerie.

    So it'll be a little bit before we run out of ideas for BG2, especially since we periodically get more, but I think the end is coming soon. At least it's closer than it ever has been before.

    At some point though we'll finish up all our ideas and this will be a nice complete package only updated when bugs are reported. And then we'll take a break. I'd like to play something other than BG2 once in a while. Maybe Planescape:Torment. I love that game, but haven't played through the EE version yet.
  • Lysandroth390Lysandroth390 Member Posts: 40
    BCaesar wrote: »

    Do you guys have any other projects in mind when All Things Mazzy is 100% done?

    Hah. Well mostly we just keep adding them to this unruly catch-all mod installation. So "All Things Mazzy" as we first started it is done (though we wrote and are coding a few more conversations). But then we keep getting other ideas and adding them in too, like Clara, or Darkside Anomen, or Flying Aerie.

    So it'll be a little bit before we run out of ideas for BG2, especially since we periodically get more, but I think the end is coming soon. At least it's closer than it ever has been before.

    At some point though we'll finish up all our ideas and this will be a nice complete package only updated when bugs are reported. And then we'll take a break. I'd like to play something other than BG2 once in a while. Maybe Planescape:Torment. I love that game, but haven't played through the EE version yet.

    When It's over you're going to rest. I'm getting Thanos vibes over here. It's a Very well deserved rest I would say. Godspeed
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    with Flying Aerie finished and soon wings being redid. thats alot of aerie content.
  • Ryz009Ryz009 Member Posts: 100
    So many updates :D
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    edited September 2020
    WOO! Wilson banters!

    I'm currently taking a break from WRPGs, but I look forward to the new content when I get back in.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,802
    edited September 2020
    megamike15 wrote: »
    it might be npc flirts. that mod causes conflicts with other mods.
    @megamike15 Would you please specify what conflicts are caused by the flirt pack or not make such a general statement. There are too many rumors about "bugginess" of some mods already, and most of them are no longer true.
  • skushaskusha Member Posts: 139
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    ...we've got some additions to our NPC romances, expansions to Bodhi to make her a proper NPC, a few other conversations, a few other random evil options, and then maybe someday soon, this mod will actually be done.
    Thank you for the update! Is it also possible to describe in more detail the preview of future updates?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Just posted the Russian translation of the current part.

    Also, @skusha, I can't go into too much detail since it mostly just depends on what I feel like coding first and what other sudden inspiration BCaesar gets.

    But it will include wraith scenes for Minsc-Neera and Clara-Anomen and talks for them both afterwards, about 6 new Clara-Mazzy conversations, new sounds for Bodhi, and some extra Imoen-Mazzy talks to wrap up their content. Those parts are mostly done and so they'll get posted with the next version, whenever that goes up.
  • BG2FaaaanBG2Faaaan Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2020
    I encountered a bug in Mazzy's dialogue.

    First of all, I was in chapter two with the following mods installed:
    * Skip Chateau Irenicus
    * Imoen Romance

    I then installed All Things Mazzy after those two, and resumed my game. I had not picked up Mazzy yet, and went to do that. Went back to Athkalta, and did some minor questing there, before I went to the Slums.

    At that point, Mazzy talked to CHARNAME, and asked about her troubling dreams. Can't remember the exact text. The first set of responses all progress the dialogue -- something to the effect of "yes you're right". Then Mazzy asks if you want to talk about it, after which you get one response that kills the dialogue, and two that progress it. When I selected one of the latter two, which clearly were meant to progress the dialogue, it instead closes. But then the whole dialogue spawns again from the start one or two seconds later. It keeps looping like that until you select the option that shuts down the dialogue, something like "I don't want to talk about it".

    I normally play on macOS, but I verified the same problem occurs with the same save on PC.

    EDIT: I tried loading a slightly older savegame and progressing from there. The same talk triggered after a while, in the Graveyard this time, and there were no issues. I'm not sure if it matters, but when I got the bug, I had just entered the Slums with Mazzy for the first time, and after I shut down the "troubling dreams" dialogue, she immediately started the "I need a bath" dialogue where the whole party chimes in. Some sort of timing conflict?
    Post edited by BG2Faaaan on
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @BG2Faaaan Changing mods mid playthrough is a very bad idea. It can cause all kinds of weird issues and the best case scenario is that you dialog file gets scrambled.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    yeah you might need to restart.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited September 2020
    @BG2Faaaan It sounds like the slum talk might have accidentally triggered the dreams talk, which then couldn't progress properly because it wasn't valid. I'll double check the globals later and try to close that loophole.

    There was an issue with older versions where the chapter globals weren't getting processed correctly, but if you have the newest one that should be fixed.

    If that's the only issue you've run into, you should be okay to keep playing that game. We try to make our code as ironclad as possible, but sometimes the globals don't get set quite right if you add our mod mid_game.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited September 2020
    BG2Faaaan wrote: »
    I encountered a bug in Mazzy's dialogue.

    First of all, I was in chapter two with the following mods installed:
    * Skip Chateau Irenicus
    * Imoen Romance

    I then installed All Things Mazzy after those two, and resumed my game. I had not picked up Mazzy yet, and went to do that. Went back to Athkalta, and did some minor questing there, before I went to the Slums.

    At that point, Mazzy talked to CHARNAME, and asked about her troubling dreams. Can't remember the exact text. The first set of responses all progress the dialogue -- something to the effect of "yes you're right". Then Mazzy asks if you want to talk about it, after which you get one response that kills the dialogue, and two that progress it. When I selected one of the latter two, which clearly were meant to progress the dialogue, it instead closes. But then the whole dialogue spawns again from the start one or two seconds later. It keeps looping like that until you select the option that shuts down the dialogue, something like "I don't want to talk about it".

    I normally play on macOS, but I verified the same problem occurs with the same save on PC.

    EDIT: I tried loading a slightly older savegame and progressing from there. The same talk triggered after a while, in the Graveyard this time, and there were no issues. I'm not sure if it matters, but when I got the bug, I had just entered the Slums with Mazzy for the first time, and after I shut down the "troubling dreams" dialogue, she immediately started the "I need a bath" dialogue where the whole party chimes in. Some sort of timing conflict?

    Found it. We had set a dialogue up to start but not triggered it yet, so when you walked into the slums the slums talk triggered the dream talk instead. But there was something that needed to set in the script that would've triggered the dream talk and since it didn't set it failed half way through.

    It's a real easy fix, in fact I think I already have (though I won't know for sure until you test it). We'll release the next patch soon and you can try it out.

    Assuming it's the dream talk that starts with Mazzy sayng: "<CHARNAME>, you sleep like a <PRO_MANWOMAN> with many demons."

    CHARNAME is your name in this case and PRO_MANWOMAN returns "man" or "woman" depending on your sex.
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    @BG2Faaaan Changing mods mid playthrough is a very bad idea. It can cause all kinds of weird issues and the best case scenario is that you dialog file gets scrambled.

    Adding mods mid-play-through shouldn't break anything. Removing a mod mid-play-through can sometimes cause problems since there will be creatures or items that don't exist anymore, but often it's not anything too major.

    If you really screw things up you can often fix it by uninstalling every mod, deleting every file still remaining in your override folder, and then reinstalling every mod. Or if you really, really screw things up you do that but with a new download of BG2.
    megamike15 wrote: »
    yeah you might need to restart.

    Nothing so drastic, we just needed to copy-paste a few lines of code on our end. Next release should have it fixed now problem.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    BG2Faaaan wrote: »
    I encountered a bug in Mazzy's dialogue.

    First of all, I was in chapter two with the following mods installed:
    * Skip Chateau Irenicus
    * Imoen Romance

    I then installed All Things Mazzy after those two, and resumed my game. I had not picked up Mazzy yet, and went to do that. Went back to Athkalta, and did some minor questing there, before I went to the Slums.

    At that point, Mazzy talked to CHARNAME, and asked about her troubling dreams. Can't remember the exact text. The first set of responses all progress the dialogue -- something to the effect of "yes you're right". Then Mazzy asks if you want to talk about it, after which you get one response that kills the dialogue, and two that progress it. When I selected one of the latter two, which clearly were meant to progress the dialogue, it instead closes. But then the whole dialogue spawns again from the start one or two seconds later. It keeps looping like that until you select the option that shuts down the dialogue, something like "I don't want to talk about it".

    I normally play on macOS, but I verified the same problem occurs with the same save on PC.

    EDIT: I tried loading a slightly older savegame and progressing from there. The same talk triggered after a while, in the Graveyard this time, and there were no issues. I'm not sure if it matters, but when I got the bug, I had just entered the Slums with Mazzy for the first time, and after I shut down the "troubling dreams" dialogue, she immediately started the "I need a bath" dialogue where the whole party chimes in. Some sort of timing conflict?

    Looking at the code everything you said makes sense, and it'll work fine as long as you trigger the dream talk before you go into the slums. So if you don't want to wait a week for the next patch/version, just do that. Once you rest and trigger the dream talk then you'll be fine.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    I apologize if I've asked this previously, but I can't recall.

    Will Mazzy attempt to romance Imoen before chapter 4 if you have Imoen 4 Ever installed, or does she wait until after Spellhold?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Maurvir It looks like it shouldn't trigger until Chapter 4 either way.
  • BG2FaaaanBG2Faaaan Member Posts: 3
    BCaesar wrote: »
    Looking at the code everything you said makes sense, and it'll work fine as long as you trigger the dream talk before you go into the slums. So if you don't want to wait a week for the next patch/version, just do that. Once you rest and trigger the dream talk then you'll be fine.

    Thanks for looking into it! Btw here is another bug report:

    I sided with the Shadow Thieves to get to Spellhold. However I did not do any Mae'Var-related quest, nor set foot in his guildhall. Then in chapter 6, I started the Mazzy "courting" quest. I went and wiped out the Shadow Thieves' headquarters, but the quest wasn't completed, and I realised I had to kill Mae'Var as well. Only one problem... The doors in casa Mae'Var were locked and unpickable, and anyone who may have given me access was hostile from the moment I talked to the guy in the government building. So I had to Ctrl+J-teleport inside. I guess I could have started the Mae'Var quest before starting the courting quest, just to get access, but I didn't want to do that for RP reasons.

    Thanks a lot for the content, love the dialogue.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    BG2Faaaan wrote: »
    BCaesar wrote: »
    Looking at the code everything you said makes sense, and it'll work fine as long as you trigger the dream talk before you go into the slums. So if you don't want to wait a week for the next patch/version, just do that. Once you rest and trigger the dream talk then you'll be fine.

    Thanks for looking into it! Btw here is another bug report:

    I sided with the Shadow Thieves to get to Spellhold. However I did not do any Mae'Var-related quest, nor set foot in his guildhall. Then in chapter 6, I started the Mazzy "courting" quest. I went and wiped out the Shadow Thieves' headquarters, but the quest wasn't completed, and I realised I had to kill Mae'Var as well. Only one problem... The doors in casa Mae'Var were locked and unpickable, and anyone who may have given me access was hostile from the moment I talked to the guy in the government building. So I had to Ctrl+J-teleport inside. I guess I could have started the Mae'Var quest before starting the courting quest, just to get access, but I didn't want to do that for RP reasons.

    Thanks a lot for the content, love the dialogue.

    They lock the doors? Sigh.

    I don't think you get a key to unlock them when you first do the quest, you just walk on inside (the only key is for Mae'var's strongbox). Which means we need to find the code to unlock Mae'Var's doors and have it trigger when you get the Mazzy quest. Thanks, we'll get on that.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited September 2020
    BG2Faaaan wrote: »
    Thanks for looking into it! Btw here is another bug report:

    I sided with the Shadow Thieves to get to Spellhold. However I did not do any Mae'Var-related quest, nor set foot in his guildhall. Then in chapter 6, I started the Mazzy "courting" quest. I went and wiped out the Shadow Thieves' headquarters, but the quest wasn't completed, and I realised I had to kill Mae'Var as well. Only one problem... The doors in casa Mae'Var were locked and unpickable, and anyone who may have given me access was hostile from the moment I talked to the guy in the government building. So I had to Ctrl+J-teleport inside. I guess I could have started the Mae'Var quest before starting the courting quest, just to get access, but I didn't want to do that for RP reasons.

    Thanks a lot for the content, love the dialogue.

    -Did you check all the doors leading into Mae'Var's place? (There's at least three or four).
    - Also are the doors locked or do they not exist at all?


    Edit: I think I found it. Before talking to Renal Bloodscalp all the doors in Mae'Var's guild are just locked. Now I just need to figure out what unlocks them.

    2nd Edit: I found it. Gorch unlocks the doors if you give him Mae'Var's papers (he's that shopkeeper in the front). The script is: Unlock("DOOR01") Unlock("DOOR02")
    So we can make those unlock if you're doing Mazzy's quest.
    Post edited by BCaesar on
  • BG2FaaaanBG2Faaaan Member Posts: 3
    BCaesar wrote: »
    -Did you check all the doors leading into Mae'Var's place? (There's at least three or four).

    I may have missed something, but I did look around for alternate entry points. Here is what I found:
    * There is a single street-level entrance which leads to a reception area with a vendor (who is also hostile once you take the quest). From there, there are two locked, unpickable doors that only get unlocked when you take the quest from Bloodscalp it seems.
    * Around the outside of the building, there are a few more doors, but they were also locked and unpickable IIRC. It seems you're not supposed to get into the building proper before you take the Mae'Var quest.
    BCaesar wrote: »
    - Also are the doors locked or do they not exist at all?

    See above: The main entrance is open, but beyond that there are two unpickable doors.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited September 2020
    BG2Faaaan wrote: »
    BCaesar wrote: »
    -Did you check all the doors leading into Mae'Var's place? (There's at least three or four).

    I may have missed something, but I did look around for alternate entry points. Here is what I found:
    * There is a single street-level entrance which leads to a reception area with a vendor (who is also hostile once you take the quest). From there, there are two locked, unpickable doors that only get unlocked when you take the quest from Bloodscalp it seems.
    * Around the outside of the building, there are a few more doors, but they were also locked and unpickable IIRC. It seems you're not supposed to get into the building proper before you take the Mae'Var quest.
    BCaesar wrote: »
    - Also are the doors locked or do they not exist at all?

    See above: The main entrance is open, but beyond that there are two unpickable doors.

    Ok I fixed it. I coded something and put it in so if Gorch (the shopkeeper who fronts Mae'Var's place) is dead then all the Mae'Var doors unlock. So you can just say you take the key off of his corpse. I tested it and it seems to work. So yaay.

    This also provides a new bonus for the mod too: If you're working for Bodhi and didn't get the Mae'Var quest then normally in the game his guild is just locked, same as it was for you. But if you have our mod you'll be able to kill Gorch and open up the doors and wipe out Mae'Var's guild too.

    So this will be in the next release. I need to test a bunch of new content, but I should be able to do that this weekend so Ratatoskr can post the new one by early next week. We've already coded a bunch of dialogues and a few wraith scenes which should completely finish up all the content we've thought up for All Things Mazzy, Clara NPC (except for her evil quest), Minsc-Neera, Darkside Anomen, and Flying Aerie so that'll all be included too.

    Which means the only thing left to do will be more testing and then some more For The Evil stuff (including fleshing about Bodhi and adding her to SoA). And then whatever other crazy thing we think up.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    About to post another new version. Here's the changelog:

    A. Main Mod: Mazzy
    1. 8 Clara-Mazzy talks (2 are optional and mutually exclusive)
    2. 1-2 TOB Mazzy-Imoen talks to close out their relationship (has about 8 variations

    B. Main Mod: Clara
    1. Wraith Scene for Clara-Anomen romance

    C: Main Mod: Flying Aerie
    1. Wing Talks with Clara and Wilson

    D: Main Mod: Misc
    1. Wraith scene for Minsc-Neera if that romance is active.
    2. Added a minor dialogue to wrap up Dorn's SOA quest
    3. If you're fighting the thieves and didn't do Mae'Var's quest, you can now kill the man at the front desk to unlock the doors to the guild.

    E. For the Evil: Things get a little dark.
    1. Added additional sounds for the Bodhi NPC

    F. For the Good:
    1. Adjusted Hostile Mazzy to account for Minsc-Neera Romance

    As BCaesar said, this will probably be the last big content post for awhile. Most of the other content in the works will be For The Evil and require quite a bit of testing before it's ready. If a Clara romance is written, we will code that as a separate add-on, but I wouldn't hold your breath. That has no ETA.

    So as usual, enjoy and let us know when you run into those inevitable bugs :)
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 342
    edited September 2020
    Hello! Thank you for your work and expanding the mod - I think it's time to change its name, given how the volume of content has grown and that now it contains not only Mazzy and Clara :)
    I also want to draw your attention to the fact that since you are planning to expand the "evil" the direction of the main character's actions, then keep in mind that in the "BG1NPCBG2" mod (Link) there is an option for a fork in the quest with Trademeet, where you can side with the Shadow Druids and help them destroy the city or arrange a blockade, in which the city is filled with animals and all residents appear new remarks taking into account the situation. Perhaps you will be interested in this, and you might want to make a cross-mod content, where Mazzy and other party members will react to what is happening in Trademeet and leave the party because of this decision?
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited September 2020
    Austin87 wrote: »
    Hello! Thank you for your work and expanding the mod - I think it's time to change its name, given how the volume of content has grown and that now it contains not only Mazzy and Clara :)
    I also want to draw your attention to the fact that since you are planning to expand the "evil" the direction of the main character's actions, then keep in mind that in the "BG1NPCBG2" mod (Link) there is an option for a fork in the quest with Trademeet, where you can side with the Shadow Druids and help them destroy the city or arrange a blockade, in which the city is filled with animals and all residents appear new remarks taking into account the situation. Perhaps you will be interested in this, and you might want to make a cross-mod content, where Mazzy and other party members will react to what is happening in Trademeet and leave the party because of this decision?

    Hah, well if you notice the thread title we did change the name there (and also in the readme). We can't change the name of the actual mod folder without changing a whole ton of coding though (it changes the location of the files), so that's not going to happen.

    Awesome, I always wanted to destroy Trademeet. I'm glad someone beat me to it as it means now I don't have to code it. I may or may not code any crossmod content, but I will go download that mod and destroy Trademeet in the evil play-through I'm currently testing, which will make me very happy.
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 342
    edited September 2020
    In this case, I recommend choosing the option not with destruction, but the option with the blockade of the city - it turned out to be much more fun! With such a decision, the inhabitants stay in the city, but their dialogues completely change - their life becomes unbearable and they constantly complain of hunger, druids and annoying dogs that flooded the city and shit on the streets :)
    BCaesar wrote: »
    Hah, well if you notice the thread title we did change the name there (and also in the readme). We can't change the name of the actual mod folder without changing a whole ton of coding though (it changes the location of the files), so that's not going to happen.
    I meant creating some kind of short general name for the entire mod (considering new content). The current name listing the components is rather long and difficult to remember :)
    Post edited by Austin87 on
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    edited September 2020
    I'm about to retry this again, but in the last attempt, Mazzy did not give a eulogy for Patrick and her crew and make an inscription on the altar after defeating the Shade Lord, even though she was in the party. Instead, she seemed to "jump ahead" a bit.

    I used version 2.21
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Maurvir I don't believe we have any talks that trigger specifically when the Shade Lord is defeated. However, it's possible that one of our talks was ready to play and accidentally hijacked the proper Shade Lord dialogue.

    If you do get the wrong talk there, please let us know which one. That will narrow down which globals we need to check. I think we fixed most of those loopholes in the latest version, but I want to make sure we didn't miss one.
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