@megamike15 You should be okay as long as you uninstall any mods after AllThingsMazzy and reinstall them in the exact same order. Mods mostly get cranky if you change the order on things or update your game in the middle. But the only real difference will be dialogue, which tends to be some of the safest stuff to change.
...So on further thought, I'm like 95% sure you'll be okay. The worst you should get is a few weird Names now and then and maybe a delayed talk or two. My old saves are super glitchy, but I'm pretty sure that's because I've actually overwritten dialog.tlk at least twice by now.
So, that said, I am posting the new version: 2.08. It will be up shortly.
A. Main Mod: Mazzy
1. Additional Mazzy-Imoen talk to make their romance optional/less sudden. Edited some lines in the Mazzy romance as well to make everything clearer.
2. More extra bonus fun for the Mazzy romance
B: Main Mod: Misc
1. Extra bonus content for Clara/Edwin banters
C. For the Evil: Things get a little dark.
1. Additional options with various harlots around Athkatla
A couple extra notes about the Imoen-Mazzy talk. In a new game, this talk should play before their romance starts and if you tell Imoen not to go for it, she will never speak of this again
In a game where Imoen and Mazzy are already courting, like yours @ThacoBell, it should play immediately. Some of the lines might read a little strange, but that was the most efficient way to let you turn off their romance and set the globals properly.
I also edited several of Mazzy's lines to clarify her position. She's not expecting CN to be faithful while she gets a free pass with Imoen. Mazzy expects CN to decide whether they're okay with sharing before they start anything and to give her the chance to make that same decision in the future if CN is ever interested in someone else. The relevant lines of the Mazzy romance have been changed accordingly.
So... hopefully this will all work properly and read much better now
@megamike15 We don't use any real time timers only game time. My guess is that the timers just tend to run out while you rest since they would then trigger as soon as you wake up. There are also some talks that do trigger on or after a rest.
Just wanted to comment that I found the implementation of the Neera-Minsc relationship to be an interesting method, anda fun experience. Given the method used for Neera+Minsc, I kind of assume their romance would be turned off if a male CHARNAME romances Neera; I was running with a female PC.
@Tygaran BCaesar will be glad to hear you liked it. And yes, most of our NPC-NPC romances will only trigger if the PC isn't romancing one of the people involved. Though if the PC either quits or fails the romance, ours will kick in afterward.
@p_zombie325 I'm just gonna apologize in advance for changing existing files again, you might need to go through the whole mess again on the next version. Especially since I have to go renumber Clarap.tra right now. Sigh....
Ratatoskr , do not worry. I am currently in process completing the 2.08 translation. The more content will be for Clara, the better. Clarap.tra is not the biggest file
So I found a bug with the mod, I am very new to modding so I'm not sure If this is a bug or if I just installed something I shouldn't. After the fight with Mellisan and Solar told me of my destiny instead of my character speaking to the party one last time the dialog ended and I was able to Just walk around, thus I couldn't finish the game. And I am sure It was this mod, since I unninstalled the game and installed my mods one by one until I had the same bug (I don't have a lot of mods so It wasn't a waste of time). If It helps I can put here my mod list so you can check It out and test It.
@Lysandroth390 I know BCaesar was editing some of that TOB content, so it's possible we glitched it out somehow. Can you tell me who was in your party in the last fight? And whether you had any active romances or chose to be a god, that would help as well.....
Actually, what would really help is knowing when exactly your conversation ended. Any way you could tell me what the last line was?
So I found a bug with the mod, I am very new to modding so I'm not sure If this is a bug or if I just installed something I shouldn't. After the fight with Mellisan and Solar told me of my destiny instead of my character speaking to the party one last time the dialog ended and I was able to Just walk around, thus I couldn't finish the game. And I am sure It was this mod, since I unninstalled the game and installed my mods one by one until I had the same bug (I don't have a lot of mods so It wasn't a waste of time). If It helps I can put here my mod list so you can check It out and test It.
do you have tashia installed? that bug is mostly caused by her breaking a script which gets fixed in the bigworld fix pack.
@Lysandroth390 I know BCaesar was editing some of that TOB content, so it's possible we glitched it out somehow. Can you tell me who was in your party in the last fight? And whether you had any active romances or chose to be a god, that would help as well.....
Actually, what would really help is knowing when exactly your conversation ended. Any way you could tell me what the last line was?
The last line was Solar saying "the choice is difficult, but It is yours, something like that It was right before the last talk with my party. I had Jaheira, Jan, Imoen, Neera, Rasaad. And I was in a romance with Jaheira, yes. Something weird that also happenned was a bug that my character tried to speak to Aeri but the dialog didn't start and I was forced to remove her from the party, It happenned only in TOB too. Don't know if It makes a diffetence but I also had both plugins for good and for evil. If you need more information I can bug my game again, reinstalled this so many times, might as well help something with It hahahahah
Edit: no, I didn't chose to become a god because the game bugged before I could even say that I wanted to.
So I found a bug with the mod, I am very new to modding so I'm not sure If this is a bug or if I just installed something I shouldn't. After the fight with Mellisan and Solar told me of my destiny instead of my character speaking to the party one last time the dialog ended and I was able to Just walk around, thus I couldn't finish the game. And I am sure It was this mod, since I unninstalled the game and installed my mods one by one until I had the same bug (I don't have a lot of mods so It wasn't a waste of time). If It helps I can put here my mod list so you can check It out and test It.
do you have tashia installed? that bug is mostly caused by her breaking a script which gets fixed in the bigworld fix pack.
Thanks, I've found the issue, maybe, but it's going to take a bit of research. Somehow our mod seems to be messing up the Solar dialogue even though we only interject into Mazzy's final line and don't touch anything else in that conversation. BCaesar says his looks fine while mine definitely does not, so it may be a crossmod issue. If you don't mind, sending me your mod list would probably help. @Lysandroth390
The Aerie issue is probably a separate bug, I'll have to look at that. Sounds like a global mismatch.
Thanks, I've found the issue, kind of, but it's going to take a bit of research. Somehow our mod seems to be messing up the Solar dialogue even though we only interject into Mazzy's final line and don't touch anything else in that conversation.
The Aerie issue is probably a separate bug, I'll have to look at that.
Glad I could help, let me know when It's fixed, It's a must in my load order
Thanks, I've found the issue, maybe, but it's going to take a bit of research. Somehow our mod seems to be messing up the Solar dialogue even though we only interject into Mazzy's final line and don't touch anything else in that conversation. BCaesar says his looks fine while mine definitely does not, so it may be a crossmod issue. If you don't mind, sending me your mod list would probably help. @Lysandroth390
The Aerie issue is probably a separate bug, I'll have to look at that. Sounds like a global mismatch.
Imoen Romance
Pocket Plane's banter pack
That one Lava's Skie mod
Unfinished business
D'arnise romance
Quest pack
Flirt pack
All Things Mazzy
That's my mod list, It's not in that order though. I don't know if I can see in which order I installed everything
That is bizaare. Usually if a mod has messed up a conversation, uninstalling it fixes the issue, and BCaesar hasn't been able to replicate the error at all. Well, while I'm trying to figure this out, any idea when Aerie started stuttering for you? I might as well look at that too.
So I found a bug with the mod, I am very new to modding so I'm not sure If this is a bug or if I just installed something I shouldn't. After the fight with Mellisan and Solar told me of my destiny instead of my character speaking to the party one last time the dialog ended and I was able to Just walk around, thus I couldn't finish the game. And I am sure It was this mod, since I unninstalled the game and installed my mods one by one until I had the same bug (I don't have a lot of mods so It wasn't a waste of time). If It helps I can put here my mod list so you can check It out and test It.
I have only our mod and Wilson and don't have this problem. I can beat ToB with or without Mazzy in my party and no problem. Ratatoskr has every mod and has the same problem you do. So it's a cross-mod issue (our mod and another mod breaking each other) and we're trying to figure out which one and why.
Just wanted to comment that I found the implementation of the Neera-Minsc relationship to be an interesting method, anda fun experience. Given the method used for Neera+Minsc, I kind of assume their romance would be turned off if a male CHARNAME romances Neera; I was running with a female PC.
Correct. Glad you liked it; I wrote it in a fit of insanity .
so if i download this new version thats comeing up in the middle of my run i'll be good? i'm currently in chapter 2 and got mabey 3 of mazzy's talks.
It should be fine. The way I do it is I install the mods that are old and are never updated first. Our mod I usually install last since I'm constantly uninstalling and installing it. If you uninstall a mod and then leave it uninstalled and install others instead part way through then sometimes it'll mess up the names.
The safest thing to do would be to uninstall our mod, delete the AllThingsMazzy folder. Copy over the latest AllThingsMazzy folder and then reinstall. There shouldn't be any issues with that and the latest version will fix any bugs we've found.
@Lysandroth390 I know BCaesar was editing some of that TOB content, so it's possible we glitched it out somehow. Can you tell me who was in your party in the last fight? And whether you had any active romances or chose to be a god, that would help as well.....
Actually, what would really help is knowing when exactly your conversation ended. Any way you could tell me what the last line was?
The last line was Solar saying "the choice is difficult, but It is yours, something like that It was right before the last talk with my party. I had Jaheira, Jan, Imoen, Neera, Rasaad. And I was in a romance with Jaheira, yes. Something weird that also happenned was a bug that my character tried to speak to Aeri but the dialog didn't start and I was forced to remove her from the party, It happenned only in TOB too. Don't know if It makes a diffetence but I also had both plugins for good and for evil. If you need more information I can bug my game again, reinstalled this so many times, might as well help something with It hahahahah
Edit: no, I didn't chose to become a god because the game bugged before I could even say that I wanted to.
Did your character walk over to Aerie and try to talk to her?
I'm trying to think what that could be. We have almost nothing written between the main character and Aerie and when we do we almost never use the dialogue where they have to move to each other (we use the one where it just pops up on the screen).
That is bizaare. Usually if a mod has messed up a conversation, uninstalling it fixes the issue, and BCaesar hasn't been able to replicate the error at all. Well, while I'm trying to figure this out, any idea when Aerie started stuttering for you? I might as well look at that too.
Yes, I actually have a post about that, it was right after Jaheira leveled up, and only Jaheira for some reason, I did some testing with that. Something that I think is worth noting is that in Imoen romance, Imoen starts kinda a Romance with Aerie. Not sure If that has to do with anything.
So I found a bug with the mod, I am very new to modding so I'm not sure If this is a bug or if I just installed something I shouldn't. After the fight with Mellisan and Solar told me of my destiny instead of my character speaking to the party one last time the dialog ended and I was able to Just walk around, thus I couldn't finish the game. And I am sure It was this mod, since I unninstalled the game and installed my mods one by one until I had the same bug (I don't have a lot of mods so It wasn't a waste of time). If It helps I can put here my mod list so you can check It out and test It.
I have only our mod and Wilson and don't have this problem. I can beat ToB with or without Mazzy in my party and no problem. Ratatoskr has every mod and has the same problem you do. So it's a cross-mod issue (or mod and another mod breaking each other) and we're trying to figure out which one and why.
Just wanted to comment that I found the implementation of the Neera-Minsc relationship to be an interesting method, anda fun experience. Given the method used for Neera+Minsc, I kind of assume their romance would be turned off if a male CHARNAME romances Neera; I was running with a female PC.
Correct. Glad you liked it; I wrote it in a fit of insanity .
so if i download this new version thats comeing up in the middle of my run i'll be good? i'm currently in chapter 2 and got mabey 3 of mazzy's talks.
It should be fine. The way I do it is I install the mods that are old and are never updated first. Our mod I usually install last since I'm constantly uninstalling and installing it. If you uninstall a mod and then leave it uninstalled and install others instead part way through then sometimes it'll mess up the names.
The safest thing to do would be to uninstall our mod, delete the AllThingsMazzy folder. Copy over the latest AllThingsMazzy folder and then reinstall. There shouldn't be any issues with that and the latest version will fix any bugs we've found.
@Lysandroth390 I know BCaesar was editing some of that TOB content, so it's possible we glitched it out somehow. Can you tell me who was in your party in the last fight? And whether you had any active romances or chose to be a god, that would help as well.....
Actually, what would really help is knowing when exactly your conversation ended. Any way you could tell me what the last line was?
The last line was Solar saying "the choice is difficult, but It is yours, something like that It was right before the last talk with my party. I had Jaheira, Jan, Imoen, Neera, Rasaad. And I was in a romance with Jaheira, yes. Something weird that also happenned was a bug that my character tried to speak to Aeri but the dialog didn't start and I was forced to remove her from the party, It happenned only in TOB too. Don't know if It makes a diffetence but I also had both plugins for good and for evil. If you need more information I can bug my game again, reinstalled this so many times, might as well help something with It hahahahah
Edit: no, I didn't chose to become a god because the game bugged before I could even say that I wanted to.
Did your character walk over to Aerie and try to talk to her?
I'm trying to think what that could be. We have almost nothing written between the main character and Aerie and when we do we almost never use the dialogue where they have to move to each other (we use the one where it just pops up on the screen).
No, my character didn't walked to Aerie, he just turned to her direction, and when I tried to save the game kept telling me that I couldn't while in dialog mode, couldn't rest either.
Okay, the Aerie thing should be an easy fix. I just mismatched the globals. Still have no idea what's up with the other issue though. I'm trying to wipe it back to an older install and seeing what breaks exactly.
Okay, the Aerie thing should be an easy fix. I just mismatched the globals. Still have no idea what's up with the other issue though. I'm trying to wipe it back to an older install and seeing what breaks exactly.
Aerie-Jaheira's talk at the start of Flying Aerie, of course. I had the same idea but you beat me to it.
@Lysandroth390 Ok one bug fixed, one to go. Unfortunately I can't help with this other bug because I don't have whatever mod is combining with ours to beak the final Solar talk. So Ratatoskr will just have to figure that one out herself.
Okay, the Aerie thing should be an easy fix. I just mismatched the globals. Still have no idea what's up with the other issue though. I'm trying to wipe it back to an older install and seeing what breaks exactly.
Aerie-Jaheira's talk at the start of Flying Aerie, of course. I had the same idea but you beat me to it. Ok one bug fixed, one to go. Unfortunately I can't help with this other but because I don't have whatever mod is combining with ours to beak the final Solar talk. So Ratatoskr will just have to figure that one out herself.
Luckily she's brilliant.
Good luck guys! It's nice to see some behind the scenes with the mod. Didn't know it could be so stressful.
Okay, the Aerie thing should be an easy fix. I just mismatched the globals. Still have no idea what's up with the other issue though. I'm trying to wipe it back to an older install and seeing what breaks exactly.
Aerie-Jaheira's talk at the start of Flying Aerie, of course. I had the same idea but you beat me to it. Ok one bug fixed, one to go. Unfortunately I can't help with this other but because I don't have whatever mod is combining with ours to beak the final Solar talk. So Ratatoskr will just have to figure that one out herself.
Luckily she's brilliant.
Good luck guys! It's nice to see some behind the scenes with the mod. Didn't know it could be so stressful.
I bet it's the Imoen romance. They do a whole number on the end talks. Luckily I have that one downloaded but not installed. I'll install it and see what the end product looks like.
...So on further thought, I'm like 95% sure you'll be okay. The worst you should get is a few weird Names now and then and maybe a delayed talk or two. My old saves are super glitchy, but I'm pretty sure that's because I've actually overwritten dialog.tlk at least twice by now.
A. Main Mod: Mazzy
1. Additional Mazzy-Imoen talk to make their romance optional/less sudden. Edited some lines in the Mazzy romance as well to make everything clearer.
2. More extra bonus fun for the Mazzy romance
B: Main Mod: Misc
1. Extra bonus content for Clara/Edwin banters
C. For the Evil: Things get a little dark.
1. Additional options with various harlots around Athkatla
A couple extra notes about the Imoen-Mazzy talk. In a new game, this talk should play before their romance starts and if you tell Imoen not to go for it, she will never speak of this again
In a game where Imoen and Mazzy are already courting, like yours @ThacoBell, it should play immediately. Some of the lines might read a little strange, but that was the most efficient way to let you turn off their romance and set the globals properly.
I also edited several of Mazzy's lines to clarify her position. She's not expecting CN to be faithful while she gets a free pass with Imoen. Mazzy expects CN to decide whether they're okay with sharing before they start anything and to give her the chance to make that same decision in the future if CN is ever interested in someone else. The relevant lines of the Mazzy romance have been changed accordingly.
So... hopefully this will all work properly and read much better now
I'm definitely looking forward to this mod, though.
i noticed they tend to not show up until i sleep at an inn.
Actually, what would really help is knowing when exactly your conversation ended. Any way you could tell me what the last line was?
do you have tashia installed? that bug is mostly caused by her breaking a script which gets fixed in the bigworld fix pack.
The last line was Solar saying "the choice is difficult, but It is yours, something like that It was right before the last talk with my party. I had Jaheira, Jan, Imoen, Neera, Rasaad. And I was in a romance with Jaheira, yes. Something weird that also happenned was a bug that my character tried to speak to Aeri but the dialog didn't start and I was forced to remove her from the party, It happenned only in TOB too. Don't know if It makes a diffetence but I also had both plugins for good and for evil. If you need more information I can bug my game again, reinstalled this so many times, might as well help something with It hahahahah
Edit: no, I didn't chose to become a god because the game bugged before I could even say that I wanted to.
No, I did not had Tashia
The Aerie issue is probably a separate bug, I'll have to look at that. Sounds like a global mismatch.
Glad I could help, let me know when It's fixed, It's a must in my load order
Imoen Romance
Pocket Plane's banter pack
That one Lava's Skie mod
Unfinished business
D'arnise romance
Quest pack
Flirt pack
All Things Mazzy
That's my mod list, It's not in that order though. I don't know if I can see in which order I installed everything
Neither did mine, I had to unninstall the whole game
I have only our mod and Wilson and don't have this problem. I can beat ToB with or without Mazzy in my party and no problem. Ratatoskr has every mod and has the same problem you do. So it's a cross-mod issue (our mod and another mod breaking each other) and we're trying to figure out which one and why.
Correct. Glad you liked it; I wrote it in a fit of insanity
It should be fine. The way I do it is I install the mods that are old and are never updated first. Our mod I usually install last since I'm constantly uninstalling and installing it. If you uninstall a mod and then leave it uninstalled and install others instead part way through then sometimes it'll mess up the names.
The safest thing to do would be to uninstall our mod, delete the AllThingsMazzy folder. Copy over the latest AllThingsMazzy folder and then reinstall. There shouldn't be any issues with that and the latest version will fix any bugs we've found.
Did your character walk over to Aerie and try to talk to her?
I'm trying to think what that could be. We have almost nothing written between the main character and Aerie and when we do we almost never use the dialogue where they have to move to each other (we use the one where it just pops up on the screen).
Yes, I actually have a post about that, it was right after Jaheira leveled up, and only Jaheira for some reason, I did some testing with that. Something that I think is worth noting is that in Imoen romance, Imoen starts kinda a Romance with Aerie. Not sure If that has to do with anything.
No, my character didn't walked to Aerie, he just turned to her direction, and when I tried to save the game kept telling me that I couldn't while in dialog mode, couldn't rest either.
Aerie-Jaheira's talk at the start of Flying Aerie, of course. I had the same idea but you beat me to it.
@Lysandroth390 Ok one bug fixed, one to go. Unfortunately I can't help with this other bug because I don't have whatever mod is combining with ours to beak the final Solar talk. So Ratatoskr will just have to figure that one out herself.
Luckily she's brilliant.
Good luck guys! It's nice to see some behind the scenes with the mod. Didn't know it could be so stressful.
I bet it's the Imoen romance. They do a whole number on the end talks. Luckily I have that one downloaded but not installed. I'll install it and see what the end product looks like.