@lollers To the best of my coding knowledge since no one has mentioned any bugs. But neither of us have EET so I can't 100% guarantee that everything works as intended.
Also the rest of you are ridiculous and I love you for it ?
E. For The Evil: Bodhi NPC
1. Added Bodhi NPC to SoA!
A. You will only have the option to gain Bodhi if you worked for her in Chapter 3.
B. As in ToB, Bodhi is incompatible with all good or druid NPC's in BG2:EE. She is also the enemy of Drizzt and the Order of the Radiant Heart.
C. Similar to ToB, Bodhi is an over-powered killing machine, but her claws tend to make enemies explode meaning you cannot loot their items (except for quest items).
D. If you sold the Cloak of Dragomir to Bodhi in Chapter 3, she will have it in her inventory when she joins you. This allows her or Hexxat to walk in sunlight but lowers their stats while they wear it.
E. Added many dialogues and interjections for her in chapters 6 and 7.
2. Added Bodhi-the-Elf NPC to ToB. At the end of SoA, should you direct Bodhi to accept Queen Ellesime's offer, Bodhi-the-Elf will ask to come with you. She is a Chaotic-Evil Elven Monk. Good NPC's will again travel with her except for Mazzy, Anomen (if he's still with the Order), and Keldorn.
So, is Bodhi finished? I wonder, can you make her weapons not that aggravating? Having bodhi and being unable to relax because she may destroy the equipment is not that great.
Bodhi is more or less finished. We may add more writing, interjections, or banters as we think of them, but her chapter 6 and 7 story dialogue is all finished.
As for her attacks unfortunately that is coded into her claws in the game. It's the downside of her being such an unstoppable killing machine (since she was a mini-boss); her claws level drain people down to such a low level that her attacks then explode them. She'll never explode quest items or other important things that are unbreakable.
However if you finish SoA with her you can change that because...
Queen Ellesime offers to make her an elf again, so she can start ToB as a Chaotic Evil Elven Monk of the same level. And then she fights with her fists instead of claws that explode people.
@BCaesar, @Ratatoskr thanks for the update!
I want to ask you about the next update with Clara's quest and other things...it will be the final version?
@skusha Honestly, final-ish, maybe. Depends on how many things we get coded before we post the next version.
But even once we get the Dorn-HD romance and the Clara quest done, we've got some things still in the works. There's the Mazzy consistency check, a second Clara quest of sorts, that whole Jaheira thing... And we might have extra ideas now and then.
@Ratatoskr, thanks, for the clarification, it's good that the mod is on its way to the finale! And Clara's second quest must have!
I'm testing the Clara quest now and it's working. We'll spend the next couple of days working out all of the bugs we can find and then we can post a new version of the mod. Props to Ratatoskr for writing and coding it because it would've been beyond me. You'll see.
It's not included in this mod since it was made very simply and it overwrites the class and kit files rather than editing them, meaning that if you install this mod after another mod that also edits classes or kits it'll overwrite the changes the other mod made.
But as long as you install it first it'll work fine. I don't have any other mods installed that modify classes or kits anyways so I'm currently using it to play a Dwarven Sorcerer.
Okay, as promised I'm posting the next version. We know we just uploaded one, but this does have a Clara quest and several bug fixes we wanted to get posted. The next version will probably wait until Dorn-HD is finished unless someone finds a game-breaking bug.
Also @p_zombie325, we moved some existing dialogue into different files again. Sorry. Also, just sorry in general about the books....
A. Main Mod: All Things Mazzy:
1. Adjusted the Korgan-Mazzy SOA talks so that the TOB banters are not turned off. This did remove a talk, technically, but should make things better overall.
B. Main Mod: Clara
1. Fixed an issue with Edwin's belt from their TOB banters. It still won't take effect until you leave inventory just like Clara's (that's due to a workaround that stops the game from crashing), but he will actually be able to use it.
2. Created an NPC quest involving Clara and Rose Bouquet. The quest proper will begin once Aran is dead. (You may get a repeat of an earlier Rose conversation if you had an earlier version installed. This is not a bug. We had to move things around.)
C. Main Mod: Misc.
1.Fixed a bug with the second Harlot Quest & made it more mod compatible as well.
D. For The Evil:
1. Adjusted all the harlot talks to be more compatible with other mods.
2. Added a short Bodhi talk related to Clara's quest.
E. For the Good:
1. HaerDalis should now only join a Hostile Aerie if their NPC romance is complete. This was necessary for reasons....
2. We've hopefully fixed a bunch of inconsistencies with Hostile Mazzy.
@lollers If you mean the IEP banter pack, it should be okay. I have that mod installed on my game so the code should be compatible.
I can't guarantee all of their banters will mesh with ours perfectly, but at a quick glance, most of them look fine. I didn't see anything super jarring.
I don't expect this mixes well with IEP? It IS a mega mod, and I dont expect IEP had it in mind.
IEP should be fine. If for some reason something breaks let us know. We try to code stuff in a way that it doesn't break other mods or vice-versa.
Some of the IEP banters/talks won't mesh with the writing in our mod, but that's true of any other mod. We try to write our characters so they're in line with the main game, but not necessarily in line with the direction other mods expanded those characters (Sometimes we run in an entirely opposite direction than other modders).
As Ratatoskr said, the main Clara quest was just posted, the Haer'Dalis-Dorn romance is written and she's going to code that next. There's another quest for Clara-Viconia that I'll code after (alternating the coding between us keeps one of us from going insane, but we can't actually both code at the exact same time or it breaks things).
We're also busy going through all the Mazzy files and editing/re-writing as it pleases us, since that was the project written over the longest time period and some of the writing was the oldest stuff we'd written- it needed some editing. We'll write up an option to do Mazzy's thieves quest for all players after Bodhi dies if you aren't romancing her.
That should keep us busy for the next little while.
@BCaesar, in general, could it be said that the Haer'Dalis-Dorn romance, the Jaheira-Wilson romance, the quest for Clara-Viconia, and that would be the end?
I'd really like to see a romance with Clara, and not necessarily with the main character, you can implement it with other NPCs. If there are any other people who would like a romance with Clara, please support me!
@BCaesar, in general, could it be said that the Haer'Dalis-Dorn romance, the Jaheira-Wilson romance, the quest for Clara-Viconia, and that would be the end?
I'd really like to see a romance with Clara, and not necessarily with the main character, you can implement it with other NPCs. If there are any other people who would like a romance with Clara, please support me!
I think Clara got a romance of sorts with Anomen...
Would be fun if there was a love triangle of sorts with Clara, Anomen and the PC. Like with the PC, Aerie and Haer'Dalis. Its a shame Bioware did not introduce any love rivalries in their games since that one as it added some "spice" to the courting. ^^
Would it be possible to release some little piece of content of this mod as separate from others? One example would be Adalon dropping the scales. That would be a juicy little mod.
If not, would it be possible to make the experience more customizable? For example, I do not enjoy every component from "the miscellaneous stuff", hence why I asked for a split.
Unfortunately making things into separate little install segments makes the coding a pain (and in some cases impossible) on our end, especially since we like to make everything interconnected. We do try to make nearly everything optional: Most of it you can avoid by just not doing it or by selecting a particular dialogue option (the goal is to give people options, meaning they can always opt to not do that particular content). If there's something in particular that pops up in your game that you'd like to turn off that you can't then let us know and we'll see if we can put in an option to do that.
Except for the Knights of the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart. No turning them off; you'll just have to kill them .
@BCaesar, in general, could it be said that the Haer'Dalis-Dorn romance, the Jaheira-Wilson romance, the quest for Clara-Viconia, and that would be the end?
More or less, until one of us thinks of something else . Some modders release each new thing as a separate project, but for us any new project just goes right into this one (makes life so much easier for us). At the moment though that's what's written and/or in process (in no particular order):
- Dorn-HD Romance
- Viconia's quest with Clara ("Viconia's Peace"), about Viconia working to solve to her recurring problems with humans. That'll be in For the Evil.
- Jaheira-Wilson Romance
- Mazzy's re-write/edit and quest add.
- An addition to the Clara quest we just released involving a villain who doesn't return a library book.
So once those are done we don't have anything else in the works, but knowing us we may think of something. I'd like this think this monstrosity is just about complete though.
I'd really like to see a romance with Clara, and not necessarily with the main character, you can implement it with other NPCs. If there are any other people who would like a romance with Clara, please support me!
As Mother mentioned she does have a romance with Anomen, though that's more her romancing Anomen than the other way around . There's two completely different branches of that depending on whether he passes or fails his Order test.
The romance between Clara and Anomen only continues if Anomen fails his test thus remaining a noble. If he passes his Order test then Anomen's father disowns him so Clara moves on to a better catch.
I'm thinking of just installing 1.All Things Mazzy for my game:
If I want to bring other MOD npcs (e.g. Isra, Sirene etc), and I want to see Mazzy banters with the MOD npcs, should I install this Mazzy MOD before or after the MOD npcs? Or this should be considered as quest mod (load order before NPC MOD). Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm quite new in term of modding my game.
Is it possible if I romance Mazzy together with the other MOD npcs? ar there will be conflict?
If I do not romance Mazzy, I supposed I will still be able to see the friendship path right?
Megamike is correct. We don't have any additional banters with mod NPCs. Any Mazzy banters those NPCs have will be added as part of their mod, not ours. There is one minor Easter egg with the Alora NPC that will not install unless you already have her, but otherwise the order shouldn't really matter.
We have also not coded any conflicts with mod NPC romances, so you can romance both. Mazzy just won't acknowledge that you're with someone else. You can see a lot of our Mazzy stuff without the romance, but not all of it.
And we do update fairly frequently so it'll be easier to update versions if you install our mod toward the end. But it's not required. Installing other mods after ours sometimes helps us find bugs that we missed ?. That said, we're still more of an NPC/romance mod than a quest mod overall.
Thanks for the explanation, after some consideration, I think I will keep mazzy’s contents for my future play through, as I think it will be better if I play this mod with more original npcs instead of a party of mostly all mod npcs (so many banters added for vanilla npcs!)
I’m thinking of taking one original npc together with 4 mod npcs for current playthrough (3 of them are accompanying me in bg1 now) so I’m looking for mod that adding some interesting contents to the original npc as well. And I realize that flying Aerie sound interesting to me. I remember many years ago I always feel sad for her losing her wing and finally we have something to help her. It looks like many talks and npc dialogues are added for helping her to get back wing. Sound cool!
So just to confirm, can I install Aerie’s content without installing mazzy parts? I will still get the following contents if I don’t install mazzy part? Do I have to romance her (vanilla game romance)in order see the following contents?:
- 12 Aerie Talks (9 both SOA/TOB, 3 TOB only talks) as she tries to regain her wings. (Optional)
- 8 NPC talks related to Aerie's wings (SOA & TOB)
- 6 NPC/CN Talks on the Wizard Wings Path (SOA & TOB)
Our mod does not have optional segments other than the parts listed under For the Evil, For the Good, and turning off duplicate epilogues so you would need to install the entire main mod in order to get the Aerie wings dialogues.
However, you do not need to romance Mazzy or even have her in your party for those to trigger. All you need is Aerie to be at a certain level and in your party instead. The various NPC wing talks won't trigger unless you have those NPCs in your party, but none of those are required for Aerie to regain her wings.
Regarding Bodhi, is there a rundown as to the particulars of how/when she can join the party, and some idea how that plays out based on the normal game flow?
@rossbach451 There are really only 2 steps to getting our version of Bodhi in SOA.
1. Work for her in chapter 3 instead of the Shadow Thieves. 2. Follow the plot and ask her to join you when the opportunity presents itself in chapter 6. It should be impossible to miss, but you will need to defeat her first.
Her existence is remarked on in chapter 7 if she's there, but it doesn't change the plot.
For TOB, you can just summon her like everyone else.
@skusha I just got it yesterday. I'll have it up soon. You gotta give our wonderful translator time to go over the ridiculous amount of dialogue that we have in this mod
Also the rest of you are ridiculous and I love you for it ?
One does not "settle" for Wilson. For Wilson is the best of us.
Bodhi is more or less finished. We may add more writing, interjections, or banters as we think of them, but her chapter 6 and 7 story dialogue is all finished.
As for her attacks unfortunately that is coded into her claws in the game. It's the downside of her being such an unstoppable killing machine (since she was a mini-boss); her claws level drain people down to such a low level that her attacks then explode them. She'll never explode quest items or other important things that are unbreakable.
However if you finish SoA with her you can change that because...
I want to ask you about the next update with Clara's quest and other things...it will be the final version?
But even once we get the Dorn-HD romance and the Clara quest done, we've got some things still in the works. There's the Mazzy consistency check, a second Clara quest of sorts, that whole Jaheira thing... And we might have extra ideas now and then.
I'm testing the Clara quest now and it's working. We'll spend the next couple of days working out all of the bugs we can find and then we can post a new version of the mod. Props to Ratatoskr for writing and coding it because it would've been beyond me. You'll see.
Unrelated to all that, back before we started this mod I made a very crude mod that allows you to play all races and classes. The link is here: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/62804/no-race-restrictions-mod-version-1-01-for-baldurs-gate-2-or-bg1-enhanced-edition-2-0-and-later
It's not included in this mod since it was made very simply and it overwrites the class and kit files rather than editing them, meaning that if you install this mod after another mod that also edits classes or kits it'll overwrite the changes the other mod made.
But as long as you install it first it'll work fine. I don't have any other mods installed that modify classes or kits anyways so I'm currently using it to play a Dwarven Sorcerer.
Also @p_zombie325, we moved some existing dialogue into different files again. Sorry. Also, just sorry in general about the books....
1. Adjusted the Korgan-Mazzy SOA talks so that the TOB banters are not turned off. This did remove a talk, technically, but should make things better overall.
B. Main Mod: Clara
1. Fixed an issue with Edwin's belt from their TOB banters. It still won't take effect until you leave inventory just like Clara's (that's due to a workaround that stops the game from crashing), but he will actually be able to use it.
2. Created an NPC quest involving Clara and Rose Bouquet. The quest proper will begin once Aran is dead. (You may get a repeat of an earlier Rose conversation if you had an earlier version installed. This is not a bug. We had to move things around.)
C. Main Mod: Misc.
1.Fixed a bug with the second Harlot Quest & made it more mod compatible as well.
D. For The Evil:
1. Adjusted all the harlot talks to be more compatible with other mods.
2. Added a short Bodhi talk related to Clara's quest.
E. For the Good:
1. HaerDalis should now only join a Hostile Aerie if their NPC romance is complete. This was necessary for reasons....
2. We've hopefully fixed a bunch of inconsistencies with Hostile Mazzy.
I can't guarantee all of their banters will mesh with ours perfectly, but at a quick glance, most of them look fine. I didn't see anything super jarring.
IEP should be fine. If for some reason something breaks let us know. We try to code stuff in a way that it doesn't break other mods or vice-versa.
Some of the IEP banters/talks won't mesh with the writing in our mod, but that's true of any other mod. We try to write our characters so they're in line with the main game, but not necessarily in line with the direction other mods expanded those characters (Sometimes we run in an entirely opposite direction than other modders).
As Ratatoskr said, the main Clara quest was just posted, the Haer'Dalis-Dorn romance is written and she's going to code that next. There's another quest for Clara-Viconia that I'll code after (alternating the coding between us keeps one of us from going insane, but we can't actually both code at the exact same time or it breaks things).
We're also busy going through all the Mazzy files and editing/re-writing as it pleases us, since that was the project written over the longest time period and some of the writing was the oldest stuff we'd written- it needed some editing. We'll write up an option to do Mazzy's thieves quest for all players after Bodhi dies if you aren't romancing her.
That should keep us busy for the next little while.
I'd really like to see a romance with Clara, and not necessarily with the main character, you can implement it with other NPCs. If there are any other people who would like a romance with Clara, please support me!
I think Clara got a romance of sorts with Anomen...
Would be fun if there was a love triangle of sorts with Clara, Anomen and the PC. Like with the PC, Aerie and Haer'Dalis. Its a shame Bioware did not introduce any love rivalries in their games since that one as it added some "spice" to the courting. ^^
Unfortunately making things into separate little install segments makes the coding a pain (and in some cases impossible) on our end, especially since we like to make everything interconnected. We do try to make nearly everything optional: Most of it you can avoid by just not doing it or by selecting a particular dialogue option (the goal is to give people options, meaning they can always opt to not do that particular content). If there's something in particular that pops up in your game that you'd like to turn off that you can't then let us know and we'll see if we can put in an option to do that.
Except for the Knights of the Most Noble Order of the Radiant Heart. No turning them off; you'll just have to kill them
More or less, until one of us thinks of something else
- Dorn-HD Romance
- Viconia's quest with Clara ("Viconia's Peace"), about Viconia working to solve to her recurring problems with humans. That'll be in For the Evil.
- Jaheira-Wilson Romance
- Mazzy's re-write/edit and quest add.
- An addition to the Clara quest we just released involving a villain who doesn't return a library book.
So once those are done we don't have anything else in the works, but knowing us we may think of something. I'd like this think this monstrosity is just about complete though.
As Mother mentioned she does have a romance with Anomen, though that's more her romancing Anomen than the other way around
If I want to bring other MOD npcs (e.g. Isra, Sirene etc), and I want to see Mazzy banters with the MOD npcs, should I install this Mazzy MOD before or after the MOD npcs? Or this should be considered as quest mod (load order before NPC MOD). Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm quite new in term of modding my game.
Is it possible if I romance Mazzy together with the other MOD npcs? ar there will be conflict?
If I do not romance Mazzy, I supposed I will still be able to see the friendship path right?
We have also not coded any conflicts with mod NPC romances, so you can romance both. Mazzy just won't acknowledge that you're with someone else. You can see a lot of our Mazzy stuff without the romance, but not all of it.
And we do update fairly frequently so it'll be easier to update versions if you install our mod toward the end. But it's not required. Installing other mods after ours sometimes helps us find bugs that we missed ?. That said, we're still more of an NPC/romance mod than a quest mod overall.
I’m thinking of taking one original npc together with 4 mod npcs for current playthrough (3 of them are accompanying me in bg1 now) so I’m looking for mod that adding some interesting contents to the original npc as well. And I realize that flying Aerie sound interesting to me. I remember many years ago I always feel sad for her losing her wing and finally we have something to help her. It looks like many talks and npc dialogues are added for helping her to get back wing. Sound cool!
So just to confirm, can I install Aerie’s content without installing mazzy parts? I will still get the following contents if I don’t install mazzy part? Do I have to romance her (vanilla game romance)in order see the following contents?:
- 12 Aerie Talks (9 both SOA/TOB, 3 TOB only talks) as she tries to regain her wings. (Optional)
- 8 NPC talks related to Aerie's wings (SOA & TOB)
- 6 NPC/CN Talks on the Wizard Wings Path (SOA & TOB)
However, you do not need to romance Mazzy or even have her in your party for those to trigger. All you need is Aerie to be at a certain level and in your party instead. The various NPC wing talks won't trigger unless you have those NPCs in your party, but none of those are required for Aerie to regain her wings.
For TOB, you can just summon her like everyone else.
Edit - 2.45 with Russian should be up now.