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MegaMod 3.15: Mazzy Romance, Clara NPC, Darkside Anomen, Flying Aerie, For The Evil, & more! (DONE)



  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Will the newest mod version be 2.5 and 2.6 compatible?
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited May 2021
    Endarire wrote: »
    Will the newest mod version be 2.5 and 2.6 compatible?

    I uninstalled all my mods, updated BG2 to the latest version, and installed All Things Mazzy and it seems to work fine so far. I just tested the final SoA Wilson-Jaheira banter. Jaheira's a good looking bear.

    We think we'll make a mod post soon since we've coded and tested nearly everything. Jaheira-Wilson SoA is done though the ToB talks will have to wait until the next release. We'll do more bug testing while that's being coded too.

    So the only thing that won't be included in the next release are the Jaheira-Wilson Romance ToB talks.
  • Fishmalk_1Fishmalk_1 Member Posts: 58
    And its here. At least the Jaheria-Wilson romance is optional.

    Have you guys considered giving the mod a real name again? Megamod conveys so little.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited May 2021
    Fishmalk_1 wrote: »
    And it's here. Awesome! That Jaheria-Wilson romance is brilliant.

    Fishmalk_1 wrote: »
    Have you guys considered giving the mod a real name again? Megamod conveys so little.

    I'm open to suggestions. That was the most descriptive title we could think of.

  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    edited May 2021
    Hey, I like your mod so thanks. Can you tell me what happens next with Clara and Anomen? He failed the test, and last I heard they were plotting something against the council of six. This was hours ago, and I can only assume their business is suspended at the moment until I do a thing? I've just paid the 90,000 gold for the alliance with the shadow thieves (a component from SCS increasing from 15,000 gold pieces) and I've done all of the usual pre-spellhold stuff short of the planar sphere and firkraag, and a bunch of minor quests haven't been touched either. I am in the habit of dropping characters after they go quiet, and I want some advice when to take Clara back into the group.
    Post edited by lollers on
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @lollers I'm glad you're enjoying the mod. I haven't played through that sequence in awhile, but based on what you've said, you may have finished their arc for SOA.
    Did Anomen already propose, confront Cor and talk to the guy in the government district?
    Clara does have interjections through Spellhold and 2-4 banters with the other game NPCs if you haven't gotten them all yet, but you could certainly remove her if you want. Once you finish her arc with Anomen, the two of them don't have more talks until TOB.

  • lollerslollers Member Posts: 190
    edited May 2021
    All of that has happened, except there are still a number of followers she has not been introduced to, and probably isn't going to be. I am not patient enough to hunt down every group combination in the game.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Nothing wrong with that. The banters with everyone was more to make sure she'd talk no matter who was in the rest of your party. So if she's talked to everyone in your standard group a few times, you're probably fine to swap her out. All you'd be missing is her interjections.

    She does have some quests, but given your route, those likely won't trigger until chapter 6, if you get them.
  • jankmasterjankmaster Member Posts: 41
    is Clara worth taking along with an Anomen that succeeded in his test or is there not much content with those two in that scenario?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @jankmaster If Anomen hasn't succeeded on his test yet, but you plan to have him pass, he and Clara do have content and will actually have completely different conversations post test if the talks get far enough beforehand. However, if he's already passed the test, they won't really talk.

    Clara does have content with pretty much everyone else, but the Anomen content works best if you get both of them early on.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited May 2021
    May we get cross-mod content with Saradas from Saradas Magic I & II? (In this thread the author gave permission to update/edit his mods.)
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited May 2021
    Isn't Saradas not actually an NPC until TOB? So the only thing to potentially add would be banters with Clara, and I don't think I know him well enough to write those. If I'm incorrect and he does join your party in SOA, there are possibly a couple places we could add lines.

    That said, @Endarire if you wanted to write banters with Clara, we could possibly look at them and add them in to our mod.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Saradas is a vendor in BG1 and SoA who becomes a party member in ToB.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Right, so in that case there wouldn't be any crossmod content to add in SOA, at least none that I can think of.

    Once he joins the party, there could be banters with Clara, but as I said above, I don't feel I know him well enough to write those currently.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    lollers wrote: »
    All of that has happened, except there are still a number of followers she has not been introduced to, and probably isn't going to be. I am not patient enough to hunt down every group combination in the game.

    I think I know where you are and what to do:
    I'm assuming you've already talked with the wizard in the council of six building and cleared Anomen's name? If not then do that.

    And once you've done that then the next step is to:
    Anomen wants to join the council of six. He needs an opening. One of the council of six members controls the Shadow Thieves. Go wipe them out and then wait a few days.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    jankmaster wrote: »
    is Clara worth taking along with an Anomen that succeeded in his test or is there not much content with those two in that scenario?
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @jankmaster If Anomen hasn't succeeded on his test yet, but you plan to have him pass, he and Clara do have content and will actually have completely different conversations post test if the talks get far enough beforehand. However, if he's already passed the test, they won't really talk.

    Clara does have content with pretty much everyone else, but the Anomen content works best if you get both of them early on.

    I think we wrote a number of the Clara-Anomen talks to work if you pick her up after he passes his test. I'd give it a shot. There's not as many talks as the other way, but still some.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Endarire Can't guarantee anything, but we'll take a look when we have time. See if the muse strikes.
  • skushaskusha Member Posts: 139
    edited June 2021
    @Ratatoskr Waiting for 2.86 update with Russian translation :)
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Soon. Our wonderful translator just sent it to me this week, so I'll try to get it up soon.
  • skushaskusha Member Posts: 139
    edited June 2021
    @BCaesar, @Ratatoskr, what are your plans to finalize the content in a future update? the final version will be 3.0 as it is understood?
  • zartanzartan Member Posts: 13
    How do you force shut down bugged dialogue that won't trigger?

    Aerie is trying start a conversation which doesn't trigger in ch6 SoA (earlier ones were about wings). What happens she stops moving and turns towards MC. MC does the same towards Aerie but it isn't as "aggressive". Game "soft-locks" on trying to start a conversation which kinda prevents resting outside, quick saving and moving. In general the game is too frustrating to continue playing on.

    Already tried kicking her out and rejoining, ctrl + y, silence, petrification, restarting game, loading earlier save (re-happens after certain amount of time has passed). The bug re-appears everytime Aerie is in the party... but ditching Aerie is not an option. I already had similar dialogue bug with Mazzy... but somehow managed to get rid of it.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    skusha wrote: »
    @BCaesar, @Ratatoskr, what are your plans to finalize the content in a future update? the final version will be 3.0 as it is understood?

    I'm almost done coding Jaheira-Wilson in ToB. We've fixed a number of bugs too.
    zartan wrote: »
    How do you force shut down bugged dialogue that won't trigger?

    Aerie is trying start a conversation which doesn't trigger in ch6 SoA (earlier ones were about wings). What happens she stops moving and turns towards MC. MC does the same towards Aerie but it isn't as "aggressive". Game "soft-locks" on trying to start a conversation which kinda prevents resting outside, quick saving and moving. In general the game is too frustrating to continue playing on.

    Already tried kicking her out and rejoining, ctrl + y, silence, petrification, restarting game, loading earlier save (re-happens after certain amount of time has passed). The bug re-appears everytime Aerie is in the party... but ditching Aerie is not an option. I already had similar dialogue bug with Mazzy... but somehow managed to get rid of it.

    I'll try to find the dialogue and see what's wrong. The game's trying to trigger a dialogue that can't trigger.

    Do you remember when the Mazzy one was? I should fix that too.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited June 2021
    zartan wrote: »
    How do you force shut down bugged dialogue that won't trigger?

    Aerie is trying start a conversation which doesn't trigger in ch6 SoA (earlier ones were about wings). What happens she stops moving and turns towards MC. MC does the same towards Aerie but it isn't as "aggressive". Game "soft-locks" on trying to start a conversation which kinda prevents resting outside, quick saving and moving. In general the game is too frustrating to continue playing on.

    Already tried kicking her out and rejoining, ctrl + y, silence, petrification, restarting game, loading earlier save (re-happens after certain amount of time has passed). The bug re-appears everytime Aerie is in the party... but ditching Aerie is not an option. I already had similar dialogue bug with Mazzy... but somehow managed to get rid of it.

    Another question: Who's in your party when the Aerie bug is happening? It's not immediately obvious, but there's a lot of Aerie talks so (assuming it's our mod) I just need to find the correct one. Unfortunately I need to find which talk is trying to trigger in order to both fix it in the next update and to tell you how to turn it off.
    Post edited by BCaesar on
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    As an addendum, if you're at all familiar with Near Infinity, there is a stutter debug mod that can show you which line is triggering endlessly. That's often what we use to track down these kinds of issues.
  • zartanzartan Member Posts: 13
    BCaesar wrote: »
    Another question: Who's in your party when the Aerie bug is happening?
    Party: Aerie, Jaheira, Keldorn*, Korgan & Nalia*
    *replaced Edwin & Mazzy who got chunked/permadied soon after ch 6 started (playing no-reload style).

    I loaded Ch 6 start save and created my current party. This was the last dialogue that worked. Whatever is meant to come after this bugs out.
    Aerie: The spell heals recent wounds!
    --cut out--
    Aerie: What?! That should've worked!

    I also tested by replacing Keldorn & Nalia with Edwin & Mazzy after the last working dialogue which added one more dialogue. After this one the dialog also bugs out.
    Mazzy: Aerie, it appears to me that you may be upset.
    --cut out--
    Aerie: Thanks, Mazzy, I'll... I'll keep at it.
    BCaesar wrote: »
    Do you remember when the Mazzy one was?
    Not really, late ch 2 / ch 3 happened in Thief stronghold. I think, I found a way around it by choosing different dialogue choices. I recall, I chose that I have no interest in Mazzy anymore which somehow managed let me get past it? May remember wrong.

    By the way, a question out of interest.
    Keldorn encourages Mazzy to become a paladin in Radiant Heart. Was the only 2nd person who could vouch for her, Anomen?
    Couldn't test it out as Anomen had permadied.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    zartan wrote: »
    BCaesar wrote: »
    Okay, thanks, I'll start pouring over code. You've got the latest mod version, right? If you have an older version it might be a bug we fixed already.

    By the way, a question out of interest.
    Keldorn encourages Mazzy to become a paladin in Radiant Heart. Was the only 2nd person who could vouch for her, Anomen?
    Couldn't test it out as Anomen had permadied.

    To answer your spoiler question:
    There are three possible 2nd people who can vouch for Mazzy.
    1. Anomen, after/if passes his test.
    2. The PC, if they're a paladin and they join the Order.
    3. Garren Windspear after you rescue his child.
    So even if you make Anomen evil and aren't a paladin you can still have Garren Windspear be the 2nd person.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited June 2021
    zartan wrote: »

    I figured it out. We're just idiots. You got the last Aerie-tries-to-regenerate-her-wings dialogue in SoA (it keeps going in ToB), but we had a timer set up to continually try to trigger the next dialogue. So once you reached the last one it broke.

    If you have any way to set globals then set: Global("_bAerieWingTalk","GLOBAL",99)

    That should stop it.

    Then when you get to ToB if you want to pick up where you stopped set: Global("_bAerieWingTalk","GLOBAL",2)

    We must not have ever played Aerie's wing talks out to their conclusion in SoA to test it. We must have always gone to ToB before the last one. Those same dialogues all exist in ToB too (you can pick up wherever you left off), except that there's more in ToB so she can actually succeed in her efforts.

    I'll fix it in the current version of the mod I'm working on, and then I'm so close to being done I'll just try to code these last few Jaheira-Wilson ToB talks in the next couple of days and we can post the final version.
  • zartanzartan Member Posts: 13
    Worked, she stopped bugging out. It's to be seen if I get to try the ToB code... many hard fights between that.
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