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MegaMod 3.15: Mazzy Romance, Clara NPC, Darkside Anomen, Flying Aerie, For The Evil, & more! (DONE)



  • amendaraamendara Member Posts: 16
    Thanks for the help!

    Jan/Bodhi romance, now that could be epicly weird. I love Jan too, but not too many mods write extra content for him. You almost have to be Shakespeare loquacious to get Jan right.

    I love HaerDalis as well, so as you liked your work on it, the Dorn/HD romance is a must.

    BCaesar has set the perfect party for me thanks. Im glad to hear Bodhi has quite a bit of content so will be fun to finish the game with her. Then I might swap her in TOB for Sarevok for the Sarevok Viconia romance as Ratatoskr suggested.

    I suppose that leaves me without any romance. If my starting party was Mazzy, Viconia, Anomen, Edwin, Anomen and Clara, later switching Mazzy and Edwin for Dorn and HaerDalis, who do you think I should romance? Or will any compatible romance mods play well in terms of interesting conflict such as Dorn Romance, Sarevok Romance mod? Or I could romance Viconia or Anomen perhaps for interesting conflict with Sarevok or Clara.

    Viconia is another fav. Has anyone ever done a Viconia romance expansion? I think there is a Viconia friendship mod, but not sure how that would play with your mod where Viconia already seems *very* busy.

    My only worry is about Dorn/Anomen. I recall trying a party a few years ago where I wanted both Dorn and Anomen, and though I got past the initial scene with Dorn, later on Anomen just suddenly kept leaving the party (because of Dorn's presence) and I could not do anything to stop it. Borked my run P.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546

    amendara wrote: »
    Thanks for the help!

    Jan/Bodhi romance, now that could be epicly weird. I love Jan too, but not too many mods write extra content for him. You almost have to be Shakespeare loquacious to get Jan right.

    BCaesar has set the perfect party for me thanks. Im glad to hear Bodhi has quite a bit of content so will be fun to finish the game with her. Then I might swap her in TOB for Sarevok for the Sarevok Viconia romance as Ratatoskr suggested.

    I suppose that leaves me without any romance. If my starting party was Mazzy, Viconia, Anomen, Edwin, Anomen and Clara, later switching Mazzy and Edwin for Dorn and HaerDalis, who do you think I should romance? Or will any compatible romance mods play well in terms of interesting conflict such as Dorn Romance, Sarevok Romance mod? Or I could romance Viconia or Anomen perhaps for interesting conflict with Sarevok or Clara.

    Viconia is another fav. Has anyone ever done a Viconia romance expansion? I think there is a Viconia friendship mod, but not sure how that would play with your mod where Viconia already seems *very* busy.

    My only worry is about Dorn/Anomen. I recall trying a party a few years ago where I wanted both Dorn and Anomen, and though I got past the initial scene with Dorn, later on Anomen just suddenly kept leaving the party (because of Dorn's presence) and I could not do anything to stop it. Borked my run P.

    I really enjoy everything we wrote for Jan, but there isn't as much of it as I'd like, in part because (as you said) writing for Jan is really difficult.

    Bodhi has virtually no ToB content (unless you have Bodhi-The-Elf, in which case there's one dialogue when she joins and then that's it). Viconia and Serevok do have some ToB dialogues so that would be a good switch.

    You could romance Viconia. It doens't conflict with anything else you have (it doesn't even conflict with Viconia-Sarevok, in fact there's an extra dialogue).

    The Viconia Friendship mod is mostly just all of the romance talks but you can get them if you don't romance her. No real additional content. I can't think of any other expansions specifically for her. But we've certainly got a mod's worth of extra content for her.

    I'm pretty sure we tested Dorn-Anomen many times and as long as Anomen has already failed his test you're fine. I remember it was coded in a really complicated fashion in game and was a complete pain to fix.

  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546

    Oh one more thing. If you haven't seen them already try getting Mazzy in your party before you get Viconia orEdwin. There's additional content with each if Mazzy's already there.

    There's also one Mazzy-Jan scene I'm really happy with. I think it's just a few days of game time (so you can pass that by travel or resting) and then you get the dialogue when you rest in a forest or dungeon.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    If you do get any issues with Dorn and post test Anomen, let us know and we can take a look. As BCaesar said, we did our best to fix that but there have been something that we missed.

    And if you want a romance with that party, Viconia is pretty much your only option. Most of our NPC romances won't work if you're actively romancing one of the people yourself (even Viconia/Sarevok only works if you're romancing her not him).

    A male PC would probably be easiest since without mod edits, Dorn is the only one of the other NPCs besides Viconia who should even try and the point to tell him no should be fairly obvious.
  • amendaraamendara Member Posts: 16
    Mazzy and Jan. Look forward to that. Should be a very fun time, thanks both again for the great writing.
  • Austin87Austin87 Member Posts: 342
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @Austin87 All right, I think I got everything added in correctly for your mod. Do you mind doing a quick check to make sure ATM 3.09 installs with yours before I do the official update?
    Hello! Sorry for the long answer! I checked the joint installation of mods, they installed without errors, everything is fine! :)

  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Austin87 wrote: »
    Hello! Sorry for the long answer! I checked the joint installation of mods, they installed without errors, everything is fine! :)

    Sounds good. And no worries about the delay. I've been too busy to post the updated mod anyway.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    All right, got the newest version posted.
    Changelog for those who care:
    Main Mod:

    1. Fixed a setup issue with Alora, Nephele, and Petsy so that the Easter Egg script will work.
    2. Minor grammatical correction in 1 Viconia line.
    3. Added crossmod script Easter Egg for Smiling Imp's version of Alora

    For the Evil:
    1. Added crossmod dialogue with Smiling Imp's versions of BG1 NPCs
  • amendaraamendara Member Posts: 16
    A male PC would probably be easiest since without mod edits, Dorn is the only one of the other NPCs besides Viconia who should even try and the point to tell him no should be fairly obvious.
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    If you do get any issues with Dorn and post test Anomen, let us know and we can take a look. As BCaesar said, we did our best to fix that but there have been something that we missed.

    And if you want a romance with that party, Viconia is pretty much your only option. Most of our NPC romances won't work if you're actively romancing one of the people yourself (even Viconia/Sarevok only works if you're romancing her not him).

    A male PC would probably be easiest since without mod edits, Dorn is the only one of the other NPCs besides Viconia who should even try and the point to tell him no should be fairly obvious.

    Still setting up my playthrough. Since it looks like I will be keeping Edwin quite sometime (until Anomen fails his test), I want to play a female and use the Edwin Romance. I recall Anomen and Edwin have a lot of funny jealousy banter. My question is:

    Will Clara romance Anomen after I reject him and choose to go with Edwin?

    I didn't want the Edwin Romance or me being female somehow blocking Clara/Anomen from starting.

    Of course I will dump Edwin as well after Anomen's test and I join up Dorn and Haerdalis, and end the saga single, but such is the fate of a Chaotic Evil Megalomaniac.

  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    amendara wrote: »

    I suppose that leaves me without any romance. If my starting party was Mazzy, Viconia, Anomen, Edwin, Anomen and Clara, later switching Mazzy and Edwin for Dorn and HaerDalis, who do you think I should romance? Or will any compatible romance mods play well in terms of interesting conflict such as Dorn Romance, Sarevok Romance mod? Or I could romance Viconia or Anomen perhaps for interesting conflict with Sarevok or Clara.

    Viconia is another fav. Has anyone ever done a Viconia romance expansion? I think there is a Viconia friendship mod, but not sure how that would play with your mod where Viconia already seems *very* busy.

    Be careful, as this mod is quite a "cucking" simulator of sorts.

    Mazzy can hook with Imoen, Viconia with Sarevok, Anomen with Clara, Jaheira with Wilson...

    Only Aerie remains untouched. But the devs might try to change that too. :persevere:

    Its like the mod makers were sick of the MC getting a harem of potential waifus who do not see the world besides the MC and so decided to teach said MC/players some RL lessons. Every NPC gets some lovin' but the MC cannot get romance with any new characters besides Mazzy...who can go ballistic if one acts mean/evilish in the slightest. :(
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @amendara I'm pretty sure that you'll be fine to reject Anomen and then have Clara pick up the romance. You can even call him out on using some of the same lines with her ;) But @BCaesar can verify.

    As for the rest of Mothor's comments, none of those should affect your plans at all. Especially since you wanted to see several of the side romances and Mazzy won't be in your party at all.

    The NPC romances were written mostly because it was fun and so you didn't have to romance those people yourself to see the romance storylines. I'm sorry @Mothor felt like it was a punishment but it really had nothing to do with that at all. We don't care if you romance multiple people, our mod largely doesn't stop you, and given how upfront folks are about things, I wouldn't say cucking is a remotely accurate description of what's going on. We gave people the option to cut those romances off at the start if you don't want to see it and the vast majority of those NPCs either have official or mod romances already, so it's not as though the player doesn't have a chance.
  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 285
    edited December 2022
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @amendara I'm pretty sure that you'll be fine to reject Anomen and then have Clara pick up the romance. You can even call him out on using some of the same lines with her ;) But @BCaesar can verify.

    As for the rest of Mothor's comments, none of those should affect your plans at all. Especially since you wanted to see several of the side romances and Mazzy won't be in your party at all.

    The NPC romances were written mostly because it was fun and so you didn't have to romance those people yourself to see the romance storylines. I'm sorry @Mothor felt like it was a punishment but it really had nothing to do with that at all. We don't care if you romance multiple people, our mod largely doesn't stop you, and given how upfront folks are about things, I wouldn't say cucking is a remotely accurate description of what's going on. We gave people the option to cut those romances off at the start if you don't want to see it and the vast majority of those NPCs either have official or mod romances already, so it's not as though the player doesn't have a chance.

    Eh, I was mostly kidding so I hope you did not take offense.

    A bit of a shame that there is no extra short romance/flirting (other than Mazzy duh) available for the PC though.

    But I rather enjoyed the mod overall.

    Especially the evil options and the Viconia content.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Mothor good to know 😄. It's hard to read tone over text so I wasn't 100% sure and just wanted to make sure they knew their run should be fine.

    Glad you enjoyed the mod overall. I think we kinda just felt like there were plenty of PC romances out there so we didn't feel the need to add more outside of Mazzy. Plus writing for the PC is frankly just less fun for us. 😉
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Mothor wrote: »

    Be careful, as this mod is quite a "cucking" simulator of sorts.

    Mazzy can hook with Imoen, Viconia with Sarevok, Anomen with Clara, Jaheira with Wilson...

    Only Aerie remains untouched. But the devs might try to change that too. :persevere:

    Its like the mod makers were sick of the MC getting a harem of potential waifus who do not see the world besides the MC and so decided to teach said MC/players some RL lessons. Every NPC gets some lovin' but the MC cannot get romance with any new characters besides Mazzy...who can go ballistic if one acts mean/evilish in the slightest. :(

    Haha. We also have Korgan with Hexxat. Minsc with Neera. Haer'Dalis with Dorn, and I may be forgetting one. Aerie can already hook up with Haer'Dalis in the original game so we figured she was fine. My main regret is not hooking up Jan with anyone (though he can join you and Mazzy in a threesome).

    So many NPC romances have already been done. The only ones left from the original game that don't have mod romances are Jan, Korgan, and Minsc if memory serves. Any one of those would've been an interesting write. Probably more interesting with Mazzy, but Mazzy's what I started with so we had to see that one through.

    Oh and Wilson. Wilson does not have a mod romance. Someone should get on that.
    Mothor wrote: »

    A bit of a shame that there is no extra short romance/flirting (other than Mazzy duh) available for the PC though.

    But I rather enjoyed the mod overall.

    Especially the evil options and the Viconia content.

    Thanks. There is a way to sleep with Clara and Bodhi each once, though neither involves much flirting or romance. I had originally planned to continue the Bodhi thing and add a romance for Bodhi in ToB if she turns elf, but I moved on to other things. There's only so much time in the day. Gotta prioritize.

    The main reason that there's lots more NPC-NPC talks than Player-NPC talks is that writing dialogue for the main character is much more tedious and labor-intensive than writing it for two NPC's talking to each other. Two NPC's talking is straightforward, but when you write for the main character then they have options which branch out and create other options, and it can quickly spiral out of control. It's why in the original game all of the in-game romances are so linear and most of the dialogue options are mostly just ways to continue or fail each step of the romance. It makes the writing much easier.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    What say you to porting this mod's cross mod dialog to the Crossmod Banter Pack? It just seems handier to have everything in one spot, but I know opinions may vary.

    Thankee and Merry Christmas!
  • amendaraamendara Member Posts: 16
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @amendara I'm pretty sure that you'll be fine to reject Anomen and then have Clara pick up the romance. You can even call him out on using some of the same lines with her ;) But @BCaesar can verify.

    As for the rest of Mothor's comments, none of those should affect your plans at all. Especially since you wanted to see several of the side romances and Mazzy won't be in your party at all.

    The NPC romances were written mostly because it was fun and so you didn't have to romance those people yourself to see the romance storylines. I'm sorry @Mothor felt like it was a punishment but it really had nothing to do with that at all. We don't care if you romance multiple people, our mod largely doesn't stop you, and given how upfront folks are about things, I wouldn't say cucking is a remotely accurate description of what's going on. We gave people the option to cut those romances off at the start if you don't want to see it and the vast majority of those NPCs either have official or mod romances already, so it's not as though the player doesn't have a chance.

    I just like the drama cranked up to 11, so the more going on the better! I very much like all my companions busy with each other while I just watch the show. But I hope to get involved too playing Edwin and Anomen against each other 8)).

    I really enjoyed your writing on the previous good playthrough, so I am very much looking forward to turn evil. Let the outrageous commence!
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Endarire We don't actually have a lot of crossmod banter, unless you count everything we wrote for Clara with the standard NPCs. Even for her, I think Saradas is the only other mod that specifically has banter, the rest are just interjections that occur at various places in our mod and wouldn't make sense outside that.

    So if someone else wants to add the Saradas banter to the crossmod banter pack, I doubt @BCaesar would mind either, but that would pretty much be it. And we're not interested in separating Clara or our other major segments from ATM.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @amendara Well, if you like drama, the random NPC romances should be right up your alley. Dorn and Haer'Dalis in particular are dramatic as all heck 😁.

    Enjoy the chaos and pitting Edwin and Anomen against each other. As long as you don't make it to open combat before ending the romance, Clara should be fully prepared to pick up the pieces.

    And hey, if you want to be super evil and destroy large parts of the world, you can do that too.
  • grunglebunkgrunglebunk Member Posts: 2
    Hi guys, am experiencing this mod for the first time and I think I'm having a bug with Mazzy's quest to kill the Shadow Dragon. Namely, that I have but she hasn't acknowledged it, and the quest hasn't been finished. (at least I assume that's part of this mod, I do have a lot installed at the moment)
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @grunglebunk If you're talking about the 'Mazzy the Leader' journals, I don't believe that is a glitch.
    As I recall, Mazzy won't acknowledge the completion of each suggestion. She'll just keep giving you a new suggestion each time you talk to her about what you should do next. I don't remember exactly why it's coded that way, though @BCaesar may be able to confirm since he wrote that part :)
  • grunglebunkgrunglebunk Member Posts: 2
    edited January 2023
    @Ratatoskr Oh, I see. I didn't think there'd be more past the dragon. A little odd that she doesn't acknowledge it, but good to know it isn't a bug. Thanks mVIII
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @grunglebunk If you're talking about the 'Mazzy the Leader' journals, I don't believe that is a glitch.
    As I recall, Mazzy won't acknowledge the completion of each suggestion. She'll just keep giving you a new suggestion each time you talk to her about what you should do next. I don't remember exactly why it's coded that way, though @BCaesar may be able to confirm since he wrote that part :)
    @Ratatoskr Oh, I see. I didn't think there'd be more past the dragon. A little odd that she doesn't acknowledge it, but good to know it isn't a bug. Thanks mVIII

    I thought the original game had some dialogue when she killed the dragon. But I guess not. In most of the cases there's no acknowledgement that you've completed that particular quest because the original game already has Mazzy talk in that case.

    So, yes Ratatoskr is correct. Every time you ask her she just tells you the current quest she'd like to work on, and when that one's done she'll just tell you the next one if you ask her again. It's mostly meant as a help guide just to help you see all the Mazzy-related content.

    It would be relatively simple to add a dialogue for Mazzy that'd trigger in the Dragon's lair if he's dead. I'll try to think of something.
  • amendaraamendara Member Posts: 16
    BCaesar wrote: »

    There's also one Mazzy-Jan scene I'm really happy with. I think it's just a few days of game time (so you can pass that by travel or resting) and then you get the dialogue when you rest in a forest or dungeon.

    That scene was great. Potatoes haha.

    Mod has been super fun, only problem is I have got stuck at a certain point:

    At the end of Ust Natha, Viconia has met Imrae though I pressured Viconia to stay with me and not her daughter. Imrae leads us to the eggs, then I told Ardaluce about Phaere's betrayal.

    All works well, Ardaluce summons demon and he kills her, then I ask Viconia to talk and she makes her deal, the demon eats one egg then says "try to keep up with me". But he does not move or do anything, nor can I talk. On the way out of the city all the drow say "I serve house Devir" then leave after Viconia's announcement. But no demon anywhere.

    I went to Adalon's lair and she is sitting there and I cannot talk to her. Then I went to the drow guarded underdark exit, talk my way through, and get to the surface. But no demon anywhere and no hardening of Drow items.

    Any idea what is going on? Tried several times, including siding with Phare, but every time the Demon does nothing after eating the egg.

    I tried looking at the scripts in NearInfinity but it looks pretty complex.

  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    amendara wrote: »

    Mod has been super fun, only problem is I have got stuck at a certain point:

    At the end of Ust Natha, Viconia has met Imrae though I pressured Viconia to stay with me and not her daughter. Imrae leads us to the eggs, then I told Ardaluce about Phaere's betrayal.

    All works well, Ardaluce summons demon and he kills her, then I ask Viconia to talk and she makes her deal, the demon eats one egg then says "try to keep up with me". But he does not move or do anything, nor can I talk. On the way out of the city all the drow say "I serve house Devir" then leave after Viconia's announcement. But no demon anywhere.

    I went to Adalon's lair and she is sitting there and I cannot talk to her. Then I went to the drow guarded underdark exit, talk my way through, and get to the surface. But no demon anywhere and no hardening of Drow items.

    Any idea what is going on? Tried several times, including siding with Phare, but every time the Demon does nothing after eating the egg.

    I tried looking at the scripts in NearInfinity but it looks pretty complex.

    @BCaesar did all the coding for that section and it is indeed super complicated so I'll have to bow to his expertise on this one. We tested the heck out of it and it always works for me, but there may be some other mod interaction messing it up now.

    Just for reference, do you have any other mods that affect that section of the game?
  • amendaraamendara Member Posts: 16
    Not that I know of. Only mod that effected Ust Natha at all was Afaaq the genie, where there was a quest of another house to destroy: House Arabani. That happened much earlier and as far as I could see had no effect on the demon summoning time.

    When it "works for you", does that mean the demon walks all the way from the Lolth temple to Adalon's lair? Or does it just dimension door out? Mine just stays put and is not interactable in any way.

    I guess I can just skip it by making my own way to the surface. I just was curious if there was more content I was missing relating to the surface elves, Bodhi, Imrae or Viconia. Trying to enjoy the whole mod.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    What sort of permission do we need for cross mod with yours? I ask since I intended to have an NPC react to Bodhi from this mod but not change this mod's contents.

  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited January 2023
    @amendara How it should work is:
    for the demon to walk all the way to the silver dragon's lair and then go to the surface with you. He should use a combination of walking/teleportation to get through the city, etc and has a bunch of additional dialogue. So while you can make your own way to the surface, you'll be missing out on a chunk of content.
    While we wait for BCaesar to take a look, let me see if I can shortcut things for you.
    If you know how to check globals, can you tell me what Global("_bDemonWalks","GLOBAL") is set to? It should be at 1 to kick everything off. It also requires the PC to be visible by him and Viconia to be valid for party dialogue. There shouldn't be any other requirements unless you're somehow not in the Temple of Lloth to start.

    You can also check Global("EggsDie","GLOBAL") and let me know if you got the line 'DELICIOUS. ONE IS ENOUGH FOR NOW. I WILL SAVOR THESE FOR AN AGE.' as that should be where the first global is set. It sounds like you did from your explanation, but there may be a glitch in the conversation if things aren't set properly.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Endarire You have permission, go for it :smile: Depending on how you code it, it may need to be installed after ours to work, but you probably know that already.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    <insert gratitude-filled thumbs up here>
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited January 2023
    amendara wrote: »
    BCaesar wrote: »

    There's also one Mazzy-Jan scene I'm really happy with. I think it's just a few days of game time (so you can pass that by travel or resting) and then you get the dialogue when you rest in a forest or dungeon.

    That scene was great. Potatoes haha.

    Is Jan obsessed with potatoes in other language versions? It's turnips in the English (or at least American) version.
    Post edited by BCaesar on
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