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MegaMod 3.15: Mazzy Romance, Clara NPC, Darkside Anomen, Flying Aerie, For The Evil, & more! (DONE)



  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited March 2023
    UMNiK wrote: »
    Sorry, but reinstalling the mod to test would require redownloading quite a few other mods to maintain the install order (see my first post), which I'm not up for at the moment. If the fix was just adding a check for EET chapter number, I'm sure it will work (since manually forcing another conversation using the same scripting action the vanilla cutscene uses forced the correct one). Could I get a confirmation that the _bChooseAnomen Global can be safely set back to 0 or even left at 1 as long as the third response is taken (one that doesn't set anything else)? Does it ever do anything else other that setting ToB Anomen's stats?
    Correct, the _bChooseAnomen Global is only used in that one place to keep that conversation from triggering multiple times. So if it's at 1 that dialogue won't trigger. If it's at 0 it will. It doesn't affect anything else as far as I can tell.

    All good, I totally understand about the installation. I can say that we're pretty sure that our mod can be installed last without breaking anything else, but given that we're bug-fixing right now our word on that can't be guaranteed :smile: . I'll put this fix in the next update anyway, since I'm pretty sure it'll work (at the very least it won't make it more broken than it currently is).
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited March 2023
    Iecerint wrote: »
    I'm having trouble installing the mod with Project Infinity:

    // Install sequence contains non-existent mods:

    I've tried moving around the setup and .tp2 files multiple ways without success. Any ideas on how to rectify this?

    Weird, I don't know anything about Project Infinity. If it says the mod is not existent that implies it's not there. Like the mod isn't where all the other mods are that get installed.

    Unfortunately I've never used it so I can't say. Maybe Ratatoskr knows more.

    Or if anyone else sees this and knows anything about Project Infinity and has an idea please chime in.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    It's not something I've ever used either, unfortunately.

    As BCaesar said, it sounds like it's looking for the AllThingsMazzy info and not finding it. There might be something that needs to be changed in Project Infinity if it's looking for an older version/slightly altered details.

    But we haven't changed the name of our mod ever, as far as I recall, so I'm not sure why they'd have it listed differently. We deliberately didn't rename the ATM folder when we changed the name to MegaMod here to avoid issues with everything coded to the folder name.

    I'll get a quick update with the new Anomen code posted when I have a chance.
  • Niko9Niko9 Member Posts: 5
    Just finished the "for the evil" component, and everything is really awesome. I love how you gave Bodhi more personality and goals for herself, rather than just being a hench-vampire for Irenicus. Thanks again for this mod, it has been a real pleasure to play through.

    And odd note, but if anyone is having trouble with Bodhi destroying gear, it seems like if you turn the "gore" setting off she no longer disintegrates anything. I kind of remembered this from the Valen mod, but so far it works for Bodhi too.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited March 2023
    Niko9 wrote: »
    Just finished the "for the evil" component, and everything is really awesome. I love how you gave Bodhi more personality and goals for herself, rather than just being a hench-vampire for Irenicus. Thanks again for this mod, it has been a real pleasure to play through.

    And odd note, but if anyone is having trouble with Bodhi destroying gear, it seems like if you turn the "gore" setting off she no longer disintegrates anything. I kind of remembered this from the Valen mod, but so far it works for Bodhi too.

    Thanks! Glad you liked it. Bodhi NPC was one of the last projects we finished and I was really happy with how she turned out. She was also a big learning process because turning a non-playable race (Vampire with weird animations/items/etc.) into a playable character involved all kinds of weird coding, not to mention figuring out how to make her react to sun and turn into mist. Plus I had to edit all of her in-game voiced dialogues to create a sound-kit for her, which I hadn't done before. It was fun.

    One of the things I considered multiple times was expending Bodhi (especially Bodhi-the-Elf) in Throne of Bhaal, but the main problem I ran into is I found I actually really hated playing ToB so I never did. Coding involves a lot of testing and testing requires a lot of playing; which was not an issue in Shadows of Amn because I love playing SoA, but by the time we finished coding all the ToB stuff I never wanted to see it again. And then I moved on to other projects in life. But every so often I think about doing it.

    And of course! Turn off gore; that never occurred to me! Vampire-Bodhi destroys items because she explodes people. Turn off the exploding and problem solved.
  • Niko9Niko9 Member Posts: 5
    Ha, makes total sense : ) SoA is such a fun world to explore, and TOB feels more like your character being written into a Highlander fanfic. And I mean, that can be awesome in it's own way, but SoA is absolutely more exciting to play through time and time again, so completely hear you on the testing.

    Thanks again for the great work giving this classic game some new goodness!
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited March 2023
    Niko9 wrote: »
    Ha, makes total sense : ) SoA is such a fun world to explore, and TOB feels more like your character being written into a Highlander fanfic. And I mean, that can be awesome in it's own way, but SoA is absolutely more exciting to play through time and time again, so completely hear you on the testing.

    Thanks again for the great work giving this classic game some new goodness!

    In the end there can be only one!

    If I ever do do it I'll have to mod my game thoroughly to give myself new ToB content. I've never played Ascension or any of the other ToB expanding mods.

    Though actually if I ever pick up modding again it'll probably be to add a female main-character option to Planescape: Torment. I did a bunch of preliminary poking around and figured out that the easiest thing to do would be to make one of the female NPC's the main character and have her start in the crypt with Morte and the Nameless one (who'd be a joinable NPC). I did enough to figure out that it would be completely possible, though it would require editing nearly all of the dialogue in the game, and then I decided that I'd rather make my own sandbox than spend another few years playing in someone else's. So I've been using my free time to write a book instead (because that seemed easier than learning how to draw :smile: ).
    Post edited by BCaesar on
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    All right, the new version is posted and GitHub is updated. This version just contains the adjustment to Anomen's TOB dialogue, which will hopefully stop it from playing early in EET.
  • Niko9Niko9 Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2023
    Hey that's awesome! Best of luck on the book, and it's always great to stretch the old creative muscles : ) And, this might be super random, but I've published a few books, and am definitely no expert, but feel free to shoot me any questions if you ever want to.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Niko9 wrote: »
    Hey that's awesome! Best of luck on the book, and it's always great to stretch the old creative muscles : ) And, this might be super random, but I've published a few books, and am definitely no expert, but feel free to shoot me any questions if you ever want to.

  • DraikenWeAreDraikenWeAre Member Posts: 193
    edited March 2023
    @Ratatoskr Is there a way to get the flying aerie component just by itself, just asking?
    Post edited by DraikenWeAre on
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @DraikenWeAre not at the moment. No parts of this module are available separately, since even the optional components require the main mod to be installed first.

    I'm not sure if @BCaesar or I would care if someone else wanted to pull out that specific code, would probably depend on what they were doing with it, but it was simply much easier for us to code everything together.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited March 2023
    @Ratatoskr Is there a way to get the flying aerie component just by itself, just asking?
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @DraikenWeAre not at the moment. No parts of this module are available separately, since even the optional components require the main mod to be installed first.

    I'm not sure if @BCaesar or I would care if someone else wanted to pull out that specific code, would probably depend on what they were doing with it, but it was simply much easier for us to code everything together.

    I think trying to pull out just the flying Aerie code would almost certainly break something. Everything's so interconnected; you'd have to do it really carefully. Feel free to dig around and try to copy-paste stuff if you want though. I don't mind if it happens; I'm just not going to do it.

    The easiest thing would be to install just the main mod, skip all of the optional add-ons, and then if any other conversations pop up that you're not interested in just tell them to be quiet and that'll turn those off.
  • zelazkozelazko Member Posts: 88
    edited April 2023
    [The BG1 NPC Project: Player-Initiated Dialogues]?
    [I]nstall, or [N]ot Install or [Q]uit?

    This BG1 NPC Project component should be installed after MazzyMegaMod?
    Post edited by zelazko on
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @zelazko I'm of the opinion that player initiated dialogues should be installed after everything.

    That said, our mod should be coded well enough to avoid any issues with PIDs at this point. I just can't guarantee there isn't something we missed. And I'm not sure how EET may change things.
  • WillgefortzWillgefortz Member Posts: 12
    Thank you for the mod.
    Is there any way to disable "5. Flying Aerie" component? Maybe in Shadowkeeper or something?
    I want to use Wings mod instead.
    I know that technically these mods are compatible, but I think this will ruin the immersion.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Thank you for the mod.
    Is there any way to disable "5. Flying Aerie" component? Maybe in Shadowkeeper or something?
    I want to use Wings mod instead.
    I know that technically these mods are compatible, but I think this will ruin the immersion.

    You can turn off her recurring conversations when they turn up. If you're looking for a global to set you can set Global("_bAerieWingTalk","GLOBAL",9). Or any other number except 0,1,2, and 7. That'll disable Aerie's talks about regenerating her wings.

    The spell store in ToB also can help her, but you can just ignore that dialogue or set Global("_b25SpellHelpsAerie","GLOBAL",9) and that'll disable it entirely.
  • WillgefortzWillgefortz Member Posts: 12
    That's great! I'll try! Thank you!
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited April 2023
    That's great! I'll try! Thank you!

    Glad I could help. I haven't played "Wings" but I remember that it's conversations with her all assuming she doesn't have wings. And our mod is about her getting wings. So you're right, those aren't really compatible at all.

    Oh I forgot there's one more route in our mod to turn off. There's three paths to Aerie getting wings in our mod. It should be noted that she can only complete any of the paths to get her wings in our mod in ToB.

    Aerie can get her wings by:
    1) Regenerating them, but you can tell her to be quiet to turn off those dialogues or set Global("_bAerieWingTalk","GLOBAL",99).

    2) She can get a spell to teach her to polymorph herself into an avariel (winged elf) from the spell shop in ToB but you can either ignore that dialogue (just don't click dialogue that says Aerie wants her wings) or set Global("_b25SpellHelpsAerie","GLOBAL",99).

    3) Edwin can teach her to polymorph herself into an avariel with wings. You can either just tell her not to accept his offer or you can stop these talks by happening by setting Global("_bEdwinAerieWings","GLOBAL",99)

    There are a few other minor talks in our mod involving Aerie and others, but they also all assume she doesn't have her wings and they don't offer any route to get them.
  • WillgefortzWillgefortz Member Posts: 12
    edited April 2023
    Thanks for the info!
    And one more question.
    Is Mazzy friendship count as some kind of romance? So if i temporary remove her from the party (after some friendship started) I'll ruin everything?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited April 2023
    Nah, we don't believe in making things break just because someone wasn't in your party for awhile. It's too darn annoying.

    I think everything we coded should just pick up wherever you left off once people are back in your party again (not counting specific requirements like the start of the romance where Mazzy has to go through the Underdark with you, so you'd miss it if she was gone that whole time).
  • WillgefortzWillgefortz Member Posts: 12
    That's great! Thank you).
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    Nah, we don't believe in making things break just because someone wasn't in your party for awhile. It's too darn annoying.

    I think everything we coded should just pick up wherever you left off once people are back in your party again (not counting specific requirements like the start of the romance where Mazzy has to go through the Underdark with you, so you'd miss it if she was gone that whole time).
    That's great! Thank you).

    Yup, if dropping someone and picking them back up later breaks something it's a bug.

  • DurandalisDurandalis Member Posts: 46
    FYI the file you can download from the Beamdog servers is triggering a virus detection through BitDefender.

    Just the beamdog version though. Github is clean.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    It should be the exact same files in both places, so no idea how we'd fix that. The only difference is that one set is prezipped.

    I could try uploading it again here, but it would still be the same data.
  • DurandalisDurandalis Member Posts: 46
    Yeah. It was weird, which was why I thought I'd mention it. Trojan.GenericKD.65784174 was what was being triggered. Dunno if that helps
  • zelazkozelazko Member Posts: 88
    edited April 2023
    As far as I was able to find out in the two readme files and looking at the files themselves - the MazzyMegaMod have nothing to do with Garrick - Tales of a Troubadour? I plan to install Garrick - Tales of a Troubadour after MazzyMod because it requires BG1NPC Project PID component to be installed. I will install all PID mod components after MazzyMegaMod if it is possible. Some NPC mods like Isra you just can't because their PID component is integrated inside the main mod component.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @zelazko I don't think we coded anything related to Garrick in our mod. And honestly, I wouldn't stress too much about the PID components, at least in relation to AllThingsMazzy. Our coding should be fairly fool proof at this point.

    If you do run into an issue, just let us know and we should be able to fix it anyway.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    I've also reposted the mod zip file on the off chance that helps with the download warning from BitDefender.
  • zelazkozelazko Member Posts: 88
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @zelazko I don't think we coded anything related to Garrick in our mod. And honestly, I wouldn't stress too much about the PID components, at least in relation to AllThingsMazzy. Our coding should be fairly fool proof at this point.

    If you do run into an issue, just let us know and we should be able to fix it anyway.

    Thank you Ratatoskr & BCeasar for impeccable user mod support. I will try not to worry too much about PID if I don't see the mod on the MazzyMegaMod cross content list :smile:
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