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MegaMod 3.15: Mazzy Romance, Clara NPC, Darkside Anomen, Flying Aerie, For The Evil, & more! (DONE)



  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Quick update.

    We posted an alternate version of the mod for EET that removes a single TOB interjection for Clara. For some unknown reason, that was breaking the EET install for at least one person.

    I'm not updating the Github or removing the other 3.12 version of the mod now since it appears to work fine for most people. However, we'll likely consolidate in the future since neither of us liked that interjection that much anyway and it's easier to only have one version of the mod.
  • DuronDuron Member Posts: 147
    Hello Ratatoskr and the group. I love the options in your mod. I still haven't installed it for a simple reason aka epilogues. I plan to play a heavy moded version of the game with most of Lava's mods, other mods that add NPC's and areas. Considering I plan to play with Ascention which on it's own changes epilogues, if I don't install that addon in your mod, does it mean I will be able to see epilogue form Ascention and yours? I presume it works by repeating two different endings for same NPC? Or does it work on some other way?
    Thanks in advance for the answer.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited September 2023
    Duron wrote: »
    Hello Ratatoskr and the group. I love the options in your mod. I still haven't installed it for a simple reason aka epilogues. I plan to play a heavy moded version of the game with most of Lava's mods, other mods that add NPC's and areas. Considering I plan to play with Ascention which on it's own changes epilogues, if I don't install that addon in your mod, does it mean I will be able to see epilogue form Ascention and yours? I presume it works by repeating two different endings for same NPC? Or does it work on some other way?
    Thanks in advance for the answer.

    Correct. If you don't override the normal epilogues then you'll see our epilogues and whatever epilogue would normally play (which if you have Ascention should be the Ascention epilogues).

    So when it asks "Install Component [Do not allow multiple epilogues..." just select "Not Install"
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    And sorry for the late reply. For some reason I didn't get the notification about your post like I do usually.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Did y'all update this mod as you mentioned mid-July?

  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Endarire wrote: »
    Did y'all update this mod as you mentioned mid-July?


    As far as I know the only update was we added an EET version which removed one interjection and for some reason that made it compatible to install with EET. Everything else hasn't changed.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Just FYI, I didn't bother to update the GitHub since that was the only change.

    If anyone who uses the GitHub version is getting the same EET error, let me know and I'll update it. But the existing version works fine a long as that error doesn't pop up.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    Just FYI, I didn't bother to update the GitHub since that was the only change.

    If anyone who uses the GitHub version is getting the same EET error, let me know and I'll update it. But the existing version works fine a long as that error doesn't pop up.

    Oh while we're updating things I just deleted my email address so we should put in the readme to send error reports to instead. Or of course to just post them here.
  • FrenzgynFrenzgyn Member Posts: 80
    @Ratatoskr: Just a quick and innocent OT here, are you by any chance the same Ratatoskr of the Banner Saga forum/discord?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    BCaesar wrote: »

    Oh while we're updating things I just deleted my email address so we should put in the readme to send error reports to instead. Or of course to just post them here.

    I'll get it done at some point when I have time again.

    And @Frenzgyn is it the Squirrel crest that gave me away 😄?
  • FrenzgynFrenzgyn Member Posts: 80
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    And @Frenzgyn is it the Squirrel crest that gave me away 😄?
    Ehem :)
    Not sure you remember, but YaK's here, you did quite a lot of typo-hunting for the BS fixpack.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    I definitely remember that 😁.
  • AldarisvetAldarisvet Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2024
    Hi to you, honorable devs of this mod!
    I installed your mod because of Clara. It was several years ago when I saw her portrait and kinda fell in love with her )))
    I decided to replay BG series from the begnning, especially I never played EE version. Took some years to break through from BG1 and SoD to BG2 on LoB difficulty (I have not much time to play and also I play other games). And now I have Clara in my party! Thank you for that!

    Now my question. I read that Clara can change her kit at will. Since she is a Shadowdancer with 20 skill points per level I would like to Change her to general Thief kit to get more points (25) per level asap. But I see no signs she is going to have an abilty to change her kit. I know it is kinda greedy but that is. So please tell me when she would be able to change her kit?
    Post edited by Aldarisvet on
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Aldarisvet wrote: »
    Hi to you, honorable devs of this mod!
    I installed your mod because of Clara. It was several years ago when I saw her portrait and kinda fell in love with her )))
    I decided to replay BG series from the begnning, especially I never played EE version. Took some years to break through from BG1 and SoD to BG2 on LoB difficulty (I have not much time to play and also I play other games). And now I have Clara in my party! Thank you for that!

    Now my question. I read that Clara can change her kit at will. Since she is a Shadowdancer with 20 skill points per level I would like to Change her to general Thief kit to get more points (25) per level asap. But I see no signs she is going to have an abilty to change her kit. I know it is kinda greedy but that is. So please tell me when she would be able to change her kit?

    Hi, there's a way to trigger a conversation. Neither us can remember how, but I'll reinstall the game this weekend and figure it out again and let you know.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    According to our changelog notes, you should be able to adjust her kit by kicking her out of the party and then letting her talk to you. The option to switch should be part of that conversation.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    Are there any known - or unknown :D - incompatibilities with other mods? Or overlapping things?

    For instance, in the past I installed the Tactics remix mod, and two other mods have a conflict
    with one area (the docks district, next to the Shadow Thieves hideout; Dusk NPC mod as well
    as back to Brynnlaw spawn NPCs there, and I have had runs where Tactics remind mod
    spawning the vampire-lich there, completely prevented the other two mods from ever
    spawning anything there); or a minor conflict with the restored boo-is-kidnapped quest,
    as well as with the item-mod that gives a timestop-figurine, where one first has to solve
    the timestop fight or at the least have them show up in one area, as there is no more
    spawning of any cowled wizards once the kidnapped-boo quest is solved).

    If not then I will probably give it a try on my next run, but I am very wary of content that
    conflicts with other content. (The kidnapped-Boo conflicting with the one item mod is
    minor; the tactics remix mod is major though, which is why I try to avoid it these days.)
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    Oh yes - is Flying Aerie overlapping with the Wings mod? I was never able to solve
    the Wings mod, but I got Aerie to go after that winged preacher guy in Umber hills
    or so. No clue what to do afterwards, but I noticed this mod also has content
    related to this.
  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    Nevermind: I just saw it is under "Compatibility".
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Yeah, everything we're aware of is listed under compatibility. But we can't guarantee this mod is compatible with everything as there's a fair number of mods we've never used.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Oh yes - is Flying Aerie overlapping with the Wings mod? I was never able to solve
    the Wings mod, but I got Aerie to go after that winged preacher guy in Umber hills
    or so. No clue what to do afterwards, but I noticed this mod also has content
    related to this.

    As far as we know there are no technical incompatibilities with other mods. We've fixed every one reported to us and every one we found while playtesting.

    The tone and dialogue we add to the characters is different than many mods. We wrote it so that nothing in our mod would contradict anything in the main game, but we definitely contradict many (if not most) of the dialogue in the original BG2 mods. That only affects your playthrough if you want it to though; everything should still function just fine.

    And if you get stuck on anything just ask. There's no walkthrough but we're happy to answer questions.

    I've never played Wings though, so I can't tell you how to solve the quests there. Our Aerie-wings part is just about Aerie trying to get her wings back and mostly takes place in ToB (parts can be in SoA too, but they all finish in ToB). In our mod we have a lot of content that is set to trigger in SoA but if you don't see it there you can get it in ToB.
  • AldarisvetAldarisvet Member Posts: 8
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    According to our changelog notes, you should be able to adjust her kit by kicking her out of the party and then letting her talk to you. The option to switch should be part of that conversation.

    Many thanks. It works. А pity I didn't do that earlier. Probably you should add this in decription. It is totally not obvious and I had no desire to split with my beloved Clara, so I would never try to kick her off. I think it is not a spoiler to write how to change a kit for Clara in mod's description.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    edited January 2024
    Just did minor update to add that info to the ReadMe and the main mod page. We put the instructions in the ReadMe when we originally added it, but that eventually got buried in the changelog and we forgot we didn't list them anywhere else.

    For anyone who cares, the only difference between 3.12 and 3.13 EET is the ReadMe and a single deleted interjection that was somehow breaking EET. I'm leaving 3.12 up in case anyone really loved that line, but for new people recommend 3.13 instead.

    @Aldarisvet Always glad to hear that someone likes Clara and I agree it's not super intuitive. In a normal mod, it probably would have been a player-initiated dialogue, but we have an extreme aversion to those and not enough coding knowledge to do it some other way.

    But it's been added in a few places now, so thanks for the suggestion. This mod probably could use a proper walkthrough/more in depth explanations, but neither of us ever had the time or energy to make one. So pointing to the stuff that should at least be mentioned in the ReadMe definitely helps.
  • anyoneanyone Member Posts: 9
    edited February 2024
    Thank you for creating this mod. This is great! Two small questions (apologies if they were already addressed in the previous 42 pages of discussion):

    1) Is there a Charname romance path with Clara?

    2) Is it possible to make this mod compatible with the Rjali Romance mod? That seems to be the best multiple-romance mod out there (for better or worse).

    Thank you!
    Post edited by anyone on
  • InKalInKal Member Posts: 196
    Finally had the time to actually play this mod. AWESOME! Neera Minsc romance is the best! I was never laughing so hard playing this game ever, even Clifette's mods pales in comparison. Jaheira Wilson was also surprisingly good, really quite romantic actually, totally serious. You are very skillfully tied togheter beamdog lines with your own writing and created seamlles, beautiful comedy gold relief. Masterfully done!!
  • Wjm4thWjm4th Member Posts: 15
    Strange effect from All Things Mazzy?
    On my 399999th playthrough, and encountered a new phenomenon, first time I've played with this mod, and while I love her interactions with Viccy, I notice Viccy's dexterity seems to drop a couple points each day until down to zero and she dies.

    Anyone else experience this? I've played Viccy many many times with all my other mods and no such effect, so I'm assuming it is Mazzy, but who knows. I tried removing all Vic's gear just in case it was an item effect, but no such luck.

    Admittedly, I play with WAY too many mods, so such things are inevitable, but this is a new one on me. Anyone with same issue?
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Wjm4th wrote: »
    Strange effect from All Things Mazzy?
    On my 399999th playthrough, and encountered a new phenomenon, first time I've played with this mod, and while I love her interactions with Viccy, I notice Viccy's dexterity seems to drop a couple points each day until down to zero and she dies.

    Anyone else experience this? I've played Viccy many many times with all my other mods and no such effect, so I'm assuming it is Mazzy, but who knows. I tried removing all Vic's gear just in case it was an item effect, but no such luck.

    Admittedly, I play with WAY too many mods, so such things are inevitable, but this is a new one on me. Anyone with same issue?

    Huh, that is not something I've ever had happen, and as best I remember we don't have anything that affects Viconia's stats. Do you know when it started?
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited February 2024
    anyone wrote: »
    Thank you for creating this mod. This is great! Two small questions (apologies if they were already addressed in the previous 42 pages of discussion):

    1) Is there a Charname romance path with Clara?

    2) Is it possible to make this mod compatible with the Rjali Romance mod? That seems to be the best multiple-romance mod out there (for better or worse).

    Thank you!

    Sorry for the late response. For some reason my email alerts don't seem to have been working.

    1) There is no romance with Clara. Though there is a way to sleep with her (which can lead to Jan Jansen's Ball of Superdark Darkness, which I love).

    2) I don't know that mod. What would need to happen to make it compatible?
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    InKal wrote: »
    Finally had the time to actually play this mod. AWESOME! Neera Minsc romance is the best! I was never laughing so hard playing this game ever, even Clifette's mods pales in comparison. Jaheira Wilson was also surprisingly good, really quite romantic actually, totally serious. You are very skillfully tied togheter beamdog lines with your own writing and created seamlles, beautiful comedy gold relief. Masterfully done!!

    Thank you! We're very fond of this mod, so we're always happy to hear when others like it too. Glad we could help.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited February 2024
    BCaesar wrote: »
    Wjm4th wrote: »
    Strange effect from All Things Mazzy?
    On my 399999th playthrough, and encountered a new phenomenon, first time I've played with this mod, and while I love her interactions with Viccy, I notice Viccy's dexterity seems to drop a couple points each day until down to zero and she dies.

    Anyone else experience this? I've played Viccy many many times with all my other mods and no such effect, so I'm assuming it is Mazzy, but who knows. I tried removing all Vic's gear just in case it was an item effect, but no such luck.

    Admittedly, I play with WAY too many mods, so such things are inevitable, but this is a new one on me. Anyone with same issue?

    Huh, that is not something I've ever had happen, and as best I remember we don't have anything that affects Viconia's stats. Do you know when it started?

    @Wjm4th Ratatoskr is having Beamdog issues at the moment and can't sign in (it wasn't sending her email alerts either), but she says that she took an initial look through the code and can't figure out what might be causing Viconia to lose DEX either. She's also pretty sure we never modify Viconia's stats.

    But if you know when it started maybe we can pinpoint it. There might be some effect we trigger that's interacting weirdly with another mod you have installed.
  • Wjm4thWjm4th Member Posts: 15
    Spoilers ahead:

    Hi, thanks much for the response. I began happening after Vic and Mazzy fight and Mazzy dies. I noticed Vic kept dying every few days and finally found her dex was lowering every few hours by a couple points. It may well not be the Mazzy mod, perhaps it is just a strange occurrence due to the many many mods I'm using, but it is a new effect.

    BTW, I love this mod, really brings out new and assertive sides to Mazzy, Well done!!
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