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MegaMod 3.15: Mazzy Romance, Clara NPC, Darkside Anomen, Flying Aerie, For The Evil, & more! (DONE)



  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    zelazko wrote: »
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @zelazko I don't think we coded anything related to Garrick in our mod. And honestly, I wouldn't stress too much about the PID components, at least in relation to AllThingsMazzy. Our coding should be fairly fool proof at this point.

    If you do run into an issue, just let us know and we should be able to fix it anyway.

    Thank you Ratatoskr & BCeasar for impeccable user mod support. I will try not to worry too much about PID if I don't see the mod on the MazzyMegaMod cross content list :smile:

    I don't remember either writing or coding anything related to Garrick. The only possible thing I could think of would be a line for Viconia-Clara's end quest, but that shouldn't cause any issues.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    To clarify, are Clara and Hexxat separate recruitable NPCs in this mod?

  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    edited May 2023
    Is Bodhi totally incompatible with Drizzt and co from Region of Terror? What about Ajantis from Sir Ajantis from BGII and BG1 NPCs in BG2. This should be. (These are more like bug fixes than new content.)

    Does Bodhi have a separate portrait for her elf form? If she's in the party, what voiced lines or action replies does she have?

  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Endarire Clara and Hexxat are separate NPCs, but in SoA you can only get one or the other. In ToB you can get them both at the same time.

    For the others, I don't believe we coded anything for those mods, so they should be generally compatible. I can't speak for what's in the other mods, but I believe @BCaesar only coded Bodhi objections for the base game NPCs. And our Bodhi isn't the same as default Bodhi.

    Finally, elf Bodhi does have her own portrait but that's about it. I don't think we coded any extra dialogue for her after the joining conversation, and nothing voiced. BCaesar did that part so he can confirm.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited May 2023
    Endarire wrote: »
    To clarify, are Clara and Hexxat separate recruitable NPCs in this mod?

    Yes, but in SoA you have to pick one because
    for Clara to live, Hexxat has to die, and vice-versa.
    In ToB you can get both, I believe. Though not sure if that's true in a continuing game rather than a new ToB game.

    Endarire wrote: »
    Is Bodhi totally incompatible with Drizzt and co from Region of Terror? What about Ajantis from Sir Ajantis from BGII and BG1 NPCs in BG2. This should be. (These are more like bug fixes than new content.)

    We didn't code anything in our mod to affect them so they should be compatible. However, if Drizzt helps you fight Bodhi in her lair, and then you decide to side with Bodhi in our mod, Drizzt attacks you. I've never played the mod, but it seems like that might be the kind of thing to break it. Also the Order of the Radiant House becomes your enemy too if you side with Bodhi, so that might break Ajantis.
    Does Bodhi have a separate portrait for her elf form? If she's in the party, what voiced lines or action replies does she have?

    She has a separate portrait for her elf form but all the same voices. She's an Elvin Monk and she doesn't have her claws so she won't keep exploding everyone. Other then her joining conversation she has no new dialogue in ToB, but she does have an epilogue. She's more of an Easter egg (like Wilson in Enhanced Edition) than a fully fleshed out NPC. But Bodhi the Vampire also has almost no ToB-specific dialogue so you don't really lose anything.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    What say you to patching your Megamod to account for these other characters?

  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    You want us to add in conflicts with other characters? It would only make Bodhi harder to use. Or did I misunderstand?

    Either way, it's probably not going to happen. We're only really bug fixing the mod these days, not creating new content or adding crossmod stuff. Neither of us has Region of Terror so it would require a lot of code digging to see how the mod works. At which point, we'd just be coding them to hate Bodhi anyway, because I can't see them agreeing to work with her instead.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    Endarire wrote: »
    What say you to patching your Megamod to account for these other characters?

    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    You want us to add in conflicts with other characters? It would only make Bodhi harder to use. Or did I misunderstand?

    Drizzt and his party already turns against you if you side with Bodhi in our mod, as does the Order. So that should already cause all kinds of issues if you have them. As Ratoskr said, I don't have any great desire to pull open those mods and make the conflicts more seamless. Just assume that if you want Drizzt and his friends on your side, or you want to do anything with the Order, then traveling with Bodhi is a bad idea, and that probably includes Drizzt or Paladin NPC mods.

    As a general rule just assume that getting Bodhi is a very evil thing and it won't work with anything but a fully evil party.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    Does this mod overwrite PIDs? For what creatures? How does it interact with other mods, mostly or install order?

  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @Endarire ATM shouldn't override the PIDs for any mod. We don't have any of our own and everything should be coded to not get stuck on anyone else's PIDs at this point.

    For install order, we have a suggested order in the ReadMe, but that's more of an art then a science so we can't give you exact instructions. The only definite thing we can say is that if you want our crossmod content with any mod that adds new characters to work, ATM needs to be installed after that. It won't register otherwise.
  • zelazkozelazko Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2023
    When making MazzyMod and providing content/patching NPCs Stronghold mod - which Stronghold mod did you use as 'base'? Roxxane's version of NPCs Stronghold or Gibberling3 NPCs Stronghold?

    Searching for ... chaste Imoen.
    Error: Chaste Imoen not found.
    ....     Insufficient halflings.

    What are those mods? Chatty Imoen and the halfings one would be?
    Post edited by zelazko on
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    @zelazko we used the Gibberlings3 mod, because that's the mod someone reported a compatibility issue. I didn't actually know there was a second one.

    The other Weidu text is a joke. It's not referring to a real mod.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    We say the NPC or mod is "not detected" when it's a real mod.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
  • zelazkozelazko Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2023
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    @zelazko we used the Gibberlings3 mod, because that's the mod someone reported a compatibility issue. I didn't actually know there was a second one.

    The other Weidu text is a joke. It's not referring to a real mod.

    Thank you for providing prompt solution to my problem. :)

    If I install NPC Stronghold and then MazzyMegaMod do I need to also use Enhanced Edition Trilogy patch for NPC Stronghold?
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    To be honest @zelazko , have no idea. We don't use EET and don't know what that patch changes.

    That said, I believe all our code does is add an option to an NPC stronghold dialogue so that it doesn't break our quest. If the patch replaces that dialogue, it could cause issues with our mod but that doesn't seem very likely. And anything else it fixes won't be in our code.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited May 2023
    zelazko wrote: »
    Searching for ... chaste Imoen.
    Error: Chaste Imoen not found.
    ....     Insufficient halflings.

    What are those mods? Chatty Imoen and the halfings one would be?
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    The other Weidu text is a joke. It's not referring to a real mod.

    Hah, as Ratatoskr said that text (like much of the text during the install sequence) is not real Weidu text. It turns out you can write whatever you want in there and we got bored.

    If you go back and look you'll see that the full text reads:
    Searching for pure, chaste Imoen.
    Error: Chaste Imoen not found.
    Adding inappropriate sex-loving Imoen.
    Sex-loving Imoen added.
    Searching for halfling orgy.
    No orgy found. Insufficient halflings.
  • zelazkozelazko Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2023
    Regarding which NPC Stronghold mod to use I did some tests with Thief Stronghold and Ranger Stronghold. I used Gibberling3 NPC Stronghold mod v8 without the EET patch. Jan and Imoen was offered the Thief Stronghold. Minsc and Valygar were offered Ranger one.


    Edwin was chosen for Plannar Sphere because Imoen was already appointed for Thief Stronghold and I didn't have Jan in my party.
    It will also not be strictly compatible with any mod that requires the PC to have a specific stronghold. Any mod that changes Anomen's alignment to something other than Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, or Chaotic Neutral will lead to NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS if Anomen is in the party.

    I believe NPC Stronghold compatibility fix also covers Darkside Anomen?
    Post edited by zelazko on
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    zelazko wrote: »
    Regarding which NPC Stronghold mod to use I did some tests with Thief Stronghold and Ranger Stronghold. I used Gibberling3 NPC Stronghold mod v8 without the EET patch. Jan and Imoen was offered the Thief Stronghold. Minsc and Valygar were offered Ranger one.


    Edwin was chosen for Plannar Sphere because Imoen was already appointed for Thief Stronghold and I didn't have Jan in my party.
    It will also not be strictly compatible with any mod that requires the PC to have a specific stronghold. Any mod that changes Anomen's alignment to something other than Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, or Chaotic Neutral will lead to NO VALID REPLIES OR LINKS if Anomen is in the party.

    I believe NPC Stronghold compatibility fix also covers Darkside Anomen?

    I'm pretty sure we don't change Anomen's alignment. If I remember correctly, the most evil paths with Darkside Anomen just keep the Chaotic Neutral alignment for Anomen (and maybe add something so he won't leave even at lowest rep). And we tried our best to make everything in the mod compatible with every stronghold, so everything should work.

    Please let us know if there appear to be any bugs.
  • zelazkozelazko Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2023
    I was in the wrong. You do need Enhanced Edition Trilogy patch for NPC Strongholds v8 for it to work. Without Enhanced Edition Trilogy patch you will be able to accept the strongholds but you will not get any planar sphere or ranger stronghold related quests. I tested it. You need the Enhanced Edition Trilogy patch for NPCs Stronghold.

    Is there way to deaccelerate the banters between NPCs? I find that banters fire too quickly even during the battles which is weird.
    Post edited by zelazko on
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    For banters that use the standard game banter system, like our Clara banters, there are tweak mods that can slow those down or speed them up. I think the Gibberlings 3 tweaks mod includes that option.

    For other character dialogues, ours are all just set on timers that can't be adjusted. However, I think most of them shouldn't be triggering during combat.
  • zelazkozelazko Member Posts: 88
    edited May 2023
    Now I think on it - it must be something on my end. The battle music instead of fading out it just gets quiet till you hear no more. I did a lot of ctr + j because it was a test run. I must have teleported out of active combat using console travel option to different area so the combat state got confused.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    zelazko wrote: »
    I was in the wrong. You do need Enhanced Edition Trilogy patch for NPC Strongholds v8 for it to work. Without Enhanced Edition Trilogy patch you will be able to accept the strongholds but you will not get any planar sphere or ranger stronghold related quests. I tested it. You need the Enhanced Edition Trilogy patch for NPCs Stronghold.

    Is there way to deaccelerate the banters between NPCs? I find that banters fire too quickly even during the battles which is weird.
    Ratatoskr wrote: »
    For banters that use the standard game banter system, like our Clara banters, there are tweak mods that can slow those down or speed them up. I think the Gibberlings 3 tweaks mod includes that option.

    For other character dialogues, ours are all just set on timers that can't be adjusted. However, I think most of them shouldn't be triggering during combat.

    I think the in-game banters can trigger during combat, but I don't remember that for sure. Our mod does nothing to speed those up though. There are banter enhancement mods that have that option.

    Most of our dialogues are not banters and don't trigger off of that timer as Ratatoskr said. They're all in-game-time timers, so if you travel or rest a lot they'll trigger faster.
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Yeah, sometimes combat doesn't trigger or end quite right if you switch states back and forth quickly.
  • MerestisMerestis Member Posts: 1
    Thank you for the creation of this mod. The short races don't get nearly enough love from game developers.
    I'm enjoying the new content a lot even though I'm not romncing Mazzy on my current playthrough.

    I just finished off Bodhi and am nearing the end of SoA. I am unclear about two things at the moment:

    1. Mazzy just asked me to help her destroy the shadow thieves. At first I thought this was only a thing on the romance path but it seems that is not the case. The thing is, I don't really feel like doing that. When telling Mazzy so, she is (of course) disappointet but tells me she will stick with me until I get my soul back. Does that mean I might potentially loose her for the ToB part or will she stay until the very end?

    2. I have Aerie in my party and according to the mod desciption there are several ways to restore her wings, all of which seem to start in SoA. The thing is: aside from one conversation option with the spell merchant in the promenade (which links to ToB) I don't remember coming across any conversations or content concerning this and I have benn to almost all the places. Does the regeneration route for example start by itself? Or do I have to talk to someone specific? I don't have Edwin so that route is a no-go.

    Any feedback would be appreciated. I don't mind some slight spoilers.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited June 2023
    Merestis wrote: »

    1. Mazzy just asked me to help her destroy the shadow thieves. At first I thought this was only a thing on the romance path but it seems that is not the case. The thing is, I don't really feel like doing that. When telling Mazzy so, she is (of course) disappointet but tells me she will stick with me until I get my soul back. Does that mean I might potentially loose her for the ToB part or will she stay until the very end?

    I'm pretty positive that she sticks with you all the way through the end of ToB.
    3. I have Aerie in my party and according to the mod desciption there are several ways to restore her wings, all of which seem to start in SoA. The thing is: aside from one conversation option with the spell merchant in the promenade (which links to ToB) I don't remember coming across any conversations or content concerning this and I have benn to almost all the places. Does the regeneration route for example start by itself? Or do I have to talk to someone specific? I don't have Edwin so that route is a no-go.

    All of the routes can start in SoA, but it's not required, and none of them can finish in SoA. They all start in ToB too.

    For the regeneration route to start she has to have regeneration (so she has to be a high enough level cleric). That can start in either SoA or ToB, but the later dialogues are ToB only.

    The polymorph route does indeed have a dialogue with one (or maybe two) merchants in SoA and not much else. Then in ToB you need to talk with the spell merchant in the first city. In SoA you might be able to get some dialogues between Aerie and other mages in your party if you get Aerie (and/or the other mages) the polymorph self and other spells.

    There is a series of dialogues with Viconia too that (if I'm remembering correctly) should trigger in either SoA or ToB if Viconia has regeneration and gets seriously injured at any point when Aerie is in the party and also able to speak.

    I'd have to look it up to remember more details than that (which I can if you want), but that should get you on your way. Hope that helps!
  • RatatoskrRatatoskr Member Posts: 750
    Yeah, Mazzy wants you to deal with the thieves, but she shouldn't leave until you kick her out or do super evil things with ForTheGood installed. We're not a big fan of party members just up and leaving permanently.
  • tarzan123tarzan123 Member Posts: 13
    No. Just no. Everything about her romance. No. And some of the interactions with Viconia and Jaheira. Otherwise, adds some interesting things and options that I would have loved in the main game. But I am not getting over the parts I listed prior, unfortunately. My fragile ego and wannabe-masculinity just won't let me.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2023
    tarzan123 wrote: »
    No. Just no. Everything about her romance. No. And some of the interactions with Viconia and Jaheira. Otherwise, adds some interesting things and options that I would have loved in the main game. But I am not getting over the parts I listed prior, unfortunately. My fragile ego and wannabe-masculinity just won't let me.

    Haha, totally allowed. I think most of what you mentioned was largely written by me, and my usual target audience is myself. If anyone else likes it that's cool too, but it's definitely not required.

    Feel free to end the relationship in any of the recurring talks, and also to turn off any of the recurring talks between people. That's why we usually have that listed as an option.
  • BCaesarBCaesar Member Posts: 546
    edited July 2023
    Someone just informed me of this:

    I believe this makes us pioneers. Now everyone's doing it.

    And yes, those links are work-safe. They are merely news reports.
    Post edited by BCaesar on
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