This is a pretty huge mod, especially for what was ostensibly just a friendship/romance one. As a bonus, you ended a years long curse to boot!
yeah i want to say this is to mazzy what imoen romance is to imoen. it's much more then just a simple romance mod.
Hm so should I install that if I have zero interest in romancing Imoen? Cause I have no interest in romancing Mazzy and installed this xD
And hm I'm pretty sure the stutter bug is because of sarevok's romance. His and Viconia's banters trigger fine but I try to rest and then can't initate his pid. I was able to talk to him fine when it was just him in the party. (New game, grabbing people from the spirit).
@Ryz009 When does the stutter start? Is it after their first banter plays? I can check if we forgot to close out a global again, but our Sarevok talks shouldn't even trigger if you're romancing him.
Are you able to tell me if Global _bVSSexScene is set to anything? If the issue is with one of our talks, that should tell me where to look.
@Ryz009 You would need to have the console activated, which is why I was asking. You may not have that turned on.
But if you do, hit Ctrl and the space bar at the same time. A bar will appear at the bottom of the screen and you would type in
And then hit enter. A stutter like that usually means something is trying to trigger but can't. I didn't notice any issues last time I tested ours, but to be fair it's been awhile and I forgot Sarevok had PID talks
Yeah, if that doesn't exist then it shouldn't be ours causing the issue. I'm pretty sure that's the only Sarevok talk we have besides Clara banters and those trigger differently.
That said, I could be wrong. PID talks are kinda weird and they just glitched out on my test game but without any stuttering involved.
Yeah my load order is so large it's a stack of cards so I'm not too surprised at stuff randomly breaking xD
@Ratatoskr nope not set to 3. It's just me rushing it most likely. If I make sure to have the romance dialogue past the night together trigger *then* have their banter trigger there's no issue.
This is amazing. I almost never click on long-running threads for unreleased mods, because 99% of the time the recent posts are just some knucklehead with worthless "any updates?" messages. But the flurry of activity here overwhelmed my curiosity, and I find out that the curse is broken! Big congrats to @BCaesar and @Ratatoskr - super stoked to give this a shot in my next playthrough.
@redline Thanks. This mod has actually been semi-released for awhile and I try to change the name every time something happens, but it's true we hadn't posted any major updates for some time. And there's finally a romance
Well so I didn't bump this for no reason I'm loving the mod so far Oh for future evil anomen will there be anything with him and Dorn in the party? You can have them in the same party but they never talk
And I love Clara so far. I've only heard her banters with Dorn and Edwin but
First, a general poll. Does anyone here actually use non-EE Baldur's Gate anymore? This mod is getting large enough that making it compatible is starting to cause headaches. So we may just make this EE only from now on.
Now, @Ryz009, glad you're enjoying the banters. I don't know if we'll ever write Darkside Anomen banters - though we might. But we are working on turning off Anomen's objections to Dorn's quests once he actually fails his tests, so you can recruit him first without issues. Apparently the EE coders just forgot Anomen might fail and ignored that in their code.
At least for as long as there are significant mods only available for Classic BG(T), there will be people preferring it over the EEs. Both have their respective (dis)adantages.
@Isewein So does that mean you're still playing classic BG(T)?
I really just want to know how many of our current fans - if any - are not playing EE. I'm okay with some people not downloading this mod in the future, but I don't want to screw over anyone who's been with us since the beginning. If we have a significant chunk of people playing AllThingsMazzy on Classic BG, then I will continue to split the code even when it doubles my tra files.
the imoen in the dreams isnt really imoen. it's just like all the other dreams in the series it's the taint pushing you towards something.
Yeah that doesn't stop the lip tingling from being distinctly not platonic. Maybe if you could've chosen to be repulsed but you distinctly have no dialogue choices there so... hopefully that dream stuff is at a minimum.
But on another note. Loving Clara gaining abilities through banters with npcs. I actually kind of wish the PC could do that now it'd be cool to pick up some skills from companions.
Oh wait. It's this mod lol. How do I fix that Talos mission? It's killing me because it's bugged and I can't talk to Ada properly. Is there a code or something I can use to auto complete it? (the funny thing is I stole both of their stuff even though I only needed it from the morninglord. I blame my kleptoness).
What significant mods are only for BGT? I have never played BGT (Before the EE's I strictly only played BG2) and I don't know of any well known BGT only mods.
Personally, I either wouldn't provide any BGT support or make it compatible with BGT once you are done entirely. I would recommend the former if you are using EE only scripts as well and don't have your own BGT installation. Doing blind support of any program (or mod) is difficult when you can't easily replicate bugs.
@Skitia in German there was Ascalon's Breagar which is probably the first continuous NPC, originally written for BGT only. Translation is still being worked on.
And I can say from experience that NTotSC was a BGT-only mod considering it used a lot of BGII ressources for its BG1 content.
Both mods are updated to work on BG:EE, too nowadays.
@BCaesar can you check @Ryz009 issues above? You did all the coding for that section so you'd probably find any bugs faster.
@Ryz009 is Ada just not talking to you at all now? I haven't looked at that code for awhile, but you should be able to either give back the necklace or buy her off. And if all else fails, I'm sure I can find you a global to make it stop. Are you able to tell us what the global MaevarWork is set to?
As for EE vs. regular, I'm not seeing any real objections to making this mod EE only so far. Is that correct?
Oh wait. It's this mod lol. How do I fix that Talos mission? It's killing me because it's bugged and I can't talk to Ada properly. Is there a code or something I can use to auto complete it? (the funny thing is I stole both of their stuff even though I only needed it from the morninglord. I blame my kleptoness).
*sigh* Talos. I swear that quest has caused more bugs than any other part of the mod. I'll fix it, I just need to figure out what's wrong. I didn't know the amulet even appeared if you didn't have the quest, but I should be able to code this so that if you have the amulet at all you can talk with Ada. Let me look over it today and I'll fix it and then Ratatoskr can post an update (she's coded a few more things anyways).
P.S. Ok I think I figured it out. This should be really easy and when I'm done it'll actually be coded better than I did it before. We'll just add the lines we coded onto her existing in-game lines anytime you've pissed off Talos. I should be able to finish it today no problem, once my son's done with the computer for his school stuff.
This is a pretty huge mod, especially for what was ostensibly just a friendship/romance one. As a bonus, you ended a years long curse to boot!
yeah i want to say this is to mazzy what imoen romance is to imoen. it's much more then just a simple romance mod.
Hm so should I install that if I have zero interest in romancing Imoen? Cause I have no interest in romancing Mazzy and installed this xD
And hm I'm pretty sure the stutter bug is because of sarevok's romance. His and Viconia's banters trigger fine but I try to rest and then can't initate his pid. I was able to talk to him fine when it was just him in the party. (New game, grabbing people from the spirit).
Are you able to tell me if Global _bVSSexScene is set to anything? If the issue is with one of our talks, that should tell me where to look.
Wait how do I check that?
And it's probably me being a spaz. I miss my mod organizer it's so much easier to troubleshoot skyrim mods. Probably because I'm more used to it.
But if you do, hit Ctrl and the space bar at the same time. A bar will appear at the bottom of the screen and you would type in
And then hit enter. A stutter like that usually means something is trying to trigger but can't. I didn't notice any issues last time I tested ours, but to be fair it's been awhile and I forgot Sarevok had PID talks
Nah I'm doing that bit manually mike lol. The real timer skip cheat :P
That said, I could be wrong. PID talks are kinda weird and they just glitched out on my test game but without any stuttering involved.
I think something is setting it to 3 when it shouldn't, which would stop the PID talks. Let me do some digging.
@Ratatoskr nope not set to 3. It's just me rushing it most likely. If I make sure to have the romance dialogue past the night together trigger *then* have their banter trigger there's no issue.
Honestly? Yes. THeres a whole friendship track with tons of content. Some mods don't play nice with IR, unfortunately.
the only mod i know that had issues was acesntion and that issue was fixed in the most recent version.
Wait I needed a stake I'm dumb. xD
Well so I didn't bump this for no reason I'm loving the mod so far
And I love Clara so far. I've only heard her banters with Dorn and Edwin but
Now, @Ryz009, glad you're enjoying the banters. I don't know if we'll ever write Darkside Anomen banters - though we might. But we are working on turning off Anomen's objections to Dorn's quests once he actually fails his tests, so you can recruit him first without issues. Apparently the EE coders just forgot Anomen might fail and ignored that in their code.
I really just want to know how many of our current fans - if any - are not playing EE. I'm okay with some people not downloading this mod in the future, but I don't want to screw over anyone who's been with us since the beginning. If we have a significant chunk of people playing AllThingsMazzy on Classic BG, then I will continue to split the code even when it doubles my tra files.
But yes him not complaining about Dorn doing what he admits he wants to do himself would be nice.
Oh I play on EET. I like my UI mods too much to play the old version.
Also the Imoen romance being platonic I was lied to. Get a weird kiss and I love you dream immediately.
the imoen in the dreams isnt really imoen. it's just like all the other dreams in the series it's the taint pushing you towards something.
Yeah that doesn't stop the lip tingling from being distinctly not platonic. Maybe if you could've chosen to be repulsed but you distinctly have no dialogue choices there so... hopefully that dream stuff is at a minimum.
But on another note. Loving Clara gaining abilities through banters with npcs. I actually kind of wish the PC could do that now it'd be cool to pick up some skills from companions.
Personally, I either wouldn't provide any BGT support or make it compatible with BGT once you are done entirely. I would recommend the former if you are using EE only scripts as well and don't have your own BGT installation. Doing blind support of any program (or mod) is difficult when you can't easily replicate bugs.
And I can say from experience that NTotSC was a BGT-only mod considering it used a lot of BGII ressources for its BG1 content.
Both mods are updated to work on BG:EE, too nowadays.
@Ryz009 is Ada just not talking to you at all now? I haven't looked at that code for awhile, but you should be able to either give back the necklace or buy her off. And if all else fails, I'm sure I can find you a global to make it stop. Are you able to tell us what the global MaevarWork is set to?
As for EE vs. regular, I'm not seeing any real objections to making this mod EE only so far. Is that correct?
*sigh* Talos. I swear that quest has caused more bugs than any other part of the mod. I'll fix it, I just need to figure out what's wrong. I didn't know the amulet even appeared if you didn't have the quest, but I should be able to code this so that if you have the amulet at all you can talk with Ada. Let me look over it today and I'll fix it and then Ratatoskr can post an update (she's coded a few more things anyways).
P.S. Ok I think I figured it out. This should be really easy and when I'm done it'll actually be coded better than I did it before. We'll just add the lines we coded onto her existing in-game lines anytime you've pissed off Talos. I should be able to finish it today no problem, once my son's done with the computer for his school stuff.