Hi @Noloir, sorry for not resonding earlier but I have been away... If you look at the Compression Method pull down, you will find a method called STORE. This will not compress the package. Normal compression uses light compress method.
@Gusinda No problem! We all have lives to live and enjoy tinkering around with BG when the chance springs.
I kind of figured where the store panel was and tried to create other Mod zips like this from the info given but the dialog.tlk keeps emerging as invalid but everything else works flawlessly.
I think I'm making a mistake when it comes to transfering the .lang files particularly with the central.exe but not sure how to resolve it.
Hi @Noloir, I grabbed the fixes file and have done the following with it:
- Unpacked the file - Zipped the 'lang' folder using the STORE method in WinRAR - Centralfixed 'lang.zip' - Packaged both 'lang.zip' and the 'override' folder together using normal compression. This is fine because 'Noloir BG Fixes.zip will be unpacked on your device leaving lang.zip (centralfixed) in the root of the game folder, and the override folder unpacked and therefore doesn't need to have centrallfix applied.
I haven't tried the end result but it hopefully works. This is how you should install: - Copy 'BG Noloir-Fixes.zip' to your device - Unpack the file keeping folder structure into your BGEE folder so that your end up with: Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/baldur.lua (should already be on your device) Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/lang.zip (file) Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/override (unpacked folder)
Hopefully this makes sense and provides a happy solution... Gus
A happy solution and then some! The language is displayed! Does "centralfixing" just mean storing the .lang in WinRaR and then overlaying it with a normal .zip including the override so the root of the app can access/read the dialog.tlk?
@Noloir, Centralfix.exe modifies the 'STORED' .zip file index so dialog.tlk can be read and understood by BGEE with the Android file system. I place the dialog.tlk in it's own .zip because some of the time, the override folder is oversized and crashes the game on start. I just separate the two (lang.zip & override folder) now as a procedure rather than hit and miss. It has other benefits as well, but making it a single procedure was the biggest.
Placing lang.zip in a second .zip file with the override folder is simply to move a single file to the device to unpack (sitting there watching thousands of files transfer across from PC to the device is not something that I will likely do again; took hours). You could, if you want, zip up the override folder on it's own into override.zip, zip and centralfix the lang folder into lang.zip, copy both then unpack override.zip on the device but it is the same outcome.
@Gusinda Makes sense. So the central.exe is basically a translator that makes mod files readable for mobile or in this particular case Android devices.
In a much earlier post you took the time to describe the explain in depth how to set up the centfixlang.txt file (Much appreciated by the way.) by adding the lines central.langfix followed by the line pause to the txt file. Your description:
"You should now have a file called lang.zip in the root of C:\BG Android\BGEE Modfile which needs to be Centralfixed (prepped for the game to be able to read the file in Android).
Not sure if you have played with DOS before, so I will scoot around that by asking you to create a batch file. - In the folder C:\BG Android\BGEE Modfile, you should have the file 'centralfix.exe'. Create a new text file called centfixlang.bat and add the following lines:
centralfix lang.zip pause
Save and close. What this does is bypass a couple of steps of having to pop into DOS to run the command, and it still shows you the results.
After moving the dialog.tlk into lang folder I used WinRar to store the centfixlang.txt file with the lang folder.
Then I stored the override folder with the previous store to create the modfile. Used to "zip" the files but once you explained to store it instead that's one of the steps that have been corrected but there's something still off and I suspect that it's here my mistake in reference to the Invalid dialogue display when modding android is being made.
@Noloir, is this the file that is being use or have you renamed it to upload? If it is the file, then it should be named:
Sometimes, a text editor (Notepad comes to mind) defaults to saving .txt at the end of the file. It you remove the .txt.
If it is named centralfix.bat, then double clicking the file will run it. It doesn't get stored with the dialog.tlk.
The steps should be: - Copy the dialog.tlk to the lang folder. This should be store into it's language folder.ie: if you use english then it should look like '\lang\en_US\dialog.tlk' - Using WinRAR, right click on the 'lang' folder to create the archive lang.zip using the 'Store' compression method. - You should end up with lang.zip, centralfix.exe and centralfix.bat in the root of the modding folder. Apply centralfix by double clicking on 'centralfix.bat'. You should have a DOS box start up, run the command and pause, showing the results. To close the DOS box, just hit space bar. - You can then select lang.zip and the override folder to create a modfile.zip. This can be a compressed file as it is unpacked on the device. This is a new file and not added to the original 'stored' lang.zip.
From you previous files, I suspect that all is going well except for the centralfix component. Hopefully, this explains things a little better. If it doesn't then let me know and we can sort it out.
@Noloir, is this the file that is being use or have you renamed it to upload? If it is the file, then it should be named:
Sometimes, a text editor (Notepad comes to mind) defaults to saving .txt at the end of the file. It you remove the .txt.
If it is named centralfix.bat, then double clicking the file will run it. It doesn't get stored with the dialog.tlk.
The steps should be: - Copy the dialog.tlk to the lang folder. This should be store into it's language folder.ie: if you use english then it should look like '\lang\en_US\dialog.tlk' - Using WinRAR, right click on the 'lang' folder to create the archive lang.zip using the 'Store' compression method. - You should end up with lang.zip, centralfix.exe and centralfix.bat in the root of the modding folder. Apply centralfix by double clicking on 'centralfix.bat'. You should have a DOS box start up, run the command and pause, showing the results. To close the DOS box, just hit space bar. - You can then select lang.zip and the override folder to create a modfile.zip. This can be a compressed file as it is unpacked on the device. This is a new file and not added to the original 'stored' lang.zip.
From you previous files, I suspect that all is going well except for the centralfix component. Hopefully, this explains things a little better. If it doesn't then let me know and we can sort it out.
Hey Gus, took a little break from BG. On returning back to it I find it more enjoyable! This is the centfixlang.bat I've been using but I have a feeling that it's not scripted properly for some reason which lead to the issues.
Hi @Noloir, looks good inside. Just want to make sure that the file has been renamed to centralfix.bat before using.
Also, that the 'lang.zip' is using a STORED (not compressed) method for zipping. You can tell by the size of the .zip file. If it is smaller than the dialog.tlk (they should be the same size), then there has been some compression and the game wont be able to read the file.
When you run centralfix.bat, you should see the command prompt open, text on the screen showing that it is rewriting the index file and it will pause to show either success or a prob. Once that is done, hit space (or 'any key') and it will go away.
Hi @Noloir, looks good inside. Just want to make sure that the file has been renamed to centralfix.bat before using.
Also, that the 'lang.zip' is using a STORED (not compressed) method for zipping. You can tell by the size of the .zip file. If it is smaller than the dialog.tlk (they should be the same size), then there has been some compression and the game wont be able to read the file.
When you run centralfix.bat, you should see the command prompt open, text on the screen showing that it is rewriting the index file and it will pause to show either success or a prob. Once that is done, hit space (or 'any key') and it will go away.
Attempted to mod BG2EE v2.5 with an Arcane Archer mod for about 2 hours but no dice.
After setting up Weidu I extract the .tlk and override file from the "Dirty" chitin.key folder to the modfile folder.
Next I create a folder structure that looks like \lang\en_US\dialog.tlk
Then I archive the lang folder, set the button to .zip, the select store. After this I drag the newly formed lang.zip over the centralfix where a text window emerges on the screen with text, it pauses, then self closes.
Then I archive the lang.zip with the override file and name it "Arcane_Archer v2.5", transfer it to my tablet in the BG2EE 2.5 .ini folder and extract.
The override folder extracts but the lang.zip folder remains in the .zip. When I attempt to unzip it it my file browser displays the message "Exception found!(invalid CEN header bad signature)).
@Noloir, which version of the Arcane Archer are you using. If using the stand alone package, according to this, it isn't supported anymore and you should use the Artisan's Kitpack instead.
Having said that, there are problems with installing mods onto the current version of BG2EE (Android).
If I get the opportunity, I will have a play today and see if it can be done without going through the procedure in removing the dialog.tlk from the patch.obb.
@Noloir, had a bash at installing the Arcane Archer (only - no other kits/mods) from Artisan's Kitpack and got it going with the dialogf.tlk trick; no need to remove dialog.tlk from the patch.obb.
If you are unaware of the method, I will describe it briefly: - Once you have installed the mods for BG2EE and placed the dialog.tlk into your lang/en_US folder for STORING into a .zip file, make a copy of the dialog.tlk and name it dialogf.tlk. - STORE the files as you would normally into lang.zip (or which ever name selected) and centralfix. - continue creating the modfile with override folder etc.
I have placed a copy of the modfile here so you can have a look. The method of duplicating the dialog.tlk sometimes deconflicts (it doesn't work with all mods) or at least gives the game something else to look at when reading the dialogue.
@Gusinda, I used your modfile as a template to create an experimental mod that closely corresponded but that didn't seem to work. Yours on the otherhand was very much successful. I genuinely appreciate it.
When it comes to modding at the moment I'm more interested in learning how to install mods properly than gameplay itself at the moment.
Thanks to you and this wonderfully insightful community I've learned alot in regards to how to tweak the the Infinity Engine. I've learned how to create custom items, assign character op codes to give them distinctive effects, create soundkits out of existing .Wav files (Tazok's are absolutely amazing. They're as compelling if not more than Sarevok's!) and the like.
Ultimately though, in regards to this knowledge I want to learn how to use Weidu to create well scripted item/weapon mods. There's alot potential to create stuff out of files that weren't integrated into BG like the SPEAREX.PRO (exploding spear projectile) but if I struggle with something as basic as installing the dialog.tlk from a pre-existing mod creating strings for custom items and assigning them to store inventories seems like a far off venture.
Below is my most recent attempt at installing a modded .tlk file using your example as a template. Hoping to identify what's going wrong as to correct it.
I noticed something odd. When looking over the archives my centralfix.bat had the txt header. I removed it. Renamed it centralfix.bat and ran it after storing my lang.zip files. Instead of a probability or showing signs of success this is what's displayed.
Hi @Noloir, grabbed hold of the experimental Archer and some good news (or bad...). It works for me without any text errors (short test in char creation only). What is happening on your end? Are you able to see the Archer in the Fighter class selection or is it an invalid text? If it is crashing, then it could be that you system couldn't handle the large filenames (larger than 8.3) in the folder. I notice a couple of files called 'blank...2da'. You could try removing those from the folder to see whether these are the problem.
For the batch file, instead of calling it centralfix.bat, try centfixlang.bat (or something that makes sense). My immediate guess is that the batch file is calling itself rather than the .exe. I only use the batch file because I can then see what is happening. Another method if it continues to play up is to drag and drop lang.zip onto centralfix.exe. It will do the same thing except you wont be able to see success or failure.
Glad to help out where I can. Unfortunately my WeiDU skills are lacking. I can read my way through the file but creating is a different story. I just haven't put the time aside to learn the language properly, only look up something when I am fault finding and unsure where to look next. It is on my list of things to do and have written a tiny piece of code to test something, but that is about it.
@Gusinda, that's great! Unfortunately the text showing up as invalid both with the blank..2da's present and removed. I'll tamper with the centralfix.bat after some rest or perhaps tomorrow but if it's working on your device but if the experimental file is working on yours then mine might very well be the problem.
Good thing is that account of Neverwinter Nights I'm planning on getting a modern, modestly priced gaming laptop in the near future and using Steam so it won't be much of a problem much longer!
Curious. Instead of creating modfiles and transfering them over to mobile for installation is there someway to re-package computer modded mobile .obbs files and return them back?
@Noloir, these days I play on a Hybrid notebook with my mobile being used rarely for the games. I was using an Android tablet but found it too restrictive for other purposes... Much happier though.
Not sure what you wanted to do with the .obbs. If you wanted to add a mod into the .obb prior to copying onto your device, then that is unlikely to work. The game appeears to check the bit size the .obbs and if they are incorrect, will deem them corrupt and redownload. There are methods to remove the dialog.tlk out of the .obb or at least make it so that the game only uses the dialog.tlk that you provide.
The easiest way I have found so far is to grab RAR for Android, rename patch.obb to patch.zip, open the package and rename dialog.tlk to dialog.000, save and rename back to patch.obb. Once this is done, then the game will only look at the dialog.tlk that you provide...
Warning though. If a mistake is made, then the game will attempt to redownload the .obbs. I would make a backup of the files first and if a redownload attempt is made, shutdown the device, restart and place the backup files back into their folder and should show be good to try again.
The method I used for testing your Arcane Archer files was with the dialog.tlk in the patch.obb and active.
@Gusinda That's unfortunate but also good to know. When it comes to my Android once the app attempts to redownload it's permanently corrupted. Even after placing a functional .obbs in the .obbs folder and rebooting. I'm going to err on the side of caution and avoid that method, at least until I have more time available. It takes well over an hour to reinstall BG2EE and the process is painfully slow.
By any odd chance would you happen to have any laptops/notebook recommendations? Read through quite a bit of laptop reviews online and apparently when ordered over the web certain companies peddle off refurbished computeurs as new only for their bios files to break within weeks or even days after receiving!
@Noloir, I suppose that comes down to a couple of things... What else would you be doing on the machine and how much is in the budget sort of things?
I offered some advice previously and this is just a copy of that, but it sort of looked at my process and reasoning when I last bought. I ended up with the Lenovo Yoga 720 (with series 6 CPU).
---SNIP--- Make sure that when you are putting together your list of requirements, you understand what capabilities are needed to support them. There are alot of hybrids out there and some may not meet your needs. My list of considerations had three columns; 'must have', 'nice to' and 'don't care'. During my research, some items changed column but this is why I research...
My requirements (virtualisation and some applications I use) meant that I was limited in my selection of CPUs. I was either looking at the Core i5 or Core i7 CPU (ended up with the Core i7 7500U) of the latest generation (Gen7). I stayed away from the Core i3, any of the 'Y' series CPUs (the old 'M' series) as well as the Pentium/Celeron/Atom CPUs. Bit of a minefield. This in turn meant that I had a reduction on battery life but I was happy with the trade off. I also recommend that which ever CPU you opt for, you get a minumum of 8GB RAM to support it if you running with the Windows 10 platform. I went to 16GB because of virtualisation. If you are using the windows platform, I also recommend that you stay away from Windows 10 'S'!
Monitor wise, I settled on the 1920x1080 resolution. I actually wanted 1920x1200 but choices were limited to 1 hybrid. My reasoning was that anything higher would just use more battery life then required and didn't matter with my considerations, anything lower just took away screen real estate. I turn off and don't use windows scaling at all.
I looked at the detachable keyboard models (like MS Surface) but they didn't support the way that I used the device on the lounge or in bed. I didn't try them but I thought they just wouldn't be stable enough, although it did make them lighter.
Port connectivity was a concern. I needed something that supported both USB-C and USB-A connectors and 'preferred' (nice to) to have the power supplied by USB-C to help reduce chargers in the house (with my phone eventually going USB-C). It was a bonus that the machine I bought also supported 'Thunderbolt' as it was in my 'don't care' column. Something that you may want to consider? A lot of the current generation 2in1s are moving to the USB-C only connectors. May not be a problem for yourself as there are adaptors to get back to USB-A, USB-B, HDMI etc. Most of the other connectivity requirements were common over the machines I looked at (WiFi, Bluetooth v4.x etc). I was very limited when I included 3/4G in the list but had to remove it as those models didn't suit me and it was a 'nice to' have rather than a must have.
I left my budget for last even though it was in the 'must have' side of the requirements. Putting that up front meant not even considering some of the premium models which limited my research...
In the end, it was like a trading game, moving considerations between columns, adjusting budget, need an adapter to do this or that, and realising that I just can't have it all no matter how greedy I am... I narrowed my preferred machines down to three models then looked around for any specials that were on. ---SNIP---
I could be more direct and let you know some notebook models etc, but models from country to country. Are you looking at the touch screen variants?
@Gusinda, I'm here in NY in the US so availability when it comes to notebooks shouldn't be much of issue. Touch screen would be "nice" but considering how you categorized your list it'd probably fall into my "don't care" bracket. Especially if it means paying more for the feature.
When it comes to functionality I'd like a device with decent resolution that can run game programs like BGEE and NWN seamlessly with a sizeable storage capacity for archiving health, nutrition, fitness, and sociological articles from the web. Decent streaming is nice too since I learn alot from "how to" videos.
Basic capacity to use microsoft and powerpoint, etc but a sizeable memory storage, decent RAM, and screen resolution is a must. Budget range of up to $1000.00US. Potentially willing to go to $1200.00 for a device that's the full package but the less the better.
What's wrong with Windows 10 'S' that you wouldn't recommend?
@Noloir, I personnally would stay away from Windows 10S. It limits you to only being able to install programs from the Windows Store... Of course the other problem with Windows 10 in general is the update policy. You had mentioned earlier that you had limited bandwidth and things take a while to download. Windows has a forced updated policy that cannot (easily) be prevented. This may impact on your data.
I will have a look at systems/specs based around that usage and see what comes up. I meant to say above that models vary from country to country. The storage requirement could mean a notebook that has 2 drives (1 x SSD, 256/512 GB, for system and 1 x HDD for storage, 1TB -?) unless you are willing to use an external HDD for the later.
@Noloir, some other info based on what I would by if I had to now based on your usage and budget. Obviously going higher wouldn't be a problem... I am going to use a whole bunch of acronyms, so if you have trouble with any, let me know and I will see if I can explain.
Ultra vs Notebook. This would be personal choice. You should be able to find either with the minimum specs suggested. If there are more than one choice, then I wil palce a * on the recommended based on price.
System Drive SSD/M2 - 256GB (and use an external HDD for storage). No problems of adding an internal drive if it has the capability though... All the better if the SSD is NVMe connected. Screen size - this is something that you would need to look at... I have a 13.3" screen (Hybrid Touch), a 15.6", and can project either to a 24" monitor. I mostly use the 13.3 touch for mobile gaming but the 15.6 is fairly much my desktop replacement and connected to the monitor almost 100%. Having said that, I am quite happy to play the games on either.
Screen Resolution - You could go Ultra HD (3840x2160) but depending on the sreen size you select, you may not see any benefit. When looking for my system, I opted for the *FHD (1980x1080). The games I play I am happy with FHD. It uses less processing power when configured that way and uses less battery to keep it going.
Screen Type - LCD, *IPS. IPS would give a better colour with deeper black/greys. TFT is likely to be cheaper but you will also likely know it (depends on panel maker).
Graphics Card: choice of either *Integrated (built into the SoC) or Discrete (something like NVidia/ATI etc). In my Hybrid, I have only the integrated Intel chip was has done everything that I have asked of it. I don't play heavy duty 3D FPS games (much) so it wasn't a concern. The games I do play (BG series, IWD series, NWN (both Diamond and EE), Bards Tale Trilogy, and some older games (including DOSBox Games) are installed without troubling the GPU. You can get systems with both Integrated and Discrete but your budget may not allow for that.
Ports: OK, this is the tricky bit... I would recommend that the system you get has at least 2 x USC 'C' type connectors, at least one with Thunderbolt 3. Type C should provde the charging. This would provide you with a standardised power connector and high speed transfer rates. I would also opt for at least one x 3.1 USB 'A' type connector giving you some backward compatibility with all your USB sticks and devices without having to use an adapter. In my type 'A' USB on the hybrid, I keep a 128GB USB drive (SANDISK Ultra) that keeps all of my documents. It is short enough to stay there all the time even when stored in it's case. Along with the type 'C' USB, there are enough adapters that you could buy later that provides you options like connecting to your TV (HDMI/Display Port), adding more USB ports etc.
WiFi: 802.11ac Wi-Fi + Bluetooth v4.1
LAN Port - ? You probably mostly won't use this but if you do, it is optional as you could use it through a Type C USB adapter. CD/DVD Optical Drive - As above. I haven't used my DVD for a number of years now but I do have a mobile one (USB, from an earlier system) for just in case.
Headphone Jack... for those late night gaming sessions and you don't want to wake the wife.
Mouse - I would also set something aside in your budget for a mouse. I have a Bluetooth mouse (Microsoft) that I find no problems with when playing my games, very little to no delay. I think I payed about A$40 for it.
Other things such as weight and touch screen etc comes down to personal preferences. For mine, it had to be light weight as it is my Tablet replacement and therefore it also had to be touch screen. I bought mine for about A$1500 + $100 for the USB drive, which in US$ terms would come close to your budget. It was a XMas sale, so about 30% off.
System Brands I was looking at specific systems but it becomes a bit difficult. All I do is let you know what I like. Some would disagree, other would agree depending on what systems they have had troubles with...
When looking around, I always place ASUS as my first brand. I have had a number of systems over the many years computing and I find them reliable (they currently have the Zenbook series whcih rate well).
Next in place (is beleive it or not...) Dell. I haven't had many myself but the companies I have worked with (Sys Admin) have use Dell business machines (only talking Laptops here). I quickly removed Dell from my shopping list when looking because of the price for the XPS series, but if you can have a look (I mean physcially to see what the screen looks like, reading reviews sugggest they may be a bit dim) at the Inspirion series, they would be close to your budget.
HP - can be expensive and some systems are just not reliable but in the main, they do well.
The hybrid is my first venture with Lenovo (because it was there at the right price and I could get my hands on one to do some quick testing). I must say I am happy with my purchase. I had a problem with the wireless dropping in and out but this was fixed with a driver replacement.
Some I wouldn't touch Acer - have had heating problems with Acer (both personal and with work) and therefore spoiled the brand name for me. Microsoft - just due to the cost (though I likel some of their hardware)
Hopefully this gives you some shoppping info (or just made more research for you). Gus
@Gusinda When the time comes I think I'm going to look more into Lenovo, hp, and Dell based on your suggestions. Never really thought much of Lenovo but analysis makes it seem appealing. My 2004 laptop happens to be a Dell so it's unsurprising that it's on your list. It's unfortunately lacking niw but it held up fairly well for over a half decade! Thank for taking the time to impart your input.
^ I'm uncertain as to whether you've come across this or not but this may in your journey to understanding WeiDu. Seems like the key to understanding WeiDu lies in brutal trial and error but the ability to mod any aspect of the game is a steep reward.
I wanted to share this zip as well. After months it's finally done. Managed to get a hold of the most recent compatible version of NI and create a Panther Wand totem that summons "Guenywvar". It's more appropriate for BG2EE and TOB than BGEE. It summons up to 3 Guen pathers once per day and is usuable only by Rangers and Druids. Would've restricted it to 1 use per day but I'll leave it up to player discretion. Especially considering Rangers have little to nothing going for them besides Cerebus The Spirit dog BG2EE onward.
I kind of figured where the store panel was and tried to create other Mod zips like this from the info given but the dialog.tlk keeps emerging as invalid but everything else works flawlessly.
I think I'm making a mistake when it comes to transfering the .lang files particularly with the central.exe but not sure how to resolve it.
- Unpacked the file
- Zipped the 'lang' folder using the STORE method in WinRAR
- Centralfixed 'lang.zip'
- Packaged both 'lang.zip' and the 'override' folder together using normal compression. This is fine because 'Noloir BG Fixes.zip will be unpacked on your device leaving lang.zip (centralfixed) in the root of the game folder, and the override folder unpacked and therefore doesn't need to have centrallfix applied.
I haven't tried the end result but it hopefully works. This is how you should install:
- Copy 'BG Noloir-Fixes.zip' to your device
- Unpack the file keeping folder structure into your BGEE folder so that your end up with:
Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/baldur.lua (should already be on your device)
Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/lang.zip (file)
Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/override (unpacked folder)
Hopefully this makes sense and provides a happy solution...
A happy solution and then some! The language is displayed! Does "centralfixing" just mean storing the .lang in WinRaR and then overlaying it with a normal .zip including the override so the root of the app can access/read the dialog.tlk?
Placing lang.zip in a second .zip file with the override folder is simply to move a single file to the device to unpack (sitting there watching thousands of files transfer across from PC to the device is not something that I will likely do again; took hours). You could, if you want, zip up the override folder on it's own into override.zip, zip and centralfix the lang folder into lang.zip, copy both then unpack override.zip on the device but it is the same outcome.
Make sense?
In a much earlier post you took the time to describe the explain in depth how to set up the centfixlang.txt file (Much appreciated by the way.) by adding the lines central.langfix followed by the line pause to the txt file. Your description:
After moving the dialog.tlk into lang folder I used WinRar to store the centfixlang.txt file with the lang folder.
Then I stored the override folder with the previous store to create the modfile. Used to "zip" the files but once you explained to store it instead that's one of the steps that have been corrected but there's something still off and I suspect that it's here my mistake in reference to the Invalid dialogue display when modding android is being made.
Sometimes, a text editor (Notepad comes to mind) defaults to saving .txt at the end of the file. It you remove the .txt.
If it is named centralfix.bat, then double clicking the file will run it. It doesn't get stored with the dialog.tlk.
The steps should be:
- Copy the dialog.tlk to the lang folder. This should be store into it's language folder.ie: if you use english then it should look like '\lang\en_US\dialog.tlk'
- Using WinRAR, right click on the 'lang' folder to create the archive lang.zip using the 'Store' compression method.
- You should end up with lang.zip, centralfix.exe and centralfix.bat in the root of the modding folder. Apply centralfix by double clicking on 'centralfix.bat'. You should have a DOS box start up, run the command and pause, showing the results. To close the DOS box, just hit space bar.
- You can then select lang.zip and the override folder to create a modfile.zip. This can be a compressed file as it is unpacked on the device. This is a new file and not added to the original 'stored' lang.zip.
From you previous files, I suspect that all is going well except for the centralfix component. Hopefully, this explains things a little better. If it doesn't then let me know and we can sort it out.
Hey Gus, took a little break from BG. On returning back to it I find it more enjoyable! This is the centfixlang.bat I've been using but I have a feeling that it's not scripted properly for some reason which lead to the issues.
Also, that the 'lang.zip' is using a STORED (not compressed) method for zipping. You can tell by the size of the .zip file. If it is smaller than the dialog.tlk (they should be the same size), then there has been some compression and the game wont be able to read the file.
When you run centralfix.bat, you should see the command prompt open, text on the screen showing that it is rewriting the index file and it will pause to show either success or a prob. Once that is done, hit space (or 'any key') and it will go away.
After setting up Weidu I extract the .tlk and override file from the "Dirty" chitin.key folder to the modfile folder.
Next I create a folder structure that looks like \lang\en_US\dialog.tlk
Then I archive the lang folder, set the button to .zip, the select store. After this I drag the newly formed lang.zip over the centralfix where a text window emerges on the screen with text, it pauses, then self closes.
Then I archive the lang.zip with the override file and name it "Arcane_Archer v2.5", transfer it to my tablet in the BG2EE 2.5 .ini folder and extract.
The override folder extracts but the lang.zip folder remains in the .zip. When I attempt to unzip it it my file browser displays the message "Exception found!(invalid CEN header bad signature)).
Having said that, there are problems with installing mods onto the current version of BG2EE (Android).
If I get the opportunity, I will have a play today and see if it can be done without going through the procedure in removing the dialog.tlk from the patch.obb.
If you are unaware of the method, I will describe it briefly:
- Once you have installed the mods for BG2EE and placed the dialog.tlk into your lang/en_US folder for STORING into a .zip file, make a copy of the dialog.tlk and name it dialogf.tlk.
- STORE the files as you would normally into lang.zip (or which ever name selected) and centralfix.
- continue creating the modfile with override folder etc.
I have placed a copy of the modfile here so you can have a look. The method of duplicating the dialog.tlk sometimes deconflicts (it doesn't work with all mods) or at least gives the game something else to look at when reading the dialogue.
Hopefully it goes well for you
When it comes to modding at the moment I'm more interested in learning how to install mods properly than gameplay itself at the moment.
Thanks to you and this wonderfully insightful community I've learned alot in regards to how to tweak the the Infinity Engine. I've learned how to create custom items, assign character op codes to give them distinctive effects, create soundkits out of existing .Wav files (Tazok's are absolutely amazing. They're as compelling if not more than Sarevok's!) and the like.
Ultimately though, in regards to this knowledge I want to learn how to use Weidu to create well scripted item/weapon mods. There's alot potential to create stuff out of files that weren't integrated into BG like the SPEAREX.PRO (exploding spear projectile) but if I struggle with something as basic as installing the dialog.tlk from a pre-existing mod creating strings for custom items and assigning them to store inventories seems like a far off venture.
Below is my most recent attempt at installing a modded .tlk file using your example as a template. Hoping to identify what's going wrong as to correct it.
For the batch file, instead of calling it centralfix.bat, try centfixlang.bat (or something that makes sense). My immediate guess is that the batch file is calling itself rather than the .exe. I only use the batch file because I can then see what is happening. Another method if it continues to play up is to drag and drop lang.zip onto centralfix.exe. It will do the same thing except you wont be able to see success or failure.
Glad to help out where I can. Unfortunately my WeiDU skills are lacking. I can read my way through the file but creating is a different story. I just haven't put the time aside to learn the language properly, only look up something when I am fault finding and unsure where to look next. It is on my list of things to do and have written a tiny piece of code to test something, but that is about it.
Good thing is that account of Neverwinter Nights I'm planning on getting a modern, modestly priced gaming laptop in the near future and using Steam so it won't be much of a problem much longer!
Curious. Instead of creating modfiles and transfering them over to mobile for installation is there someway to re-package computer modded mobile .obbs files and return them back?
Not sure what you wanted to do with the .obbs. If you wanted to add a mod into the .obb prior to copying onto your device, then that is unlikely to work. The game appeears to check the bit size the .obbs and if they are incorrect, will deem them corrupt and redownload. There are methods to remove the dialog.tlk out of the .obb or at least make it so that the game only uses the dialog.tlk that you provide.
The easiest way I have found so far is to grab RAR for Android, rename patch.obb to patch.zip, open the package and rename dialog.tlk to dialog.000, save and rename back to patch.obb. Once this is done, then the game will only look at the dialog.tlk that you provide...
Warning though. If a mistake is made, then the game will attempt to redownload the .obbs. I would make a backup of the files first and if a redownload attempt is made, shutdown the device, restart and place the backup files back into their folder and should show be good to try again.
The method I used for testing your Arcane Archer files was with the dialog.tlk in the patch.obb and active.
By any odd chance would you happen to have any laptops/notebook recommendations? Read through quite a bit of laptop reviews online and apparently when ordered over the web certain companies peddle off refurbished computeurs as new only for their bios files to break within weeks or even days after receiving!
I offered some advice previously and this is just a copy of that, but it sort of looked at my process and reasoning when I last bought. I ended up with the Lenovo Yoga 720 (with series 6 CPU).
Make sure that when you are putting together your list of requirements, you understand what capabilities are needed to support them. There are alot of hybrids out there and some may not meet your needs. My list of considerations had three columns; 'must have', 'nice to' and 'don't care'. During my research, some items changed column but this is why I research...
My requirements (virtualisation and some applications I use) meant that I was limited in my selection of CPUs. I was either looking at the Core i5 or Core i7 CPU (ended up with the Core i7 7500U) of the latest generation (Gen7). I stayed away from the Core i3, any of the 'Y' series CPUs (the old 'M' series) as well as the Pentium/Celeron/Atom CPUs. Bit of a minefield. This in turn meant that I had a reduction on battery life but I was happy with the trade off. I also recommend that which ever CPU you opt for, you get a minumum of 8GB RAM to support it if you running with the Windows 10 platform. I went to 16GB because of virtualisation. If you are using the windows platform, I also recommend that you stay away from Windows 10 'S'!
Monitor wise, I settled on the 1920x1080 resolution. I actually wanted 1920x1200 but choices were limited to 1 hybrid. My reasoning was that anything higher would just use more battery life then required and didn't matter with my considerations, anything lower just took away screen real estate. I turn off and don't use windows scaling at all.
I looked at the detachable keyboard models (like MS Surface) but they didn't support the way that I used the device on the lounge or in bed. I didn't try them but I thought they just wouldn't be stable enough, although it did make them lighter.
Port connectivity was a concern. I needed something that supported both USB-C and USB-A connectors and 'preferred' (nice to) to have the power supplied by USB-C to help reduce chargers in the house (with my phone eventually going USB-C). It was a bonus that the machine I bought also supported 'Thunderbolt' as it was in my 'don't care' column. Something that you may want to consider? A lot of the current generation 2in1s are moving to the USB-C only connectors. May not be a problem for yourself as there are adaptors to get back to USB-A, USB-B, HDMI etc. Most of the other connectivity requirements were common over the machines I looked at (WiFi, Bluetooth v4.x etc). I was very limited when I included 3/4G in the list but had to remove it as those models didn't suit me and it was a 'nice to' have rather than a must have.
I left my budget for last even though it was in the 'must have' side of the requirements. Putting that up front meant not even considering some of the premium models which limited my research...
In the end, it was like a trading game, moving considerations between columns, adjusting budget, need an adapter to do this or that, and realising that I just can't have it all no matter how greedy I am... I narrowed my preferred machines down to three models then looked around for any specials that were on.
I could be more direct and let you know some notebook models etc, but models from country to country. Are you looking at the touch screen variants?
When it comes to functionality I'd like a device with decent resolution that can run game programs like BGEE and NWN seamlessly with a sizeable storage capacity for archiving health, nutrition, fitness, and sociological articles from the web. Decent streaming is nice too since I learn alot from "how to" videos.
Basic capacity to use microsoft and powerpoint, etc but a sizeable memory storage, decent RAM, and screen resolution is a must. Budget range of up to $1000.00US. Potentially willing to go to $1200.00 for a device that's the full package but the less the better.
What's wrong with Windows 10 'S' that you wouldn't recommend?
I will have a look at systems/specs based around that usage and see what comes up. I meant to say above that models vary from country to country. The storage requirement could mean a notebook that has 2 drives (1 x SSD, 256/512 GB, for system and 1 x HDD for storage, 1TB -?) unless you are willing to use an external HDD for the later.
Ultra vs Notebook. This would be personal choice. You should be able to find either with the minimum specs suggested. If there are more than one choice, then I wil palce a * on the recommended based on price.
CPU (8th Generation) - *Intel Core i5 8250U 1.6GHz Processor (3.4GHz 2MB) / Intel Quad Core i7 8550U Processor 1.8GHz (4GHz 8MB)
RAM - *8-16 GB
System Drive SSD/M2 - 256GB (and use an external HDD for storage). No problems of adding an internal drive if it has the capability though... All the better if the SSD is NVMe connected.
Screen size - this is something that you would need to look at... I have a 13.3" screen (Hybrid Touch), a 15.6", and can project either to a 24" monitor. I mostly use the 13.3 touch for mobile gaming but the 15.6 is fairly much my desktop replacement and connected to the monitor almost 100%. Having said that, I am quite happy to play the games on either.
Screen Resolution - You could go Ultra HD (3840x2160) but depending on the sreen size you select, you may not see any benefit. When looking for my system, I opted for the *FHD (1980x1080). The games I play I am happy with FHD. It uses less processing power when configured that way and uses less battery to keep it going.
Screen Type - LCD, *IPS. IPS would give a better colour with deeper black/greys. TFT is likely to be cheaper but you will also likely know it (depends on panel maker).
Graphics Card: choice of either *Integrated (built into the SoC) or Discrete (something like NVidia/ATI etc). In my Hybrid, I have only the integrated Intel chip was has done everything that I have asked of it. I don't play heavy duty 3D FPS games (much) so it wasn't a concern. The games I do play (BG series, IWD series, NWN (both Diamond and EE), Bards Tale Trilogy, and some older games (including DOSBox Games) are installed without troubling the GPU. You can get systems with both Integrated and Discrete but your budget may not allow for that.
Ports: OK, this is the tricky bit... I would recommend that the system you get has at least 2 x USC 'C' type connectors, at least one with Thunderbolt 3. Type C should provde the charging. This would provide you with a standardised power connector and high speed transfer rates. I would also opt for at least one x 3.1 USB 'A' type connector giving you some backward compatibility with all your USB sticks and devices without having to use an adapter. In my type 'A' USB on the hybrid, I keep a 128GB USB drive (SANDISK Ultra) that keeps all of my documents. It is short enough to stay there all the time even when stored in it's case. Along with the type 'C' USB, there are enough adapters that you could buy later that provides you options like connecting to your TV (HDMI/Display Port), adding more USB ports etc.
WiFi: 802.11ac Wi-Fi + Bluetooth v4.1
LAN Port - ? You probably mostly won't use this but if you do, it is optional as you could use it through a Type C USB adapter.
CD/DVD Optical Drive - As above. I haven't used my DVD for a number of years now but I do have a mobile one (USB, from an earlier system) for just in case.
Headphone Jack... for those late night gaming sessions and you don't want to wake the wife.
Mouse - I would also set something aside in your budget for a mouse. I have a Bluetooth mouse (Microsoft) that I find no problems with when playing my games, very little to no delay. I think I payed about A$40 for it.
Other things such as weight and touch screen etc comes down to personal preferences. For mine, it had to be light weight as it is my Tablet replacement and therefore it also had to be touch screen. I bought mine for about A$1500 + $100 for the USB drive, which in US$ terms would come close to your budget. It was a XMas sale, so about 30% off.
System Brands
I was looking at specific systems but it becomes a bit difficult. All I do is let you know what I like. Some would disagree, other would agree depending on what systems they have had troubles with...
When looking around, I always place ASUS as my first brand. I have had a number of systems over the many years computing and I find them reliable (they currently have the Zenbook series whcih rate well).
Next in place (is beleive it or not...) Dell. I haven't had many myself but the companies I have worked with (Sys Admin) have use Dell business machines (only talking Laptops here). I quickly removed Dell from my shopping list when looking because of the price for the XPS series, but if you can have a look (I mean physcially to see what the screen looks like, reading reviews sugggest they may be a bit dim) at the Inspirion series, they would be close to your budget.
HP - can be expensive and some systems are just not reliable but in the main, they do well.
The hybrid is my first venture with Lenovo (because it was there at the right price and I could get my hands on one to do some quick testing). I must say I am happy with my purchase. I had a problem with the wireless dropping in and out but this was fixed with a driver replacement.
Some I wouldn't touch
Acer - have had heating problems with Acer (both personal and with work) and therefore spoiled the brand name for me.
Microsoft - just due to the cost (though I likel some of their hardware)
Hopefully this gives you some shoppping info (or just made more research for you).
^ I'm uncertain as to whether you've come across this or not but this may in your journey to understanding WeiDu. Seems like the key to understanding WeiDu lies in brutal trial and error but the ability to mod any aspect of the game is a steep reward.
I wanted to share this zip as well. After months it's finally done. Managed to get a hold of the most recent compatible version of NI and create a Panther Wand totem that summons "Guenywvar". It's more appropriate for BG2EE and TOB than BGEE. It summons up to 3 Guen pathers once per day and is usuable only by Rangers and Druids. Would've restricted it to 1 use per day but I'll leave it up to player discretion. Especially considering Rangers have little to nothing going for them besides Cerebus The Spirit dog BG2EE onward.