Yeah I can get behind that. I'm just locked to 2h sword use as I fully intend to get Carosymr when BG2:EE comes out, assuming I can transfer my character across
Well I certainly won't be needing it, but I suspect there will be competition for it. I also predict we will die on Greywolf at least once...unless we cheese.
I'm thinking ahead to BG2, 11 Intelligence gives me 3 hits by Mind Flayers before I die. I suppose I could knock one off Wisdom and Intelligence to boost Str and Chr, gives me 2 hits by Flayers.
Since it starts at 22:00 for me (GMT+2) I will have to drop out after about 4 hours of play because I have to get up early the next day, for college >.>
I would say 8.30 GMT at the earliest, possibly 9 GMT as it gives us time to play about make a few characters see what is going on etc.
@Ascerion I am so sorry, I thought you were saying you already had a group and what not, also I didn't know if it would be viable for you as your time difference is quite a lot compared to others within the group.
@loganultima I doubt we will pursue our Multiplayer game that late as we will all be itching to create our own single player games also. No need to rush and all that
I have a group available, but am currently off work, (surgery) so I have a lot of time to kill while I recuperate. I kinda keep weird hours, too. Usually up to 3-4 A.M.
Strength 17
Dexterity 16
Constitution 17
Intelligence 11
Wisdom 13
Charisma 17
@Origin88 What time shall we set, GMT, to start up? Allowing time for Character Creation and all.
I now i have OCD when it comes to rolling >.>
@Ascerion i know we have almost enough for 2 partys, dont know if party 1 is already good to go @ 8 pm gmt tho.
But...but... I was the first one to respond to the thread!
Heh, just lemme know if someone drops, and I can pick up the slack.
@Ascerion take a look at IchigoRXC's post with the party and classes, he/she does a fine job keeping it updatet
@Ascerion I am so sorry, I thought you were saying you already had a group and what not, also I didn't know if it would be viable for you as your time difference is quite a lot compared to others within the group.
@loganultima I doubt we will pursue our Multiplayer game that late as we will all be itching to create our own single player games also. No need to rush and all that
My skype is IchigoRXC (who'd of guessed it)
I have a group available, but am currently off work, (surgery) so I have a lot of time to kill while I recuperate.
However im waiting for my new headset to be delivered (ordered a Sennheiser pc360) as my other headset broke 2 weeks ago.
So id be able to listen but can only type ingame to reply for now.
Expecting my headset to arrive somewhere next week.