The New Emote animations card discussion
What would the NWN community like to see for new emote animations?
Please, provide your feedback in this thread.
What would the NWN community like to see for new emote animations?
Please, provide your feedback in this thread.
Also, these probably don't fall under "emotes", but it'd be cool if there were animations that require a partner. In the case of my suggestion above, this could include dances that need a partner. While I'm at it, almost all creatures that represent humanoids should be able to dance with members of their own race and with the PC races. If you can't dance with a Minotaur, how can you possibly expect to make a module based on the Beauty and the Beast?
Granted, I'm certain this suggestion, particularly the second half of it, would kill the animators working on it, but it's just an idea.
More variety when sitting would be nice - drinking, reading, writing, laughing, talking forcefully, card playing etc.
As for specific animations, dancing, more variety with casting, and more talking-related animations would all be great.
From my ancient days in MUDs, example emotes would be "wink", "chuckle", "tongue", "sneeze", etc., which would, in order, cause the pc to wink, chuckle, stick his or her tongue out, and sneeze.
Obviously, MUDs are text, not graphical, and to convey this 'emote' requires (I suppose) an animation regardless. (although a bit of flavor text goes a LONG way, to me: sneezes = "Aragnosh suddenly sneezes, loudly.")
For animations though, I'd like to see things such as digging, carrying (over one shoulder, in both arms), pushing, pulling, fishing, forging, chopping (not the same as an attack animation for either of those), walking with a cane, pouring.
Thanks for the feedback, we're looking to additional ideas from the community.
Hands on Hips while shaking head in dismay emote
Kicking at rocks in frustration emote
Also would love a brief thoughtful chin rub emote.
Oh, and spitting.
Seriously though, YES some dances, with the ability to link partners, a lead being selected maybe with the other dancing opposite it, and a entourage dance mode too where all face same way and ape the leader?
We have done a good bit with emotes - one of my pet peeves is the audio triggered for sneeze seems to alternate between cough and sneeze. If that could be sorted out it would be really nice (we have coughs triggered in our custom smokebomb visual aoe).
We do a lot of action oriented things on our server - fly, swim, jump, swing on rope/vines, climb (ropes and trees) - animations would help in these cases... also crawling.
KUDOS for all the good suggestions in this thread!