Immunity to 3 Spells: Ideas and Feedbacks are Wanted!

So, I'm making a little mod called Deities of Faerûn and this mod contains a component called Dweomerkeeper of Mystra and this component contains one feature: the cleric can choose 3 spells to become immune.
My first idea would be to block Dispel Magic, Remove Magic and Spellstrike, but the first two can be used in favor of the caster for removing a nasty effect from him/her.
My second idea was Spellstrike, Ruby Ray of Reversal and Khelben's Warding Whip, but I don't remember if I ever saw an enemy, even with SCS, use one of those. So the ability would become close to useless.
So I decided to ask around. I'm open for suggestions of three spells to block.
I'll tag @semiticgod @Grond0 @histamiini @Alesia_BH @Lord_Tansheron because AFAIK you guys are very familiar with the challenges the game proposes. But anyone else is welcome to give an opinion.
Just one rule for this: the spells need to be a cleric/druid/shaman or wizard/sorcerer spell. So no innates or spell-like abilities like the gaze of a basilisk.
Thanks in advance!

So, I'm making a little mod called Deities of Faerûn and this mod contains a component called Dweomerkeeper of Mystra and this component contains one feature: the cleric can choose 3 spells to become immune.
My first idea would be to block Dispel Magic, Remove Magic and Spellstrike, but the first two can be used in favor of the caster for removing a nasty effect from him/her.
My second idea was Spellstrike, Ruby Ray of Reversal and Khelben's Warding Whip, but I don't remember if I ever saw an enemy, even with SCS, use one of those. So the ability would become close to useless.
So I decided to ask around. I'm open for suggestions of three spells to block.
I'll tag @semiticgod @Grond0 @histamiini @Alesia_BH @Lord_Tansheron because AFAIK you guys are very familiar with the challenges the game proposes. But anyone else is welcome to give an opinion.
Just one rule for this: the spells need to be a cleric/druid/shaman or wizard/sorcerer spell. So no innates or spell-like abilities like the gaze of a basilisk.
Thanks in advance!
Making the immunity to a specific spell, rather than an effect is quite limiting. For instance immunity to fear is great, but immunity to horror far less so as many fear effects come from abilities or other spells.
Immunity to true sight would be useful whatever the installation and if you counted true seeing as the same spell that has what would seem to me to be an RP advantage of blocking both arcane & divine spells - the same could apply to confusion and finger of death.
1. Maze + Breach + True Sight (General all-purpose combo. I'm not very sure, but Breach seems to be used much oftener than Spellstrike, and since, as stated above, the immunity is against the particular spell and not the effect, protection against Breach would, in my opinion, find greater utility)
2. Horrid Wilting + Skull Trap + Finger of Death (Anti-Necromancy combo, since Mystra is the enemy of Myrkul)
3. Maze + Imprisonment + Power Word, Kill (Anti-High level killer spells)
4. Breach + Remove Magic + Spellstrike (Anti-anti-magic)
Several other interesting combinations should be possible, though any of these mentioned above seem to have widespread general utility, rather than being overtly specific, so that the special ability of the kit remains useful throughout.
Remove Magic is party friendly, so making the character immune to it makes little sense - and enemies relies more on Dispel Magic than in Remove Magic, I think.
I like the idea that you both gave of immunity to TS and I'll probably stick with it.
My first idea, before the stupid idea of Remove Magic/Dispel Magic, was Breach, Secret Word, Spell Thrust. Just found this looking at my notes.
I'll wait a little more to see if more people give their opinion.
Again, thanks!
Making the character immune to Breach should obviate the need for immunities to magic attacks like Spell Thrust/Secret Word/Pierce Magic/Ruby Ray/Warding Whip/Pierce Shield/Spellstrike, since those spells, when used against a cleric, are primarily useful for removing Shield of the Archons in order to pave the way for a Breach that could dispel all other buffs.
This is only useful in SCS, however, since non-SoD, unmodded spellcasters never use Breach. If you do use SCS, then enemy spellcasters will essentially only use Remove Magic instead of Dispel Magic. Since SCS spellcasters often have the levels to land Remove Magic even on high-level clerics, immunity to Remove Magic will still be a good option, at least for no-reload purposes.
Note that SCS spellcasters won't use Imprisonment on the main character.
Conceptually speaking, I think anti-anti-magic spells would make the most sense for a cleric of Mystra.
Edit: Well, with this new information, and since SR is such a popular mod, I'll have to put TS aside.
Remove Magic will enten now definitely.
One decided, two to go.
No, pure and simple Op206.
And I think that, as in a PnP session, you would only discover that the enemy have a rare immunity to something by trial-and-error.
What is this 328 about?
I'm inclined to choose the following:
Breach, Secret Word and Remove Magic.
Thanks everybody for the insights