LOCALIZED TIME (time zones)

Hello Beamdog!
I have a server that is a 'world' - and this is impossible to simulate using the current time in game system which has it that there is only ONE time that is valid. I would like to have a system where I can tag an area (by variable maybe) to be offset from the world's equivalent of GMT if that is at all possible. THANK YOU!
Be well. Game ON!
I have a server that is a 'world' - and this is impossible to simulate using the current time in game system which has it that there is only ONE time that is valid. I would like to have a system where I can tag an area (by variable maybe) to be offset from the world's equivalent of GMT if that is at all possible. THANK YOU!
Be well. Game ON!
I see now what you're asking for. That's not what I meant. I'm asking if, when your script calls for the current time, cannot that script also check a variable on the area? Based on that area, the value returned can be adjusted. It doesn't actually change game time, but only adjusts the result. That way, you could have an area be 'an hour' away from the starting area, and when you check the time, instead of 10 am you'd get 11 am, because the script checked the variable nTimeZone, found it contained a value of 1, and adjusted the output.Can sunrise/sunset be set per area? and changed at run-time?I get it now.
We'd like to be able to set the time on a per area basis. Good idea!
We had toyed with the idea of spinning up an extra server for each time zone, but that seemed a cludgy work around at best.
I think having a server for each time zone would probably be the best idea if you want to preserve some sense of verisimilitude simply due to the scale of what you're hoping to simulate. Even over multiple servers you would probably still be at a 1m = 1km scale, which would be 10km or 6.2 miles per tile.
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Yes, it is true you need a huge number of areas to completely map the world, any world of Earth size. We've done the math too. Our systems allow for mapping almost none of the Ocean of course, since a few 'blank ocean tiles' are enough to simulate that with good scripting.
I disagree that it is a better notion to have 24 separate servers as the default solution for any builder who wants sunrise and sunset to be more locally controlled - it is hard enough for most folks to manage one server, and most modules don't have enough areas to justify that kind of break up by region. Again, a module that features a couple locations in London and a couple locations in Caracas is enough to justify the minor change to how time is handled. Likewise any server that features multiple planes/worlds... why would it always be the same time everywhere - that makes no sense at all and harms my ability to suspend disbelief.
The only way to make such a world with a single server instance is if the situation is similar to a water world or similar post apocalyptic setting, where there are only a few pockets of habitable land left. Tho it would still beg the question of why you are representing tiny pockets at immense distance rather than focusing on the immediate surroundings of a single area.
ALFA and CoPaP approached the problem with multiple servers for each region and plane.
You are welcome to disagree of course and to test any ideas you have.