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The Beaurin Legacy NPC Mod for BGII:EE



  • shevy123456shevy123456 Member Posts: 315
    edited November 2024
    So in a recent test-run, I wanted an all-mages or mostly mages only party. (I made one exception in that I dragged Dusk in too).

    So the party would be ... main char as berserker then mage, Jan, Minyae (e. g. Beaurin Legacy), Edwin ... Aerie (I allow dual-classes too, as long as they have a mage). Right now Dusk too; I don't quite like Neera or Nalia so I thought Minyae may be an interesting fit.

    I think the character is quite ok-ish. A few of the dialogue options could perhaps be a bit modified, but I see that you are done with the mod so I think it is how it is.

    One thing that I found slightly annoying is the reduced learn chance for spells. I know it is explained with the focus on her specialty, but one wastes quite many scrolls with that.

    Another small issue is that it seems after finishing her first talks and events, one has to wait until Chapter 6. I think this misses out a few opportunities, e. g. perhaps more objectives, more tomes to find and what not. But, as I wrote above, as the mod is complete, I guess there is not a big desire to make changes to it anymore.

    Power-wise and usability wise, I prefer Edwin and Jan. Minyae focuses mostly on casting slow, as well as a few other spells, but overall she is a bit weak in team cohesion, in my opinion. For instance, if I would kick her out and take Korgan (which I won't, as he is not a mage, so this run through is about mages), the fights would be significantly easier. Perhaps if you make a few modifications one day in the future, she could get an innate ability? That does not have to be too powerful, say something like charm person / humanoids or so, 1 per 4 levels (or something like that). Just anything to give her a bit of more flavours as well of a tiny bit more power, without making her too powerful. E. g. focusing on making her more unique and interesting also feature-wise, a bit like deratiseur's specialized classes.
  • fataljasminefataljasmine Member Posts: 67
    Does Elaryn (the hidden NPC) not have a Tree of Life dialogue? I can’t seem to trigger it before I go down the stairs to meet Ellesime +Irenicus.
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