All-Nutball run. Last slot?

I’m thinking of doing an all-weirdo run of BGEE. That means collecting the strangest personalities and taking them to Sarevok’s dinner party!
I’ve got it mostly figured out, except for the last slot. So far I have:
* Minsc
* Montaron
* Xzar
* Tiax
Who would you propose for the last slot? Base your decision on personality ONLY! Also, I’ll be using the BG1 NPC Project mod.
Bonus question: would you make any changes to the four I’ve selected so far or do you approve?
I’ve got it mostly figured out, except for the last slot. So far I have:
* Minsc
* Montaron
* Xzar
* Tiax
Who would you propose for the last slot? Base your decision on personality ONLY! Also, I’ll be using the BG1 NPC Project mod.
Bonus question: would you make any changes to the four I’ve selected so far or do you approve?
Montaron does not really make the cut for me - nasty and murderous, sure, but not quite nutball.
I agree with @Very_BigSword, Monteron doesn't strike me as being wacky/strange, and Shar Teel and Xan are good choices as well
How about Alora?
She's a bit of an oddball with her happy happy joy joy ect. (and she winds Xan up as well)
Meanwhile, Xan and Xzar together? This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
I think my CHARNAME this run is going to be a gnome zerk. Or maybe a F/Ill
Because Alora is not available until late Montaron could stay for a while. Or Quayle for the lolz.
Jester, Minsc, Tiax, Xzar, Alora, Xan. I’d use the options to start Alora in Gullykin and Tiax in Beregost. Though swapping out Xan for Sharty dualed to a backstabbing thief would be fun.
Now if only BGEE 2.5 would officially launch!
Or maybe the dual bastard sword wielding female gnome Zerker. Decisions
BGNPC Project. CD Tweaks also allows one to change starting points of some other NPC's as well.
BGNPC project is the only mod I know with a returning throwing dagger and the OP is running this mod. But it involves recruiting Kivan and the nutballs have already been gathered so that is a tough call. Dagger Barbi will do fine without magic throwing knives I'm sure, the non-magic ones are pretty strong regardless and there is always melee...