Multiclass with kits - how much is it cheating?

How guilty should I feel? I’m playing a Swashbuckler/fighter and in the future I plan to use a kensai/thief. In any case, this applies to all combination. How much this breaks the game, umbalances it, and makes the character overpowered.
If is not posssible in the vanilla game it might be for a good reason... is it? On the other hand, in 3rd edition is perfectly legal...
Im having a lot of fun with my fighter swashy, but I don’t want to take advantage and lose the standard challenge.
If is not posssible in the vanilla game it might be for a good reason... is it? On the other hand, in 3rd edition is perfectly legal...
Im having a lot of fun with my fighter swashy, but I don’t want to take advantage and lose the standard challenge.
Honestly, a Swashbuckler/Fighter multi-class is really just a Fighter/Thief with some modest bonuses to hit, damage, and AC, at the cost of some skill points and the more meaningful loss of a backstab multiplier (though I've heard that some implementations of multi-classed Swashbucklers give them a backstab multiplier anyway). It sounds only marginally stronger than an unkitted character.
A Barbarian/Cleric of Lathander, Berserker/Enchanter/Assassin, or Wizard Slayer/Totemic Druid would be good examples of truly broken characters.
The class restrictions in 2E are unnecessarily stifling. They got rid of that stuff for a reason.
Honestly I think very few Class Combinations are so powerful as to remove "The Standard Challenge".
Most of the challenge in the game comes from figuring out how to beat an enemy, and that rarely comes down to just having the better stat sheet.
There are mods that create kits specifically for multiclasses, so it doesn't seem to be an engine limitation that prevents it. The Enhanced Editions have overhauled the engine substantially though, unlocking possibilities for modders that were not present in the originals.
@Chronicler, which mods? I don’t have them. I’m using EEkeeper, which just allows one kit with the other vanilla class
And there are kits that are legal only for multiclasses (like the Bladesinger).