When someone asks you if Archer is strong enough for LOB/SCS

Then feel free to show him/her this video.
Frag Grenade
Scorcher Ammunition
Important items
Enemies : 11 drows with 300+ HP and 2 belholders with similar HP
Frag Grenade

Scorcher Ammunition

Important items
- Vhailor's helmet for simulacrum
- Firetooth +4
- Big Metal Units Frag Grenade
- Improved Haste (can be used from ring of gaxx)
- Critical Strikes HLA
Enemies : 11 drows with 300+ HP and 2 belholders with similar HP
Post edited by Myrag on
I prefer the Scorcher Ammunition, myself. The Scorcher Ammunition actually strikes twice, just like the Agannazar's Scorcher spell, which means it deals twice as much damage and even applies the effects of Called Shot and Power Attack twice per attack.
You can also "drag" the bright orange line of the Scorcher Ammunition over a group of enemies, which lets it affect an even broader range of enemies than the Frag Grenades, and also is much more party-friendly.
Draw Upon Holy Might should help you bash locks. It'll get you most of the locked chests in the game; there are very few that a STR of 25 (or even the other 20s) can't open.
One question, would potion of storm giant strength allow an archer to get the strength tome?