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When someone asks you if Archer is strong enough for LOB/SCS

MyragMyrag Member Posts: 328
Then feel free to show him/her this video.

Frag Grenade

Scorcher Ammunition

Important items
  • Vhailor's helmet for simulacrum
  • Firetooth +4
  • Big Metal Units Frag Grenade
Skills used
  • Improved Haste (can be used from ring of gaxx)
  • Critical Strikes HLA
* Moved away from skald to lose song buff. Most importantly. This CAN be done solo!

Enemies : 11 drows with 300+ HP and 2 belholders with similar HP
Post edited by Myrag on


  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    edited August 2018
    Yup. Archers have massive potential, and the Big Metal Unit ammunition is spectacular.

    I prefer the Scorcher Ammunition, myself. The Scorcher Ammunition actually strikes twice, just like the Agannazar's Scorcher spell, which means it deals twice as much damage and even applies the effects of Called Shot and Power Attack twice per attack.

    You can also "drag" the bright orange line of the Scorcher Ammunition over a group of enemies, which lets it affect an even broader range of enemies than the Frag Grenades, and also is much more party-friendly.
  • MyragMyrag Member Posts: 328
    @semiticgod yeah I updated original post with Video of Scorcher Ammunition.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    edited August 2018
    Is Archer viable for solo no-reload? I've always wanted to try it but not being able to disarm traps or open locks doesn't seem fun. Elven fighter/thief should be doable but archer is so, so tempting...
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Balrog99: Yes. There are other ways to get around traps, though the exact method depends on the traps. Potions of Fire Resistance, Insulation, and Absorption are very helpful in BG1, while BG2 traps tend to require very strong saving throws. See my post here for a list of notable traps in BG2, along with some other advice for no-reload runs (the post right before it also has some meta-level advice).

    Draw Upon Holy Might should help you bash locks. It'll get you most of the locked chests in the game; there are very few that a STR of 25 (or even the other 20s) can't open.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371

    @Balrog99: Yes. There are other ways to get around traps, though the exact method depends on the traps. Potions of Fire Resistance, Insulation, and Absorption are very helpful in BG1, while BG2 traps tend to require very strong saving throws. See my post here for a list of notable traps in BG2, along with some other advice for no-reload runs (the post right before it also has some meta-level advice).

    Draw Upon Holy Might should help you bash locks. It'll get you most of the locked chests in the game; there are very few that a STR of 25 (or even the other 20s) can't open.

    Fair enough. Maybe I'll give it a try. I always seem to get bored before I finish a no-reload but an Archer would be a breeze in most of BG and fun with the stealth and multitude of special ammo choices I think. Not sure if Durlag's Tower, Werewolf Island or Watcher's Keep would be viable. Hmmm, maybe I'll also roll-up a fighter/thief and switch between them to keep things fresh.

    One question, would potion of storm giant strength allow an archer to get the strength tome?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @Balrog99: I'm not familiar with that container, but I believe the Red Potion (or whichever potion from the Nashkel circus grants 25 STR) will work. A Potion of Storm Giant Strength should work if you use Draw Upon Holy Might afterward.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited August 2018
    Balrog99 said:

    One question, would potion of storm giant strength allow an archer to get the strength tome?

    @Balrog99 you only need 24 strength to bash that lock, so storm giant strength will work unaided. Personally I tend to save those though and use fire giant topped up with DUHM to do the job.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Thanks for the advice guys. Started playing an Archer last night. Got a 98 roll! Now I just have to keep him alive...
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