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Missing some sounds (spells, characters, "you must gather...") after 2.5 patch (BG2EE)

SzynaSzyna Member Posts: 4
edited September 2018 in Troubleshooting
After updating do newest version i lost some sounds. Not all of them, but e.g. casting spells sounds is missing. So are voices for a few characters (mainchar, keldorn and Jan tend to be fine most of the time, but I haven't heard a word from mazzy, aerie and jaheira since a looong time, even though their textlines appear in dialog window). Additionally, the iconic "you must gather your party before venturing forth" is also missing (not that it's such a nuisance, actually, but still). The worst part is cutscenes - not only are there no voice-overs (e.g. in cutscene after act 2), but they act as if they were fast forwarded. I don't even have time to read text above characters heads, and need to scroll the dialog box to see what was said in cutscene.

Tried everything i found in internet. Back and forth with Open32Al.dll, installing it, copying it, to the game folder, to the system folder, changing to OpenAl soft, yet to no avail. Even changing steam installation directory didn't help. I'ts not like the game is unplayable - it is. But it has become quite annoying, especially with the cutscenes. I checked baldur.lua, here are my settings:

SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Volume SFX','41')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Volume Movie','43')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Cloud Saves Enabled','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Disable Cosmetic Attacks','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','3D Acceleration','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Volume Music','41')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Tooltips','17')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Sprite Mirror','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Font Name','')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Path Search Nodes','32000')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Active Campaign','0')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Volume Ambients','41')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Volume Voices','46')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Translucent Shadows','1')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Maximum Frame Rate','30')
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Drop Capitals','1')

Really tried everything to solve it myself, plz halp.


  • SzynaSzyna Member Posts: 4
    Out of curiosity, I started a new game. Everything is fine, and so it is with earlier saves (which are 2 chapters away from where I am now). Most likely my save has become corrupted, no idea when or how. is it possible to somehow fix it? I already had to backtrack a few times (i believe it was 2-3 times) due to save corruption (resulting in resetting the inventory stashed in bags and resetting world state, all areas being "not visited"). While the earlier times were easy to notice, I only lost about maybe 2hours of total gameplay. This time case is serious. I have no willing to travel back 15+hours of game because that's where I have last uncorrupted save. I was absolutely sure lack of sounds was the fault of 3rd party polish localisation (which is officially a part of the game now), but now I see the problem lies deeper. Is it possible to somehow fix the save?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,771
    Hello! You can try zipping and attaching your old save at - maybe our QA wizards will be able to fix it.
  • SzynaSzyna Member Posts: 4
    Here they are, latest uncorrupted one still with sounds, and my latest save. I scarcely checked some global and local variables, but they seem to be intact. Story-wise everything flows nicely, so it's not the popular global variables issue with deleting your progress.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,771
    Sorry, but can you please publish that save at the bug-tracking site I've mentioned? That is the place where our QA is active.
  • SzynaSzyna Member Posts: 4
    sure, sorry -haven't noticed the link.
  • ReyvikReyvik Member Posts: 4
    I have the same problem. It seems that it's because of the localization - I also have Polish. If you find solution, pls send me a message @Szyna
  • lnstructor_lnstructor_ Member Posts: 76
    Would you help me LOSE the sound "You must gather..."
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,771
    Tagging @Cahir here as well.
  • GordekGordek Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2019
    I also got the same problem. I wrote about it on polish forum:

    In my game problem is a bit different than in the case of Szyna. I hear all character's voices, spellcast, barrels etc. only "You must gather your party..." is missing the sound. I still see a text message.
    When i start new game everything is fine, but after some time it also breaks down. When it happens even loading the old save doesn't help.

    I realize that also i don't hear any Kobold voice when text appear's.
    Post edited by Gordek on
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,771
    Is this what is happening: you start a new game, and all the narrator sound files are playing correctly. But when you load up a save, the narrator sound files don't play anymore?

    This sounds like it's not an issue of missing Polish sound assets, but a bug. Please create a report at so that our QA could investigate. @Gordek @Reyvik @Szyna
  • GordekGordek Member Posts: 7
    When i start a new game everything seems fine, but after some time bug appears and after that even loading previous save don't help. On polish forum @aragami found a solution. When he edited save file and changed savegame from version 1.0 to 2.0 sounds come back. Unfortunatelly it's temporary solution, because all new save's are default set to 1.0.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,771
    This bug is known and will be fixed by the 2.6 patch.
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