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bug report on dual classing

monicomonico Member Posts: 571
edited September 2018 in Troubleshooting
Hi, new to the posting (but silent reader of the forum for years), i couldn’t find the proper thread to report bugs.

I have found an issue in the latest version of BG:EE on iPad (couldn’t check on the other platforms, and did not have the patience to test it on BG2:EE, SoD and other IE games).

When dualclassing from fighter to a other class, there is a bug with the proficiencies points.

For example, if i multiclass fighter (or kits), with 2 pips in hammer at creation, then a 3rd pip at lvl3. And then, at lvl 3, multiclass into cleric or thief : they get back the proficiencies points from fighter class at lvl4, where they also get the new proficiency point from the new class.

How it should work : player should be allowed to put a 4th pip in hammer (or whatever other weapon of choice),
How it works : dualclassed player can not put a 4thpip (or 5th pip if dualed at lvl7).

Weirdly enough (i need to double check this, maybe i don’t remember correctly), if I had for example 2 pips in flails and 3 in hammer as a fighter, I CAN put a 3rd pip in flails, but no 4th pip in hammer.

The bug only affects the first levelup after gaining back the fighter pips. So if i dualclass for example at fighter lvl2, the bug « would » affect me at lvl3 of the new class, which is not a problem since no other class gains a pip at lvl3.
Or, dual fighter/mage, where mage only gains a new pip at lvl6 would not be affected if dualclassed at lvl3, but only at lvl5.
Also, the next pip of dual F(3)/T or F(3)/C gained at lvl8 will not be affected and can freely be allocated

It means that, affected levels are as such :
- dual F->T : 3/4 and 7/8
- dual F->C : 3/4 (7/8 not attainable in BG1, i didn’t test in SoD or BG2)
- dual F->D : not tested, but expected to be same as F/T
- dual F->M : 5/6

It kind of sucks since dual at lvl 3 and 7 are the most affected, while also being the most interesting for metagaming perspective in BG1.

I don’t know if the bug is already known, and also am not aware if bugs are still adressed for BG1, but i had a LoB party in mind that, for BG1 at least off course, heavily relies on those pip gains at lvl3/4 and 7/8 ^^.
Post edited by monico on


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Hello, @monico!

    Please report bugs at following this instruction. Thanks in advance!
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    This exploit was removed, fighter-duals can no longer advance proficiency faster than a single-class fighter.
    3rd pip requires level 3
    4th pip requires level 6
    5th pip requires level 9
  • monicomonico Member Posts: 571
    Thank you @JuliusBorisov and @kjeron for the rapid answers.

    So, apparently, it is not a bug, but on the contrary, the previous system was considered an exploit. I did not think about it this way, since it has always worked like this since day 1, but it does make sense from a pnp rules point of view.

    Even though i’m a bit sad about this feature being removed, and nothing in the IE and game rules indicate that the exploit was not supposed to be working this way, i will abide by it since it makes actually more sense to work this way.

    Thx for the help anyway, i guess the thread can be closed then (or removed, if it is not supposed to stay in this section).
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    It can be re-implemented, the behavior was externalized to a file (PROFSMAX.2DA), not a hardcoded change. If your familiar enough with modding you just need to edit the last 3 rows to all be "5", if not I can upload an altered version for you to drop in your override.
  • monicomonico Member Posts: 571
    edited September 2018
    Thx, but i only play on my iPad, non-jailbroken, so i can’t access the override folder (which means no Rebalancing Rogue, my favourite mod, nor baldur.ini modifications, alas)

    EDIT : just found out about this thread :

    I will have to try it as soon as i come back next week. I would love your altered version so that i can put it in my override folder by then ;)
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    Here you go.
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