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Hello, I'm new. I'm D&D'r. Excited to be here.

Hello, I'm new. I'm D&D'r. Excited to be here. I live in Chicago.

Apparently there is a new Neverwinter Nights. I haven't played for maybe 10 years. It used to be Bioware.

I miss the old game. Would anyone care to bring me up to speed?


  • GM_ODAGM_ODA Member Posts: 177
    Whoop whoop whooop! Welcome back! I hope to see you on our server someday soon! I would be happy to dialog with you on anything NWN:EE you want to discuss. As always, imho, multiplayer is where it's at. :D
  • ber5nie5ber5nie5 Member Posts: 430
    I haven't played NWN before (a huge Baldur's Gate fan myself) so i'm of no help to you concerning information on NWN. however, i'm sure there are a lot of folks here who would be happy to bring you up to speed.

    I would, however, like to welcome you to the forums. :)

    hope you are having a blast playing NWN!
  • DDrDDr Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2018
    thank you. my immediate question is how and where do i purchase a new game, since i had only neverwinter diamond years back. i assume that i would need to purchase the new version of the game. it would be fun to play again. i had no idea that there was a community still going.

    by the way, is there a new tileset or tiles with the new game. i noticed something about a new module called 'darkness over daggerford'. what is that and what does it contain in regards to new tilesets or tiles? is it an official expansion containing new tilesets or tiles that can be accessed in the toolset?
    Post edited by DDr on
  • GM_ODAGM_ODA Member Posts: 177
    You can purchase NWN:EE via the website or via Steam ( iirc). For the casual user NWN:EE is much better than NWN because the Steam system enables automatic handling of HAK packs for any server/module listed there.

    MOST of the new content is community made, the NWN:EE does not contain really any new (visible) stuff at this time - Beamdog concentrated on cleaning up some errors and security issues, getting support for wide screen users, and adding some very nice script commands. They are still adding to the refinements and i have great confidence we'll see more art from them in the near future - best of all, Beamdog is taking feedback from the community at every step so get your 2-cents-worth in on the things you want to see improved. The trello board has several requests and upvotes for visual improvements and THAT is good to see, dialog makes NWN great.

    Be sure to check out the host of new tilesets and such found in the too.

    I hope to see you around!

  • TorgrimmerTorgrimmer Member Posts: 331
    Welcome aboard. Enjoy your stay, your welcoming cookie should arrive shortly. @Nimran
  • DDrDDr Member Posts: 15
    thank you everyone.

    is there an actual persistent world community that i can join too? so that i can actually play with others online?

    or is it all solo player as opposed to multi-player now?
  • NimranNimran Member Posts: 4,875
  • GM_ODAGM_ODA Member Posts: 177
  • DDrDDr Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2018
    oh my lord, what a wonderful and well detailed world, beyond anything i've seen before with the campaigns five or ten years ago.


    may i play a white elf? or maybe even alternate between two different characters?

    how many players does one usually meet online at once? and at what play times?

    are there any hack packs required to play in your persistent world?


    i will purchase and download the enhanced edition as soon as possible and get started.

    i'm so excited.

    thank you for inviting me into your wonderful world. this will be a dynamic new experience with a new community of friends.
  • GM_ODAGM_ODA Member Posts: 177
    Thank you for your reply and for your kind words. We try to enable the player here, enable the player/PC to do things without DM assistance. Example, if your PC has wings, you can invoke the *fly* animation to fly anyplace your PC can see. You can play any supported race (or subrace) AND if we don't support a race you want, ask any DM and we'll review your requested race. MOST of the time we freely adopt requested races from D&D publications - basically link us to the 'srd' on the race you want and we'll get the process started.

    Good questions all, I'll try to address them here.

    The number of players vary from hour to hour and most players are 'irregulars' who are hard to peg down to particular times, though many of these just log on often (anytime they have time). Lately there are a few more regular sorts and they are pretty much daily - today I saw a mix of these, about six players logged in all day (the players varied by hour but maintained about six for a DMless adventure (the PCs were lead to the goblin caves by a PC who had recently discovered their location - they undertook an exploratory raid). Our players today were a mix of European and American time zones, and they played together most of this evening (from my pov as an eastern time zone person).

    At times I've seen as many as 30 players on the server - and we can handle more, a couple hundred to be honest. Ours is not the busiest server, there are others that boast more players, but our special mix of scripted systems is unmatched anywhere.

    We do use a hak, the CEP 2.1. If you buy the game, you can use the steam service to make getting hak packs easy - you'll want the latest version of CEP that would be CEP 2.65 (we build using CEP 2.1, and that is compatible with all later versions).

    I look forward to meeting you on the server. I think you'll like the server and the players (they are a good bunch and welcome new players all the time).
  • DDrDDr Member Posts: 15
    thank you. i look forward to meeting you and everyone online.
  • GM_ODAGM_ODA Member Posts: 177
    Let me know when you'll visit and I'll be happy to meet you on the server, give you a tour of the tutorial areas (aka Noob U.) and give you some free smokebombs too.
  • DDrDDr Member Posts: 15
    thank you. I have to purchase and install the game again. what are the general age ranges on your server?
  • GM_ODAGM_ODA Member Posts: 177
    I would say mostly 20 and up. I know I'm a gaming fossil having been a DM since 1978 ;P - I know we have age ranges from 20-60.
  • DDrDDr Member Posts: 15
    i'm going on 50. just looking for an occasional side outlet.

    when are your prime meeting times?

    in other words, what times would i actually meet people and interact with your community, other than saturday nights that i spend with my woman? when do you congregate and interact with others?

    the game has no value to me to purchase again, if i am not an active member in live community.
  • GM_ODAGM_ODA Member Posts: 177
    Bear in mind this is colored by my personal experience - I know what I see, but I don't run the logs through analysis to get firm numbers on this. Lately I've been seeing the most activity from about 10 am until about midnight eastern time - most days of the week - with most logins happening soon after noon and continuing until 8pm or so - that is the 'bell curve' that I'm seeing, though again, it is all subjective experience and no log file analysis that gets me to this conclusion.

  • DDrDDr Member Posts: 15
    thank you. that's pretty well spread throughout the day.

    are there particular meeting times for the DMs and gamemasters?

    what if i wanted to meet the DMs? do they have an official meeting time?
  • GM_ODAGM_ODA Member Posts: 177
    No official meeting time for DMs but we all respond to forum messages and can arrange meetings as needed. I'm certain you'll find our DMs are more accessible than most servers DMs.
  • DDrDDr Member Posts: 15
    thank you. :)
  • DDrDDr Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2018
  • DDrDDr Member Posts: 15
    i'm building a new module in the neverwinter toolset, but the preview window displays no picture for tiles, creatues or items, so i'm stuck at a standstill.

    i really need that preview window.

    how do i get the preview window to work successful? it hasn't worked since i purchased the game yesterday.
  • TorgrimmerTorgrimmer Member Posts: 331
    samui said:

    hi there

    @samui welcome to the forums, and also @ @Nimran throw @samui a welcoming cookie for joining us, he looks hungry :wink:
  • GM_ODAGM_ODA Member Posts: 177
    My advise is skip the preview window for now - it will be 'fixed' soon enough and you can test your work in the game itself until such time. For myself, the toolset allows ample visual feedback for building areas (honestly I've used the preview feature maybe a dozen times in as many years).
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