You are going to see both professions now flooded with calls and requests about these drugs, which he seems to be suggesting people combine as a cure. This literal, not metaphorical, snake oil.
Didn't end so well for Napoleon either. His final defeat is literally the universal vernacular for when someone loses for the last time..
Just because he lost the last wars doesn't mean he didn't win the first five. Or that what he did had no lasting effect. Few people tower as large as Napoleon does over history.
(Besides, it's universal vernacular in sizeable part because of British propaganda, just like the widely-held idea that he was short.)
I would be 100% down to talk about Napoleon more if you guys want. My degree in history was focused upon the French Revolution through the end of Napoleon.
Waterloo was closer than people tend to understand. The two battles before Waterloo (Ligny, Quatre Diggs) saw Napoleon defeat the Prussian army, and Ney fight the British one to a virtual draw. Napoleon made the strategic mistake of sending part of his army to chase the Prussians while the bulk went to face off against Wellington. The Prussians manage to get back to Wellington in time to combine and win Waterloo. If Napoleon has all of his troops available for that battle, it's hard to say how things would have played out.
(Although, it must be said - Napoleon's greater strategic situation was super dire. I'm not sure an inconclusive battle at Waterloo would have meant a whole lot in the long run).
Well, it might not turn out to be snake oil, but Trump is clearly throwing darts and hoping one sticks so he can appear to be the 'saviour'. I certainly won't be the first in line to try out his 'cure'.
Well, it might not turn out to be snake oil, but Trump is clearly throwing darts and hoping one sticks so he can appear to be the 'saviour'. I certainly won't be the first in line to try out his 'cure'.
Doctors operate under "first, do not harm." And they have the President of the United States throwing shit at a wall and hoping something sticks. Beyond that, all it does is make people say "see, nothing to worry about, worst-case scenario we take this drugs and PRESTO!!!"
Well, it might not turn out to be snake oil, but Trump is clearly throwing darts and hoping one sticks so he can appear to be the 'saviour'. I certainly won't be the first in line to try out his 'cure'.
Doctors operate under "first, do not harm." And they have the President of the United States throwing shit at a wall and hoping something sticks. Beyond that, all it does is make people say "see, nothing to worry about, worst-case scenario we take this drugs and PRESTO!!!"
Well he’s already caused two deaths in Nigeria because of this.
Aside from that, people with Lupus ACTUALLY NEED this drug in many cases, and the price has now doubled. Read the comments under this tweet. It's already effecting the supply and cost.
Well, it might not turn out to be snake oil, but Trump is clearly throwing darts and hoping one sticks so he can appear to be the 'saviour'. I certainly won't be the first in line to try out his 'cure'.
Doctors operate under "first, do not harm." And they have the President of the United States throwing shit at a wall and hoping something sticks. Beyond that, all it does is make people say "see, nothing to worry about, worst-case scenario we take this drugs and PRESTO!!!"
Well he’s already caused two deaths in Nigeria because of this.
HOPEFULLY pharmacist and doctors in the US will not give this drug out on demand.
China released the info on this 'cure', not Trump. I'd argue that the close ties between China and Nigeria make it far more likely that they were responding to China's findings, not Trump's declaration. I really don't think Trump is very popular in Nigeria.
Well, it might not turn out to be snake oil, but Trump is clearly throwing darts and hoping one sticks so he can appear to be the 'saviour'. I certainly won't be the first in line to try out his 'cure'.
Doctors operate under "first, do not harm." And they have the President of the United States throwing shit at a wall and hoping something sticks. Beyond that, all it does is make people say "see, nothing to worry about, worst-case scenario we take this drugs and PRESTO!!!"
Yeah, and if Trump didn't say anything and it turned out to work but people died because we were cautious, you'd demonize him for that. Look, I'm not a fan of the asshole, but not everything is orange or white.
I know nobody cares anymore but Warren started taking millions from a rich doctor's super pac in February after her string of 4-5 place finishes. She'd previously promised not to take money from PACs. Around this time she decided "oh my Bernie was mean to me months ago!".
So she abandoned the principles she claimed she had and started taking money from PACs and attacking the only other progressive candidate still in the race. She earned the 'snake' moniker. And she's licking her lips until she can endorse Biden - not that he cares what she does he does not need or want her.
All that being said, she is still a useful ally against corruption in the Senate. But she can't be trusted.
I know nobody cares anymore but Warren started taking millions from a rich doctor's super pac in February after her string of 4-5 place finishes. She'd previously promised not to take money from PACs. Around this time she decided "oh my Bernie was mean to me months ago!".
So she abandoned the principles she claimed she had and started taking money from PACs and attacking the only other progressive candidate still in the race. She earned the 'snake' moniker. And she's licking her lips until she can endorse Biden - not that he cares what she does he does not need or want her.
All that being said, she is still a useful ally against corruption in the Senate. But she can't be trusted.
She really did anticipate and have a plan for everything. In the eyes if much of America, this made her unlikable and, in the words of the current host of Meet the Press, "overprepared". I believe 100% that Al Gore would not have ignored the warnings in the summer of 2001, and that Hillary Clinton wouldn't have ignored what was happening in December and January. But we decided to go with the dumbass approach instead, in both cases:
Well, it might not turn out to be snake oil, but Trump is clearly throwing darts and hoping one sticks so he can appear to be the 'saviour'. I certainly won't be the first in line to try out his 'cure'.
Doctors operate under "first, do not harm." And they have the President of the United States throwing shit at a wall and hoping something sticks. Beyond that, all it does is make people say "see, nothing to worry about, worst-case scenario we take this drugs and PRESTO!!!"
Well he’s already caused two deaths in Nigeria because of this.
HOPEFULLY pharmacist and doctors in the US will not give this drug out on demand.
China released the info on this 'cure', not Trump. I'd argue that the close ties between China and Nigeria make it far more likely that they were responding to China's findings, not Trump's declaration. I really don't think Trump is very popular in Nigeria.
Well, it might not turn out to be snake oil, but Trump is clearly throwing darts and hoping one sticks so he can appear to be the 'saviour'. I certainly won't be the first in line to try out his 'cure'.
Doctors operate under "first, do not harm." And they have the President of the United States throwing shit at a wall and hoping something sticks. Beyond that, all it does is make people say "see, nothing to worry about, worst-case scenario we take this drugs and PRESTO!!!"
Well he’s already caused two deaths in Nigeria because of this.
HOPEFULLY pharmacist and doctors in the US will not give this drug out on demand.
China released the info on this 'cure', not Trump. I'd argue that the close ties between China and Nigeria make it far more likely that they were responding to China's findings, not Trump's declaration. I really don't think Trump is very popular in Nigeria.
I know nobody cares anymore but Warren started taking millions from a rich doctor's super pac in February after her string of 4-5 place finishes. She'd previously promised not to take money from PACs. Around this time she decided "oh my Bernie was mean to me months ago!".
So she abandoned the principles she claimed she had and started taking money from PACs and attacking the only other progressive candidate still in the race. She earned the 'snake' moniker. And she's licking her lips until she can endorse Biden - not that he cares what she does he does not need or want her.
All that being said, she is still a useful ally against corruption in the Senate. But she can't be trusted.
I can't read that opinion article it's behind WaPo paywall, but every time he's released figures it's small dollar donations. Except now he's taking donations for COVID-19 charity instead. So there's no glass house. He's not fundamentally abandoned his principles like Warren.
I know nobody cares anymore but Warren started taking millions from a rich doctor's super pac in February after her string of 4-5 place finishes. She'd previously promised not to take money from PACs. Around this time she decided "oh my Bernie was mean to me months ago!".
So she abandoned the principles she claimed she had and started taking money from PACs and attacking the only other progressive candidate still in the race. She earned the 'snake' moniker. And she's licking her lips until she can endorse Biden - not that he cares what she does he does not need or want her.
All that being said, she is still a useful ally against corruption in the Senate. But she can't be trusted.
I can't read that opinion article it's behind WaPo paywall, but every time he's released figures it's small dollar donations. Except now he's taking donations for COVID-19 charity instead. So there's no glass house. He's not fundamentally abandoned his principles like Warren.
He has an organization (Our Revolution) which can donate half of its intake to political activism (So - like a Super Pac) but he doesn’t have to disclose the donors names, meaning the money could be coming from *anyone*. Sanders was asked to release the names, and wouldn’t.
In some ways - this is worse than a Super PAC because they have to give donor information. Sanders is using so called “dark money”.
In some ways - it is better. Only half goes to political activism.
People shouldn’t put *any* politician on a pedestal. Warren isn’t the only one compromising her values.
Edit - also, looks like Sanders took money from Super PACs in 2016. So it appears he has done the very thing you would disparage others for.
Ok, yeah, no. This is the kind of thing @Mathsorcerer was concerned about, and Congress absolutey cannout give in on this no matter what happens. We should be RELEASING people from jail for minor offenses right now. In fact, some municipalities are:
I know nobody cares anymore but Warren started taking millions from a rich doctor's super pac in February after her string of 4-5 place finishes. She'd previously promised not to take money from PACs. Around this time she decided "oh my Bernie was mean to me months ago!".
So she abandoned the principles she claimed she had and started taking money from PACs and attacking the only other progressive candidate still in the race. She earned the 'snake' moniker. And she's licking her lips until she can endorse Biden - not that he cares what she does he does not need or want her.
All that being said, she is still a useful ally against corruption in the Senate. But she can't be trusted.
I know nobody cares anymore but Warren started taking millions from a rich doctor's super pac in February after her string of 4-5 place finishes. She'd previously promised not to take money from PACs. Around this time she decided "oh my Bernie was mean to me months ago!".
So she abandoned the principles she claimed she had and started taking money from PACs and attacking the only other progressive candidate still in the race. She earned the 'snake' moniker. And she's licking her lips until she can endorse Biden - not that he cares what she does he does not need or want her.
All that being said, she is still a useful ally against corruption in the Senate. But she can't be trusted.
Uh-huh. This is why the revolution eats its children.
You're calling someone a "snake" who has spent years doing more for progressive causes than everyone on this forum combined, who has actually helped untold numbers of people through consumer advocacy, and it is not because of any real position she took at odds to you or progressives at large, but because she a) didn't fall in line with a candidate you wanted her to, and b) took money in an attempt to make a comeback in a presidential race in a country where you need to take money to win a presidential race.
Stop looking for purity. It doesn't exist. Look for results, look for overall record, and look for what works to advance the things you care about right now, but pointing to some instance of political-necessity compromising to indict Elizabeth fucking Warren as a fake evil principle-abandoning non-progressive is ludicrous.
If Elizabeth Warren isn't progressive, there are no progressives in United States politics. That does not mean that everything she says, does or believes is going to jibe with you - and that's fine! But this seeking out of real or imagined hypocrisy to show who isn't a true ally of the movement is a race to the bottom that nobody ever wins.
You can disagree with an ally - you can even be sure they're dead wrong! - without them being evil.
who has spent years doing more for progressive causes than everyone on this forum combined
Wouldn't lump everyone into that statement my fellow forumite. Not all of us sit on here all day virtue signaling and then doing nothing to change things. My opinion totally of course. As for Pocahontas, I think she also is a career swindler of a politician, again my opinion of course.
I know nobody cares anymore but Warren started taking millions from a rich doctor's super pac in February after her string of 4-5 place finishes. She'd previously promised not to take money from PACs. Around this time she decided "oh my Bernie was mean to me months ago!".
So she abandoned the principles she claimed she had and started taking money from PACs and attacking the only other progressive candidate still in the race. She earned the 'snake' moniker. And she's licking her lips until she can endorse Biden - not that he cares what she does he does not need or want her.
All that being said, she is still a useful ally against corruption in the Senate. But she can't be trusted.
Uh-huh. This is why the revolution eats its children.
You're calling someone a "snake" who has spent years doing more for progressive causes than everyone on this forum combined, who has actually helped untold numbers of people through consumer advocacy, and it is not because of any real position she took at odds to you or progressives at large, but because she a) didn't fall in line with a candidate you wanted her to, and b) took money in an attempt to make a comeback in a presidential race in a country where you need to take money to win a presidential race.
Stop looking for purity. It doesn't exist. Look for results, look for overall record, and look for what works to advance the things you care about right now, but pointing to some instance of political-necessity compromising to indict Elizabeth fucking Warren as a fake evil principle-abandoning non-progressive is ludicrous.
If Elizabeth Warren isn't progressive, there are no progressives in United States politics. That does not mean that everything she says, does or believes is going to jibe with you - and that's fine! But this seeking out of real or imagined hypocrisy to show who isn't a true ally of the movement is a race to the bottom that nobody ever wins.
You can disagree with an ally - you can even be sure they're dead wrong! - without them being evil.
I didn't say she was evil. I said, to sum up, she abandoned her values. I did say she could be useful in certain jobs. She's be a great senate majority leader - better than Shumer would be if we re-take the Senate.
As for Pocahontas, I think she also is a career swindler of a politician, again my opinion of course.
Pocahontas. Why do people think childish nicknames are funny? Is there a point to this?
When she was identifying as a Republican she exaggerated her native american heritage. It could have been an honest mistake or maybe it yet yet another instance of Republicans lying to get ahead.
It's funny though that she has the nickname and while people such as Trump lie about being so many things and don't get nicknames that people regurgitate like it's a gotcha. Trump's always claiming to be an expert on this or that. "Nobody does X better than Donald Trump" and yet he doesn't get the childish nicknames. Wonder why this is.
I know nobody cares anymore but Warren started taking millions from a rich doctor's super pac in February after her string of 4-5 place finishes. She'd previously promised not to take money from PACs. Around this time she decided "oh my Bernie was mean to me months ago!".
So she abandoned the principles she claimed she had and started taking money from PACs and attacking the only other progressive candidate still in the race. She earned the 'snake' moniker. And she's licking her lips until she can endorse Biden - not that he cares what she does he does not need or want her.
All that being said, she is still a useful ally against corruption in the Senate. But she can't be trusted.
Uh-huh. This is why the revolution eats its children.
You're calling someone a "snake" who has spent years doing more for progressive causes than everyone on this forum combined, who has actually helped untold numbers of people through consumer advocacy, and it is not because of any real position she took at odds to you or progressives at large, but because she a) didn't fall in line with a candidate you wanted her to, and b) took money in an attempt to make a comeback in a presidential race in a country where you need to take money to win a presidential race.
Stop looking for purity. It doesn't exist. Look for results, look for overall record, and look for what works to advance the things you care about right now, but pointing to some instance of political-necessity compromising to indict Elizabeth fucking Warren as a fake evil principle-abandoning non-progressive is ludicrous.
If Elizabeth Warren isn't progressive, there are no progressives in United States politics. That does not mean that everything she says, does or believes is going to jibe with you - and that's fine! But this seeking out of real or imagined hypocrisy to show who isn't a true ally of the movement is a race to the bottom that nobody ever wins.
You can disagree with an ally - you can even be sure they're dead wrong! - without them being evil.
I didn't say she was evil. I said, to sum up, she abandoned her values. I did say she could be useful in certain jobs. She's be a great senate majority leader - better than Shumer would be if we re-take the Senate.
As for Pocahontas, I think she also is a career swindler of a politician, again my opinion of course.
Pocahontas. Why do people think childish nicknames are funny? Is there a point to this?
When she was identifying as a Republican she exaggerated her native american heritage. It could have been an honest mistake or maybe it yet yet another instance of Republicans lying to get ahead.
It's funny though that she has the nickname and while people such as Trump lie about being so many things and don't get nicknames that people regurgitate like it's a gotcha. Trump's always claiming to be an expert on this or that. "Nobody does X better than Donald Trump" and yet he doesn't get the childish nicknames. Wonder why this is.
Sorry, Elizabeth Warren is a career swindler who used here 0.00000001% alleged Native Ancestry to ride the progressive wave and make her look palatable in the eyes of voters who would deem not being 100% white a plus (Bigots).
So, this is just rampant speculation on my part, but it's not coming from nowhere. I hope I'm wrong because the implications scare the shit out of me, but here goes.......
You can't understand the American Right without understanding FOX News and it's power. Tonight, no less than 4 personalities from that channel are sharing a moronic article from some tech bro in Silicon Valley downplaying the virus. He doesn't even seem to have a grasp of what community transmission is, but that's beside the point. The point is where I think they are going.
American conservatism, boiled down, is really nothing more than a radical form of Calvinism. Without getting into a theological lecture, it means, if you're rich, it's because God wanted you to be rich. If you're poor, God meant for you to be poor. My fear is they're going to apply this to whether you deserve to live or not.
The titans of industry won't stand for losing this kind of money. They're already indicating so in directives from GameStop to Hobby Lobby to IGNORE state and city-wide shutdowns. We've already gone from COVID-19 being a conspiracy to take down their President to the turn-on-a-dime move to xenophobia. My fear is that their next move is even more insidious. Because I think their next move is to tell everyone to resume their normal life and let whoever is going to die, die. Because, after all, if God wanted you alive, he would have made sure you were, and he wouldn't have given me all this money and power if I didn't deserve it.
I know nobody cares anymore but Warren started taking millions from a rich doctor's super pac in February after her string of 4-5 place finishes. She'd previously promised not to take money from PACs. Around this time she decided "oh my Bernie was mean to me months ago!".
So she abandoned the principles she claimed she had and started taking money from PACs and attacking the only other progressive candidate still in the race. She earned the 'snake' moniker. And she's licking her lips until she can endorse Biden - not that he cares what she does he does not need or want her.
All that being said, she is still a useful ally against corruption in the Senate. But she can't be trusted.
Uh-huh. This is why the revolution eats its children.
You're calling someone a "snake" who has spent years doing more for progressive causes than everyone on this forum combined, who has actually helped untold numbers of people through consumer advocacy, and it is not because of any real position she took at odds to you or progressives at large, but because she a) didn't fall in line with a candidate you wanted her to, and b) took money in an attempt to make a comeback in a presidential race in a country where you need to take money to win a presidential race.
Stop looking for purity. It doesn't exist. Look for results, look for overall record, and look for what works to advance the things you care about right now, but pointing to some instance of political-necessity compromising to indict Elizabeth fucking Warren as a fake evil principle-abandoning non-progressive is ludicrous.
If Elizabeth Warren isn't progressive, there are no progressives in United States politics. That does not mean that everything she says, does or believes is going to jibe with you - and that's fine! But this seeking out of real or imagined hypocrisy to show who isn't a true ally of the movement is a race to the bottom that nobody ever wins.
You can disagree with an ally - you can even be sure they're dead wrong! - without them being evil.
I didn't say she was evil. I said, to sum up, she abandoned her values. I did say she could be useful in certain jobs. She's be a great senate majority leader - better than Shumer would be if we re-take the Senate.
As for Pocahontas, I think she also is a career swindler of a politician, again my opinion of course.
Pocahontas. Why do people think childish nicknames are funny? Is there a point to this?
When she was identifying as a Republican she exaggerated her native american heritage. It could have been an honest mistake or maybe it yet yet another instance of Republicans lying to get ahead.
It's funny though that she has the nickname and while people such as Trump lie about being so many things and don't get nicknames that people regurgitate like it's a gotcha. Trump's always claiming to be an expert on this or that. "Nobody does X better than Donald Trump" and yet he doesn't get the childish nicknames. Wonder why this is.
Sorry, Elizabeth Warren is a career swindler who used here 0.00000001% alleged Native Ancestry to ride the progressive wave and make her look palatable in the eyes of voters who would deem not being 100% white a plus (Bigots).
Trump's a career swindler who used reality TV to dupe a bunch people into thinking he was some kind of dealmaker when in fact he's an incompetent jackass who lies all the time. Sad.
But why do people only use childish nicknames with Liz Warren? Her transgressions are minor compared to Trump for instance and at least shr works for regular people while Trump works for himself and rich corporate elites.
Gamestop (EB Games) has shut down in Canada due to the Animal Crossing BS
They shut down in the states too. They were just trying to stay open because they said they were an "essential service" and employees were pissed. I believe some states pulled their business license. Not sure how this Tues to animal crossing if at all.
They've been involved a whirlwind of nonsense for sure. This crisis has revealed them at their worst.
Gamestop (EB Games) has shut down in Canada due to the Animal Crossing BS
They shut down in the states too. They were just trying to stay open because they said they were an "essential service" and employees were pissed. I believe some states pulled their business license. Not sure how this Tues to animal crossing if at all.
They've been involved a whirlwind of nonsense for sure. This crisis has revealed them at their worst.
Wouldn't lump everyone into that statement my fellow forumite. Not all of us sit on here all day virtue signaling and then doing nothing to change things. My opinion totally of course. As for Pocahontas, I think she also is a career swindler of a politician, again my opinion of course.
To be blunt, you are hostile to progressive goals and thus not much of a useful judge of these things. The fact you dislike Warren is if anything a nod to her actual progressive accomplishments.
You're also parroting Trump's insults and bullshit, which speaks for itself.
I didn't say she was evil. I said, to sum up, she abandoned her values. I did say she could be useful in certain jobs. She's be a great senate majority leader - better than Shumer would be if we re-take the Senate.
You said she "earned her snake moniker", and that she was "licking her lips" waiting to endorse Biden. If you want to say that's not painting her as an evil traitor to The Cause (because of course supporting the guy who's going to be the nominee is treason), then I think you chose your wording very poorly.
There is literally no reason to think Elizabeth Warren abandoned her values except that she didn't endorse Bernie Sanders. And that isn't a reason.
Trump's always claiming to be an expert on this or that. "Nobody does X better than Donald Trump" and yet he doesn't get the childish nicknames. Wonder why this is.
There's plenty of childish nicknames and equivalents applied to Trump. Everything about his skin and hair, for instance. (Did you know he wore a really long tie once? ROFLFLFLFO)
You are going to see both professions now flooded with calls and requests about these drugs, which he seems to be suggesting people combine as a cure. This literal, not metaphorical, snake oil.
I would be 100% down to talk about Napoleon more if you guys want. My degree in history was focused upon the French Revolution through the end of Napoleon.
Waterloo was closer than people tend to understand. The two battles before Waterloo (Ligny, Quatre Diggs) saw Napoleon defeat the Prussian army, and Ney fight the British one to a virtual draw. Napoleon made the strategic mistake of sending part of his army to chase the Prussians while the bulk went to face off against Wellington. The Prussians manage to get back to Wellington in time to combine and win Waterloo. If Napoleon has all of his troops available for that battle, it's hard to say how things would have played out.
(Although, it must be said - Napoleon's greater strategic situation was super dire. I'm not sure an inconclusive battle at Waterloo would have meant a whole lot in the long run).
Here's a more scientific article on this subject...
Doctors operate under "first, do not harm." And they have the President of the United States throwing shit at a wall and hoping something sticks. Beyond that, all it does is make people say "see, nothing to worry about, worst-case scenario we take this drugs and PRESTO!!!"
Well he’s already caused two deaths in Nigeria because of this.
HOPEFULLY pharmacist and doctors in the US will not give this drug out on demand.
Aside from that, people with Lupus ACTUALLY NEED this drug in many cases, and the price has now doubled. Read the comments under this tweet. It's already effecting the supply and cost.
China released the info on this 'cure', not Trump. I'd argue that the close ties between China and Nigeria make it far more likely that they were responding to China's findings, not Trump's declaration. I really don't think Trump is very popular in Nigeria.
Yeah, and if Trump didn't say anything and it turned out to work but people died because we were cautious, you'd demonize him for that. Look, I'm not a fan of the asshole, but not everything is orange or white.
So she abandoned the principles she claimed she had and started taking money from PACs and attacking the only other progressive candidate still in the race. She earned the 'snake' moniker. And she's licking her lips until she can endorse Biden - not that he cares what she does he does not need or want her.
All that being said, she is still a useful ally against corruption in the Senate. But she can't be trusted.
People in glass houses should not throw stones.
You might let all the snakes in.
Trump is extremely popular in Nigeria.
China might have released it, but Trump was the one who blasted it on Twitter as a cure all.
I stand corrected then. They have moved closer to China recently so thought that was more likely.
I can't read that opinion article it's behind WaPo paywall, but every time he's released figures it's small dollar donations. Except now he's taking donations for COVID-19 charity instead. So there's no glass house. He's not fundamentally abandoned his principles like Warren.
He has an organization (Our Revolution) which can donate half of its intake to political activism (So - like a Super Pac) but he doesn’t have to disclose the donors names, meaning the money could be coming from *anyone*. Sanders was asked to release the names, and wouldn’t.
In some ways - this is worse than a Super PAC because they have to give donor information. Sanders is using so called “dark money”.
In some ways - it is better. Only half goes to political activism.
People shouldn’t put *any* politician on a pedestal. Warren isn’t the only one compromising her values.
Edit - also, looks like Sanders took money from Super PACs in 2016. So it appears he has done the very thing you would disparage others for.
Aaaaahh, another lying politician.
Uh-huh. This is why the revolution eats its children.
You're calling someone a "snake" who has spent years doing more for progressive causes than everyone on this forum combined, who has actually helped untold numbers of people through consumer advocacy, and it is not because of any real position she took at odds to you or progressives at large, but because she a) didn't fall in line with a candidate you wanted her to, and b) took money in an attempt to make a comeback in a presidential race in a country where you need to take money to win a presidential race.
Stop looking for purity. It doesn't exist. Look for results, look for overall record, and look for what works to advance the things you care about right now, but pointing to some instance of political-necessity compromising to indict Elizabeth fucking Warren as a fake evil principle-abandoning non-progressive is ludicrous.
If Elizabeth Warren isn't progressive, there are no progressives in United States politics. That does not mean that everything she says, does or believes is going to jibe with you - and that's fine! But this seeking out of real or imagined hypocrisy to show who isn't a true ally of the movement is a race to the bottom that nobody ever wins.
You can disagree with an ally - you can even be sure they're dead wrong! - without them being evil.
Wouldn't lump everyone into that statement my fellow forumite. Not all of us sit on here all day virtue signaling and then doing nothing to change things. My opinion totally of course. As for Pocahontas, I think she also is a career swindler of a politician, again my opinion of course.
I didn't say she was evil. I said, to sum up, she abandoned her values. I did say she could be useful in certain jobs. She's be a great senate majority leader - better than Shumer would be if we re-take the Senate.
Pocahontas. Why do people think childish nicknames are funny? Is there a point to this?
When she was identifying as a Republican she exaggerated her native american heritage. It could have been an honest mistake or maybe it yet yet another instance of Republicans lying to get ahead.
It's funny though that she has the nickname and while people such as Trump lie about being so many things and don't get nicknames that people regurgitate like it's a gotcha. Trump's always claiming to be an expert on this or that. "Nobody does X better than Donald Trump" and yet he doesn't get the childish nicknames. Wonder why this is.
Sorry, Elizabeth Warren is a career swindler who used here 0.00000001% alleged Native Ancestry to ride the progressive wave and make her look palatable in the eyes of voters who would deem not being 100% white a plus (Bigots).
You can't understand the American Right without understanding FOX News and it's power. Tonight, no less than 4 personalities from that channel are sharing a moronic article from some tech bro in Silicon Valley downplaying the virus. He doesn't even seem to have a grasp of what community transmission is, but that's beside the point. The point is where I think they are going.
American conservatism, boiled down, is really nothing more than a radical form of Calvinism. Without getting into a theological lecture, it means, if you're rich, it's because God wanted you to be rich. If you're poor, God meant for you to be poor. My fear is they're going to apply this to whether you deserve to live or not.
The titans of industry won't stand for losing this kind of money. They're already indicating so in directives from GameStop to Hobby Lobby to IGNORE state and city-wide shutdowns. We've already gone from COVID-19 being a conspiracy to take down their President to the turn-on-a-dime move to xenophobia. My fear is that their next move is even more insidious. Because I think their next move is to tell everyone to resume their normal life and let whoever is going to die, die. Because, after all, if God wanted you alive, he would have made sure you were, and he wouldn't have given me all this money and power if I didn't deserve it.
Trump's a career swindler who used reality TV to dupe a bunch people into thinking he was some kind of dealmaker when in fact he's an incompetent jackass who lies all the time. Sad.
But why do people only use childish nicknames with Liz Warren? Her transgressions are minor compared to Trump for instance and at least shr works for regular people while Trump works for himself and rich corporate elites.
This I agree with.
They shut down in the states too. They were just trying to stay open because they said they were an "essential service" and employees were pissed. I believe some states pulled their business license. Not sure how this Tues to animal crossing if at all.
They've been involved a whirlwind of nonsense for sure. This crisis has revealed them at their worst.
To be blunt, you are hostile to progressive goals and thus not much of a useful judge of these things. The fact you dislike Warren is if anything a nod to her actual progressive accomplishments.
You're also parroting Trump's insults and bullshit, which speaks for itself.
You said she "earned her snake moniker", and that she was "licking her lips" waiting to endorse Biden. If you want to say that's not painting her as an evil traitor to The Cause (because of course supporting the guy who's going to be the nominee is treason), then I think you chose your wording very poorly.
There is literally no reason to think Elizabeth Warren abandoned her values except that she didn't endorse Bernie Sanders. And that isn't a reason.
There's plenty of childish nicknames and equivalents applied to Trump. Everything about his skin and hair, for instance. (Did you know he wore a really long tie once? ROFLFLFLFO)