October 05 Livestream Recap

in News
During today’s livestream Beamdog CEO Trent Oster and Producer Luke Rideout shared the latest studio news and updates on Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition and the Infinity Engine Enhanced Editions. They called Technical Director on the NWN:EE core team, Bernhard Stöckner (@niv), to talk about the recent patch and what’s next for NWN:EE.
Catch up with our quick summary.
Catch up with our quick summary.
I suspect we could be repeating variations of this exchange for a long time to come
Though I would love more content and a resolution for BG2, I can't blame him for his decision to be honest.
The main reason's gotta be SoD's underwhelming sales. That's why there's no major DLC for BG2 or even a minor one with companions from SoD. It's just not economically viable for them. If SoD made enough money, they would've made some sort of follow-up no matter the reviews and controversies. They're in business of making money after all.
So instead of that, we're now getting cashgraby DLCs like Faces of Good and Evil or soundsets, which you need to buy separately for each Beamdog game. If there's gonna be a new DLC, it's gonna be for NWN, because it's pretty cheap to make one.
Yeah, thx, but do you know what make us more fantastic and you more happy? - upgrade translate tool UI to more friendly as soon as possible. With that I think you get more awesome translators in your team.
Well, that's disappointing news. I've suspected that to be the case, but to know for sure it ain't happening makes me sad.