Yeslick : an underestimated NPC (much better than Viconia ;-) )

Hey there,
I wonder why there is so much negative comments towards him, or perhaps compared with the VERY over-rated Viconia (Let's face it, Viconia from BG2 and the BG1 version have a different utility).
=> He has a good strength for a warrior Cleric.
You can give him heavy armor without problem. He can fight pretty well too.
=> He has medium dexterity : give him the gauntlets of dexterity.
=> He's got a good constitution, so you can find him reliable, and won't break in two like Vicky.
=> His intelligence is crappy, but who cares ?
=> Same for charisma.
=> Most important he has a REALLY good wisdom.
Give him the books of WISDOM, and he'll gain access to more level 4 spells.
=> Finally, he is a dwarf, and a dwarf in a party is always good.
If you arrive in the mines with Khalid and Jaheira, it is far more interesting to dump Jaheira for him (you don't have to kill her, just dismiss here inside a bulding you'll never return in or make her petrified by a basilisk).
I don't think Viconia's magic resistance so appealing in BG1 since in this game, magic is not a big deal.
So I know he is met late in-game, but this is a VERY good NPC that should be given a try.
NOTE : even though that he is met in the late part of the game, he get almost all of his Hit Points (he only looses 3 or 4 if I recall properly).
EDIT : As @Lemernis recalled it : he has a few free magic dispel as special ability ! Who can deny its usefulness ?
EDIT 2 : It seems that in fact he gains more HP than he is supposed to !
EDIT 3 : Let's start a war between Viconia fans and Yeslick fans !
I wonder why there is so much negative comments towards him, or perhaps compared with the VERY over-rated Viconia (Let's face it, Viconia from BG2 and the BG1 version have a different utility).
=> He has a good strength for a warrior Cleric.
You can give him heavy armor without problem. He can fight pretty well too.
=> He has medium dexterity : give him the gauntlets of dexterity.
=> He's got a good constitution, so you can find him reliable, and won't break in two like Vicky.
=> His intelligence is crappy, but who cares ?
=> Same for charisma.
=> Most important he has a REALLY good wisdom.
Give him the books of WISDOM, and he'll gain access to more level 4 spells.
=> Finally, he is a dwarf, and a dwarf in a party is always good.
If you arrive in the mines with Khalid and Jaheira, it is far more interesting to dump Jaheira for him (you don't have to kill her, just dismiss here inside a bulding you'll never return in or make her petrified by a basilisk).
I don't think Viconia's magic resistance so appealing in BG1 since in this game, magic is not a big deal.
So I know he is met late in-game, but this is a VERY good NPC that should be given a try.
NOTE : even though that he is met in the late part of the game, he get almost all of his Hit Points (he only looses 3 or 4 if I recall properly).
EDIT : As @Lemernis recalled it : he has a few free magic dispel as special ability ! Who can deny its usefulness ?
EDIT 2 : It seems that in fact he gains more HP than he is supposed to !
EDIT 3 : Let's start a war between Viconia fans and Yeslick fans !
Post edited by Aasimar069 on
Combat-wise they are pretty much the same: No bonus to damage or AC, and 3 extra HP from high Con (although Yeslick will probably have less HP at that point because you get him late.
Spell-wise Jaheria will come on top because Druids advance faster around the mid-levels.
EDIT: Dispel magic is a nice feature, but it's not as important in the first game.
In BG2, it's very useful, but in BG1 it's "a waste of talent".
@Macona : You said "EDIT: Dispel magic is a nice feature, but it's not as important in the first game."
There are a few hard fights where it is very important.
I Think of Aec'Letec and in other situations when your party is confused / paralyzed / ...
thing about his strength is, it doesn't matter. why? cast a strength (lvl 2 wizard) spell on him, that brings it up to 18/50... and then do a nice litte DUHM. congrats, you just got a hulking death machine, with 19-20 str, 18 dex (gauntlets), and 17 con. add dispel on top of everything else for a little extra pain and misery. he's pretty much one of the strongest (if not THE strongest) chars in BG1.
also, if I remember correctly, in vanilla BG1 both him and Coran actually had *more* hit points then the legal limit, or at least one version of him did.
But that doesn't change his dumb, annoying voiceset.
But seriously, Yeslick is *easily* one of the best cleric NPCs in the games. I mean, yeah, Viconia is better as a cleric in BG2 but I ultimately always considered one detail : what if it's Yeslick who had 3 wisdom stats upgrades instead of Vic? Yep, he'd be the BEST divine spellcaster ever!
It's just a shame you get him so late in the game. I will be rushing to him when I play my good game though (evil game first, Doooooooooorn!)
I'm VERY close to believe that most people are fan of Viconia only because of her portrait in BG2.
That makes her pretty unique even without her high dex&wis, magic resistance and looks.
Edit: In BG1 i prefer Yeslick or Branwen to Viconia especially when im running with a "goody" party. But none of them makes in BG2 as a party member sadly.
Almost every game I'm running around with that shocking hammer in my pack specifically to give to him when I pick him up. As for Branwen, she's just keeping his armour warm.