How many mages?

Sort of simple question I suppose. Evil party doesn't have a real option for an archer class, so I made my protagonist sort of a budget Coran (got a 93 roll for an elven fighter thief). I'm trying to make this playthrough as legitimately evil as possible (i cheated the ethos on my last evil one).
So right now it's
The last spot is either going to be Edwin or Dorn. But I don't know is 2 mages is really necesarry for EE or if i'm better off adding another frontline DPS in Dorn. Thoughts? (Keeping Xzar for his insane personality and the NPC Project content)
So right now it's
The last spot is either going to be Edwin or Dorn. But I don't know is 2 mages is really necesarry for EE or if i'm better off adding another frontline DPS in Dorn. Thoughts? (Keeping Xzar for his insane personality and the NPC Project content)
I think that Dorn and Edwin are an even trade for your group. 2 mages are not essential in BG1 Vanilla, but you will certainly want Edwin in BG2. One thing about Edwin in BGII is that he cannot cast divination spells: i.e. true sight, detect invisibility, and so forth, so you will probably want to develop the skill detect illusions with your F/T to compensate for Edwin's major weakness later on.
In BG2, however, you should have two mages. If playing evil, then really, it's a no-brainer : Edwin. You might want to take a M/T as well so you've got the thief's utility covered without the thief being a burden.
Edit/add: Although Dorn sitting at the back with a crossbow plus PW could be a nice trick to have up your sleeve in BG1.
I tend to play 4 player parties:
mainchar (most often atleast partly mage)
cleric or druid (sometimes multi as fighter)
mage (sometimes dual/multi as thief)
When I play with a full set:
2 clerics or druids (sometimes dual/multi as fighter)
2 mages (sometimes dual/multi as thief)
Could've easily gone through the first game and most of the second with another fighter type swapped for the mage.
Kaigan, Dorn, Viconia, Edwin, Eldoth.
I traded out Eldoth for Baeloth around L5 and facerolled after that on core via my first SCS run.
Some might say Montaron is a duplicate of your CHARNAME, but it’s not a bad idea to develop two F/th’s: and focus them on different thief skills.
If by "necessary" we mean that it's going to help tremendously, then yeah, one mage is necessary for the second half of the game.
Needed for what, now that's the real question.
You assume that we're discussing if mages are necessary to be able to play the game, but where is that even mentioned by the OP ? It felt like the OP was asking if more mages were necessary to make the best of the available companions, which is not the same. That's why he asked if it was better to choose another mage or another companion suited for the front line.
To that I answer no, only one mage is necessary to make the best of the available companions for the second half of BG1 and before that none are really helpful. Therefore, he can pick another frontliner and stick with one mage before adding another in BG2 when mages slowly turn into kings. But is it absolutely necessary to be able to play the game ? Of course not.
So it's not a matter of defining words, it's a matter of defining the context in which this word is used. I wasn't really saying that "necessary" has multiple definitions, just that it depended on what we were talking about : survival or effectiveness.
Maybe I wasn't clear enough, my apologies if that's the case.
That being said, a language is not static and is made by the people who use it. That's especially true for the international language that is English. Yes, people use words differently, create new words, stop using others and, in time, changes occur officially because of them. Debating over the definition of words is by no means "pointless", it's not only useful but also quite fun if you open your mind just a bit.
(It’s always been Edwin)
- a fighter heavy party can bulldoze through even without using magic protections (and there's lots of that available if you want to use it).
- clerics have the superb skeleton army and druids the handy nymphs to supplement their weaker fighting skills.
- thieves take a bit more micro-management, but if you're prepared to make use of stealth, backstabs and traps they are deadly as well.
- if you want to go for arcane tactics then BG1 wands and scrolls help you fight pretty much as well as a mage's own spells (and bards can use the same selection of wands as mages).
Also, since you didn’t mention any other reason to keep him and you already have a Thief: Montaron is pretty awful. Kill him and use Dorn instead.
And yeah the question was more just if two mages is too much. I'm going to turn Monty into a psuedo-frontliner to take some pressure off of Kagain and free up the space on the backline for Edwin.
Having two evil mages means only one gets the evil arch robe and the double spell ring.
You also don’t have anyone in your party to use all the wonderful 2 handed swords that are in the game (Kagain is better as sword and board).
I would lean more towards adorn than Edwin, unless you really want to get creative and dual class Xzar to a cleric and drop Viconia. Then Xzar can wear the Elven chain mail and Edwin can be your main caster.
There are also two Evermemory rings, though one comes pretty late (Sunin’s).
Belt of 19 STR (Kagain), stoneskin scroll and elven chainmail (though probably redundant since you don't have a bard or F/M, but Monty can also use it with some minor penalties to his thief skills)
My personal favorite in BG1 is Shar'teel. IMHO she's a better DPS than Dorn, though they have somewhat different roles I tend to just send most fighters in with auto-attack and just micro my ranged and mage guys. BG1 seldom requires more finesse than that, and Shar'teel is the epitome of lack of finesse. She will beat anything into pulps. She also adds a little nice twist to one end-game quest, which you may or may not know of.
Both Shar and Dorn are sometimes said to be squishy, but with fullplate mail and some jewelry and belts/boots of +AC, they are sturdy enough.
In your party, I'd take Edwin or Baeloth. I prefer dualed Shar-teel over Monty when feeling powergamey, but Xzar really is a hoot, so good choice. I loved dualing him to cleric especially.