Beamdog Client question.

Hello; I was unsure where to post this, so if it's in the wrong area, please feel free to move.
About a week back I got a pop-up message that the Beamdog Client would update the next time it was started, this was fine and I let it do that (I think, didn't see it run through any updates) But I noticed that now I have a long list of mods under the Digital Deluxe drop down. I'm guessing this is fine and is a list of all mods I own through Beamdog on NWN-EE. However, it brings up a question for me: Are these just games I own, or are they games I own that need updated??
Silly question I know, but it's one that has been bugging me for a week now...
Thanks for any replies;
About a week back I got a pop-up message that the Beamdog Client would update the next time it was started, this was fine and I let it do that (I think, didn't see it run through any updates) But I noticed that now I have a long list of mods under the Digital Deluxe drop down. I'm guessing this is fine and is a list of all mods I own through Beamdog on NWN-EE. However, it brings up a question for me: Are these just games I own, or are they games I own that need updated??
Silly question I know, but it's one that has been bugging me for a week now...
Thanks for any replies;
This brings up a few questions:
Is this a true update?? What is it an update for?? At my PW we players try to hold off updating until the server updates, otherwise we are unable to play until the server does update. However, none of us can figure out IF we should update with this???
Is there a thread that posts pending updates?? I've looked everywhere I can think of, and can find no posting for this update, or for that matter past updates. I know I've seen such posts in the past, but truthfully, I can't find them now. Am I looking in the wrong place??
Here is a screenshot of my client as it looks at this time:
Thank you for your help with this!